I got such a request this morning...
ClairJordan See my TER Reviews 1748 reads

I don't know whether he wrote it or not, but it sounded like something out of Penthouse Forum.

If a guy brings too many set expectations to the session, he can leave disappointed because he is focused on what he envisioned happening instead of experiencing the moment.
Ya know?
Just lay out the scenerio you are looking for and let it roll.
And DON'T try and top from the bottom!
That makes me nuts!!


Do you ever get requests to role-play sessions based on stories from Internet porn sites, like, or such?

Would you say those sessions work out well, or are "scripted" sessions less enjoyable than something more impromptu?

I find that the hobbyist with little experience, a novice player, can use role play as a tool to keep going, find an avenue of what to do next.  It enables the session to flow and be be fun.  There you are making it up, just as you played when you were a child doing role play, only now this is an adult role.

Sometimes a hobbyist has a hard time fitting in his cravings, kink needs, into his "normal" ever day life and self.  Role play, especially a scene they have seen on the internet, it clicks into this category or not being them.  It is fantasy.  It isn't them doing this now, it is just role play, and this enables a hobbyist to give permission to themselves to experience these desires, cravings, sensual needs, kink they enjoy that they can't quite simply just allow themselves to do otherwise.

Sometimes, a hobbyist is quite experienced, but a new role play keeps the play fresh.  It is a new seen, it brings in a new bit of play, or a different interaction.

I find it best if the hobbyist clues me into his role play, because then I know what my part is supposed to be, how I am supposed to act, as opposed to what my authentic reaction might be.  When we all know our roles it flows better, because if I am not on the same page, the hobbyist is then faced with a partner before him taking him in a direction the story isn't supposed to go.

I have had many excellent times using a role play outline as a format for kink play.

The only worry I have when someone want to do something they have seen on the internet is that I need to view it to determine if it is safe play.  There is a lot of kink on the internet filmed in countries where a person's safety is not a great concern.  Then there are the horror stories of yet another model hurt while filming and having to cancel shoots after her accident because she has to heal.

Capri_Jake2263 reads

Sexual arousal is increased by psychological and physiological stimulation. You can increase physiological stimulation through S & M and Bondage. You can increase psychological stimulation through role play. Combine S & M and Bondage with realistic role play and you have a recipe for Climatic, Orgasmic Eruptions

Erotic role playing allows one to participate and experience a fantasy they have had or become a character / person  that they couldn't or wouldn't do in the outside world. Others wish to posess a personality trait they don't have.

When watching a movie with Adult scenes included, a story line leading up to the reason of the adult scene increases the sexual arousal we experience while watching the actual scene. For a role play session having a a precursor story line where the characters personalities and motives are developed before leading into the actual role play greatly enhances the psychological stimulation during the role play (S & M) activities.

The more realistic the role play feels, the more convincing each Participants are in their character,(IE: the more convincing the dominant person /persons are in their roll - wanting to punish there submissive and not concerned about hurting them / and the more convincing the submissive / submissives are at being unwilling, scared, struggling to get free.) the more amounts of endorphins and andrenaline will be released building up along with allowing the maximum amount of emotional stress / anxiety to be released at the moment of 'Erotic Release"

I don't know whether he wrote it or not, but it sounded like something out of Penthouse Forum.

If a guy brings too many set expectations to the session, he can leave disappointed because he is focused on what he envisioned happening instead of experiencing the moment.
Ya know?
Just lay out the scenerio you are looking for and let it roll.
And DON'T try and top from the bottom!
That makes me nuts!!

Capri_Jake2101 reads

Yes agreed, if a Man, Female or Couple emails a request with too much detail included during the actual role play session it can impede the arousal experienced during the "activities" It can also make it feel robotic. Not knowing what comes next is part of the lure. But having a precursor story to the role play session setting up the personalities, characters of the role play and the reason ( or what the did causing the S & M) for them being being punished or them being the punisher or both, enhances the role play experience.

Helpful information Prior to the role play session itself:
1, Story setting up the session
2. What is there personality trait(IE: they are quiet in demeanor but always wanted to punish some one but during the role play they need  to be made or instructed to punish someone.)
3. What S & M activities do they want included for sure
4. What S & M activities are off limits
5. Pain tolerance level
6. What Erotic activities included or excluded.

Posted By: ClairJordan
I don't know whether he wrote it or not, but it sounded like something out of Penthouse Forum.

If a guy brings too many set expectations to the session, he can leave disappointed because he is focused on what he envisioned happening instead of experiencing the moment.
Ya know?
Just lay out the scenerio you are looking for and let it roll.
And DON'T try and top from the bottom!
That makes me nuts!!

StillNHiding1454 reads

Prior to the session I discuss things I don't want done to me during the session. I can see how having a story line  to set up the purpose of me being punished would make it a lot more erotic. Judging from your pics your role plays look very realistic, Jake is stretched out pretty fricken tight with those cranks. I never dominated anybody before but it would be hot to have a Mistress whip my ass and make me torture and tease that hot body spread eagled.

Posted By: Capri_Jake
Yes agreed, if a Man, Female or Couple emails a request with too much detail included during the actual role play session it can impede the arousal experienced during the "activities" It can also make it feel robotic. Not knowing what comes next is part of the lure. But having a precursor story to the role play session setting up the personalities, characters of the role play and the reason ( or what the did causing the S & M) for them being being punished or them being the punisher or both, enhances the role play experience.

Helpful information Prior to the role play session itself:
1, Story setting up the session
2. What is there personality trait(IE: they are quiet in demeanor but always wanted to punish some one but during the role play they need  to be made or instructed to punish someone.)
3. What S & M activities do they want included for sure
4. What S & M activities are off limits
5. Pain tolerance level
6. What Erotic activities included or excluded.

Posted By: ClairJordan
I don't know whether he wrote it or not, but it sounded like something out of Penthouse Forum.

If a guy brings too many set expectations to the session, he can leave disappointed because he is focused on what he envisioned happening instead of experiencing the moment.
Ya know?
Just lay out the scenerio you are looking for and let it roll.
And DON'T try and top from the bottom!
That makes me nuts!!

erinw9651643 reads

That's a good question.

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