
Re: Very lttle impact- I look at
bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 336 reads

That is the right approach but in actually not everyone has that mindset.

This a general question. I know that scoring is used to help with ranking on TER. If a hobbyist gives out a low score but gives in the description a nice review of the experience, what would you do? All is welcome to reply.

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 6:01:50 PM

...if he's just a hard grader. Maybe all his reviews are like that. The details matter most.

Well let's say that their scores is like consistent such as around 8 to 10 range, but he decided to give you a 5 and 6.

Like 5 in appearance and 6 in performance.

History and the details. Give what ever scores you think are right for you. We are all different your 7 might be my 9.Cheers

That is the right approach but in actually not everyone has that mindset.

period. There is an entire FAQ dedicated to reviews, scores and what they mean. It just isn't that difficult and who gives a damn what anyone else thinks abut who you liked (or didn't)?

Fuck the chronic low scorers, the "she was beautiful/stunning" but scored her a 7 appearance, and double-fuck the guys who give a 10/10 because she was warm, willing and feigned a smile. I've got zero patience for the guy who saw a model-beautiful woman who rocked his world, and then scored her a 7/7 because he saw... oh my god... a stretch mark. Same for the guys who say "I only like 20-somethings" and then see a late-thirties gal only to slam her. WTF?  

Sorry Bigjoe... none of this was aimed at you. Just a slightly PUI rant

I agreed on the theoretical idea about the score, but there are some hobbyist that would grade more harsh but say that she is great in the session or she gave one of the best performance. you can find it under a lot of reviews. Also, there is some providers that are very concerned about the score and a less stellar score would get them upset.

Shouldn't we keep in mind that reviews are for furture hobbyists to evaluate potential friends and that each hobbyist has their own subjective criteria?  The purpose is not to make providers happy...we hope evaluations wiould be fair, but I'm not sure that is necessary to achieve the purpose.  As we grow more experienced, hopefully we learn to evaluate and judge a provider's entire body of work along with our own preferences before making a decision to contact.  Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom

Don't you love the complex beauty of this hobby

Hey Tony,

I definitely agree with you. However, there are some reviews that the score doesn't translate to the review. For instance, the hobbyist might say' I had a great time but didn't have the energy to continue' or ' I want to continue but had to get back to work' or etc.... I mean should the provider be penalize based upon his own fault? Also, there are some reviews that the guy never explained the reason for the low score. The guy would give compliments in the review but never explained what she did wrong. I said give a constructive and honest account.

Joe, I gotta tell it like it is....The score ain't about the providers feelings, sure the girls the read their reviews may get an ego boost from a 10/10 scoring hobbyist that she had a great time with....likewise she may get totally butt hurt for a 8/8 IF she thought she gave it her best...

You're a nice guy who wants to be everyones friend and never cause any bad feelings from something you write in a review, that is not why reviews are written, sure it helps calm the "need to tell somebody" urge that guys get when they have had their world rocked by a smoking hottie....But, it's supposed to be an accurate representation of what can be expected for the next guy and the next guy.....If you feel like the lady was a 5/5 then so be it, you aren't gonna be blacklisted by a reputable provider for a low score. If it was a horrible session because she misrepresented herself, had bad hygiene, upsold, or just plain rushed you thru, tell it like it's your time, your dime buddy...

Hey man, I definitely agree with you man on what you say. I say be honest in the review; however there are several guys needs to explain why the score is this. If a person reads the review saying ' I had a great time, but I was just too tired to continue ' or ' she was awesome, but I had to go back to work' or etc.... She is penalized because of him. I say make the review subjective and honest but match the score with the details.

If a hobbyist rates everyone a 10/10, his reviews have no value. Men want to read the truth in reviews so their expectations will be set reasonably. Is every restaurant review 5 stars? No, because that would not be accurate.

As a previous poster has pointed out, the reviews are for hobbyists. I hear your point about some ladies getting wrapped up in the numbers, but IMHO that says something about them.

A seasoned reviewer will read the actual verbiage, take into account the experience and track record of the reviewer, and probably ignore the score if it is a statistical anomaly.

Have a great weekend all!

i agree that a seasoned hobbyist will not just go by the score but actual review verbage.
I recently read a review that gave the lady a high score but the verbage didn't match the score.
The reviewer seemed disappointed by the lady's lack of GFE performance but still turns around and gives her 8s and 9s.
I think a lot of reviewers are afraid to write honest reviews; especially when it comes to well known providers and agencies out of fear of some kind of retaliation.
As a result, I'm very dismissive of reviewers that easily dole out 9s and 10s without the sufficient verbage to back it up.

I agree; however, there are some providers who are very concern about the score. Shoot even those who are on BP are very concern about the review. I have even heard that some BP providers threaten to blacklist hobbyist if they have a bad review from him.  

Some hobbyist don't know how to do it. I agree with you.

most dudes tend to want to help the lady out so attractive no longer means attractive it means she is average at best so most guys will inflate the grades.

as others have said its all about the generals and the juicies.  To answer your question I would see what she scores amongst others, I would read his experience and if still interested I would call her.

Despite the scoring criteria as provided, I, like others, use their own way of scoring.  The real meat of the review is in the details. Perhaps the guy is a low scorer. Good luck.

That is true. However, not a lot of people see you way there are hobbyist will look at the score and there are providers caught up on rankings or even the score itself.

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