
Re: I'm a pig, so...
LisaWilson1228 See my TER Reviews 295 reads

Thank you for your insight it was very resourceful. I'm sure my qualities uphold, but I need to be a bit less selfish  

Posted By: PRS2005
my list starts with the obvious body and face. Both must be hot.  
 Conversational ability is also important, but if  it's lacking but body and face are not, it can  be a mute session.  
 Sense of humor, desire to try things fun, and a definite desire to please me are important. A couple of providers who've stuck in my mind made it clear from the moment I walked into the room that it was all ab out me.  One I swear must have given me sixteen BJ's, including one as I was headed out the door.  

What Do You look For In a provider?  What will Make You Choose Or Not Choose a Female? Describe the perfect Date. Dominant or Submissive? Turn Ons /Offs ?

Def GFE -DFK, BBBJ and DATY.  Some serious passion helps, along with a willingness to try out some fetishes.  Turn offs - bad attitude, not being fresh.

So cleanliness, Reapect, and Bei ng open minded big help thanks

Good question, Miss Wilson - thank you for asking.

I look for a girl with an adventurous, fun attitude that is open to exploring her sexuality (and mine of course).  Someone who is responsive, creative, enjoys kissing (and all things oral cum to think of it, lol).  I like ladies that want to have fun and that don't take themselves too seriously.  A woman with a sharp mind and keen wit who enjoys all kinds of role play will shine like a diamond in a coalmine for me.

And a nice booty doesn't hurt either.  ;-)

Turn offs...  You don't have to be overly submissive - but don't try to control me.  Clock watching, bossiness, overacting, not willing to follow my lead or take suggestion.  Having no sense of humor or adventure.  Not being polite or respectful.  Not being appreciative of me as a client or as a person.  Any of those will guarantee a no repeat from me.

-- Modified on 4/3/2016 10:24:45 AM

Very well written and understood. You look for the cool girl friend with benefits. You can talk to easily and also be yourself with.

PRS2005369 reads

my list starts with the obvious body and face. Both must be hot.

Conversational ability is also important, but if  it's lacking but body and face are not, it can  be a mute session.

Sense of humor, desire to try things fun, and a definite desire to please me are important. A couple of providers who've stuck in my mind made it clear from the moment I walked into the room that it was all ab out me.  One I swear must have given me sixteen BJ's, including one as I was headed out the door

Thank you for your insight it was very resourceful. I'm sure my qualities uphold, but I need to be a bit less selfish  

Posted By: PRS2005
my list starts with the obvious body and face. Both must be hot.  
 Conversational ability is also important, but if  it's lacking but body and face are not, it can  be a mute session.  
 Sense of humor, desire to try things fun, and a definite desire to please me are important. A couple of providers who've stuck in my mind made it clear from the moment I walked into the room that it was all ab out me.  One I swear must have given me sixteen BJ's, including one as I was headed out the door.  

There are certain things that I look for in a provider. I look for someone who is a great communicator,  someone who is clean and DDD free. I look for someone who I feel that I can have a great time in meeting. Also, I like someone who treat me like a person and not like an object because I had experienced that before and that doesn't feel good.

Turnoffs: doesn't respect me, not clean, someone who is dishonest, clockwatcher, and other things.

In My Not So Humble Opinion:

To answer your second question first - I have never nor will I ever willing book a TS provider due to a complete lack of interest. I also admit being highly suspicious of any reviewer who rates the appearance of a TS higher than a woman. "To each his own", but just not me.

Turn Ons:
Like any man I'm attracted by certain physical characteristics. Generally speaking, I like natural looking T&A curves (man made or not), clear skin, and if faces are shown - bright eyes and sincere smile;
A woman who has a Board presence that's witty, wise, and relatively grammatically correct. Common interests are welcome - though I'm looking for a date more than a SO. Still, chemistry makes for a better time by all.;
A woman who can 'go with the flow'.... allow me to lead but also use/instruct me to get herself some measure of sexual satisfaction (My ego is boosted most by that glow a woman gets, the kind not readily faked).

Basically, I'm the Johnny Carson joke about "Sex is 90% mental, but boy does that other 10% feel really good" kind of man.

Providers who moan like Sally/Meg Ryan when you tough her leg;  
Heavy make-up that obscures any natural beauty;  
Providers who have a good online presence because their handlers/assistants write their posts for them. In these cases, I often think that I had rather seen the assistant;  
Lie about age (do not claim to be 24 in your ads and websites for 10 years, some of us have been around a while);  
Being called Daddy by someone my daughter's age. Sure I like a young coed who might be "my daughter's roommate who keeps me company until my daughter comes back from studying at the library (hope we don't get caught)" kind of fantasy, but being called Daddy makes it a bit too incestuous sounding;

Perfect Date: There's not just one. What I consider "perfect" with one woman doesn't necessarily apply to anyone else.

You got a whole nickel's worth of my mind today folks,  

I'll use the word provert since I consider myself a professional pervert. Like any guy the visual attraction will lure me in first, guys are visual creatures after all. Tastefully done pictures that are more than just shots of a gals ass or boobs even if she has a her face blurred you can see enough to fill in the blanks with imagination.  

For me personally a gals personality is one of the main attractions. Funny, quirky and not prone to taking herself too seriously will usually have me headed to the ATM, provided the looks have lured me first then the personality sets the hook.  

Dominant or submissive? Maybe I'm an oddball but I prefer equal. More of the illusion we met at a bar or whatever and are both into each other versus the whole I'm here to serve you 50's housewife persona. That sure as hell don't happen in real life so if she's over the top with that kind of attitude it ruins the illusion.  

Perfect date? Like someone said depends on the gal or even the mood of the day. I've had a few dates that I look back on that where perfect with the lady involved but the same experience with another lady wouldn't have been as cool. Sometimes it's the little things that stick in a guys head (you can't take anything with you but memories from this anyhow), one gal I remember her and I sharing a Marlboro in a hotel parking lot walking to dinner after a particularly rousing tryst and while the behind closed doors fun was off the charts I can see that image of her as I lit her smoke under the street lights more vividly than I can the other things in my mind. Funny how a mind works. Insert another lady in that scene and it wouldn't have been the same. Put her in another place and time and it wouldn't have been the same. Same for other memories I have of "dates" the good ones all left great memories but there is no one size fits all answer to what made each one perfect at least to this fella.  

Hopefully that helps ya out, be confident in you and own it and you'll give some lucky fellas some happy memories. Just let things be what they turn out to be.

All of the responses are excellent, and they all reflect the mind-boggling diversity that comprises this hobby universe.  There is a virtually infinite combination of needs and desires on the part of clients, including a few that have been posted here that had me reaching for the urban dictionary.  Physical attributes desired by clients are equally diverse.  I could summarize my responses to your questions, but that would have little value to you because a dozen other guys would have a dozen different responses.

In my experience, the ladies who have been successful in the long term are those who have figured out what THEY enjoy and have found a way to project that.  When they do that well, then the client experiences EXACTLY what they expected.  I've had very highly regarded ladies sit on the couch with me sipping wine and getting acquainted for 15 minutes, then lead me to the bedroom and rock our mutual world.  I've had another kiss me at the door, lead me into the living room and say: "get those clothes off, I want to see what I'm getting."  Then led me into the bedroom for a session just like those above except a bit wilder.  In all of those cases, the reviews had told me what to expect and my expectations were met, even though the environment was very different.

So, I'd suggest that you mirror those questions for yourself.  Find the sweet spot that matches your particular combination of characteristics and then project that.  You'll get a lot of happy clients, IMHO.

Sometimes you feel like a nut... sometimes you don't.  

In other words - I am not looking for the same thing every time and I doubt that's unusual.  This is one of the perks of paying for it.  There are times I feel like getting my freak on - and times I just want to unwind a bit with an FWB experience.

You can't be everything to everybody.   But if I have a pretty good idea of what's on offer... that's a good thing.

-- Modified on 4/4/2016 8:57:53 PM

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