
Re: Definitely not the me of the world...but....
anotherdamnalias 471 reads

Posted By: Caldon
Not sure why you are posting as alias, but whatever...  
 Point is not the specific post, more that someone is censoring the community - with no explanation or accountability,  
 The value of TER is that guys and gals have the opportunity to network, share experiences, guys post and get access to honest reviews - all in order that we all have a better hobby experience  
 There needs to be - and are, basic rules of engagement in place - if you violate the rules, there are consequences.  
 However, if someone with Admin authority takes it upon themself to subjectively act as God - TER diminishes in value - who knows what other posts are being removed - and why - are the reviews being entered accurately? Who is influencing this? Who is controlling it?  
 At that point, TER is not reliable.  
 So, No - not the end of the world. But there is a bigger picture here.  
Posted By: anotherdamnalias
If my wise crack concerning a reviewbeing posted caused it, I'm sorry.  
  Maybe it was because the first girl had no reviews and one wasn't submitted within the prescribed time limit ???????  
  Either way it was for mostly the same 5-6 girls (all great BTW)...Is it really the end of the world?    
  I checked my posted threads in "My Board Posts" it still shows up there as active?????? Who knows, some mods have a different opinion than others, and it's happened several times recently.
Well, I posted under my alias on the shill thread, that if you will notice is still (or is back) up...why I posted under my alias is none of your business frankly. Even if a few may know who I am...

It's a shill thread for christs sake, not a warning about somebody getting robbed at gunpoint or walked away in handcuffs..

TER Mods are just like us, they all have different opinions. They interpret the law how they see fit. I didn't write the rules, but I try (mostly) to play by them..I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to comment in the shill thread honestly..And I was kinda being a smartass.

It should be painfully obvious that there are fake reviews, there is not a TER representative walking into every single appointment to verify the validity of the reviews, and further more..Everything on this site is fiction, what you choose to believe is your choice.

For the record, I appreciate YOUR reviews, and I believe 99.9999% of what is written in them

I am a frequent reviewer on this site, but fairly infrequent poster on the Atlanta board

I had an absolutely fabulous time with a lady this week and decided to celebrate that with a contribution to the Friday shill thread

Checked today and apparently my post has been removed - also got pinged by another member that his was removed also. No explanation from the Admin - just unilaterally removed

Checked TER guidelines and no obvious criteria for posting shills - nothing about frequency, detail or otherwise

ADMIN - or others - please provide details on this to explain why and in order that the community can learn

Great Point Caldon !!

I also  posted a shill and  it was removed.

The young lady I shilled for is a new comer and such a warm, sensual person.
I'm sad her first shill was removed. But that wont stop the music.
"Let the music play"  

I'm curious to know the reason and hope that ter support will respond .  


The gods of shilldom seem rather capricious and fickle these days.  Perhaps we need to give them a sacrifice?  I'm sure things will be sorted out just as soon as we throw a virgin in a volcano.

Anyone know where to find one?

A virgin that is...

I'm sure a volcano is much easier to locate around these parts.  ;-)

Yeah, a guy has to work extra hard these days just to give his lady a weekly "attagirl!"...

Shilled for me and the whole post was removed as well. I wondered the same thing.

To stay on topic (and add something constructive) here are the TER rules for a shill thread (found in the self help section).
If anyone knows of other rules, please paste or link them...


Shills (not ad) from hobbyists, for their favorite provider of the week, are allowed on Fridays
Only started by a hobbyist
Must contain link to Provider's profile (this helps others find her); no pic
Exception:  if a new provider, (no TER reviews), the hobbyist can shill provided he submits a review within 72 hrs (Violators of this policy will lose their message posting privileges)
Posted no earlier than 1am (local time)
Comments are allowed from all, but should not be negative, start a new discussion or be ads from/for a provider

Followed all rules here !!!!!!

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
To stay on topic (and add something constructive) here are the TER rules for a shill thread (found in the self help section).  
 If anyone knows of other rules, please paste or link them...  
 Shills (not ad) from hobbyists, for their favorite provider of the week, are allowed on Fridays  
 Only started by a hobbyist  
 Must contain link to Provider's profile (this helps others find her); no pic  
 Exception:  if a new provider, (no TER reviews), the hobbyist can shill provided he submits a review within 72 hrs (Violators of this policy will lose their message posting privileges)  
 Posted no earlier than 1am (local time)  
 Comments are allowed from all, but should not be negative, start a new discussion or be ads from/for a provider


I followed all the shill rules and I also wrote the most recent review for the provider.

Per TER Support , my shill was deleted due to an error with the web page link.

Not sure what happened. Perhaps I left off a Dot or something.

Well I'm happy TER did respond.


Yeah, you have to cross those t's and dot those com's.  LOL
Sorry about that.

Posted By: punter4u
 I followed all the shill rules and I also wrote the most recent review for the provider.  
 Per TER Support , my shill was deleted due to an error with the web page link.  
 Not sure what happened. Perhaps I left off a Dot or something.  
 Well I'm happy TER did respond.  

Thanks for posting the ter shill rules and your other constructive comments.

Now we know my shill was deleted due to human error.

But I'm also curios to know why Caldon's shill was deleted.


Addressing ADMIN here is a waste.  The Board does not have mods that read the posts.

You could also contact TER.

You could also re-post it in that thread or in this one.

Posted By: bballs
Addressing ADMIN here is a waste.  The Board does not have mods that read the posts.  
 You could also contact TER.  
 You could also re-post it in that thread or in this one.

...reported the post and admin agreed with their reason. Checking your board posts as suggested previously would give you a reason. If the reason doesn't make sense contact admin and ask.  

It's easy to check your board posts under My Message Boards in the Quick Links list on the My TER page.

Posted By: xyz23
...reported the post and admin agreed with their reason. Checking your board posts as suggested previously would give you a reason. If the reason doesn't make sense contact admin and ask.  
 It's easy to check your board posts under My Message Boards in the Quick Links list on the My TER page.

Message is simply  

"Not allowed"

Reason: Your post does not adhere to TER guidelines. Please review guidelines here.

......but with no detail.

Posted By: xyz23
...reported the post and admin agreed with their reason. Checking your board posts as suggested previously would give you a reason. If the reason doesn't make sense contact admin and ask.  
 It's easy to check your board posts under My Message Boards in the Quick Links list on the My TER page.

I'm not saying this is what happened, I just know as it happened to me a few weeks ago.
The OP's shill post was removed and every shill in the thread was removed due to the OP's post being removed.  I don't know what the OP's infraction was, but it resulted in a no shill week (sorry ladies).  Everyone took collateral damage from one thread being disapproved which was annoying to say the least.

I followed up with a "what happened?" post (much like yours) which was subsequently taken down...  My assumption is because folks began reposting their shills in my thread.  The problem was it was no longer Friday, it was Saturday.  And we know thou shalt not shill on Saturday (or any day but Friday).  The reason given by TER was of course was the ever helpful "doesn't follow TER guidelines".

My point (or one of them) was if you were replying to a post (intentionally or accidentally) your thread will be deleted as well if the original post disappears (as all branches of that thread get pruned).  Again, I'm not saying that is what happened but it is possible.

Or - there could be a conspiracy of a heinous design.  I have no way of knowing.  But I'm putting on my tinfoil hat just in case.  ;-)

Posted By: Caldon
Message is simply  
 "Not allowed"  
 Reason: Your post does not adhere to TER guidelines. Please review guidelines here.  
 ......but with no detail.  
Posted By: xyz23
...reported the post and admin agreed with their reason. Checking your board posts as suggested previously would give you a reason. If the reason doesn't make sense contact admin and ask.    
  It's easy to check your board posts under My Message Boards in the Quick Links list on the My TER page.
-- Modified on 12/13/2015 8:01:34 PM

It could have been a sub thread, not the entire thread.  But either way you would see "Reason: your post was deleted due to removal of the thread" when you look in "my board posts".

That is collateral damage - you're not at fault.  You just got caught under a tree being trimmed.  ;-)

Again, not saying that was the case.  But some folks think they are posting a message in that thread when they are replying/quoting someone in that thread.  Flat mode can get confusing that way.

The other reason a post disappears is TER doesn't like you.  JK - you broke some rule.  If so you should see something like "your post does not meet TER guidelines".

I'm not sure what the case is here.  

Posted By: xyz23
...See the link and include it in my next communication with them and request they show me exactly what is wrong with it. It's unfortunate that you often have to go back and forth with them about things. It would save them time and effort if they would site the specific part of the guidelines your post doesn't meet or point to the part of your post that caused the infraction.

If they would take the approach that you didn't intend to violate the guidelines and give a little extra guidance it would build some good will and save all the effort of using 5 or 6 communications when one would do. It's called people skills.  

Note the response they gave punter4u. A simple response from TER solved the mystery. Would that all communiques from them were as clear.

-- Modified on 12/13/2015 8:08:12 PM

Got a message back from TER directing me to a Page in posting regulations, including those for Friday shills - on reviewing those, I cannot find ANY violations.

Seriously - WTH?

Relevant text below, but for my post...Waiting for response....



Shills (not ad) from hobbyists, for their favorite provider of the week, are allowed on Fridays
Only started by a hobbyist
Must contain link to Provider's profile (this helps others find her); no pic
Exception:  if a new provider, (no TER reviews), the hobbyist can shill provided he submits a review within 72 hrs (Violators of this policy will lose their message posting privileges)
Posted no earlier than 1am (local time)
Comments are allowed from all, but should not be negative, start a new discussion or be ads from/for a provider

Posted By: Caldon
I am a frequent reviewer on this site, but fairly infrequent poster on the Atlanta board  
 I had an absolutely fabulous time with a lady this week and decided to celebrate that with a contribution to the Friday shill thread  
 Checked today and apparently my post has been removed - also got pinged by another member that his was removed also. No explanation from the Admin - just unilaterally removed  
 Checked TER guidelines and no obvious criteria for posting shills - nothing about frequency, detail or otherwise  
 ADMIN - or others - please provide details on this to explain why and in order that the community can learn

anotherdamnalias499 reads

If my wise crack concerning a reviewbeing posted caused it, I'm sorry.
Maybe it was because the first girl had no reviews and one wasn't submitted within the prescribed time limit ???????

Either way it was for mostly the same 5-6 girls (all great BTW)...Is it really the end of the world?  

I checked my posted threads in "My Board Posts" it still shows up there as active?????? Who knows, some mods have a different opinion than others, and it's happened several times recently.

Not sure why you are posting as alias, but whatever...

Point is not the specific post, more that someone is censoring the community - with no explanation or accountability,

The value of TER is that guys and gals have the opportunity to network, share experiences, guys post and get access to honest reviews - all in order that we all have a better hobby experience

There needs to be - and are, basic rules of engagement in place - if you violate the rules, there are consequences.

However, if someone with Admin authority takes it upon themself to subjectively act as God - TER diminishes in value - who knows what other posts are being removed - and why - are the reviews being entered accurately? Who is influencing this? Who is controlling it?

At that point, TER is not reliable.

So, No - not the end of the world. But there is a bigger picture here.

Posted By: anotherdamnalias
If my wise crack concerning a reviewbeing posted caused it, I'm sorry.  
 Maybe it was because the first girl had no reviews and one wasn't submitted within the prescribed time limit ???????  
 Either way it was for mostly the same 5-6 girls (all great BTW)...Is it really the end of the world?  
 I checked my posted threads in "My Board Posts" it still shows up there as active?????? Who knows, some mods have a different opinion than others, and it's happened several times recently.

anotherdamnalias472 reads

Posted By: Caldon
Not sure why you are posting as alias, but whatever...  
 Point is not the specific post, more that someone is censoring the community - with no explanation or accountability,  
 The value of TER is that guys and gals have the opportunity to network, share experiences, guys post and get access to honest reviews - all in order that we all have a better hobby experience  
 There needs to be - and are, basic rules of engagement in place - if you violate the rules, there are consequences.  
 However, if someone with Admin authority takes it upon themself to subjectively act as God - TER diminishes in value - who knows what other posts are being removed - and why - are the reviews being entered accurately? Who is influencing this? Who is controlling it?  
 At that point, TER is not reliable.  
 So, No - not the end of the world. But there is a bigger picture here.  
Posted By: anotherdamnalias
If my wise crack concerning a reviewbeing posted caused it, I'm sorry.  
  Maybe it was because the first girl had no reviews and one wasn't submitted within the prescribed time limit ???????  
  Either way it was for mostly the same 5-6 girls (all great BTW)...Is it really the end of the world?    
  I checked my posted threads in "My Board Posts" it still shows up there as active?????? Who knows, some mods have a different opinion than others, and it's happened several times recently.
Well, I posted under my alias on the shill thread, that if you will notice is still (or is back) up...why I posted under my alias is none of your business frankly. Even if a few may know who I am...

It's a shill thread for christs sake, not a warning about somebody getting robbed at gunpoint or walked away in handcuffs..

TER Mods are just like us, they all have different opinions. They interpret the law how they see fit. I didn't write the rules, but I try (mostly) to play by them..I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to comment in the shill thread honestly..And I was kinda being a smartass.

It should be painfully obvious that there are fake reviews, there is not a TER representative walking into every single appointment to verify the validity of the reviews, and further more..Everything on this site is fiction, what you choose to believe is your choice.

For the record, I appreciate YOUR reviews, and I believe 99.9999% of what is written in them

I've found TER Admin to be very responsive. Just open the message they sent you and respond to it. Be friendly and tell them you don't understand which rule you violated, and ask if they could be more specific. Admin has always gotten back to me within a day or two

I think we can only link to ter profile vs ad

I replied to BBalls post abou who the girl was - simple response - girls name @ agency

Removed as "not allowed" - presumably because it constitutes shilling...outside of a Friday shill a thread about missing and removed shill posts - what the actual?

So apparently someone is actively monitoring every post in the board here......but no-one monitoring messages to TER admins-- or choosing simply not to respond


From My Board Posts list:

"Reason: Your post was deleted due to the removal of the thread."

I will take that my raving for a certain South American sweetheart did not violate any rules.  
Well, not yet, anyway

Apparently I posted a link to the girls website - rather than to her TER review URL

I consider myself humbled and educated

Apologies for being this weeks drama llama


Posted By: Caldon
I am a frequent reviewer on this site, but fairly infrequent poster on the Atlanta board  
 I had an absolutely fabulous time with a lady this week and decided to celebrate that with a contribution to the Friday shill thread  
 Checked today and apparently my post has been removed - also got pinged by another member that his was removed also. No explanation from the Admin - just unilaterally removed  
 Checked TER guidelines and no obvious criteria for posting shills - nothing about frequency, detail or otherwise  
 ADMIN - or others - please provide details on this to explain why and in order that the community can learn

I hate to mention this, but what happened to the original shill postings - was this deleted?  Is it there and I just can't find it?

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