60 and Over

When I was younger, I didn't understand why ladies liked older gentlemen, now I do.
G2 13657 reads

It's not that we're better looking, better in bed, or more physically fit than we were when we were younger, because we certainly aren't.

But being appreciated and treated with respect, as opposed to acting like an immature ass, goes a long way toward getting on a lady's good side.  Older men just plain appreciate women as people more than younger men do and treat them accordingly.

of TER, for establishing this board.

It's so nice to come here and relax... instead of alternatively screaming silently and pulling my hair out at the antics of the GB. (After all, my hair's cute, and I don't want to lose any of it!)

You ladies and gentlemen rock.


Tabu of S Florida

always welcome here, Tabu.  Kisses to you too.


G213658 reads

It's not that we're better looking, better in bed, or more physically fit than we were when we were younger, because we certainly aren't.

But being appreciated and treated with respect, as opposed to acting like an immature ass, goes a long way toward getting on a lady's good side.  Older men just plain appreciate women as people more than younger men do and treat them accordingly.

As you age, you really start to understand and appreciate the meaning of the golden rule.

them that has the gold, rules....

we olde pharts have the better earning power...

You are exactly right. Its the appreciation that is the turn on for me. I've always like older gentlemen even when I was younger. I think its also the more relaxed nature of a mature man.

It is good there is this backwater.  I never understood why so many equate the topic of spending time with a pretty lady is a topic for anger, hostility, and HS humor.

Actually I think it is the young guys being jealous because we old folks often get better treatment from the ladies because we generally treat them as real humans.

Thanks for stopping in, please spend more time here.

PS:  As you get "our" age you will value that cute hair even more--said one guy with little left to pull.  ;)

I took my 22 year old son on a father son trip. We went to Amsterdam and walked through the red light district
He walked about 10 yards ahead of me. All the girls waved at him.  But when I walked by, they all knocked on the window.
My son came back and said something is wrong with this picture. I looked him in the eye and told him it was the size of
The budge in my pants. He shook his head and walked off, never realizing I had the wallet in my pocket and he was just
Handsome . Handing doesn't go far in Amsterdam.

I'm lucky in the hair dept too!!  :)

You rock too!

I can relate to the posters on this board and their kinder, gentler souls.

Sexy Carolina

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