
Sandman053 21 Reviews 695 reads

I did it before from another site. About three-four visits a month. More like a regular thing often more times. It was nice.

Was wondering if anyone has ever had a monthly or bi weekly arrangement with a provider? If so pros and cons? Would you do it again?  Which would you prefer if you had a choice? Ladies feel free to comment with your experience as well.

I did it before from another site. About three-four visits a month. More like a regular thing often more times. It was nice.

As long as both parties are committed, they YES YES YES! (can you hear me shouting that?!)  

Seriously. an arrangement is wonderful. It's a solid commitment and there's something that feels really great about that.

xxoxoxox - JJ

Yes. You can have all the monthly or biweekly arrangements you want. If you want a biweekly arrangement, call her up every other week. If you want a monthly arrangement, call her up once a month. If you want a twice-a-week arrangement, call her up twice a week. I've found these wonderful ladies to be very accommodating in that regard, as long as you keep proffering the donation and act like a gentleman, you can decide on whatever arrangement you want each and every day. Is this a great country or what.

Iheartsports221 reads

especially if it's someone who you established a great friendship with.
I personally enjoy it. Yes it can run someone anywhere from 4k to 20k depending on the ladies rates but it works out because being someone's personal companion has a lot of perks. Traveling, dinner dates etc. I enjoy it and my clients who choose this option adore it too

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