
QED - LOL - EOMteeth_smile
ValuedCustomer 248 reads


A bit dramatic, but wow...I just spent half an hour trying to find a nice lady on BP, and I didn't see one ad posted in the last 24 hrs that I could trust. Looking for someone tonight and/or this weekend, which I figured would be difficult, so I thought BP would lend itself to an easier search for someone during that timeframe. But, not only is there a dearth of ads for mature providers (which I prefer), but all the ads I decided to research further led to some scary results (e.g. "I saw a guy coming out in handcuffs from her in-call"). I know ladies from TER post on BP, and that's cool...this was just a brutal reminder to always cross-reference anything I find on BP, here on TER

Actually more of a star wars geek fest.  Which may tell you why we have to pay for it.....

HarryWacker334 reads

First, the Special Ed versions of New Hope, Empire, and Jedi came out and the Revisionist History made me a bit disappointed.  

Then, according to some biology minded nerd friends, Midiclorians are a take on Mitochondria which are the parts of our cells that actually produce energy.  

Higher Midiclorian count meant (soon to be Orphan) Annie had a stronger Force ability.
Higher Mitochondrial counts have been seen in some athletes, and the energy thing explains them a bit.
Since it wasn't explained in the novelization of Episode I that everyone has Midiclorians, and Annie "didn't have a father", I can only presume that Annie was the result of Mom having sex with an infected person so hideous she couldn't admit it. And it became clear that Jedi are the results of STDs?!

Therefore, George Lucas Thoroughly Pissed and Shat On My Childhood! I gave up then and there. NEVER looked back.

I'm more of a Trekkie and Hitchhikers Guide kind of Sci Fi fan.

Remember that May 25th is Towel Day in addition to Memorial Day.

Live Long and Prosper. So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!

Preach it brother.  I hear ya...

But Lucas did give us one trilogy we can love (with the possible exception of Ewoks - man those things creeped me out, anybody else?).  The other trilogy - not so much.  I consider myself a fairly sharp individual and I still have no idea what "The Phantom Menace" referred to.  Nor do I care.  At all.  BTW - Wouldn't "The Phantom Menace" be a cool wrestling name?  You could wear tights and a Darth Vader helmet and you could have an awesome off the top rope move and call it the  "Death Star."  Man that would be awesome.

But knowing Lucas you would get sued for sure...  Anyway, so much for that idea.

And yes I choose to ignore the whole revisionist version of history debacle.  Han shot first.  Everybody with any midicloria knows that.  Or mitochondria.  Or micropenis.  Or whatever the hell they're calling the force these days.

Ok ladies, who wants to role play with me as the "The Phantom Menace"?.  You could be my Leia, or Amidala.  I'll let you choose.  And I promise I'll take it easy in you and not use my Jedi mind tricks.  Just don't make my "Death Star" explode too early in the session.  Yeah, these days the old "Death Star" can take a while to recharge...  Maybe I need a midicloria transfusion.  Anyone know how much that costs?  ;-)

Posted By: HarryWacker
First, the Special Ed versions of New Hope, Empire, and Jedi came out and the Revisionist History made me a bit disappointed.  
 Then, according to some biology minded nerd friends, Midiclorians are a take on Mitochondria which are the parts of our cells that actually produce energy.  
 Higher Midiclorian count meant (soon to be Orphan) Annie had a stronger Force ability.  
 Higher Mitochondrial counts have been seen in some athletes, and the energy thing explains them a bit.  
 Since it wasn't explained in the novelization of Episode I that everyone has Midiclorians, and Annie "didn't have a father", I can only presume that Annie was the result of Mom having sex with an infected person so hideous she couldn't admit it. And it became clear that Jedi are the results of STDs?!  
 Therefore, George Lucas Thoroughly Pissed and Shat On My Childhood! I gave up then and there. NEVER looked back.  
 I'm more of a Trekkie and Hitchhikers Guide kind of Sci Fi fan.  
 Remember that May 25th is Towel Day in addition to Memorial Day.  
 Live Long and Prosper. So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!  
-- Modified on 5/23/2015 10:39:32 AM

ValuedCustomer277 reads

Means "Which had to be proven...." in Latin.  It is typically written at the conclusion of a mathematical proof and it dates back a long time (centuries...).  Initializations (like LOL, EOM etc.) are not a modern invention.

That was my entry into the geek version of oneupsmanship that was in that thread.  I really couldn't get much geekier than a lengthy discussion of midichlorians (whatever.. gack - what ever writer came up with that concept should be shot...) - so I went the opposite way with it.

In other words - being waaaay too cute for my own good and showing my trying to make a half court swish in a game of horse....  My only defense was that the OP started it with his quote from Obi Wan Kenobi in the subject line.

Thank you for subtly pointing that out to me; it's a character flaw that I need to work on.



-- Modified on 5/24/2015 5:33:16 AM

-- Modified on 5/24/2015 5:33:45 AM

-- Modified on 5/24/2015 5:35:19 AM

Posted By: ValuedCustomer
Means "Which had to be proven...." in Latin.  It is typically written at the conclusion of a mathematical proof and it dates back a long time (centuries...).  Initializations (like LOL, EOM etc.) are not a modern invention.  
 That was my entry into the geek version of oneupsmanship that was in that thread.  I really couldn't get much geekier than a lengthy discussion of midichlorians (whatever.. gack - what ever writer came up with that concept should be shot...) - so I went the opposite way with it.  
 In other words - being waaaay too cute for my own good and showing my trying to make a half court swish in a game of horse....  My only defense was that the OP started it with his quote from Obi Wan Kenobi in the subject line.  
 Thank you for subtly pointing that out to me; it's a character flaw that I need to work on.  
 -- Modified on 5/24/2015 5:33:16 AM  
 -- Modified on 5/24/2015 5:33:45 AM

-- Modified on 5/24/2015 5:35:19 AM

You will find all the reliable milfs you could want and Sunny is great to deal with.

Krunchie357 reads

wasn't a happy BDSM client the was going out to his car for lube and more toys?

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