
While I am believer in agencies, I need to disagree
Advisor2008 212 Reviews 350 reads

Too broad of generality and no shows happen just as frequently with agencies just more recovery options

This time had plenty of notice, and reason was totally valid, but...

Inevitably the late call to agency of choice are not ones you want at this moment
The back up agency doesn't have any availability for late notice
Your stand by friends have conflicts

By this time you have no chance to check new agency and no Indy will ever be available for short notice,   Erggghh

Oh well I still have my appt for tomorrow plus just in case a utr who is booked today may be open late if this is no show.

So you save the fee for one session, get to surf some porn or just go to bed.

At least time I knew well in advance, but short notice really never works.  Probably biggest frustration of this hobby

-- Modified on 9/30/2014 9:45:46 PM

Posted By: Advisor2008

 At least time I knew well in advance, but short notice really never works.  Probably biggest frustration of this hobby

And dining was clearly on my mind for tonite,

I understand your disappointment.  I've been very lucky over the years and haven't had that many no shows at all - and in all but a few cases I was notified (and some offer of compensation for my trouble was made).  I know that life is complex and things get in the way of our expected plans.  In fact I would say in my experiences (again with only a few exceptions) the situation was handled professionally and with respect for me as a client.  I know that on rare occasion I have a conflict come up in my schedule and I hope for compassion from the lady I have a date with.  I'm a firm believer that the true nature of a person is seen when things don't go according to plan. :-)  

I always try to look on the bright side of things and in this situation I would say:

1) You get to save your funds and plan and daydream about who is next on your list to see.

2) Depending on how the no show was managed it can (if handled correctly) give you a new respect and understanding for that particular lady.  Or (if handled poorly) firm up your decision to move on and see someone new anyway.

Better luck next time and happy hunting!

And that's why agencies are better than independents.

With agencies, you get accountability.  

With independents, you get none. You just get excuses.

Too broad of generality and no shows happen just as frequently with agencies just more recovery options

I didn't say no shows didn't happen to agencies. I said that agencies are more accountable than independents. That accountability manifests itself in more recovery options.

Independents don't care if they blow off clients. They know that there's always another sucker around the corner.

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