
To be fair and polite, I think perhaps English is her second language
happycamper109 7 Reviews 894 reads

which is very admirable and she does pretty well with it. Poking is all in fun

Hello , Gentlemen

Let me start off by saying I do apologize if I have offended anyone with the questions I ask. However if its ok with the board I would love  continue recieving advice and knowledge through everyones personal experience and opinions.

......Now to start off the topic of conversation. I have recently noticed that each client likes to enteract in many different ways but it usually boils down to a man being a hopeless romantic or a hardcore visionary an somtimes a little of both. So my question of the day is: if you had to choose between a romantic evening or hardcore journey of pure ectasy which would you choose?

The first 3 gentlemen to respond I will send them a personal candidate picture :) just pm me your email address.

-- Modified on 3/5/2015 4:22:08 PM

I was just about to rub one don't think so.....LMAO!


How dare either one of yall do that? Firs,t this the threAD, then ValuedCustomer post that shit, THEN to top it off, Khori is leaving me hangin? Yea that is pretty fucked up! Lol!!  
Yall are just so wrong :D
Hugs and kisses

-- Modified on 3/5/2015 7:03:15 PM

which is very admirable and she does pretty well with it. Poking is all in fun

but offering photos for responses on a regional board I think is a no-no....


TER may pull this...but...that is more of an "ad" thing....

Just my perspective....


Does it seem odd that a website assisting and promoting rule breaking, has rules?

Depending on the partner and I have to have seen more than once. There has to be some chemistry also otherwise, it doesn’t work quite right.

I get romantic thinking about hardcore women lol!

but if the chemistry is there and we click, it has the potential to get very naughty.  For me, it's more of a 'go with the flow' and see where we lead each other without having a checklist of things that have to happen on a particular order.  

Hope this helps.

Good sex should be like playing jazz in a duet.  You can't come up with something good unless your partner is working it.  You have to know the chops but you also have to know how to groove to the music.   Somebody has to lead - but you can switch leads as you go.  You have to know where you are going and what key you're in.  Mostly, it should be alot of fun and have some "soul" to it.  Even if it don't mean nuthin' - which it don't.

I need to be able to improvise and go with the flow.  BUT... If I don't have a vision as a theme, though, things get muddled offkey and clumsy.   Well... I think that metaphor collapsed about two sentences back... BUT.

The point of a session to me is to be in the moment and really, physically enjoying a woman (or two...) .the way I am hard wired as a man to do.  I like to try things I haven't done before.

Because I do have a plan, goals and objectives (within reason..), I would have to classify myself as preferring a "hardcore" type session.  Doesn't mean I don't want some jazz with it though....

A romantic, loosey-goosey lets-see-what-happens "civvie" type session is really not going to work for me.  

-- Modified on 3/5/2015 8:22:35 PM

I would be happy to provide in person coaching to teach you everything you need to know to rock any man's world and have him addicted to you like crack.  I have years of experience and an advance degree from the very best instructors/experts in this field.

My rates are $200 for 1 hour and $100 for each additional hour.

PM me if interested

You have a PM! LOL! ;)  
Hugs and kisses

Money exchanged is for my time and companionship services only. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of personal choice between two consenting adults of legal age ‼️

I want to watch hahaha  
Please see "my TER reviews" lol
Hugs and kisses

Let me hit the ATM and contact you ASAP!


Just be YOURSELF! Ya know, I was Ok with your post until I got to the bottom and see you  make an offer to send pics to the fist 3 gents respond? Really? This is nothing more than a threAD
Considering English may be your second language, you sure write well, but you know what's up really ;) So many people that have been around for a long time here have offered to help you.  I am also here if you need also but damn just do your thing and be YOURSELF.  
Hugs and kisses

Damn lady I was trying to help you. I said be yourself.  I never once insulted you. I just called out an obvious threAD.  Others have also called out this with your other post. As for the rest, we were joking around WITH EACH OTHER. Anina is the sweetest person n very hot, Khori is just silly sometime but still very hot. It's OK to get guys email n send pics? Yea you know EXACTLY what you're doing n I say thank you for being yourself lol good fucking grief. Ask all the questions you want, we all do that, but don't come on here n post an OBVIOUS threAD again n again n expect the red carpet and for fucksake lighten up. It's OK for you to say the shit you say to the other ladies (your 3/4 comment) WTF... OK I say post all the threADS you want but I still say you know EXACTLY what's going on.
Now I'm gonna take my 3/4 ass n go fucking a nice gentleman.  

I see so many 3's an 4's I guess it takes all of you ladies to bully a perfect 10! However good luck and I wish you ladies the best.

ormaybe982 reads

I'm too hot
Call the police and the fireman
Too hot
Make a dragon wanna retire, man

Jump on it
If you sexy,  then flaunt it
If you freaky then own it
Don't tell me bout it just show me

Don't believe me just watch

Lol..... yea I speak 3 different languages and as you can see I speak english the worst XD

Im sorry if I do not meet your standards...... I just strive to be the best in whatever I do! My uncle told me before he died, that a stupid person is someone who isn't willing to learn an perfect there craft.

(Please do not antagonize me I have done nothing to none!!! Of you!!!)

God bles

I'll give you an answer darling. Not really interested in a romantic time. ]

"What are you here for - love or relief?"  Amazing how many girls smiled at that.  I think some guys like to enjoy a romantic fantasy.  I'm not one of them.  I enjoy getting to know y'all personally and have developed some good personal relationships.  However, I walk in the door with a boner and enjoy a lady whose motor is running to match.  Fortunately, Atlanta has a number of those.  Based on your pics, two reviews and your profile, you seem to be a gorgeous lady and very good GFE with rules/limitations.  Those who know me know I tend toward the gorgeous ladies, but my one rule is to avoid those whose performance scores are significantly below their appearance scores.  I think you have accurately portrayed the spectrum - you just need to decide where to position your "brand" on it.  As for me, I'm there for "relief" with a lady who is equally horny but also with whom I enjoy spending time.

I'm pushing 50.  Hardcore journeys are fun, but for me they are the exception rather than the rule

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