
I've Had The Same Thought
fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 764 reads

So I probably will not attend an Atlanta M&G. I would be tempted to attend a M&G in another far away State. They sound fun but there could be that ONE person who knows me or knows of me to ruin the fun. Hence the saying, "Loose Lips Sink Ships". Good post question.

With the meet and greet behind us (which was amazing by the way!! Thanks Sunny!!) I had a couple of questions and wanted to get some input from you all...  
 I had a lot of clients who talked to me about being very interested in going to the meet and greet, but they were concerned with the thought they might run into people that they know. In my mind, the thought process is more along the lines of "Well, we are all here for the same reason..." But, my question to you is have you ever ran in to someone at a Meet and Greet that you knew in your real life? If so, how did that go over..  

And Also.... what were your nerves like for your first party? Was it what you thought it would be and would you recommend them to other hobbyist?  

Waiting to hear from you,  

Hallie Brooks

-- Modified on 6/7/2016 6:46:28 AM

So I probably will not attend an Atlanta M&G. I would be tempted to attend a M&G in another far away State. They sound fun but there could be that ONE person who knows me or knows of me to ruin the fun. Hence the saying, "Loose Lips Sink Ships". Good post question.

Totally agree!  While I'd sincerely love to attend one, I'll probably remain too chicken

Posted By: fitnessbuff1
So I probably will not attend an Atlanta M&G. I would be tempted to attend a M&G in another far away State. They sound fun but there could be that ONE person who knows me or knows of me to ruin the fun. Hence the saying, "Loose Lips Sink Ships". Good post question.

Uncle_Juice833 reads

A very reputable provider told me she observed it to be very degrading and would never attend another one.

It's definitely NOT a meat market, it's a way to meet prospective dates and other members of this little community we are involved in. Just because I like someones pictures doesn't mean I am going to like the personality that cannot be conveyed thru photos. We are a very lucky group of guys here in Atlanta.

I worked for a Fortune 100 company and we had PROFESSIONAL M&G all the time. It is a way to network and meet new people within your industry so when you deal with them professionally you are at a higher degree of comfort.  

I have never had a bad time at a M&G and I think the girls are checking out the guys just as much. It also leads to a more relaxed and enjoyable dates in the future. Less talking and more DOING during the session.  

This is a multi-billion dollar business world wide and I consider M&G an integral part for a more conducive and safe environment for all parties concerned. This is a symbiotic business relationship of P4P.

I also like meeting my fellow Hobbyist and seeing the faces behind the screen names. I am sorry that this provider considered it a"Meat Market." Maybe she feels dirty of bad about being a provider. I don't care what you do for a living, we are all MEAT. Go get a job in the coal mine. Then you will see what a piece of MEAT feels like. Hell the President of the USA is a vote whore.  

Thanks, I feel better.  

...Meet & Greets are definitely Not a meat market. I attend JimmyPW's and Sunny's regularly.

Who is the meat?
I kinda get why some ladies would feel this way. But that doesn't necessarily make it so. If it an uncomfortable situation for ya......don't go.
I've know many more ladies that enjoy the relaxed , safe and sometimes playful atmosphere of a M&G. They enjoy connecting with other Providers and as I've been told kinda check us guys out as well. Not n the same way we are ogling the ladies but discovering gents that might become future clients. And getting a chance to establish a level of familiarity and comfort before the private encounter.
So at a M&G both genders are objects for observation and speculation.  But mostly it is an opportunity for networking and being yourself in a rare setting of like minded individuals.  
But a meat market? No .

As to he question posted by the OP......yes, I've always had a little concern of running into someone I might not wish to know about my secret life. But I always kept my wits about me.....scanned to room and just tried to be in the position to see everyone in the room before they saw me!

I've been to a few of them and its really relaxed and just a lot of fun to get to know everyone and kick back.. but my first one was a little intimidating but that was because i didn't know anyone and by the end of it i was having a blast.

CJAtlanta643 reads

I've not attended a M&G so can't expand on that but did have that situation arises when I attended a lifestyle party.  We both did a double take & started laughing.  After that, never said another word about it in public....just smiled.

I also had this happen at a lifestyle event and it did freak me out, but I knew the other person had a lot to lose as well by saying something.  It was more complicated than just running into an acquaintance and I thought seriously about sneaking out, but I stuck around.

My problem was that no one I knew showed up. And of course, being my first time, I did not know anybody by sight either. So I sat at the bar of a strip club for a couple of hours and left.

I've had a few offers for company to a M&G but it hasn't worked out for me. Life goes on.

I do not think I'd be intimidated if I was recognized because like minded people usually aren't trying to exploit anyone as they too might have something to lose.  
It's called trusting your fellow human and fairly easy to do in the somewhat friendly community called the ATL Board.


Meet and greets are a great way to get to know us. I've always had a very good time at all the meet and greets and will continue to try to make every single one.
It's not a meat market, it's a relaxing social environment

The odds of me running into someone at a M&G that I know on the outside are slim to none. That said, if I did, what's the big deal? You just found something you both have in common, i.e. the many Atlanta beauties willing to fulfill your fantasies. Hell, I'd compare notes.
The first party I went to wasn't much fun because I was new to the hobby and hadn't met many women. Felt nervous and kind of like a third wheel. Finally figured out that we're all just human beings that are there for fun and to make new connections. Last M&G I went to was a blast, although I was walking kind of funn

TheMatrix488 reads

Have you noticed he is mostly just trolling the threads.?

I hope TER notices

Literally always negative...  

Posted By: TheMatrix
Have you noticed he is mostly just trolling the threads.?  
 I hope TER notices.  

I have to admit that I'd really like to attend one and always have mixed feelings, especially when "The Sun Goddess" is involved! lol.
Not just to enjoy meeting the beautiful ladies there, but also a chance to shoot the shit with some of the other gents in our area that share this interest... After All, this isn't exactly something we share with anyone else.   Maybe next time...

-- Modified on 6/7/2016 1:16:00 PM

be cautious about attending one due to risk of running into a civie acquaintance.  My answer to someone who is nervous for that reason is hell, hold your head up high, and be proud to be a part of this great group of friends.  What's to be "ashamed" of?  The ones that organize these events go through a lot of trouble to screen the guests, and like the previous poster said, if you're both there you're there for the same reasons.  

I was a little nervous at my first, only because I was new and had yet to meet a lot of folks yet, but that is the whole purpose of the events in the first place.  Those nerves didn't last 5 steps into the door and I've never looked back, as everyone is there for fun and good times.  We're all a very welcoming bunch, I've never heard anyone say they've regretted coming....but I have heard many say they hated missing one.

shank69667 reads

I feel a bit uncomfortable when I attend meet and greet and encounter a provider I have seen only once. When I talk to the provider I feel like she wonders why I didn't return for additional dates.

and probs will oneday but I think I would want to take a date.

...If you happen to see someone from your "real life" at a Meet and Greet they want the same anonymity as you. It is to both of your benefit to keep what you know to yourself. My only experience with anything similar to this was running into someone from "real life" in a strip club around lunch time. I saw a guy I knew from my daughter's school. He was also a parent of a child at the school and we often worked together at school functions the kids were involved in. We said hi, then answered the what are you doing here question. We both responded "I'm eating lunch" and regarded one another with the  "it's obvious that's not the only reason we're here" look and went on about our business. Nothing was ever said about it thereafter.

Another occasion many years later, I was leaving an in call after seeing a provider. There were a couple of other providers sharing the apartment. On the way to the door I saw and spoke with one of them as the other turned around. I was surprised to see she was a stripper I knew well and had seen regularly at my favorite club. We didn't give it away that we knew each other but once I confirmed she was OK seeing me (she PM'd me, I read it when I got home) as a client I had a session with her. One thing she asked was I not say anything to those we knew mutually. We both had people who knew us both we didn't want to know about our "hobby".

I find it interesting that so far no one has said, Yes, I ran into a person from my real life at a Meet & Greet and it wasn't an issue or it was a disaster. Are there any out there?    

-- Modified on 6/7/2016 6:07:19 PM would not bother me at all.  It would actually be pretty funny.  Hell, we would have something else in common.  It sure would alter our future conversations.  

As for being nervous at my first M&G, I definitely would have been without the help of someone special.  My first M&G was also the first M&G for a special gal that I had seen once before.  We communicated that afternoon and planned to meet in the parking lot and go in together.  It put us both at ease to go in, grab a seat at the bar, get a drink and scope out the room before mingling.  It worked so well for both of us that we attended several more M&G's together throughout 2015.  

Now, I have run into 2 of Atlanta's most popular (and gorgeous) ladies in public on multiple occasions.  It seems the three of us shop in the same grocery store frequently.  Sometimes we play it cool and sometimes we stop and talk for a minute.  I always defer to them if we are going to chat as I'd never want them to feel uncomfortable.  Usually, if we both are alone, we stop and talk for a few minutes.   I gotta admit, it's pretty damn exciting seeing these lovely ladies in the grocery store just being themselves and not the fantasy they create for us.  And yes, they both look HOT in their grocery shopping outfits.  


Can't we have a masked party where we all are wearing a mask and we only reveal our faces once you are comfortable and only if you want to? I would be in for that..

Actually, with most of my friends, especially professional acquaintances, I'd prefer not to confront them at a meet n greet. It's all about discretion and confidentiality.

They didn't recognize me until I said something. They both worked in my building in my civie job, and I look pretty frumpy in my uniform. So, it was no surprise they didn't recognize me at first. It wasn't a big deal. We both have a secret and can't out the other without outing ourselves. Also, why would we want to out anyone? But, I will say I have not seen those two gents since which is a shame. So, if you're out there reading this, I want you to know that your secret is safe with me. My last day at work is this Friday anyway.

2 of my regulars work in my building and when we see each other in the elevator or parking deck, we just say "Good morning." like we do with anyone else.

There are a lot of negative comments here and I am only offering my opinion as I do not agree.  Please know, I am not trying to start an argument or create drama.  That is not me.  I confess I have not been to Sunny's M&G but I have heard hers, are great!  In my opinion, you take a chance of seeing someone you may know in real life but it would be a risk you should think about and I feel the risk would be minimal.  But, to each his, or her own, and if it makes someone nervous, they should not attend.  As far as the comment about the M&G's being like a "meat market", I totally disagree.  Again, not trying to start a fight but which M&G was attended that made you, or anyone else feel that way?  I have not been to other M&G's in other cities, but I have been attending the M&G's, organized by JimmyPW.  I know he advertises the M&G's on this site.  Let me say and I am positive all the women who attend would say the same, JimmyPW's M&G's are first class all the way!  Jimmy emphasizes there will be no drugs, no cameras, no bad behavior and no drama.  He makes sure this is so.  They are usually well attended and all the guys and girls act very professionally and we all have a good time.  There are no "jerks" and if there ever was, I feel Jimmy would take care of it.  If anyone posting on this comment, and you wish to attend a M&G, I strongly urge you to attend the next one, hosted by JimmyPW. You can also go back on this site, and read all the comments posted after one of Jimmy's M&G.  This is just my $.02, but I feel have correctly stated facts about the M&G's that Jimmy puts on.  Thanks for reading my comments.


Posted By: Halliebabyy
With the meet and greet behind us (which was amazing by the way!! Thanks Sunny!!) I had a couple of questions and wanted to get some input from you all...  
  I had a lot of clients who talked to me about being very interested in going to the meet and greet, but they were concerned with the thought they might run into people that they know. In my mind, the thought process is more along the lines of "Well, we are all here for the same reason..." But, my question to you is have you ever ran in to someone at a Meet and Greet that you knew in your real life? If so, how did that go over..  
 And Also.... what were your nerves like for your first party? Was it what you thought it would be and would you recommend them to other hobbyist?  
 Waiting to hear from you,  
 Hallie Brooks  

-- Modified on 6/7/2016 6:46:28 AM

Not_The_Real_Me431 reads

actually most people agreed that the M&G's are NOT a meat market.  

as usual, it was Uncle Juice just trolling...

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