
Re:Out of town provider and their attitudes
JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 11320 reads

Personally, I think you gave this out of towner to much credit.  Sometimes things happen.  Our local girls are very understanding and most understand that today's cancel is probably tomorrow's session, but I agree with you.  Some of these out-of-town ladies are all about the money (which is typically inflated) and are not that nice to communicate with!


tippu3002412046 reads

I think most of the out of town providers seems to have an attitude. I contacted an out of towner (first time for me)  visiting Atlnta next Tuesday and made an appointment about a week ago.

Yesterday I get an email from her confirming the appointment. I immeditely reply to tell her that I have to out of town and apologize for it.

She sends me an email telling me that I screwed up her whole plan. I trying to understand how this can be, because I replied as soon as I got her mail and wrote a nice email apoligizing for not being able to make the appointment, 6 days before her arrival. How could I mess up her whole scheduel when I informed 6 days ahead?

Did I do something wrong here? What you all think?

MrE11121 reads

She was probably upset that you didn't contact her to cancel the appointment as soon as you found out that you had to go out of town.  That still does not make up for her telling you that you screwed up her whole plan because she still has plenty of time to book appointments for her visit.  I think you should let us know who the provider is so we can avoid her attitude.  Private Message me if you prefer.

Personally, I think you did the right thing, although I would have cancelled as soon as I found out I was heading out of town.  

I've had to cancel on providers and I've had providers cancel on me.  Sometimes at the last moment...  I guess I have been lucky to have providers that understand and respect the fact that I have a life/job/whatever outside of the hobby...  

Plans change... that's a fact of life.

tippu3002411426 reads

The timing happend coincindently at the same time. Thanks for your note.

Personally, I think you gave this out of towner to much credit.  Sometimes things happen.  Our local girls are very understanding and most understand that today's cancel is probably tomorrow's session, but I agree with you.  Some of these out-of-town ladies are all about the money (which is typically inflated) and are not that nice to communicate with!


tippu3002410073 reads

Because of this experience, No more out of towners for me. I am sticking with the Wonderful Atlanta Ladies.

Thanks for all of your posts in clarifying.


Professional= Professional
Upscale Gentlemen have to work, travel and do whatever their jobs demand of them, sometimes there is ample notice and other times drop everything and go especially the type of job I am in. Otherwise upscale Gentlemen won't have any $$ to spend. Correct?

brookebutler9924 reads

Has anyone noticed that if a girl has to ask for "upscale gentlemen", she has no idea how stupid that sounds?

Upscale tends to describe a neighborhood or a place to eat. Not people. How about genuine, well- behaved even??? When a woman uses that word it makes me think they mean professional and gentlemanly. The way it is used now a days, they just want to elude to the amount of money you have... the more money one has doesn't mean they are "upscale".... I assure you. Anyone who has met with a man who is rather well placed in society with a decent bank account doesn't guarrantee they are going to treat you right or assure a mutually incredible experience.

At the same time, if you look at the reviews lately, these women who charge more won't assure you that your desires will be met.

I am going to make a suggestion. Look for the woman and experience you want and then find someone that fits your budget.  Big $$ doesn't mean better.

Ladies, don't be so low class and look for upscale gentlemen... I drive an upscale car and can't imagine making payments on a

just my thoughts...

tippu300249096 reads

May be misused the term Upscale, it was an error on my part. I meant Gentleman.

IMHO, a gentleman is always gentleman and I beleive one of the qualities of gentleman is to understanding and considerate. Things happen in our lives and we have to understand that, flying of the handle and always "me, me...." is not the sign of gentleman.

I would go as far as to say, these days upscale means, I am selfish and snobbish.

Sorry for using the worng word here, by no means I clsim to be upscale, don't want to be either. My motto in life is: simplyfy your life and you will have lot less stress.

Thanks for pointing out the error on my part

brookebutler7452 reads

Actually, I wasn't even directing my thoughts towards you Tippu.

If you go to many girl's websites, it will say, "upscale gentlemen only". As if that is a requirement... to be upscale...
lowscale need not apply...LOL

I have yet to meet an upscale gentleman or even an upscale woman.

Oh well... just my thoughts,


Madison of Mpls10135 reads

some girls can get very jaded and want to take a man for all he is worth and not in a good thats why doing your homework is a good idea.  For me I do get great reviews but at the same time I think consistensy sp?  Is just as important.  I treat everyone like a king.  It is sad some girls dont.  But with everything there are always bad apples in the bunch.  About you messing up the entire schedule I find that hard to believe.  Unless you scheduled many hours at a prime time.  Usually there is enough demand for a girl to replace that time.  Hard to say. But dont say you will never see a touring girl again cuz you would miss alot with this one!!!  Take care guys!!  Madison

6 days is great...There will always be another email or phone call.  I have cancelled on clients, and always give them a discount for their trouble.  The only bad thing is when they cancel a few hours before, or the evening before, and don't pay the cancellation fee when they cancel.  It can take up to a day to screen someone properly, unless I know the provider they saw, or get good employment info.  And I rarely receive the cancellation fee...But notice is notice...and I am understanding.  Only if a gent doesn't show do I get upset.  And I won't schedule with them again....But you did the right thing....!!


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