60 and Over

Was he 60+? That would be amazing if he is. (e)
Legsman321 5366 reads


MajorReno5739 reads

Age 66.
Surprised by my performance; full out FS with 4 different ladies in 6 days [one was younger wife].
This was during a full work week-not vacation.

Should I be proud, or is this just par for the course?

If your in good health there iis no reason you shouldn't be able to FS 4 ladies.  Sorry if I burst your bubble.  I am sure there are more guys on this board who can and have done just as many or more but don't feel the need to crow about it for discretionary reasons and good manners.

MajorReno3993 reads

Fiscal health: well, for one, the wife was running a special[LOL].
The other three=740

After all 4, I felt that I would take a few week's break. No interest or $$... Now, a few days later, I doubt that I can wait so long.

"Ann Landers said that you are addicted to sex if you have sex more than 3 times a day, and that you should seek professional help. I have news for Ann Landers: The only way I am going to get sex 3 times a day is if I seek professional help. "
- Jay Leno

Something to shoot for Major!!!

Good Luck !!!

It's either use it, or lose it. I hate it for those who lost it.

try four women at the same time..then we can compare notes..

You shouldn't take more than you can eat!

appetizer..main course..choice of two desserts..a well rounded meal and different flavors to appease any voracious appetite..

Except subtract the WO and just give me the MEN!!
Hooray for you and your SEXY week!!

wasnt me , but I was at a M&G that allowed sex to go on, and I met a guy from TER who had six dates at the party, including a double in a 10 hour period

no, he wasnt  60, I'd guess late 30's maybe 40, but still thats a whole lotta love for one day

Posted By: greeneyedude
wasnt me , but I was at a M&G that allowed sex to go on, and I met a guy from TER who had six dates at the party, including a double in a 10 hour period

What's the big deal?  I'm 66 and waiting for my fourth of the week to arrive.  I once had six dates in a period of eight days, but I was only 65 then.  I've never posted before, I just couldn't resist

58 y/o.........no medical supplements......

Why 7 in 6?  One was a 3sum!!!!

you guys are all rich and in great health.  Did you use viagra or cialysis?

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