
Re: My quuestion is......
foguete69 38 Reviews 825 reads

I have known a 'tute  or two that entertained uncle Leo.  
Hell Gwinnett Co assistant DA was. GC patron and got caught up in this.

-- Modified on 1/23/2017 1:30:39 PM

Datylicks4036 reads

Looks like since the recent events things will change. Going to be tough going forward. I had hoped to have a fun filled year but now I am on the fence on whether or not to just to walk away. One thing I can say is I had some great times but I don't know now if it's worth the risk. Can't believe what has happened but maybe we better get use to the new world. Me being a fan of agencies has left me with little to fall back on. I love the indys as well but it has been awhile. Would be basically starting over. Guest I'll try getting a 411 membership and see were that takes me. Want to thank all the ladies out there, just in case, it's been a great ride!

wrps071431 reads

And consider hobbying outside of the US. Take a few trips a year if you can.

And give up on the reputable indys that are here?  Seems like everyone is giving up.  Due diligence and doing the proper homework will give you the best results.  Don't falter, don't let things take you away from what you enjoy.  BE SMART.  Work towards that goal and succeed.  It's not completely over.  It's a hurdle,  and we as persevering humans over come obstacles.  Hang in there everybody.  It's a rough ride now, but it'll get better and be OKAY.  

Besides, I've moved up north and I think I'm in a good way.  

Take care ya'll.  xoxoxoxo


Datylicks1085 reads

Thanks Khori, already looking at ways to over come this set back. I agree, just should not pack up for assholes. I am working on it. Thank you for the input. Don't think I'll be traveling to Mexico just to have fun when there are plenty women here in the ATL.

Meet some nice indys.  Ask them to introduce you to some of their friends.  Before you know it, you'll have a big network of ladies to enjoy.  Nothing illegal about two (or more lol) consenting adults having intimate fun.  And there is nothing illegal about giving a friend a nice gift.

The sky is not falling, merely evolving.


And thank you for sticking it out with all the crazy shit happening!  You ROCK!  :) Oops missed your post!  You are the man!  Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxox

-- Modified on 1/22/2017 6:59:31 PM

Damn Khori; I'm going to start having you make the rounds with me to give motivational talks. You go girl!

Just speaking my mind.  Thanks, lol. Where there's a will, there's a way!

JakeFromStateFarm746 reads

Most hookers (and other people) in places like Costa Rica speak English.

How are we going to "Make America Great Again" with this kind of thinking? We have a "Yuge" group of fantastic ladies right here. "Buy American" damnit!

But agencies should be moving in calls (I would had been if still operating).  
Or agencies need to be working with girls who have their own place.  
Or even using an agency not in Dunwoody and not in delkalb county may help.  

I'm not 100%  sure where everything went down.  

Just food for thought. It's ok just as long as you see an agency making changes.  


StirThePot986 reads

Posted By: EssentialLadies
But agencies should be moving in calls (I would had been if still operating).  
 Or agencies need to be working with girls who have their own place.  
 Or even using an agency not in Dunwoody and not in delkalb county may help.  
 I'm not 100%  sure where everything went down.  
 Just food for thought. It's ok just as long as you see an agency making changes.  
If there were any agencies left to make changes......

Posted By: StirThePot
Posted By: EssentialLadies
But agencies should be moving in calls (I would had been if still operating).    
  Or agencies need to be working with girls who have their own place.    
  Or even using an agency not in Dunwoody and not in delkalb county may help.    
  I'm not 100%  sure where everything went down.    
  Just food for thought. It's ok just as long as you see an agency making changes.    
If there were any agencies left to make changes......

Were still around with a few different incall options

So, you would USE girls that have their own incall? And only provide marketing and setting up appointments, and then take a percentage of their money?  Sounds like a great plan for YOU.  Wow.  

...that I would avoid is all. Always hated those to use you. The agencies I knew would use you for all they could and still ask for more. These got greedy, too much traffic, overworked their girls probably, got complaints and got caught.  

One girl as an independent doesn't draw those complaints. That's obvious, I hope. Independents also feel less used. I know that. Why wouldn't a hobbyist prefer that? Drive, fly, or whatever to Mexico instead? That's crazy to me.

I agree that agencies get greedy. Which is why I mentioned that agencies should cap ladies at 2 right now.  

When I operated I liked spreading sessions an hour apart and no more then three sessions a day unless a Lady had asked for more. Some could do 4. I really did not like having them do more then that. I always talked about burn out. If a Lady has a super busy week she needs to take several days off to rest and if "her time".  

Agencies really need to care about the over all physical and emotional well being of someone they are working with.  

Anyway like I mentioned before that was a long time ago.  


I have in the past worked with girls who had their own incalls yes. (Their choice).  

Paid for ads.  
Took their calls.  
Answered their emails.  
Managed their scheduled.  
Managed their clients.  
Screened clients.  
Paid for photo shoots.  
Edited photos to their liking.  
They had access to our message board for posting.  
Processed their cc's with my merchant account.  
And the % naturally was less then ladies I had incalls for.  

But that was a long time ago.  

If an agency is ONLY useful for their incall then that's not a good agency. An agency has a responsibility to keep the women they're working with busy and help them maintain a good revenue. It's about good promotion, marketing, communication and a partnership based on trust and professionalism.  


Posted By: Khori
So, you would USE girls that have their own incall? And only provide marketing and setting up appointments, and then take a percentage of their money?  Sounds like a great plan for YOU.  Wow.  

but to me you're nothing but a pimp.  Good day.

Posted By: Khori
but to me you're nothing but a pimp.  Good day.

Do you really feel this way?

She doesn't live in Georgia I've heard, and runs girls without taking care of them, and expects money in return?  I mean if she is a screener only that's a different story.  They don't charge a high percentage.  I don't know, there's a fine line that is being crossed I think.  Scares me.  

CantSleep741 reads

Anybody honestly putting forth deposits as a suggested safety measure is to be ignored.

No, I'm not a pimp. I have not ran an agency in over 5 years I reside in two other states both up North one on the East coast and one on the West coast.  

I took My life in a different direction when I burned out.  

I have seen companies that work directly with independents helping them with booking and screening.  Are they pimps if directly hired by an independent who needs help?  

I have met a variety of lovely Women over the years and fantastic gentlemen.  
I don't know you Khori, but I'm not calling you a whore.
But people may judge you and call you that; they don't understand all the work you put into being an independent. Everything you provide, put thought into and the own self promotion, marketing, screening and so on you have to do.  So what do you call yourself?  A provider?  A companion?  I'm not stirring a pot here.  
It's all semantics.  

And I doubt I fit the definition of a pimp.
I don't feel in the past I ever took advantage of women.  
Some Women do not have the time nor entrepreneurial mindset to be a full independent.  
Some Women need to hire an agency or assistant and prefer it just as you prefer being independent. Women are going to do what feels right for them.  

(Let's note that many independents enjoyed getting references from agencies).  

In Nevada the only legal state; the only way things can be ran are at brothels. And they take a lot from those Women, but they pay a lot to Drs, for the location and special taxes and licensing.  
Everyone has a story, a history.  
Some stories are filled with rumors and gossip, but I am the type who prefers it from the horses mouth.  

Either way no lady should work somewhere where they feel taken advantage of.  
I am an independent entertainer (yes you heard that right) although not an escort and I was an independent escort before I ever owned an agency.  

So with that said I support agencies and independents. Men have preferences too and some utilize both.  

I came her to pass my condolences to the horrible thing that happened in Atlanta. A well known agency is gone and so many people are scared. That gut fear is terrifying. I simply wanted to pass my personal thoughts and opinions whether people agree or disagree.  

I will be dropping this discussion at this point and completely support my home town and the adult community there. Women have rights! Let's see to it that we work hard for them to have them.  

Thank you,  

Posted By: Khori
but to me you're nothing but a pimp.  Good day.

Some agencies have made it difficult for others here in Atlanta.  The whole city may or may not be shut down.  I'm not out and out blaming agencies,  but it seems that someone somewhere became careless.  Yes, business is suffering for some.  Atlanta has become dangerous for all sex workers at this time.  Am I pissed?  A little.  I just think with some of the cavalier posts by agencies, they don't really give a shit.  This is my opinion.  I have one.  It's a total bummer what has happened to all.  Just a shame.  

GaGambler860 reads

Agencies provide a necessary service, I know there is a lot of "anti agency" sentiment going around right now, which means the community is playing right into the hands of LE.  

Every one is turning on everyone, and Atlanta is on the verge of going back to the "bad old days" when virtually every agency was a rip. Atlanta has, until recently I suppose, garnered a reputation as being one the very best agency towns in the entire country. Sniping at each other isn't going to help.

I have known "M" for well over a decade and she doesn't deserve these harsh words, she didn't get anyone busted, LE did that. You are fighting the wrong enemy here.

I NEVER said her!  Maybe calling her a pimp was "harsh", but, her post about running girls with their own incalls sounded fucked up to me.  I never blamed M for anything.  Don't accuse me of that.  Maybe I am anti agency.  So?  I mean look at what the hell is going on.  You don't need to worry, you go to Costa Rica to get your pussy, no skin off your nose, lol.  And besides, she is not my enemy.  I don't have or garner enemies at this time in my life.  I'm making my own personal statement about agencies in general.  LE wouldn't have busted them if they weren't careless in some capacity.  It could happen to ANYONE, if they don't do their due diligence.  

StirThePot719 reads

Posted By: Khori
I NEVER said her!  Maybe calling her a pimp was "harsh", but, her post about running girls with their own incalls sounded fucked up to me.  I never blamed M for anything.  Don't accuse me of that.  Maybe I am anti agency.  So?  I mean look at what the hell is going on.  You don't need to worry, you go to Costa Rica to get your pussy, no skin off your nose, lol.  And besides, she is not my enemy.  I don't have or garner enemies at this time in my life.  I'm making my own personal statement about agencies in general.  LE wouldn't have busted them if they weren't careless in some capacity.  It could happen to ANYONE, if they don't do their due diligence.  
By your tone, I'm guessing you don't have "guys stacked up like planes on a runway"?

No,  I don't.  I'm in school 40 hours a week and have a life besides here.  I don't want or need guys stacked up like that either.  I'm okay.  Besides, is that a good thing? LOL.  

cannonballthud648 reads

And a career is escorting at the same time after years already in the business. I know I'm impressed. Guess you just have it together more than the rest of us lowly people (eye roll)

Bullshit. You're bitching and pissed because your worried about losing cash. If you weren't, you wouldn't be posting about it. You know, with your busy school schedule and all.

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit

Yes, I go to school Tuesday through Saturday, Cosmetology school.  Why is that bullshit?  It's an 8 hour day.  Maybe you should check it out before you call me bullshit.  I moved up north,  no, I haven't been working much at all.  The move was enough for me, haven't had a whole lot of time to work.  It's true, I'm not as busy as I used to be 8 years ago.  Very true, but again, I don't have time to sit here all day dressed up.  Pissed about losing cash?  No, I'm not a busy gal.  There are many more young and pretty girls so the competition is out of this world.  That's why I am getting an education so I can move on and start a new life.  I have nothing to hide from anyone.  Thanks for your thoughtful post.    



GaGambler749 reads

Can you honestly imagine a horn dog like me waiting to take a trip out of the country to get laid? If I go more than 48 hours without pussy I become VERY grumpy. lol

Agencies have ALWAYS had a bigger target on their backs than all but the most blatant and careless indies. We all know that ANYONE at ANYTIME can get busted no matter how careful they are if LE sets their mind to it. Due diligence, good screening, etc can bring the odds down, but no one in this business is operating 100% risk free.

This is hardly the first, nor will it be the last time we have had an "agency scare". and every time it happens at leas some Chickens Little will be predicting the end of the hobby as we know it, but every time after a cooling off period life goes back to normal. You have been here long enough to know this.

We don't need more hysteria here, we just need to take a few precautions and some of us of course probably need to keep their heads down for a while and life will get back to normal. What we don't need is for the community to turn on each other like they did a few years back in the DC/VA/MD area. THAT is what LE is hoping for and THAT would be playing right into their hands.

I hear ya!  Yes,  hysteria, not a good thing.  We ALL make mistakes, duly noted.  It's just still a bummer.  Where as I was generally nervous, now I'm completely scared.  But, with proper screening and really doing a good job of it, we can all be safe and prosper and GET LAID!  I have nothing against agencies per se,  just bummed, and wonder how Atlanta will recover.  Guess only time is the answer.  

Be good and go FUCK someone!  :) LOL

You've dealt with her on the buy side. I've dealt with her on the listing agreement. Greedy fucking pig!

Posted By: GaGambler
Agencies provide a necessary service, I know there is a lot of "anti agency" sentiment going around right now, which means the community is playing right into the hands of LE.  
 Every one is turning on everyone, and Atlanta is on the verge of going back to the "bad old days" when virtually every agency was a rip. Atlanta has, until recently I suppose, garnered a reputation as being one the very best agency towns in the entire country. Sniping at each other isn't going to help.  
 I have known "M" for well over a decade and she doesn't deserve these harsh words, she didn't get anyone busted, LE did that. You are fighting the wrong enemy here.

GaGambler676 reads

I too have had my differences with "M" The latest time was when I gave her shit for her tagline of years past "She has spoken" which just sounded so "Roseanne Barr" to me.

That said, she is 100% legit, her "rates" are between her and the ladies she does business with and none of my concern. I have actually dated a girl or two that has worked for her, but that was so many years ago I doubt it has any relevance today.

My main point still stands, Indy's ripping agencies has been going on for as long as any of us can remember, and it's hardly a healthy debate. Not all women are capable of running their own business, agencies fill a need, both for the women who don't want to handle advertising, booking, and everything else that goes along with being an independent hooker, and for the guys who like the convenience of booking through an agency, especially the guys who can only book short notice, or like to have a "fall back" option in case the indy they book flakes out on them, not that that EVER happens of course. lol

For a lady working with an agency, charging, say 300 for an hour's dance, drinks, etc. What part of that fee does the marketing director take? Inquiring minds would like to know. Indy ladies get things they advertise as liking, and/or Tips:)) Always have wondered what the marketing director takes so that it could be replaced. Based on the above hourly fee.

From what most have told me, the house get 40%

Posted By: birdluvr69
For a lady working with an agency, charging, say 300 for an hour's dance, drinks, etc. What part of that fee does the marketing director take? Inquiring minds would like to know. Indy ladies get things they advertise as liking, and/or Tips:)) Always have wondered what the marketing director takes so that it could be replaced. Based on the above hourly fee.

if the agency failed to screen correctly is it possible that LE got refrences to get on the various M(G lists. I worry about the possibility that the  M&G's could be infiltrated. A long shot I know as there id nothing illegal going on during these events. Still I would like to know if any LE actually went through with a session during this investigation.Using tax money to break the law themselves.. I can remember this happening in Miami years ago. When it all came to light that Vice officers were actually going through with full service paid for with tax money it all went away. Why isn't the press asking if this went on?

I have known a 'tute  or two that entertained uncle Leo.  
Hell Gwinnett Co assistant DA was. GC patron and got caught up in this.

-- Modified on 1/23/2017 1:30:39 PM

Absolutely zero problem for Uncle leo to undergo screening to be a client of many agencies and be
a regular at any of the parties for the community, if they were so inclined.

playingsafe745 reads

a fly in the ointment.  I can see how that could reasonably happen with an LE agency being very aggressive and given enough time to play it out.  And the press would never report that angle, even if it did happen.

it turned into a real shit storm for the city govt. Many vice officers were outed to their wives and families for getting BJ's or full service as part of their jobs paid for with TAX dollars. If that turns out to be the case here  the defense attorneys should find out in "Discovery: and spread the word. Bring a little Heat on the Heat so to speak.

-- Modified on 1/24/2017 9:28:48 PM

SEX SELLS     still rules. Can you imagine the Don Henly said "Give us Dirty Laundry"

-- Modified on 1/24/2017 10:26:14 PM

I called a lady I'd seen a few times and didn't leave a voice mail.  Some kingshit cop called me back right away and knew my name and address.  I've been overly cautious since then.  Even though I'm divorced, I have a son and daughter and don't want to get fucked up in court.  I just need to find a few ladies to see on a regular basis.  What's the difference if I spend money on a date, or just give it to her?  All the sick crime out there and fucking cops want to bust people for sex. There's my rant.

StirThePot684 reads

Posted By: nickmach
I called a lady I'd seen a few times and didn't leave a voice mail.  Some kingshit cop called me back right away and knew my name and address.  I've been overly cautious since then.  Even though I'm divorced, I have a son and daughter and don't want to get fucked up in court.  I just need to find a few ladies to see on a regular basis.  What's the difference if I spend money on a date, or just give it to her?  All the sick crime out there and fucking cops want to bust people for sex. There's my rant.
Don't pay her for sex (that's a big no-no in this state).

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