
Re: Sorry this happened to you, but problems heresad_smile
ChanelLaBellexx See my TER Reviews 405 reads

Thank you girl for all your support I really appreciate it exactly the way you said it baby girl :*
Thank you ..

and lead to tragedy.

You should contact the sources that verified him and get him on a do not see list, pronto.

Very sorry to hear that this kind of thing happened to you.

ValuedCustomer533 reads

When you bring on the violence, you don't know what might happen.  Things get out of control and escalate.  He might have a heart condition.  He might have a Glock.  Headline reads :"Hooker and Pimp face death penalty for killing local minister".  or "Hooker and Pimp found dead in shootout at Ritz Carlton"  And it would read that way regardless of the relationship between you and your driver/security.  It's really not fair and in a better world he would get what's coming to him.  And maybe he will in the next world.  But we have to live in this one.

It would be really tragic especially when you just could have just walked away.  And you did.  Good for you!

But I really do understand the temptation...

You are the only person who can decide if you made all the correct decisions regarding this event.

Quite honestly, I think he should have been beaten to a pulp, but I applaud you for not letting your emotions get the best of you, violence always begets more violence and you never know where it will lead.    Press charges?  Well, it is the same disadvantage that johns have when things go bad, the authorities would eventually find out what you were doing.  I guess it depends on exactly how far he went with you and I certainly would not do a darned thing about the authorities without first consulting an attorney who can give you a full picture.    That being said,  at the very least, you should blacklist him on every site imaginable and you should divulge his handle, phone, etc. in the provider only forum.  

As for the ladies who provided a reference, I would not be so quick to jump the gun, they may not have experienced the same thing.   He may have tried it with others, but not the references.  That is one of the fears that I would have as a provider, a guy who behaves nicely with one set of women he uses as references while he behaves like a shit with others.   There is also the possibility that he made that up on the fly as an excuse for what he was doing even though he may not have tried it before.

Sorry it happened to you but glad to know that you are alright.   These idiots make us all look like assholes.

As I said above, I would not assume that the ladies who gave you a good reference had the same experience.   However, I would contact them, and anybody else who has provided an OK (P411) or who has been reviewed by him (TER) so that other ladies at least have a second thought about ever giving him a reference.

Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
 During my session the client decided to try and force himself upon me bb and I had to fight him off.
You agreed to protected intercourse.  He tried to force unprotected intercourse.  That is attempted rape.  

He tried to rape you... telling yourself that he tried to "force bb" is making less of this than what it is.  
This is a traumatic experience and you need to confront it for what it was and is.  PLEASE, make sure to get some help in coping with this.  I am sure you are a very strong, confident, and capable woman but this is something anyone would need help with to cope.  

Please please please don't blame yourself or mitigate the severity of his actions in any way.  

It does not matter in the slightest if he paid you, you paid him, or you both paid a goat to watch.

I already sent you a PM.  Please reach out if I can help at all.  


-- Modified on 5/5/2015 2:56:24 PM

Zangari592 reads

Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
 During my session the client decided to try and force himself upon me bb and I had to fight him off.  
 He assaulted you, so you need to report this to your screening site.  You should also post an alert about this violent client on your local board.  
Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
Now, I did not allow my driver to destroy him
 I was with you till you threw this stink bomb out there. Now I see the play.  Translation:  Driver =  pimp & enforcer.  
You're dealing in rough trade, both on the client side and on your side.  You're a high risk provider, and I'm not surprised this happened.  I'm glad you're ok, but I would never see someone like you.  Sorry.  --

I pay a regular driver, very similar to Uber. When I made him aware of the situation, you can imagine he was not impressed. I am independent who pays an assistant for verification and uses a driver as not to expose my vehicle to the trade. It amazes me that people automatically assume the worst.  
Thank you for your feedback.

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 4:40:34 PM

Zangari415 reads

Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
I pay a regular driver, very similar to Uber. It amazes me that people automatically assume the worst.  
  Here's what you wrote in your original post (which you edited afterwards):  
Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
Now, I did not allow my driver to destroy him
 The option to "destroy your client" isn't a service offered by Uber or anything like it.  "Destroying your client" is pimp-enforcer muscle.  --z

As a very close friend of Chanel's, I can tell you that your deduction of her statement is wrong....Had I been the one driving her, she'd have had to fight me to stop me from going after the douchebag....I'm neither her pimp or her enforcer, but I'll drive across the state if she needed..

Many ladies have a trusted friend who drives them and/or is their backup, that doesn't make that person a pimp, it makes them a resource...sorry to ruin any illusion you may have had about a girlfriend driving alone to see you

Kudos to you airmantroy.

It is the only right thing to do.

Zangari435 reads

Posted By: airmantroy
As a very close friend of Chanel's, I can tell you that your deduction of her statement is wrong....Had I been the one driving her, she'd have had to fight me to stop me from going after the douchebag....I'm neither her pimp or her enforcer --snip--
 Actually you just admitted to being a wannabe enforcer.  Maybe when you grow up.  --z

Obviously you've never met me, and will never meet her...the only thing I ever claim to be is a friend and a gentleman.

Have a great day, here's a link to the perfect place for you to begin your hobby career since you are so full of class....

Zangari417 reads

Posted By: airmantroy
Obviously you've never met me  --snip--
  Your post reveals quite a bit about you, Troy.   You're a wannabe pimp & enforcer.  You like the idea of driving a  hooker around, with your boy-like fantasy  of 'destroying' anyone who offends the princess.  Maybe your dream will come true.  I can see you sitting in your car in a hotel parking lot, jerking off while your hooker-girlfriend is fucking another guy.  

 That idea doesn't appeal to me at all.  And that's the difference between you & me.  --

You really don't know when to STFU do you?  

Please quit fantasizing about me sitting anywhere, I don't do guys, I don't destroy anyone....And judging by the amount of hair on my ass I'm far from a boy.......

Zangari351 reads

Posted By: airmantroy
You really don't know when to STFU do you?  
 Are you in "enforcer"' mode now?  Or are you auditioning for a high school musical.  It's hard to tell.  
Posted By: airmantroy
Please quit fantasizing about me sitting anywhere…  I don't destroy anyone....  
 Actually that is *your* fantasy, see your post below:  
Posted By: airmantroy
 Had I been the one driving her, she'd have had to fight me to stop me from going after the douchebag…I'll drive across the state if she needed..  
 You'd drive her across the state, you're such a faithful pet.  You should wear a dog collar.  
Posted By: airmantroy
And judging by the amount of hair on my ass I'm far from a boy
  You're a hairy ass boy wearing a dog collar.  Maybe you should stop making empty threats on this board.   That might help.   --z

Listen fucknut, I don't really know what your problem is, and honestly I do not give a damn about you...If you HAD of taken reading comprehension classes in elementary school, you MIGHT HAVE noticed I said (and I'm gonna capitalize it for your dumb ass)

HAD I been...Not one place anywhere did I say, I HAVE driven..I have NEVER driven a provider to an appointment, I have driven to a providers location and picked her up when the guy was a fucking moron (such as yourself)....

Judging by your comments I have 2 theories:
1. You couldn't get an appointment with Chanel...
2. You're a jealous washed up, worn out, extremely unattractive provider with a penchant for starting drama...

I'm loyal as a dog to my friends, I do not care what they do to pay the rent.

If you are half the loud mouth you are hiding behind the damn keyboard in your mom's basement, why don't you come up and introduce yourself sometime at a M&G..I'm a nice guy who doesn't take bullshit from idiots, and I don't sugar coat anything. I haven't made a single threat to anyone...only statements, again reading comprehension...

I will give you credit, those are some pretty funny comebacks..

That wasn't enforcer mode BTW, that was advice. If you ever want a reputable provider to see you, it helps to not call them hookers and such...

Now, if you have any other wiseass comments, do me a favor..PM me.

Zangari279 reads

Posted By: airmantroy
Listen fucknut...If you HAD of taken reading comprehension classes in elementary school, you MIGHT HAVE noticed I said ( HAD I been...Not one place anywhere did I say, I HAVE driven  --snip--
 I see.  HAD you been there, all sorts of bad shit would've happened to that client.   That's kind of what "Wannabe Enforcer" means, professor.
Posted By: airmantroy
 Judging by your comments I have 2 theories:   1. You couldn't get an appointment with Chanel...
 Oops, wrong.  Even your wannabe girlfriend Chanel would have to tell you that.  But nice try.    
Posted By: airmantroy
  2. You're a jealous washed up, worn out, extremely unattractive provider with a penchant for starting drama... .
 No one's ever accused me of being a provider,  lol.   Are you going to start driving me around.    
Posted By: airmantroy
If you are half the loud mouth you are hiding behind the damn keyboard in your mom's basement, why don't you come up and introduce yourself sometime at a M&G.
 Another veiled threat.  Bad shit is going down at that M&G  because Troy Boy wants to wave his dick around.  You're a danger to yourself & others.  
Posted By: airmantroy
 I haven't made a single threat to anyone...only statements, again reading comprehension... .
 You're making all kinds of threats.  Yawn.  --z

Wannabe girlfriend is she? I have never seen her professionally.

Look seriously, if you can't afford a $40 15 minute quick visit with someone off Backpage, I'll pony up the cash for you..Then you can write a nice raving review of the girl and get on the boards on Friday and shill for her, and you might even get 15 days worth of VIP to top it off...

By the way, excellent job on the multi-quote, and you even spelled everything correct you are impressing me more by the post..I might even spring for you a $60 QV if you keep it up.

You're entertaining me at this point, in case you don't realize it...

Zangari265 reads

Posted By: airmantroy
Wannabe girlfriend is she? I have never seen her professionally. ...
 You just like driving hookers around because what else could you possibly do with your life.  


Posted By: airmantroy
By the way, excellent job on the multi-quote…You're entertaining me at this point, in case you don't realize it...
  I'm glad you've calmed down.  You were able to string a few sentences together without threatening anyone.  --

Posted By: Zangari
  You just like driving hookers around because what else could you possibly do with your life.    
   I'm glad you've calmed down.  You were able to string a few sentences together without threatening anyone.  --z  
You mean other than baiting trolls and stringing them along for the shear amusement

Zangari287 reads

Posted By: airmantroy
You mean other than baiting trolls and stringing them along for the shear amusement?

I can vouch for Troy and he's a good dude and a gentlemen. He's always polite on the boards and I can't ever recall him "talking shit" about anyone or anything. He'll call it as he sees and maybe some people confuse the two, talking shit and being brutally honest

Chanel is a highly regarded lady in this biz. You not choosing to see providers like her only saves her the trouble of not having to deal with another douchebag. No means No.. even in this arena. Men who don't respect that should be taught a lesson.

Posted By: Zangari
Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
 During my session the client decided to try and force himself upon me bb and I had to fight him off.  
  He assaulted you, so you need to report this to your screening site.  You should also post an alert about this violent client on your local board.  
Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
Now, I did not allow my driver to destroy him
  I was with you till you threw this stink bomb out there. Now I see the play.  Translation:  Driver =  pimp & enforcer.  
 You're dealing in rough trade, both on the client side and on your side.  You're a high risk provider, and I'm not surprised this happened.  I'm glad you're ok, but I would never see someone like you.  Sorry.  --z    

Thank you girl for all your support I really appreciate it exactly the way you said it baby girl :*
Thank you ..

I know it is not easy to talk about your rules before the session begins. Kind of breaks the spontaneity, but it is important that both of you start with an understanding of what is acceptable and end feeling that neither of you was cheated.

I am very upfront and communicative in my sessions. I am not the type that jumps right in the sack. Especially with a new friend, or in this case not friend.

I've never once had to "establish the ground rules" in order to not be forced into bareback. That's an unsaid, unnecessary to state basic, right up there with "I'd like to leave this appointment alive, healthy, and unscathed." I don't have to state that as well as part of the ground rules do I?

GaGambler522 reads

There are varying degrees of force that a guy who doesn't respect boundaries can use, each deserving of a different level of response.

I would say that if he simply tried to "slip it in" that would merit not much more than a stern "no" on your part. At the opposite end of the scale is if he pinned you down, you said no, he tried to force his way into you as you were pinned by him and it took you fighting back like a wild cat to keep him from "having his way with you" Now THAT IMO deserves a completely different level of response. A stern talking to by a LARGE gentleman friend followed by several days of forced hospital bed rest after the "talking to" would seem appropriate to me.

At the very least you need to warn your sister providers, this is probably not the place to "name names" (or is it?), but at the very least you need to post this again on the PO board, complete with the douche bags identity.

I am aware no means no but do you think you may have given him the wrong idea?
ie bbbj followed by the glide and slide?

How did you stop him?  Did he stop when you asked?

"I had to fight him off"

Posted By: foguete69
I am aware no means no but do you think you may have given him the wrong idea?  
 ie bbbj followed by the glide and slide?  
 How did you stop him?  Did he stop when you asked?

sorry to hear this.  
stay safe and post the guys info on provider board

You should have let your security fuck him up to the depths of the hell from which he came. I'm sorry. I don't know the intrinsic details and how violent it got or how much you had to push him off or how long it took him to get it but it doesn't matter at all. Even trying it shows that there was no respect for you whatsoever. Bareback indeed occurs in this world and his dumbass might have been jaded bc of what very few others may have allowed him to do but how is that at all relevant to YOU. We all know that it occurs but for a boy to force himself upon you is indeed wrong and when he went further or ignored your wishes for even a second afterwards, is it not ATTEMPTED RAPE? I'm sorry but he would have learned a hard lesson today about human decency and what happens when you don't give it.  

As far as practical solutions to destroy this tool or make other ladies aware of this criminal, I hope you are getting PMs and I am sure you are getting them.  

Sorry for this happening to you Chanel. Really damn sorry. I apologize for my curse words but your post just enraged the hell out of me. I hope you will be ok.

Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx
Hello all,  
 I would like to touch on a very unpleasant subject and share an experience I had today.  
 My goal here is to gather some feedback, support, and maybe a bit of justice.  
 This morning I had a client that was verified by my assistant by references that I thought were trustworthy.  
 During my session the client decided to try and force himself upon me bb and I had to fight him off. His reasoning was that since other providers let him do it.........  
 Now, I did not allow my driver to destroy him and I do understand the risk I take in my profession. But, I am very disgruntled at the moment and would like some feedback on a reasonable course of action or some words of support.  
 I would also like this to be a reminder for ladies to be forthcoming and honest in your replies for references. Secondly, gentleman what is your take on this? Should I have allowed my security to create a ruckus? Ladies and Gentleman what are my options?  
 I apologize for this rant and it's ugly subject matter.  
 Shiva / Chanel LaBelle

Thank you for the kind words. Thankfully I was able to show restraint and good self defense in the situation.

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 4:37:20 PM

I'm a little confused with this story. You stated that he tried to force BB. what was being done that he would think he could get away with BB? What did his reference say in their verification of this client? One thing I learned is that if a person try something once they prop have tried it twice. Has he done it to other providers? And if so wonder why isn't he on the list to not be seen avoid at any cost? We are only reading one side to this story.  Just my thoughts.

  During my session the client decided to try and force himself upon me bb and I had to fight him off. His reasoning was that since other providers let him do it.........  
  Now, I did not allow my driver to destroy him and I do understand the risk I take in my profession. But, I am very disgruntled at the moment and would like some feedback on a reasonable course of action or some words of support.  
  I would also like this to be a reminder for ladies to be forthcoming and honest in your replies for references. Secondly, gentleman what is your take on this? Should I have allowed my security to create a ruckus? Ladies and Gentleman what are my options?  
  I apologize for this rant and it's ugly subject matter.  
  Shiva / Chanel LaBelle

There is no excuse.  Don't care if a bbbj followed a slide and glide and you telling him it felt better than life itself.  If you said stop, the answer is stop.  

American Sniper Chris Kyle's company had a logo that reads "In spite of what your momma told you, violence does solve problems"  Makes a lot of sense.

Should have let driver handle him.  Make sure every woman you can reach knows.

Posted By: ChanelLaBellexx

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 3:43:57 PM

As with other underground economic activities there is no real criminal or civil routes in the court. If Bob grabs a hooters' waitress' ass then the waitress can press assault charges. An assault by definition is any unwanted touching. The waitress can also take Bob to civil court to get compensation from the ass grab.

In the hobby there is not much to do. The only thing you can do is let other providers know what happened. I would post his TER handle/ P411/Datecheck on the PO board. I would also talk to his references to make sure they revoke his references.

I disagree. the government being involved rarely makes anything better.  
Assault is still assault.  

Posted By: wheelchairman
As with other underground economic activities there is no real criminal or civil routes in the court. If Bob grabs a hooters' waitress' ass then the waitress can press assault charges. An assault by definition is any unwanted touching. The waitress can also take Bob to civil court to get compensation from the ass grab.  
 In the hobby there is not much to do. The only thing you can do is let other providers know what happened. I would post his TER handle/ P411/Datecheck on the PO board. I would also talk to his references to make sure they revoke his references.  

ValuedCustomer438 reads

just not realistic even if she were hospitalized.  Same with rape.  The DA is just not going to go the grand jury with it even if she decided that destroying her personal life was worth it.  The real problem is that when people do not have alternatives to seek justice and redress in the courts - they provide their own.

I do agree with you in the general principle that government involvement does not improve things.  However, WCM was talking about getting government OUT of the business of persecuting sex workers.   In other words, reducing involvement.   There is a difference between decriminalized or legalized as opposed to regulated.  Regulated would seriously suck but would still be better than existing situation.  If it were over regulated - the  providers would just "opt out" and all we would be talking about are civil issues and fines...

The first thing that would happen is permitting or certification of providers. Government likes its cut and the encouragement of the business would push to less independents and more agencies. Easier model to chase down fees and more importantly income taxes. Also I'm sure a weekly health screen and certification would be put in place.  

It would be Orwellian.

**Goodfella**311 reads

I agree with WCM. Legalization or non-criminalization of the hobby does exist and work in varying degrees in other parts of the world (including in economically developed countries). To imply that nothing good comes out of all gov't involvement does sound like a generalization and absolutism not supported by the facts.

Posted By: foguete69
The first thing that would happen is permitting or certification of providers. Government likes its cut and the encouragement of the business would push to less independents and more agencies. Easier model to chase down fees and more importantly income taxes. Also I'm sure a weekly health screen and certification would be put in place.  
 It would be Orwellian.

Those other economically developed countries do not face the same issies as the U.S. imigration being ine of those issues.

Posted By: **Goodfella**
I agree with WCM. Legalization or non-criminalization of the hobby does exist and work in varying degrees in other parts of the world (including in economically developed countries). To imply that nothing good comes out of all gov't involvement does sound like a generalization and absolutism not supported by the facts.  
Posted By: foguete69
The first thing that would happen is permitting or certification of providers. Government likes its cut and the encouragement of the business would push to less independents and more agencies. Easier model to chase down fees and more importantly income taxes. Also I'm sure a weekly health screen and certification would be put in place.    
  It would be Orwellian.

I am sorry that you went through that. Right now, especially in this environment, sexual assault is growing at a rate that is hard to control. A lot of women don't know how to defend themselves. Luckily, you know self defense to defend yourself. you didn't deserve this treatment.  When the guy mentioned about getting this service, it could of been a special favor from those providers that felt comfortable in doing this. Personally, it is really dangerous in doing that based upon the different disease risk but each of their own. however, that guy was really wrong. Glad you are ok.

I really appreciate the support ♡♡♡thank you

Y'all going to ask what she was wearing, how much she had to drink, if she was "asking for it."  

Really? Take self defense classes? Stripper slide? Rapists cause rape, not defenseless women or our actions. Period.

I'm so sorry this happened to you, Chanel. But, I'm glad you were not injured. I hope he gets what's coming to him. And, don't let anyone tell you that you did anything wrong. It is always the rapist's fault they try to rape. Not yours.

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 10:20:15 AM

Merci  for your supporting me sister,
Like  a big persian history man said ones,


The sons of Adam are limbs of each other,
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time affects one limb
The other limbs cannot remain at rest.
If you have no sympathy for the troubles of others,
You are unworthy to be called by the name of a Human....Iranian poet Sa'adi, from the 13th century,  
Thank you again for all your feedback even some of them are not making any sense to me
End of day I am strong and I know the are women like me out there that the will defense there self no matter what ..

I mean that other guys feedback ...i am still in shock why people can't understand no means no :(

Their is no tolerance for someone to be like this to you Chanel or any woman. No means no regardless.  Sorry to hear this happen to such a beautiful wonderful woman.

Some guys need a good olé ass kickin!  Good for you that you were able to protect yourself.  

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