60 and Over

You’re right
Steve_Trevor 101 reads

as I do try to avoid trolls.

Suppose I had fathered at 18.  And suppose my son did likewise, and my grandson.  (Didn't happen, by the way.)  
My hypothetical great-granddaughter would be of legal age about now.  And her hot willing contemporaries.  
So all the cliché whining about "young enough to be your daughter" is off by two generations.

Steve_Trevor106 reads

that some of us are uncomfortable seeing providers young enough to be our daughters… why?

You do what you like, and others can do what they like.  Hypothetically, or not.

that some of us old guys are not uncomfortable seeing young providers -- why?  
You do  what you like, and avoid what you do not like.  Simple.  You should probably avoid me.

Steve_Trevor102 reads

as I do try to avoid trolls.

I have pushed men in a wheelchair, and cared for disabled Veterans, so I don’t mind mature older gents. I am also bi sexual, so young ladies are welcomed if they’re old enough to indulge. I was young & inexperienced once. We all need a mentor.

at all!
If their sellin', I'm buyin'!

When an old biddy came up and said, "How dare you! She's young enough to be your daughter!" I responded, 'Madam! She is FAR too young to be my daughter."
The dowager's head exploded and she stomped away.

Was it mrfisher who posted his reply to nosy busybodies when dining in public with a PYT: "She's my parole officer." ?

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Once upon a time I was dining in a fancy NY restaurant with a very young-looking PYT.
When an old biddy came up and said, "How dare you! She's young enough to be your daughter!" I responded, 'Madam! She is FAR too young to be my daughter."  
 The dowager's head exploded and she stomped away.

Actually, I've been to dinner with mrfisher and several lovely ladies on a few occasions but he has never had to use that line. We were both at a large luncheon in Las Vegas with several hot escorts when a mutual friend (he no longer posts here but the first part of his handle is MP) looked at one lady and said, "I would eat the corn out of your shit."
What an old smoothy he is!
She almost lost her lunch.

I was there. That was priceless. How you been ?  Long time

Those were great days, weren't they?

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