60 and Over

Re: What the hell is "couch Lock"?
cuppajoe 335 reads

I had a truly wonderful sex session this morning and it got me thinking about sex in general and how it has changed over time as I've gotten older.  The session was with my wife by the way, not a provider but please don't hold that against me!  I remember years ago when I could get hard and stay hard at the mere mention of sex.  Not any more.  But Viagra works well for me so I'm glad about that.  And also, years ago, I got such a pleasure rush from screwing that I had to work real hard not to cum too soon.  Those days, I had thought, were also behind me.  But recently I have rediscovered cannabis.  This morning I took several hits from a disposable Oasis brand disposable vaporizer.  The intensity of the pleasure I felt during sex was way, way higher than normal.   I had to slow down many times to keep from cumming too soon.  And when I finally knew she'd had lots of pleasure and it was my turn, I was able to explode inside her in a torrent that left me totally exhausted and happy.  That hasn't happened in quite a long while.  So I'm wondering if any of you over 60 guys have discovered the same excellent use of cannabis?

Yes, I've had the same experience.  Thinking of friends and acquaintances in our age group who have never tried it, yet are anti-cannabis, I have to wonder if they'd still be against it after having had sex under the influence

I gotta think one such experience is all it would take to change their minds!

But  my state is slated to vote on legal pot come November, and you just sealed my vote on the subject

I hope it passes!  Glad I could influence your vote.  Let us know.

cuppajoe429 reads

Taylor the dosage, strains and the situation I've had better luck with sativas, like Sour Diesel. Anything too strong produces couch lock, some more is not always better.

Quite right.  I overdid it the first time I tried and had poor results.  Now I know what I need and can tailor the dose better.

ED meds and cannabis are the best recreational combo EVER. Vapor or edible is the best way to go in my opinion. Vote YES if/when legalization appears on your state's ballot.

Cannabis provides a very welcome experience(s), have not tried the vaper but will search it out.  When the vote comes to your State, vote positive and tell your friends and neighbors to do so as well, the archaic laws we have about this natural product are just so stupid.

I prefer the vaporizer because the edibles take so long to come on and then last way too long, at least for me.  With a disposable cannabis oil vaporizer I take 4 or 5 puffs and feel the effects in 30 minutes.  If I stay in bed enjoying a lady's company for hours, as I did yesterday, we can just reach over and grab the vaporizer from the nightstand and take another puff or two every once in a while.  When I stop, the effects wear off over the next hour and I can go about my day without being stoned.

I guess we all can remember our college days fondly.
I discovered this with a provider a year ago.
I had not smoked in quite a while, she suggested it, I accepted, because
I had taken a Viagra only 20min earlier, & thought this will give it time to work.
When we got down to it! I was so much more intense. I loved it.
Now I use a vape before each session. Love it. Feel like I did in my teens.
Old Guys Rule!

While the people on this forum are mature, think about the people that have no self-control.  In this state it has caused too many problems to list. A couple of big ones, who is going to hire these people?  It does not matter how much education they have would you want them as an employee? They are a liability to your business. Driving is another issue.  
They get addicted and overdose. If you do not believe me ask an emergency room doctors who have treated these people. Talking to the emergency crews the same people call, so they have to ignore them because they tie up emergency personal, so if someone gets in a car accident they do not have the resources to handle the call.  
Our schools are a mess. Parents leave this stuff lying around and the kids are smoking it in the hall ways of the schools. They do not even try to hide it. Again who is going to hire them? More people on welfare

I don't know that I'd want to try an enhancer because then everything thereafter will seem less fun, rather than previously having been peak fun.  So you become dependent on it (not hooked, per se.)  

So unless you have dysfunction where things aren't even possible without the enhancer, then I'd stay away.

That said, we shouldn't make the whole world a rubber-room just because there are some crazies.  Of course I am not a big advocate of the welfare state where losers who make loser choices get carried by the rest of us.  So if they insist on flushing themselves out of the gene pool, well, their choice.

Posted By: Greenbacks2
While the people on this forum are mature, think about the people that have no self-control.  In this state it has caused too many problems to list. A couple of big ones, who is going to hire these people?  It does not matter how much education they have would you want them as an employee? They are a liability to your business. Driving is another issue.  
 They get addicted and overdose. If you do not believe me ask an emergency room doctors who have treated these people. Talking to the emergency crews the same people call, so they have to ignore them because they tie up emergency personal, so if someone gets in a car accident they do not have the resources to handle the call.  
 Our schools are a mess. Parents leave this stuff lying around and the kids are smoking it in the hall ways of the schools. They do not even try to hide it. Again who is going to hire them? More people on welfare!      

I have responses to your post at two levels:  

First, unexpectedly, I find that my orgasms are stronger now that I am in my 60s than they were at an earlier time.  The amount of ejaculation isn't as much as it once was but, otherwise, it's actually better.  Anyone else finding increased pleasure now?

Second, to me it's a very good thing that this particular session was with your wife.  For me, the hobby has changed and, in some ways, spoiled the sexual relationship with my wife. I am working on changing that, trying to get more in the swing of things again (so to speak).  Again, anyone else experienced the same?

I'm happy for you that you are having stronger Os now than in the past.  That has not been my experience, so props to you!

And I thank you for the comments about my wife.  I am extremely lucky to be married for many years to a woman who is open minded and into exploring her own sexuality as much as I am into exploring mine.  She approves of my hobbying and has a BF of her own!

...and neither of us got much out of it. We both felt that it dulled the experience that we had when all of our senses were sharp. That worked well for us throughout a long,. long wonderful sex life. I feel the same way with my current sex life. I want to be totally aware of every sensation that I get from the sexual expertise of my ATF.

I can affirm the effect of cannabis on my and my partner's sex life. We're both over 65 and mutually look forward to those times we can tkae in the effects of smoking and then dive into our sexual relationship. It heightens the experience for both of us, makes us both more aware of one another and the moment. If you haven't experimented with cannabis yet, you should!!


It is really fun..  have few personal vapes.
 And I never do my self Cannabis.. may be just Damiana.. if he does  Cannabis it complements nicely .
Just in medical purpose..:)
 To relax:)

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