
Why all the damn drama???
airmantroy 28 Reviews 1304 reads


If your gonna open/reopen an agency then just do it and quit with the ridiculous questions, some of which are solely for marketing purposes....

To the OP, where have you been lurking to feel the need to ask anyway?

Monica, should you read this (and you will) quit using old pictures of retired girls, that's not a good marketing strategy, close down the site until you are completely ready to be "open for business" it's less hassle and far less drama, If I remember correctly "drama" was an issue before wasn't it?

I see an old friend has launched a new website - Is "ER" rising once again?

...I'm just shakin' my head on that.

JoeShmo691514 reads

Already had THAT experience.

Thought this lady was self-proclaimed  marketing  expet with all the annoying  nonstop posts (which is funny counselor "had to" ask. Every page its brought up.

Shady strike 2

...the site is under construction and the photos are not of available providers but are place holders while the site is being built. There is no misrepresentation going on.

However I do recognize some of those ladies.  That's why I was shaking my head. Why use photos that many will recognize?

ER has had rights to use those photos of various ladies throught previous contracts or agreements, so nothing wrong there.
Big head blood flow moment. There are many guys who enjoy being Agency guys more than Indy guys. They'll stick to seeing ladies at the agencies long after those ladies switch agencies, go Indy, semi-retire, etc. With this in mind:

I look at them like the old photos in pictures frames you buy at stores. The pix just give you an idea, but the frame - in this case the website - is the real item on display.


Once a lady leaves that service it's poor management  to keep using her photos and likeness to market your business.... she should show some respect and pray she doesn't get sued....Once someone leaves an agency and are no longer affiliated with said service, all promotional materials including photos should not be used without payment whether you own the photos or not.....I can't take a photo at a basketball game of LeBron James posterizing a kid on a dunk and use it to promote my street ball tournament... same premise.... plus this girl is probably retired and now people who have her email and phone number are calling her telling her that her pics are all over the internet.... what if she's married or has a family now??  ER just continues to talk out of both sides of her mouth.

When talking contracts... things Could be different. ER MAY actually own all rights to the use of those images. The girls May have signed away any future image use. You don't have LeBron under contract - NBA does, hence their "All images and use..." clause during telecasts.

And... not everyone is Bill Shatner (Captain TJ Hooker Priceline Kirk asks for 10% royalties of anything sold in a Dealer's Room of his "likeness" at any convention is signing at, whether or not he eventually signs that item. He's that Shrewd.). Nor should they be...

My point of contention/ defense of ER is that we on the Board do not know all the facts and are working on presumptions. If ER used Kittens and Puppies or other seemingly innocuous pics found even open source on the webs as place holders, she could be contacted by the original photographers and asked to remove them.  

Others might contend she should wait until she has her agency and their updated pics ready before building the website. I wouldn't argue against that.0

I'm just playing pool in the twilight zone:  "You try to see all the angles before taking a shot."

my 2 cents, ga_kosh

We are talking escorting right?  Not sure how iron clad any image use is but out of common courtesy she shouldn't use anyones pics that she is not currently affiliated with....hence the current sh*t storm going on here now.


Posted By: ga_kosh
When talking contracts... things Could be different. ER MAY actually own all rights to the use of those images. The girls May have signed away any future image use. You don't have LeBron under contract - NBA does, hence their "All images and use..." clause during telecasts.  
 And... not everyone is Bill Shatner (Captain TJ Hooker Priceline Kirk asks for 10% royalties of anything sold in a Dealer's Room of his "likeness" at any convention is signing at, whether or not he eventually signs that item. He's that Shrewd.). Nor should they be...  
 My point of contention/ defense of ER is that we on the Board do not know all the facts and are working on presumptions. If ER used Kittens and Puppies or other seemingly innocuous pics found even open source on the webs as place holders, she could be contacted by the original photographers and asked to remove them.  
 Others might contend she should wait until she has her agency and their updated pics ready before building the website. I wouldn't argue against that.0  
 I'm just playing pool in the twilight zone:  "You try to see all the angles before taking a shot."  
 my 2 cents, ga_kosh

DocMitchell, you need to be careful with what you do not know.  

I have no idea why you are constantly attacking Me, (actually I do) but I have the 411 on you and I KNOW EXACTLY who you are, this will be the LAST TIME I respond to ANY of your posts regarding Me, if you have a direct "concern" or question then you can email Me, stop blasting Me or speaking of things when you do not have the facts.  

I am not going to let peoples negativity get in the way of a great thing.  I keep and have always kept an attorney for our business and I KNOW both these ladies that I have used as place holders on our site very well and personally and care for them deeply as people.  As for the other stock photos those I purchased from a stock site with the right to use as place holders and I retain the same rights to all ladies photos who have worked with Me, however morally I would only use photos of ladies who did not mind me using their pictures. (Not to bait and switch). Heck one of our banners has a picture of Jayne on it when she worked with us 5 years ago, but she knows about it and she signed the model release just like any other ladies who worked with us.  

Your attempt to mangle, disrupt and be negative towards me will not make me lose focus on what is important to me and to our clients that loved our business.  I have received too many emails and too much communication over the past year with people requesting our return and yes I am doing it slowly, but I am doing it right.  I say if people do not like our company when we launch then they do not have to utilize our service as there are other agencies, but I do hope more then anything that people are pleased with what we have coming for them.  I am really looking forward to our launch and want to thank those who have emailed, PMed me and have called with their words of encouragement, thoughts and positive comments.  

I can't keep you all happy so I will focus on those who bring a positive attitude and I hope myself and the ladies can bring a smile and lasting memories.  


Instead of having fake models up just insert caption saying new model coming soon....ER was never a place I frequented because of multiple bad experiences... I stick to AF and SEC and some independents....

The only 2 are Alliosn and Laine and as I said Laine and I have been talking about working together again, she is waiting for the launch.  The place holders are to show people what the site will look like thats why only 2 Ladies pages work, the rest of the thumbnails are STOCK photos.  I would NEVER misrepresent myself or our company.  

Stated at the top of the companions page. . . . .  
Please note that none of the models here are available for sessions this website is currently under construction and the photos are here are place holders for our new models who are coming soon.  We are in the process of re-launching Essential Referrals.

I am sorry that some people have missed that at the top of the page in red.  :-)  


Posted By: JoeShmo69
Already had THAT experience.  
 Thought this lady was self-proclaimed  marketing  expet with all the annoying  nonstop posts (which is funny counselor "had to" ask. Every page its brought up.  
 Shady strike 2
No no no, that's not what I meant. I apologize.  

Monica and Essential Referrals was one of THE highest quality agencies in Atlanta. I have no doubt that will be the case once she gets things back up and running.  
Reliable, discreet and honest are just a few things you can expect from ER.

JoeShmo691436 reads

What i meant in this case.  She Turned the site back on.  It does not have to be live to work on  it.  And, it isnt like its the same screen  orpics that were posted when it was shut down.
Ali  had been gone a While before it diied off.  So she had to go back and  PUT that pic on there  and others.
No diff than pink pleasure stealing alex fox's pics.
The right to use them  (by er) is not absolute, but on a site that had had plent)y of black/empty placeholder squares in past... This is disingenuous. Even if she turned site live so guys could get to message board, should have them blank or with stock photo, like on first 2 pages of commercial prints u get online.  Why go back and put specific pics With hours and a schedule  listed..
(i went back to look for under construction note on first page.  Found it.  The  Enter/Exit button was close to the top and the note was  at bottom.  I didnt scroll enough to see it when entered b4.  I see a note is now on companion page,too.

And, maybe im being too critical. !but someone who had the gall to proclaim themselves a marketing/ business expert,   should know better.  And, know that there were Way too many posts. That person should  know how the onslaught of transparent "pls advise me/teach me" posts, while simultaneously dispensing advice (that was dated/all wrong) on nearly every other post, was bein/ received.  That person is pretty riidiculous thinking they have any grasp on marketing.
I have received the long emails from Monica before it closed, with wayTMI about peersonal struggles, drama with the girls or a guy who cancelled or got cancelled on..  Nobody wants to hear all that, and it's not  professional at all.  But, i digress.  It  just doesnt ring true that when the site goes live, is one time she didnt make a post, but an  "old friend", and seasoned board member, who hasnt posted in  6+ mos, and could see her many posts on this page..has to make  a post about it,to inquire.

Just grumpy me prob, but her whole re-entry has rubbed me the wrong way.    

I AM  looking forward to  ER returning to bring back some normalcy to new agency  rates.
I remember when ERshut down and 250 /300 girls showed up, Literally the Next day, at AF at 350/400 .    
And, Monica never pressured us on reviews.

I am hopeful for a return to golden days of ER, and  i hope she hasan ssist ant again to answer phone after 5 or 6

AF is the new gold standard and were around 5 months before ER shut down and their girls are hands down some of the best in Atlanta.  $300 is a very fair price for a higher class provider and a nice clean incall location.... think about what these girls do for a measely few hundred bucks? If your cheap stick to models you can afford and don't bitch about price.

Count de Monet1392 reads

then where do you go.?. lol
Some see pussy as a commodity and some see it as unique to the owner.
I would leave it to the provider to determine her market and the subsequent  
demand.  After all there are some real "classy" ladies out there that cannot get  
enough.  There are others that don't mind being super low volume.  Whatever works.

Rates are all over the place and some providers charge different rates for different customers.
I also contend that higher rates does not always mean better quality but is can be a very key

but I don't mind Joe telling us what he thinks of rates.  It is also true that perceived cheapness
does not work as an aphrodisiac either.  There are some incredible values out there irrespective of the price charged.

at the end of the day, she will...

JoeShmo691306 reads

Funny stuff.  Thsnks for the laugh. Yeah the hissyfit over one ref to AF, among other things, was "hands down" a dead giveaway.

GaGambler1417 reads

and the principals haven't even said a word yet.

What a fun board this is. but then I love trainwrecks, so you guys keep it up, I welcome the entertainment's always a fun discussion.... sad thing is when we lock in on a girl we want to see price doesn't mean a Damn thing as long as it has one!

JoeShmo691539 reads

Posted By: docmitchell
AF is the new gold standard and were around 5 months before ER shut down and their girls are hands down some of the best in Atlanta.  $300 is a very fair price for a higher class provider and a nice clean incall location.... think about what these girls do for a measely few hundred bucks? If your cheap stick to models you can afford and don't bitch about price.
One  line of that was a ref to AF , which is fine-avg to above avg for an agency , but the Gol d Standard?  
Noone said  AF was created from ER girls. But everyone  remembers  them overnight going up  a hundred bucks and reappearing with you..  Money isnt the problem. ( I stick to 400 , what u used to try and start everyone at) its your business practices.  

You r turnover is high-like any agency, but thats partly whyits  the worst kept secret in atl- u  picking up a cheap notebook and  going to coffeeshop to create a new handle and write  reviews.  But far worse is the pressuriing of guys to change scores.  So cool it  Reece.  Everyones gettin real tired of it

cashorcredit1420 reads

Every gal that she's gotten from another agency the rate nearly doubled. But I also agree with doc even with the increase the rates are still affordable.

Posted By: JoeShmo69
Posted By: docmitchell
AF is the new gold standard and were around 5 months before ER shut down and their girls are hands down some of the best in Atlanta.  $300 is a very fair price for a higher class provider and a nice clean incall location.... think about what these girls do for a measely few hundred bucks? If your cheap stick to models you can afford and don't bitch about price.
 One  line of that was a ref to AF , which is fine-avg to above avg for an agency , but the Gol d Standard?    
 Noone said  AF was created from ER girls. But everyone  remembers  them overnight going up  a hundred bucks and reappearing with you..  Money isnt the problem. ( I stick to 400 , what u used to try and start everyone at) its your business practices.    
 You r turnover is high-like any agency, but thats partly whyits  the worst kept secret in atl- u  picking up a cheap notebook and  going to coffeeshop to create a new handle and write  reviews.  But far worse is the pressuriing of guys to change scores.  So cool it  Reece.  Everyones gettin real tired of it
-- Modified on 4/15/2014 3:30:57 AM

-- Modified on 4/15/2014 3:35:17 AM

You must not be a client of AF because each girl sets their own rate ....that's why AF appeals to me....girls control a lot of their daily activity and sets their own rates....a long time independent friend of mine works with them and loves it and ice been a client since they opened.... it's capitalism bud, if they can charge it and get it then more power to them... maybe you should stick to girls you can afford rather than bash someone for their rates

Docmitchell is actually a client of mine who had a bad experience with ER years ago. Guess again guys..
Reece isn't catty like that and I know her alias

Would be great to see Monica again and catch up!!!!:-)

No the models up are jut for sock placement and to show our current applicants what the sie will look like, although Laine and I have been talking about working together.  I do CLEARLY state at the top of the page that the models posted are not available though, not trying to fool anyone, working on the site, location and all the other details to have them to perfection.  


Posted By: Ohyoudliketoknow
She has no plans to come out of retirement.

remember when ER went away.  My activity in the hobby is minimal, but I have been around for years.  ER was a very good agency and, remembering my interactions with her, Monica was an easy person to deal with.  She had some great ladies.  

I do not have any recollections of any problems with ER.  I hope she is successful in her endeavors.  Another good agency should be welcomed.


If your gonna open/reopen an agency then just do it and quit with the ridiculous questions, some of which are solely for marketing purposes....

To the OP, where have you been lurking to feel the need to ask anyway?

Monica, should you read this (and you will) quit using old pictures of retired girls, that's not a good marketing strategy, close down the site until you are completely ready to be "open for business" it's less hassle and far less drama, If I remember correctly "drama" was an issue before wasn't it?

cashorcredit1284 reads

Please note that none of the models here are available for sessions this website is currently under construction and the photos here are place holders for our new models who are coming soon.  

So she's letting you know up front these aren't the girls.

-- Modified on 4/15/2014 5:04:23 AM

-- Modified on 4/15/2014 5:21:09 AM

ow, this was all fun opening and reading.  LOL.  

I attempted to reply to messages directly on here but decided to post this one in hopes to shed some light and perspective.  

Essential Referrals is delighted to be returning to Atlanta in the near future.  

I apologize to those who are disappointed in the "place holders" that we are currently using and I know many of you miss dear Allison, I miss her too, she was a friend and someone I trust very much.  I know she is happy and I know she will not mind the temporary use of the photos as a place holder to give our new applicants an idea of what our model pages are going to look like.  I am thankful to Laine who also knows her photos are being used as a placeholder and who I am in the midst of discussing renewing our business relationship.  I am also thankful to bigstock photos for selling me the rights to the other placeholder photos which give life to our site in it's current state which is still incomplete.  

Our website is not currently in place for advertising but as a first step to show our applicants what we are re-launching, our place holders give them an idea of the quality we will be providing and the actual model pages (Laine and Allison) show the editing we do and the discretion we provide in our photos for those concerned about hiding their identity.  The schedules are in place as sample schedules to give our applicants an idea of variety in schedules that they can provide.  

I have done my best to provide as much detail for those who do decide to take a peek at the site to provide information clearly stating that we are not yet launched and explaining that none of the models are currently available.  I have also placed this information on our "News" section.  

The only real issue I see is the fact that people feel I should not have the rights to use models photos on our site as place holders, I am sorry if some of you see that as a bad business practice, but Essential Referrals is not a company to mislead or misrepresent anyone and once we are active and launched with our ladies we will of course remove any inactive photos and models.  

In the mean time I am delighted to be returning but all the same am taking my time to return to Atlanta when I am fully ready with our new applicants/partners, location etc.  

I hope this clears up any confusion; and well, if you're not satisfied with my post here then there's just no helping you.  :-)  

All the best to the Atlanta ladies and hobby community

I didn't mean to start a shit-storm. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew I wasn't planning on coming out of retirement. Monica is right; I don't mind her using my pictures. #1, she paid for them to be taken so, technically she owns them. #2 when a companion enters into a business relationship with Essential Referrals she signs a contract stating (among other things) that she is aware that she does not own the photos and that ER can and will use them for advertising purposes. I was an incall manager with ER for 2 years, and was responsible for getting these contracts signed, and probably still have a stack of them in my filing cabinet. In fact, I bet I could recite it half asleep.  
FURTHER MORE,  said contract also states that when you or M decide to end your business relationship, and you don't want your pictures used, she will happily take them down and not use them anymore. Why? I'll tell you.
Because Monica actually gives a shit about the girls that work for her. Their health, happiness and privacy matter a great deal to her; same goes for the gentlemen that frequent her incalls. When she says she cares, she does. She isn't just blowing smoke up your ass.  
Monica, have I emailed, called, texted, tweeted, Facebooked, sent a letter or smoke signals asking you to take my pictures off your website?  No, gentlemen, I have not. I know why they're up, and I know when she's up and running, she'll take them down.

Now, don't start screaming at me about using an alias. I've been posting with this handle since last year, and never really made an effort to conceal who I am. I already mentioned somewhere in this thread about missing my hair.
And that's probably the only thing about seeing those pictures of me up, is wanting to shoot myself in the face for ever thinking a pixie cut might be a good idea.

Now. BE NICE! I know your Mama taught you better!

LucasHood1219 reads

A contract to assist in a business that's illegal? Help me here? Good luck btw!

Posted By: Ohyoudliketoknow
I didn't mean to start a shit-storm. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew I wasn't planning on coming out of retirement. Monica is right; I don't mind her using my pictures. #1, she paid for them to be taken so, technically she owns them. #2 when a companion enters into a business relationship with Essential Referrals she signs a contract stating (among other things) that she is aware that she does not own the photos and that ER can and will use them for advertising purposes. I was an incall manager with ER for 2 years, and was responsible for getting these contracts signed, and probably still have a stack of them in my filing cabinet. In fact, I bet I could recite it half asleep.  
 FURTHER MORE,  said contract also states that when you or M decide to end your business relationship, and you don't want your pictures used, she will happily take them down and not use them anymore. Why? I'll tell you.  
 Because Monica actually gives a shit about the girls that work for her. Their health, happiness and privacy matter a great deal to her; same goes for the gentlemen that frequent her incalls. When she says she cares, she does. She isn't just blowing smoke up your ass.    
 Monica, have I emailed, called, texted, tweeted, Facebooked, sent a letter or smoke signals asking you to take my pictures off your website?  No, gentlemen, I have not. I know why they're up, and I know when she's up and running, she'll take them down.  
 Now, don't start screaming at me about using an alias. I've been posting with this handle since last year, and never really made an effort to conceal who I am. I already mentioned somewhere in this thread about missing my hair.  
 And that's probably the only thing about seeing those pictures of me up, is wanting to shoot myself in the face for ever thinking a pixie cut might be a good idea.  
 Now. BE NICE! I know your Mama taught you better!

Thank you, sweetheart. ;-)

It's basically a model release form, allowing ER to use a model's stage name and likeness for marketing purposes. Every photographer I've ever done trade-for-print with has required this release form. Even if it was a just for fun photo shoot.

Like I said, there are other things in the contract. I'm not going to say more about it, because it's none-ya bidness, and I too signed one. Confidentially clause. ;-)

Posted By: LucasHood
A contract to assist in a business that's illegal? Help me here? Good luck btw!  
Posted By: Ohyoudliketoknow
I didn't mean to start a shit-storm. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew I wasn't planning on coming out of retirement. Monica is right; I don't mind her using my pictures. #1, she paid for them to be taken so, technically she owns them. #2 when a companion enters into a business relationship with Essential Referrals she signs a contract stating (among other things) that she is aware that she does not own the photos and that ER can and will use them for advertising purposes. I was an incall manager with ER for 2 years, and was responsible for getting these contracts signed, and probably still have a stack of them in my filing cabinet. In fact, I bet I could recite it half asleep.    
  FURTHER MORE,  said contract also states that when you or M decide to end your business relationship, and you don't want your pictures used, she will happily take them down and not use them anymore. Why? I'll tell you.  
  Because Monica actually gives a shit about the girls that work for her. Their health, happiness and privacy matter a great deal to her; same goes for the gentlemen that frequent her incalls. When she says she cares, she does. She isn't just blowing smoke up your ass.    
  Monica, have I emailed, called, texted, tweeted, Facebooked, sent a letter or smoke signals asking you to take my pictures off your website?  No, gentlemen, I have not. I know why they're up, and I know when she's up and running, she'll take them down.  
  Now, don't start screaming at me about using an alias. I've been posting with this handle since last year, and never really made an effort to conceal who I am. I already mentioned somewhere in this thread about missing my hair.  
  And that's probably the only thing about seeing those pictures of me up, is wanting to shoot myself in the face for ever thinking a pixie cut might be a good idea.  
  Now. BE NICE! I know your Mama taught you better!

Being a professional companion is not in any way illegal.  Ladies that work with agencies are also not to be employees, but Independent contractors/independent consultants.  We have an excellent business attorney BTW.  


P.S.  I miss you girl.  :-)

Something like this. Except, you know.....prettier.

-- Modified on 4/15/2014 9:05:05 PM

Nice to hear you're doing well and are happy.. as for does grow back.. (and I would love to get you on my massage table again.. :)

I digress... After all this I need to set up some playtime

This is a crazy amount of energy over an agency that may or may not open.  

I don't live on this board so I didn't know it was discussed everyday -  Thanks Joshmo69

counselor01, I do apologize for the explosion of craziness from people, it's funny how some people turn our return into "all about them".  

We are looking forward to returning.  

I knew about this posting because a friend emailed me to let me know, by the time I got to it there was a lot of insane speculation and nastiness, but I have to admit there was more positive and I know people are delighted with our soon return and that's what matters the most to me.  

Thank you,  

roadwarrior881450 reads

I have used several services in Atlanta and while I rarely post because I hate message boards it seems that the essential ladies person constantly stirs the pot with numerous random and insignificant information.  Guys care about good providers, we don't care about your agency.  Just give me a good girl, that has accurate pics and can hold an intelligent conversation at a reasonable rate.

To roadwarrior88,

Stirring the pot? I do make posts yes and I do discuss things; I see TER just like any other social network, you sir have your undies caught in a bunch, chill out.  

I did not start this thread and I surely did not stir the pot here, nor did the OP, it is people like yourself who thrive from negativity, thus your random comment you just made here.  

I respect opinions and peoples thoughts and have been on and off the radar here for the past year, if you're not familiar with me then become familiar or stop speculating.  I am an active business woman who sincerely cares about the women I work with, I am also an adult fetish entertainer with reviews on TER (I keep that separate and the people that are "familiar" with me know this).  

If you see My post as insignificant then do not respond to them or ignore them, My posts are meant to be thought provoking and entertaining if that offends you then move along, just like I will now move along with you.  Not much left to be said.  


roadwarrior881724 reads

Opinions are like Assholes, everybody has one. You just perpetuate the same shit and people are getting sick of it.  Apparently your business failed miserably in the past and obviously you are in resurrection mode thus the constant posting.  Good luck in your future endeavors, I for one could care less.

It's funny how people talk out if their ass.  Just like this post people talking about stuff they don't even know about, following rumors from a disgruntled assistant who had it all and got pissed because I closed with out notice to anyone.  

It's just like this post where I get attacked for using place holder folders from two wonderful women I had worked with before and people get pissed acting as if I have no rights or that I am immoral.  

Posted in this thread by one of the girls.....

Posted by Laine not so long ago.....  

Sounds like someone who hides behind an alias is extremely THREATENED by Essential Referrals return.  

At the end of the day I am marching to my own drum and dancing to my own tune and as I said to another here I will not let the negative people attempt to pull me down, I have been around a long time in Atlanta and We are coming back by demand.  This is what warms my heart, the positive I receive outweighs it all.  So many emails, calls and private messages.  

By all means "roadwarrior88" come out of hiding and write me directly, and quite frankly if you truly cared less you would not say things such as "Apparently your business failed miserably in the past and obviously you are in resurrection mode thus the constant posting."  I pay attention to details and for so done with an alias who just "hates" message boards as you stated you seem to be rubbed the wrong way by me and seem to pay an awful lot of attention to what I write.  Be careful before you give yourself away.  Over 8 years in this business and I have some thick skin.  
To those who read this, this is what matters to me.  I have always and only wished to provide ladies with a safe, clean and professional work environment providing motivation and self empowerment for the women I work with.  
For the gentleman, I wish to provide discretion as a whole and genuine women who love their jobs and are truly happy to help you explore sensuality in a safe, fun and drama free zone.  This is suppose to be fun for you guys.

I have spoke to many agencies over the years and when they asked what made us successful, I always said this.  I don't worry about what "everyone" else is doing, I focus on the clients happiness and the safety and satisfaction of the girls I am working with while realizing I can not please everyone, but I will do my best with out compromising the safety and integrity of the company.  

It is sad that people insist on our failure with out the ability to be honest with why they desire it.  
Luckily for me failure is not a word in my vocabulary, if I let a few negative people bring me down with just nasty attitudes then how can I be a good leader to the women I work with?  How can I represent and be strong for the ladies who choose to work with us.  Like I said I am stronger then all the silliness and I am sorry but there is more POSITIVE by over 95% with our return then the few who choose to feel disgruntled or threatened by our return, (we have even received numerous emails from ladies both agency, independent and who have worked with us in the past boasting with delight of our soon return).  There is a reason why we are returning "eventually" and whether we choose to keep it "low key" our out their in your face, I hope we can provide a great place for clients and an awesome place for women to work with.  I have a new amazing marketing manager on board with me and we are jazzed.    

Oh and roadwarrior88 I have deemed you unfit to earn any further reply from me as well so this will be the last direct public reply so you can bitch and moan all you want publicly behind your alias.  if you so choose to contact me directly with out an alias you may do so via email or PM to me.  Other then that I refuse to feed into your behavior any further it is not productive in anyway.  

Steps down from soap box.  


I Loved ER, And I Hope This Launch Is Sooner Than Later!! I Have Briefly Worked With Many Other Agencies In Atlanta Since ER Shut Off It's Lights. It's Nothing Negative To Say It Just Wasn't A Fit... Everyone Has A Place And Nobody Is Being Forced To Chose ONE lady Or ONE Agency. Sure Folks Have Their Favorites But It's Human Nature To Want To Mix It Up. We Should Be Looking Out For One Another And Not Dumbing Ourselves Down To Meaningless Banter Regarding Technicalities. Those Things Can Be Worked Out With Just One Phone Call Or Email! Every Agency Owner Knows When Shit Hits The Fan At One Place General Business It Effected EVERYWHERE... Nobody Is Competing For Girls, There Are Plenty Out There. Being Price Competitive Is Understandable Common Practice. I Say Do What Works For You As A Client, Agency Owner And Lady. Good Things WILL Come From ER Reopening... I Know There Will Be A lot Of Happy People Coming Back Out To Play! Can't Wait To See You Guys!! XOXO!!  
Miss Laine/ Dallas

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