60 and Over

Re: What?
Larissa_Sweets See my TER Reviews 325 reads

I love that idea! I love dresses :)  

No TER doesn't allow pictures for comparisons at least not me wearing it. They consider it a form of advertisement. :(

My 60+ gents what kind of lingerie do you prefer do you like this new Victoria Secret look or does the vintage pin up do it for you?

That's what I want to aim to look like. Who doesn't find Marilyn Monroe gorgeous or Betty Paige to die for? Those were real women, real beauty, no photoshop back in those days. It was all hard work!

the woman who is in it is what turns me on. Her attitude, her physical attributes, her personality are what count. If she were to come out of the bathroom wearing a potato sack and a grin on her face I'd know this lady is just fine with me because she has a sense of humor as well as a great figure,lol

Too many straps and fasteners to undo, and sometimes you can pinched by that stuff.

Give me flowing silky robes any day.

Fishnets and tight thin leather is OK too

No Vintage/Victoria pics of Roxanne to use as a basis for comparison?

Lingerie is great for advertisement, but in person, I prefer regular clothes. In fact, for my last four gfe sessions, the ladies answered the door in dresses, and knocked me out.

I love that idea! I love dresses :)  

No TER doesn't allow pictures for comparisons at least not me wearing it. They consider it a form of advertisement. :(

you could post a montage of you in several outfits on Photo Only

I like the gals who wear the undies like you see on the mannequins at Sears or Target. Really, just big old white Maidenform type stuff.

I like sexy fishnet stockings with garters. I've gotten pretty good at flipping the snaps off with two fingers. And as far as a bra, love the type where half her boob is hanging out and I can lick and suck her nipples.

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