
Re: Even the Village Idiot got this one right
EssentialLadies See Agency Profile 357 reads

What a minute folks. As I said before I was not even remotely thinking of doing something like this.  

I had some provider friends asking me what I thought about this as a screening method and so I decided to post to ask you folks.  

Come on, I have got my screening down and many agencies and I dependents trusted our references, why the hell would I need to do that?  I wouldn't!  Lol.  

Just getting feedback for some friends if you must know chill.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I would never consider sending a deposit even for a second. Personally I think it would ruin the good rep you spent years building, and quite frankly it's the dumbest idea you've ever had.

Even dumber that the "She has spoken" sign off you used to use. lol

Actually I think the responses you have been getting are a lot kinder that they could have been. Had you been someone new here, I believe you would have been run out of town on a rail for even asking the question.

I was curious to know your thoughts on a provider requesting a deposit as a part of their screening?  I mean just a small deposit like $50 which goes towards the session.  

I see many Pros here for providers.  

1. Less occurrences of someone standing up a girl.  

2. It helps with screening.  

3. Assures the clients sincerely on meeting.  

I know some may not like the idea but how do you guys feel about it?  

Thank you,  

HOsBuzters560 reads

Oh HELL yeah!  Should we email our Credit Card info, or just send cash?  
   Hmmmmm...  also might be able to send gold bullion, if that would be better!    

.... Seriously?? Not a chance.  Here's why:  

Not too long ago, I had pre-scheduled with a known agency here in ATL and sent verifiable references. When the date of the confirmed hour-long session arrived, and I emailed, texted, and tried calling (well in advance) for the location....
 I Got NO answers. Finally, after my time I got an email asking where I was and accusing me of being a no-show or worse!  

I like to give the benefit of the doubt, and NO ONE shoul do anything that doesn't seem like a good idea,  but after some back and forth, I had no choice other than to conclude that I had been bumped by a preferred client of the popular lady in question or she just hadn't showed up or called in.  

So "Essential",  instead of getting all butt hurt over it and looking for someone to make good on MY wasted day, I politely moved on. And have since enjoyed the sensational company of, let's just say one or two of the other tasty dishes that are widely available for a generous Georgia gentleman.

I always try to be respectful of time and of all people in general. If someone hasn't "just let it go " and avoid them in the future. (Especially in this world)   EOM.

-- Modified on 5/18/2015 2:10:52 PM

Why pay this if there are options that don't require?

A few years ago there was a huge scam in New England where a group required prepayment via green card, then had huge no show event.   My opinion makes provider look like a grab and dash issue

Plus it is really a bother for guy to work with.   People struggle with info request now, you really think they will offer prepayment.  

What will you do for provider no shows?   I have had more ladies not show up vs me needing to cancel late.

I think you just give guys another reason to ignore your site, and classify you as a backpage scam

it would be like a deposit for an initial doctor's visit or for a mechanic to check my car.  I'd look for other doctors and mechanics, so I'd definitely look for other providers.

That said, I have placed deposits for longer visits (out of towns, over nights) - but never on a first date.

If deposits become commonplace, I can see some ladies abusing by NCNS after they get the PayPal.  

Best idea is a "Black Ball List" for broken appt guys.  
Y'all already have that, right?


Just for a regular in or outcall for an hr or 2 heck no newbie or not but,
It makes sense  to request  a deposit from a client i never book
1. if they are requesting an 12hr or longer apointment a week or more from the date to be taken seriously  (because usually when that date comes "something came up"
2. 1st time client stay super far out of town like 90 min commute or longer
3. 1st time clieny and has a very out of the normal request  
4. They want a bunch of girls for a party  

-- Modified on 5/18/2015 1:47:05 PM

All the advantages are on the providers side, none for the client.

But, let me ask you a similar question just to prove my point:  

How would you feel about needing to make a reservation and put down a deposit to eat at a restaurant?  In a city full of restaurants that don't require deposits?...  It would go over about that well.

There needs to be trust on both sides of the table.  Deposits for no shows and last minute cancellations are not only bad business they amplify any feelings of mistrust that may already be there.  I understand for dates involving travel or overnights there may be deposits - but for a vanilla rendezvous a deposit would be a dealbreaker for me.  Treat me like a valued client and I will happily act like a valued client.  Treat me like an untrustworthy scumbag and...  well, there is no "and" as I won't be sticking around to see what "and" is.  I'll be entertaining ladies that treat me like the gentleman I am.

In my opinion requiring a deposit can be a pro for the gent and the ladies in some cases. For instance, Provider A is traveling to a new city and on her first ad, she gets 30 replies. The ones who are willing to make a deposit get priority booking. Their appointment is secure and they don't have to worry about being cancelled on. The lady has all of her prebooking confirmed, the guys know for certain they get to see that hot chic they have had their eye on. Win-win.

It also works for booking longer dates. If a guy wants a 3 or more hour date a deposit helps to hold everyone accountable.  

I don't see it working as part of your every day screening process though.

GaGambler327 reads

I will concede that there are "some" justifications for women asking for deposits on extended dates or dates that require her to lay out money out of her pocket in order to fulfill a request by a clients, but these are justifications not "pros" for the guys

The guys who put up deposits aren't any more certain of getting the  time they booked than they are by simply booking with a woman with strong ethics who will be there simply because she said she would be there, and wouldn't ever dream of NOT being there. I would say guys that put up deposits are MORE likely to get cancelled on than less, but I do understand the need for it in certain circumstances.

ValuedCustomer451 reads

Charging at all is a problem - but you know what - we get over it.    The concept really doesn't bother me as a general principle.  

I don't think I would have a huge issue with it, especially if you threw in a $25 discount on the rate in exchange for a $50 deposit against the session - net $75.   There is (or was) an agency in Atlanta that would give you "VIP status" for that initial deposit and I think there was a nominal discount associated with it.  But I never did call them so maybe that tells you something....

I don't think an independent would have any luck with this approach.  But an agency that was well established with a long history probably could do it

Why is an agency who hasn't had a review posted about them in over 3 years putting up a post about this with no actual real women on their roster?!

Not going to happen with me. Why do providers think that, they are the only one’s trustworthy in this business?  

There are more posts on TER about providers standing up a hobbyist than the other way around.

sometimes stuff happens and the hobbyist can't keep an appointment.  This holds true for the provider as well.

If a deposit was given, then maybe some kind of discount on the session (say, maybe 10%) to show that the provider is just as serious about keeping the appointment?  Just an idea, and thinking out loud..

How would offering a discount assure you at she's serious about keeping the appointment? Couldn't she just take your $50.00 deposit to the shoe store instead of entertaining you even if she offered you a discount?

Thank you for your question.  I appreciate your offer of feedback.  To me, it would be a barrier to doing a booking. I would go elsewhere.

Perhaps someday when the level of ethics is much higher in society than it is today this it would be possible to require a deposit however not on this planet in this century. Us guys have enough do deal with all of the Bait & Switch, oversold services, photoshopping, airbrushing and overall photo embellishment without having another item to deal with. Providers have the opportunity to screen hobbyists and obtain references before agreeing to meet with a hobbyist. Hobbyists have sources like TER to help us steer clear of those who wake up in the morning with the intent to deceive. Hobbyists who deceive are easily outed. Not so easy for hobbyists. The issue of sending an advance payment is also problematic. Advice for any provider who wants to exit the industry...request & require an advance deposit.

I never said I was going to do this, I was just asking people opinions on this is all.  

 A few questions though. If the provider or agency was reputable would you do it?  Knowing that if she did have to cancel your deposit would be returned?  


You would automatically be considered a scam.

How would you propose to even collect said deposit?

Posted By: Advisor2008
You would automatically be considered a scam.

Define reputable in this business

GaGambler340 reads

I would never consider sending a deposit even for a second. Personally I think it would ruin the good rep you spent years building, and quite frankly it's the dumbest idea you've ever had.

Even dumber that the "She has spoken" sign off you used to use. lol

Actually I think the responses you have been getting are a lot kinder that they could have been. Had you been someone new here, I believe you would have been run out of town on a rail for even asking the question.

What a minute folks. As I said before I was not even remotely thinking of doing something like this.  

I had some provider friends asking me what I thought about this as a screening method and so I decided to post to ask you folks.  

Come on, I have got my screening down and many agencies and I dependents trusted our references, why the hell would I need to do that?  I wouldn't!  Lol.  

Just getting feedback for some friends if you must know chill.  


Posted By: GaGambler
I would never consider sending a deposit even for a second. Personally I think it would ruin the good rep you spent years building, and quite frankly it's the dumbest idea you've ever had.

Even dumber that the "She has spoken" sign off you used to use. lol

Actually I think the responses you have been getting are a lot kinder that they could have been. Had you been someone new here, I believe you would have been run out of town on a rail for even asking the question.

GaGambler405 reads

You might not have received as mush blowback if you had couched your question differently, you tried to make a case FOR doing it by listing the benefits to providers instead of simply asking it as a neutral question.

But now, I can't imagine that their is any doubt left about what an unpopular, and most likely career killing move that would be for any woman (or agency) to try. I bet you there is not one in a hundred TER members that would even consider sending a deposit as a form of screening

HE has spoken

(see how totally obnoxious that sign off sounds?)

Off topic, but I visited your site, and I must say that I like the idea of publishing schedules for the providers. I have wasted a lot of time making calls and then finding out that the lady is only available  the third Tuesday  of the month between 1 and 3 AM. While I undestand that the scheduling may be more fluid than published, it sure helps.  I think only Pink Pleasure attempts this, and I've used them numerous times for this reason.
good luck with your endeavor!

...The lady's photo with her schedule under it being at the top of the list.

Posted By: EssentialLadies
I was curious to know your thoughts on a provider requesting a deposit as a part of their screening?  I mean just a small deposit like $50 which goes towards the session.  
 I see many Pros here for providers.    
 1. Less occurrences of someone standing up a girl.  
 2. It helps with screening.  
 3. Assures the clients sincerely on meeting.  
 I know some may not like the idea but how do you guys feel about it?    
 Thank you,    

Yes - your esteemed no holds barred thoughts on the subject matter at hand good sir ?



Posted By: EssentialLadies
I was curious to know your thoughts on a provider requesting a deposit as a part of their screening?  I mean just a small deposit like $50 which goes towards the session.  
 I see many Pros here for providers.    
 1. Less occurrences of someone standing up a girl.  
 2. It helps with screening.  
 3. Assures the clients sincerely on meeting.  
 I know some may not like the idea but how do you guys feel about it?    
 Thank you,    

That is just me.

After a recent experience, if you want me to go out of my zone,.,,,, You got to prepay for some of it,

Book many hours, then you got to prepay. I won't set that aside unless I know you well. Why should I take that chance when even guys who have great references will bail or have things come up?

I had a regular ask me to come to another city, I told him to get the room or see me where I am based... know why? He screwed me last time, not willing to wait 5 mins after he came a 1/2 hr early. Threw a hissy fit. It is not the point of hassling to make up for it, I came on your promise. I know some scam guys... but not me. So when I get screwed, I am pissed off.

Hell I will take his booking fees, nice for me bwahaha.... But not so nice for the guy

You got to weigh it out.

I guess you got to look at it from both you and him.

Even regulars can screw you many ways.

Bluetop69364 reads

Of a scam. I will not pay a deposit under any circumstances.

You might not see the type of women who would warrant a deposit, but asking for one to cover your ass is far from unprofessional and many smart providers do this all the time without issue. Now, in the case the OP is suggesting, hell no. A deposit as 'part of screening' is absurd, but it's also a known fact that rarely (not impossible though) will LE send money for a deposit, so it's probably her elementary way of trying to avoid being busted... there are much easier ways to accomplish that which will not impact her business.

I have never done a date longer than 2 hours in my home town without a deposit... I am not an idiot.


deposit as part of screening is not a good idea. There are valid points up above.

What if the shoe was on the other foot? If I had $50 for every time I've been stood up I could hobby for a long time.

I use a screening service, and I don't put my real personal information out there.  So making a deposit literally CAN'T happen.  I would never provide an online payment or paypal trail to my hobby (which I would have to explain) nor would I leave that trail to myself.

I think it is unreasonable as to an hour or two.  I see why it could be necessary for long dates or travel dates, but as a matter of procedure, I would not do it.

From what I've read, I think it would lead to an ENORMOUS amount of stolen money.  I'm very, very careful, but I've had a couple of ladies stand me up.  I see it everyday on this board, and usually once a week someone gripes that they paid, date got pushed or whatever and the provider has moved on with their money.  I would safely say that this could ruin a business, because reputations would be obliterated when the inevitable NCNS happens and the money evaporates

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