
SweetJaclyn 9899 reads

The only "just for you" discounts that I ever offer is that regular clients keep the same rate, i.e., if my rates go up, then anyone that I've seen before is not subject to the rate increase, but can keep seeing me at the same price.

SweetJaclyn13282 reads

Why are a lot of the providers reducing their rates even more?  I ran a special and extended it until the end of this month, but didn't go as low as some of the others. What's up with everyone else?

LadyRaven14364 reads

They lowered them the same reason you probably get new clients maybe?!  You seem upset with this.  Has it affected you in some way?

I think lowering prices is just a personal choice.  It is a free market economy thing.

I personally think that decreased prices lead to increased quantity, increased stress maybe eventually decreased quality.  I bet though they get real tired at the end of the day.  :)

Just an opinion.


SweetJaclyn13597 reads

I believe in quality rather than quantity.  It's unfortunate that other providers do not have the same attitude!!!  I was just curious and that is the reason that I asked the question.  

-- Modified on 1/22/2003 10:14:17 AM

When you say "quality" (in quality vs quantity) what are you refering to?

LadyRaven12557 reads

You can't give as much quality time into a session if you have too much quantity (many men).

What usually will happen with a provider is that she will be rushed, stressed, agitated, irritated and therefore quality of the session suffers and the guys will think she is bitchy and that the service was rushed and she was not into it.  Well after 4 men in a row she probably really is not into it.

Just my Opinion.

So in this case the quality is the effort that a provider puts into the session and the quantity of men has an effect on the provider's efforts--increase the quantity of men and the quality of the provider's efforts goes down!  Does the client's pop have anything to do with specials or quality vs quantity?


LadyRaven15571 reads

I don't mind multiple cups if it is a hour session.  I really don't care how this sounds but I will be honest.  If I am with someone and he is trying to please me then I am all about doing what I can for him as well.  I will not rush and if it takes an hour and fifteen minutes or whatever .... then that is fine because I am having fun also.

Now, I will do my best to please the man who is not as responsive also.  I have been with some who more or less just lay there and its all about them....Ok, I understand that too and since I am getting the $ then that is fine.  THe session will last an hour and we will do as he wants.  THe session will not last longer then an hour and if he doesn't eat pussy well then I don't want to see him again and I won't.

This is very part time for me now and only have time to see regulars....its always been about having fun...if I am not having fun with someone then why would I do it again!?  Money is nice but not worth it for me.

I don't even know if I answered your question!  LOL...But, ladies I know who have specials rush, can't always take a full shower between guys, etc...

I will do half hr bj's cause I am all about it and do enjoy it but I am not going to do one for a whole hr...Half hr rates are much cheaper and one cup is it.

Good point about the chemistry and provider services--I'm still kind of wondering about discounts/specials and quality of service.

He_man12461 reads

She sounds pretty level headed in all of these post, I vote for Raven !!!

SweetJaclyn11933 reads

Quality is providing the best experience a I am able to all of my clients.  It is almost impossible for me to do this if I'm seeing too many clients per day.

So quality is the best experience that you are able to give--if you don't see to many clients, then the amount that you charge is not the issue, rather staying within the amount of clients where you can give the best experience?  I don't really see where price fits into this?

LadyRaven11355 reads

A lady makes $750 a day to see three clients. ($250/hr)

She runs a special for $150/hr.  to make $750 a day she needs to see 5 men.

Most ladies try to make a certain amt a may seem like a lot of money but most of the time they are keeping 2 residents....buying lingerie....getting nails....toes...etc...done all the time....webpage stuff...traveling...thier own healthcare...etc...

Another point would be whether or not said provider actually gives each man a complete hr!  She might advertise that it's $.5/hr, but it's actually $.5 for one pop (wink, wink).


SweetJaclyn13705 reads

It is relevant to point out that a professional companion does not get paid for pops or anything else having to do with that.  She, instead, gets paid for the time that she spends with her client.  For example, there have been several occasions that I have been compensated for simply listening to someone's problems and intimacy of any king never came into play.

I know that when a client comes to see me, that he expects something and I want to give that to him, otherwise, I wouldn't be in this business.  Even if a session runs a few minutes overtime (refer to my reviews, I'm not a clock watcher by any means), but it means that I've satisfied his need, then that makes me feel good about myself and I am not going to demand a tip for the overage.  

I am very service oriented.  I do not look at my clients as dollar signs, but instead appreciate that they respect me enough to pay me for my time and the benefits (no strings attached, class, intelligence, and beauty-a total package) that I can offer them.

SweetJaclyn12905 reads

Price fits in to the question of quality vs. quantity because with decreased prices, the number of clients I would have to see would be more to make the money that I need to cover my expenses.  If I have to see more clients, then the quality of my service is going to suffer.  I am going to be fatigued, probably not as fresh and beautiful, and definitely feeling stressed, both mentally and physically.  

Picture this:  You're my last client of the day.  I've already seen several other clients.  After several clients in a 10 hour period, I am going to be stressed, both physically and mentally.  I definitely would not have had time to take a full shower in between every client as I normally do which is going to reflect on my self-confidence, which in turn reflects in my attitude.  Not only does it reflect in my self-confidence, but it definitely shows in my cleanliness, freshness, and overall beauty.  You would not be getting the service that I feel comfortable providing.

-- Modified on 1/23/2003 9:18:07 PM

Atlmarriedguy12194 reads

Well it might be because EROS now has over 150 ladies in the Atlanta site instead of the 80 or 90 they had a year ago. More competition for the entertainment dollar. Just an observation. John

Not just a simple question, opens up a very interesting aspect to the hobby.  It almost opens-up a business model featuring a golden triangle: time; money; and service.

Zbark13802 reads

And it's good to see some providers prefer Quality over quantity unlike some who used to see only dollar signs. But then you are a beautiful woman so you can be selective while some had a mug only a mother could love so that might be one aspect of the rate reduction. Wow, finally a breath of fresh air on this board. Good luck hunny.


SweetJaclyn14916 reads

I do truly believe in quality rather than quantity.  I mean, while this is my primary source of income, I do have other things that I do to make money..... I love my work and want to provide each and every client with the ultimate experience that I can possibly give, and in turn, I feel satisfied and happy with myself.  

Z: Thanks for the kind words.....

There are a number of topics to be explored here.  

To answer your question, MarriedGuy is right.  Supply and demand meet to set a price.  If the number of providers is increasing while the number of clients remains steady, prices will drop.  Just like inflated prices during the Olympics and other such events.

The second side has to do with marketing.  Is it a good idea to lower price(quality over quantity)?  You can discount your price too much and actually drive away customers that may percive your product to be inferior.  Luxury cars are an example of this marketing model.  Certainly if a provider attempts to use volume to cover the reduced revenue, that could lead to lower quality if she tires.  While I am always tempted by reduced prices, I have yet to take on any of those offers for that very reason.

Of course if you offered me a discount that was just for me, SweetJaclyn, that would be very tough to resist. ;-P

Great discussion topic.

SweetJaclyn9900 reads

The only "just for you" discounts that I ever offer is that regular clients keep the same rate, i.e., if my rates go up, then anyone that I've seen before is not subject to the rate increase, but can keep seeing me at the same price.

The ";-P" was meant to indicate that I was just making a joke.  Sorry if that didn't come across.

I think your rates are quite reasonable as they are, especially with the Holiday special posted on your website.  

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