
You seem smart (eom)
zorrf 242 reads


It really isn't all that difficult... If you make an appointment, be ready at the appointment time. Yes, sometimes something may come up, but in that case call if possible, and at least apologize.

Here's the story behind my (polite) rant. I'd been attracted to Yvette's photos on BP, saw she had a review, and reached her by phone on Tuesday. She said she was booked-up for the day, and I was busy on Wednesday, so we made an appointment for today, Thursday. As instructed I called her in advance to confirm the appointment, which she did, as well as give me directions to her place. Again as instructed I called when I got there at the scheduled time. No answer.

I kept calling every minute or so until 10 minutes after the appointment time, always no answer. At that point I left a voicemail saying I was leaving.

Five minutes later she called me. No apology, she just said she was retuning my call. After I reminded her about having had an appointment scheduled for 15 minutes ago she did say she would be done with her current appointment in about 15 minutes and I should come back then. Say what? Her previous appointment was still there, and in progress, and she called me while he was still there??? Not cool. I pleasantly told her that since she hadn't apologized for inconveniencing me I would not be returning. She said "uhhh..." a couple of times, and I just said "goodbye" and hung up, and mentally crossed her off my list.

What's so difficult about keeping appointments, or calling to work out a change of time? In other words, being polite and respectful of others as you want them to be respectful of you.

Okay, I got my polite rant out of my system. Thanks for reading.

zorrf512 reads

Hey man, if a provider chooses to make appointments that she doesn't keep, it's her choice.  It's her right not to act professionallly and you, sir, are out of line for complaining about it on a forum where people discuss escorts and the business of escorting.  

That's how this works, right?

I guess it's your preference to be a dick.  It really doesn't suit you very well ;) you really don't offer anything here except to be a dick??? I mean I love dick,  but I prefer (my preference) it to be the one inside the pants! ;)
To the OP,  I'm so sorry that happened to you and yes it was unprofessional honestly.  Maybe try seeing a lower volume provider?  
Again so sorry that happened to you :(
Hugs and kisses

I'd tell you to suck my cock.  
Have a wonderful day (even if you are a miserable fuck)

(No, I am not being sarcastic... Just a perv)

Posted By: terrilynn
I'd tell you to suck my cock.  
 Have a wonderful day (even if you are a miserable fuck)

CharlieSheeeeeen305 reads

He can rant about almost anything related to the hobby. Especially since being on time is part of the business of hobbying.

-- Modified on 5/28/2015 6:13:06 AM

GaGambler314 reads

Calling every minute for ten minutes is what fourteen year old girls do, not a grown ass man.

With all the stories about actual NCNS, this one doesn't get me too excited. I will agree that flat out saying another customer is still in the room is kind of dumb, especially if she says she only needs thirty seconds to "clean up"

We all know that Zorff never has anything good to say about anybody, but in this case there really isn't much good to say about either party in this equation

GaGambler260 reads

You are absolutely right is what, I mean come on, What do you honestly expect? lol

BTW "asshole" is high praise coming from me. Whenever anyone uses the word in public I automatically turn my head, assuming of course that they are talking to me.

GaGambler206 reads

Well OK, Yeah guilty as charged, and loving every minute of it, just like you.

unfortunately, sometimes, sarcasm doesn't exactly come out right when it's being read..

ter will not allow for a review for no show.

Always have a plan B and you will not be disappointed.

fuck your brains out sexuality.  At least for several of Atlanta's finest I've known past and present.  And one aspect of that is to treat schedule as a suggestion rather than a commitment.  However, I don't want to generalize that too much because others, for example VV and GK, combine all of that sexuality very well with professionalism.

But, when you get a flat tire and you roll the car to a safe spot grab an uber and get there as quick as you can.... And, STILL put a cheerleader outfit on.... I think that may be a little different;)

However, yes it is hard especially for me who does not have a permanent IC apartment... And, I literally take over an hour to prepare for each client so when I am literally a "bag lady" perse it really is hard sometimes. It is not that I take it lightly, its actually the opposite... I do know that communication goes a long way and if you always keep your client updated you convey that you now their time is valuable and care.

keep me informed if there are schedule issues.  The event you reference was in the agency days and communications was indirect at best.  Glad to hear about uber - thought you had changed the tire yourself.

As for off-the-charts sexuality - you have that nailed!!!!!

Krunchie183 reads

On behalf of the defense:
1)This woman has respect (for punctuality and dick).
a. "If you can't keep your appointment please call to cancel or reschedule. Thank you..."
is an exact quote from her BP ad.

If she expects clients to call in such circumstances she would certainly reciprocate with respect.  Of course she also would have called you to say she was running late, but at that time she probably had a huge dick in her mouth.  Now how respectful would that have sounded to you, let alone professional? How respectful and professional would that have made her appear to the client mid-way to climax to have your voice on her phone next to his dick?

I'm sure as soon as the client was expended and she disposed all that clutter in her mouth she called you!

I'm not sure about the apology you demanded.  On one hand it sounds reasonable, on the other there is no reference to apologetic acts in her notice request appearing on her ad, and she did use the words "thank you" on closing

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