60 and Over

Re: The Statistics
bionic_guy 856 reads

I haven't used injections for a few years, since they ultimately didn't work well enough for me and I went the route of implants.  BTW I really love the implant.  My reply here is partly a result of my past experience, and part my synthesis of reading many (over 100 I would guess) accounts of others.

I think most guys get much harder than the "plump" you experience.  But, of course, there are a wide variety of results, ranging from rock hard with trips to the ER to nothing at all.  And dosage makes a big difference.  If you like the way it works for you, then perfect.  If you don't, the options are to vary the dosage or vary the mix of the 3 compounds, or try adding another compound for quad-mix.

As far as room temp storage, I would say that your doc is the only one I've ever heard of with that opinion.  But, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.  If it works, then fine.  My compounding pharmacy wouldn't even let me drive 40 minutes back to my house without putting the vial in an insulated pack with dry ice.  I have read about guys leaving a syringe filled at room temp for hours or even a day with ok results, but months... I don't know anyone who tried that.  I would definitely ask the compounding pharmacy about stability.  There's a good chance they have a much wider range of patient experience than your doc.

Also, there are 3 compounds in trimix, and I think the stability of each is different.  One or two of the compounds, I think, are stable for a long time at room temp.  So its possible, I would assume, to still get some response from one or two of the compounds.  This might depend a lot on your sensitivity to the individual components, which again probably varies one guy to the next.

There is also concern about sterility and bacteria growth due to contamination in the vial.  Some think keeping it cold is safer.  Also, while I have heard that some have good results even after the 3 month "expiration", there are experts who suggest that for sterility and safety reasons you should discard after 3 months.  Probably depends on how careful you are.  I've even heard of a pharmacy that ships the order in multiple vials to improve the sterility by decreasing the number of pricks into each vial.

I definitely don't think there is any single answer, and it all varies a lot based on the individual, dosage, and mix.

There is a pretty good patient based site, though lately it has been having severe server problems which have made it almost unusable.  If they ever correct it there is a wealth of information and experience there. I've pasted a link below in case they fix their problems.

dlarry103059 reads

Anyone have success here?  When Viagra, Cialis, Levitra not working or not acceptable.

He's a type 1 diabetic for 30 years.. and he has told me that he pills don't work, but an injection does..

Interesting that the side effects are different that Viagra..

I had no real issues with viagra  but suddenly I was having .. orgasm.. delay. I guess I would call it.. I cut my dose down from 50 Mgs to 25 Mgs.. and all is now well.. wonderful..

oryx321272 reads

One of my provider friends told me about another client who used it. Now, I use it and it works fine. Takes me about 10-15 minutes after injection. Make sure your urologist shows you how it works. IT idea of sticking a needle in your penis makes people reluctant but it is hardly felt. Good luck.

89Springer981 reads

Went to the urologist and he started me at 15 units. It was actually a satisfactory erection with that dose, but he upped it to 20 units. He thought that was fine.

When I "tested" it alone here at home, it was fine. Once I didn't get anything and gave him a call. He said I likely didn't inject far enough in, or injected above or below the corpus cavernosum, which is the tubes of tissue that run at 9:00, 3:00 and 6:00. You inject into one of the sides.

Unfortunately, on a 3 hour session I'd booked two weeks ago, I also missed, and so had a regular mediocre erection. I thought about doing another injection, but I've been warned that doing so can be risky.

The hardness of the erection is about the same as I got out of 100 mg's of Viagra. The nice part is that the injections allow me to have an erection even after orgasm, or even have a second orgasm, which I haven't been able to do since my 20's. There's also no headache or flushed face, and no difficulty having an orgasm, which is something I and other guys have complained about with Viagra.

It's a lot less expensive than Viagra ($4 per dose including the $80 compounding cost versus $16 or $32 for Viagra), and works better for me.

The idea of injecting my penis bothers me when I'm thinking about it. When I'm doing it, it doesn't bother me at all.

I can't believe injections have been around since the 1980's and I never heard about them until recently.

bionic_guy1035 reads

I think the stats are that injections work roughly 80% of the time when pills don't.  For some guys pills work, then ultimately fail.  Sometimes then injections work, then too, they ultimately fail.

The FDA approved injections are Edex and Caverject.  VERY expensive, don't work as well as other formulations, and about 30% of guys find they create significant ache.  There are also compounded formulations (you get a prescription to go to a compounding pharmacy) for bimix, trimix and quadmix.  The exact formulas for each can be fine tuned by the doctor.  Trimix is the most popular (a mixture of 3 different chemicals).  The mix can be adjusted to eliminate the ache you would get from Edex or Caverject if you get that.

A couple of issues with injections.  First you need to be careful as you titrate to the right dosage.  More than a few guys experimenting with injections end up in the ER with a priapism (the legendary erection lasting more than 4 hours).  And mixing them with pills is one of the reasons the pill ads so diligently warm about priapisms.

Second, when they work, injections will give you an erection whether you want it or not.  No arousal or stimulation necessary.  And it lasts until the drug wears off, regardless of whether you orgasm (or not).  Most guys, when they find the dosage that gives them a decent erection, find that it lasts at least 2 hours.  Not always, but most of the time.  Lowering the dosage reduces the quality of the erection rather than shortening it.  Upping the dosage makes it last longer.  Going to a 1 hour incall with a provider could result in you leaving and trying to cover up your erection because its going to last another hour or two.

Third, Edex and Caverject don't require special handling.  But, trimix and the other compounds need to be refrigerated or they lose potency fast.  If you're going to carry them around with you, you need a cold pack, plus, of course, something to carry syringes in.

If you shop around, you can probably get your cost per injection to $1 or less, though it depends on how often you use it.  You normally pay a fixed amount for a vial that will loose potency after about 3 months.  There are "male medical centers" that dispense bimix, trimix and/or quadmix.  Some of these are huge rip off joints, massively overcharging you for the compound.  Beware, especially if they try to sell it to you directly instead of giving you a prescription you can shop around with, or especially if they try to sign you up to a contract.  You can save money by shopping around.  The compounds can be shipped across state lines (in a refrigerated pack) so you can search nationally.

If injections fail, there are always penile implants.  They work great and most guys like them a lot more than injections and even pills, but there is that nasty problem of having surgery and a usually painful recovery.

-- Modified on 3/30/2014 10:13:25 AM

89Springer1318 reads

My urologist told me some things that differ from what you've said. Not arguing, just telling you what he said. Also what I've experienced.

The "erection" without stimulation is more like a plumped up penis. Not a hard erection. With stimulation it becomes hard, and that reaction to stimulation lasts more than two hours with the dosage my doc gave me. I asked him about a firm erection versus plump, and he said he considers plump without stimulation to be an erection.

He also said that, while refrigeration is best, trimix will last more than six months at moderate (70 degrees) room temperature. I'm not going to try to find out.

I'd be interested to compare notes on all this so I know what's true. Maybe my urologist isn't as informed as he should be.

The so-called "male centers" all seem to be rip-offs.  I've read of many guys complaining that they signed a contract for a specified amount of bimix or trimix for 20 times the cost of what the compounding pharmacy charges. $1000 or more for a year's supply. The price I was quoted was outrageous (I didn't go to the place, just called for a price).

bionic_guy857 reads

I haven't used injections for a few years, since they ultimately didn't work well enough for me and I went the route of implants.  BTW I really love the implant.  My reply here is partly a result of my past experience, and part my synthesis of reading many (over 100 I would guess) accounts of others.

I think most guys get much harder than the "plump" you experience.  But, of course, there are a wide variety of results, ranging from rock hard with trips to the ER to nothing at all.  And dosage makes a big difference.  If you like the way it works for you, then perfect.  If you don't, the options are to vary the dosage or vary the mix of the 3 compounds, or try adding another compound for quad-mix.

As far as room temp storage, I would say that your doc is the only one I've ever heard of with that opinion.  But, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.  If it works, then fine.  My compounding pharmacy wouldn't even let me drive 40 minutes back to my house without putting the vial in an insulated pack with dry ice.  I have read about guys leaving a syringe filled at room temp for hours or even a day with ok results, but months... I don't know anyone who tried that.  I would definitely ask the compounding pharmacy about stability.  There's a good chance they have a much wider range of patient experience than your doc.

Also, there are 3 compounds in trimix, and I think the stability of each is different.  One or two of the compounds, I think, are stable for a long time at room temp.  So its possible, I would assume, to still get some response from one or two of the compounds.  This might depend a lot on your sensitivity to the individual components, which again probably varies one guy to the next.

There is also concern about sterility and bacteria growth due to contamination in the vial.  Some think keeping it cold is safer.  Also, while I have heard that some have good results even after the 3 month "expiration", there are experts who suggest that for sterility and safety reasons you should discard after 3 months.  Probably depends on how careful you are.  I've even heard of a pharmacy that ships the order in multiple vials to improve the sterility by decreasing the number of pricks into each vial.

I definitely don't think there is any single answer, and it all varies a lot based on the individual, dosage, and mix.

There is a pretty good patient based site, though lately it has been having severe server problems which have made it almost unusable.  If they ever correct it there is a wealth of information and experience there. I've pasted a link below in case they fix their problems.

89Springer812 reads

Thanks for the reply. When I say "plump", I mean that's the state I'm in without any stimulation. For example, if I were reading this forum right now, I wouldn't be rock hard after an injection. If I went and looked at some porn, I'd be hard in less than a minute. I can still get hard after coming, and two hours after the injection I can still get hard and get a second pop.

A couple of times I got worried after two hours and took a Sudafed tablet. Maybe I'm too cautious.

I didn't know about the three month bacteria issue. I'd rather play it safe, so I'll get a new vial when three months are up

bionic_guy855 reads

The site linked in the previous message seems to be fixed, and it is better accessed as shown in the link below.

oryx32943 reads

RE:He also said that, while refrigeration is best, trimix will last more than six months at moderate (70 degrees) room temperature. I'm not going to try to find out.  
Yesterday, I picked up Trimix at my Compounding Pharmacy and I told them a package containing Trimix had fallen out of my freezer and I didn't see it until the next morning, the overnight temp was around 68 degrees. They gave me a similar answer. I believe them. It would have been to their advantage to say, "Oh No, you need to discard them and we will sell a fresh batch."

dlarry10676 reads

Many thanks to all who replied with helpful information and suggestions.  Deeply and sincerely appreciated.

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