
Some people have such dirty minds...red_smile
electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 301 reads

For example this little ditty.
Some folks just want to make it rhyme so bad.
Can't an innocent little song just be an innocent little song?

PS: I clicked on your link and it brought me back to this thread all "Inception"y-like.  
Now I'm dizzy.
I mean even dizzier than normal...
Posted By: AlexandraMilw  
 haha I am so choking on the hot gal. Laughing my butt off Bwahaha.  
 And give it back haha

-- Modified on 6/8/2015 1:07:00 AM

Especially when it comes to guys thinking up new nicknames for a woman's ladyparts.

I've heard of cooter, poontang, and even nookie.

But never snu-snu.

You guys crack me up

This could be a start of a good thread.  I always laugh (and cringe) and the seafood names, like clam and snapper.

antares281 reads

More creative in finding nicknames for the fruit of the opposite sex. The ladies or the gentlemen...

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Especially when it comes to guys thinking up new nicknames for a woman's ladyparts.  
 I've heard of cooter, poontang, and even nookie.  
 But never snu-snu.  
 You guys crack me up.  

It's only fair for me to present one for the ladies.  
Excuse me while I whip this out.  
The song I mean.
Get your minds out of the gutter.  ;-)

Ok, for your listening pleasure - an all time classic...

I am such a class-icy lady.

What is life without fun???


Posted By: electr0nsrealm
It's only fair for me to present one for the ladies.    
 Excuse me while I whip this out.    
 The song I mean.  
 Get your minds out of the gutter.  ;-)  
 Ok, for your listening pleasure - an all time classic...

haha I am so choking on the hot gal. Laughing my butt off Bwahaha.

And give it back haha

-- Modified on 6/8/2015 1:07:00 AM

-- Modified on 6/8/2015 1:38:13 AM

Posted By: AlexandraMilw  
 haha I am so choking on the hot gal. Laughing my butt off Bwahaha.  
 And give it back haha

-- Modified on 6/8/2015 1:07:00 AM

For example this little ditty.
Some folks just want to make it rhyme so bad.
Can't an innocent little song just be an innocent little song?

PS: I clicked on your link and it brought me back to this thread all "Inception"y-like.  
Now I'm dizzy.
I mean even dizzier than normal...

Posted By: AlexandraMilw  
 haha I am so choking on the hot gal. Laughing my butt off Bwahaha.  
 And give it back haha

-- Modified on 6/8/2015 1:07:00 AM

Am as dirty as you, if not more. Scorpio. Like to have fun when I am not being an ass. :D

You can't handle me ha ha

OMG - That's hilarious.  Benny Hill would be proud!

Posted By: AlexandraMilw  
 haha I am so choking on the hot gal. Laughing my butt off Bwahaha.  
 And give it back haha  
 -- Modified on 6/8/2015 1:07:00 AM

-- Modified on 6/8/2015 1:38:13 AM

I can be so serious but I got my fun my ass moments....

Side ways sloppy joe....

 Want to learn gyno?

Fuck I am laughing so hard right now.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw

I'm sure I speak for Alexandra too when I say - if we made even one person spit coffee all over their monitor then it was time well spent.  Glad you enjoyed it.

Ivor Biggun - wouldn't that be a great porn name?

Or a Wrestling name.

Either way I wouldn't want a guy named Ivor Biggun doing a piledriver on me.


Posted By: stockings69

I loved FUTURAMA. See clip below.

ga_kosh, aka Zap Braningan


"What did they die of?"
"Crushed pelvises"

"You are sentenced to death... by snu-snu."  

Something about it reminds of the Castle Anthrax scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Ah, it was my favorite dream as a lad.
Come to think of it, it's still my dream.  ;-)

"I can tackle this lot single-handed! There's only 150 of them!"


Posted By: ga_kosh
I loved FUTURAMA. See clip below.  
 ga_kosh, aka Zap Braningan
-- Modified on 6/8/2015 2:39:20 PM

Another one of my fave lines from Holy Grail:

FROG: "I wave my private parts at your aunties, you brightly-colored, mealy-templed, cranberry-smelling, electric donkey-bottom biters!"


"FROG: You couldn't catch clap in a brothel, silly English K...niggets!"

damn it... now I wanna watch it again but I'm stuck at work.

Ah, you are a gentleman of refined sensibilities - well versed in the classics I see...

I fart in your general direction.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Is there someone else up there we could talk to?

No!  Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

Posted By: ga_kosh
Another one of my fave lines from Holy Grail:  
 FROG: "I wave my private parts at your aunties, you brightly-colored, mealy-templed, cranberry-smelling, electric donkey-bottom biters!"  
 "FROG: You couldn't catch clap in a brothel, silly English K...niggets!"  
 damn it... now I wanna watch it again but I'm stuck at work.
-- Modified on 6/8/2015 4:20:40 PM

Why, your exploits are so legendary that you already have a song!

Bravely bold Sir Robin
Rode forth from Camelot
He was not afraid to die
Oh Brave Sir Robin
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways
Brave, Brave, Brave Brave Sir Robin.

He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp
Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken
To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away
And his limbs all hacked and mangled, Brave Sir Robin.

His head smashed in and his heart cut out
And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged
And his nostrils raped and his bottom burned up
And his penis...(made to stop by Robin)

Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger rears it's ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Robin turned about
He gallantly chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Robin.

Listen, when you face the killer Rabbit of Caerbannog bravely running away is a pretty good plan my friend.

That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide!

Fortunately, the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch is the great equalizer.

And there was much rejoicing.

But between you and me, I would much rather be known for spanking (and conquering) the 150 virgins in Castle Anthrax.  Now that's my kind of a challenge!  I would definitely not run away (bravely or otherwise) from that quest

all joking aside...

A great song

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Especially when it comes to guys thinking up new nicknames for a woman's ladyparts.  
 I've heard of cooter, poontang, and even nookie.  
 But never snu-snu.  
 You guys crack me up.  

That was powerful.  Wow.  What an amazing song.  I'm very impressed.  Thank you for sharing.
Where did that come from?
We're talking about cocks and pussies and you hit me with that?

Well, I suppose I have to pull out my secret weapon now.  Leah.
You brought this upon yourself, young lady.
If honey had a sound it would be her voice...

PS:  Holy cow - I thought I posted a lot.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
all joking aside...  
 A great song  
Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Especially when it comes to guys thinking up new nicknames for a woman's ladyparts.  
  I've heard of cooter, poontang, and even nookie.  
  But never snu-snu.  
  You guys crack me up.  

but you should bring your big stuff :D

And what is this about posting more than you? You already know I am bored.  

Big guns: Glory


Enjoy hun.

Glory touches me and All Of Me is at at my wedding... when I find the victim lol

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
That was powerful.  Wow.  What an amazing song.  I'm very impressed.  Thank you for sharing.  
 Where did that come from?  
 We're talking about cocks and pussies and you hit me with that?  
 Well, I suppose I have to pull out my secret weapon now.  Leah.  
 You brought this upon yourself, young lady.  
 If honey had a sound it would be her voice...  
 PS:  Holy cow - I thought I posted a lot.  
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
all joking aside...   
  A great song  
Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Especially when it comes to guys thinking up new nicknames for a woman's ladyparts.    
   I've heard of cooter, poontang, and even nookie.    
   But never snu-snu.    
   You guys crack me up.    
-- Modified on 6/8/2015 2:28:42 AM

Very nice choices.  And I am a fan  of Mr. Legend too.

Ok, if you're going to go all spiritual on me then - some Southern Gospel.

Did someone say "Glory"?

terrorize you guys.

 You can't handle the truth ha ha

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
Especially when it comes to guys thinking up new nicknames for a woman's ladyparts.  
 I've heard of cooter, poontang, and even nookie.  
 But never snu-snu.  
 You guys crack me up.  

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