60 and Over

Re: I'd never carry into a session unless the lady knew it
vince59 15 Reviews 1897 reads

Posted By: Sphinxnc
was coming with me.  It stays locked in my car when I visit.

Now I've got a question for you.  

Why bother having the CCW license if you aren't going to carry 100%?  I know the theory that you can pick and choose where you are going to be and stay away from the high risk areas. You don't get to chose when you might need it.  Crime is not area specific.  You can be attacked any time any place.  If you don't have it with you, you might as well not have it at all.
I guess your question is for me. My thoughts are this: If you carry all the time and lock it in your car at times . What happens if someone breaks in your car and steals it or steals your car?  if you get attacked by someone else that is already pointing a gun at you, when do you think they are going to allow you to get yours out and use it? I really have nothing against responsible people carrying. In arizona you don't have to have a permit to ccw. I personaly don't feel that threatened in everyday life to carry my handgun concealed or otherwise. yeah, I know shit happens but I would rather take my chances and not have to worry about killing someone in a road rage incident or some stupid-assed argument. Of course I just as you would like to have a weapon if the occasion arises but I am not gonna carry it with me daily just waiting for that to happen. But as I said, its up to each individual whether they decide to pack or not. if that makes you feel safer then thats great. But my question was for the ladies and what they think about a guy bringing it in their incall, Not about whether you should or shouldnot carry.

I recently put this subject on another board. wanted to see what the ladies think here.
When a guy comes to see you and as he is getting naked you notice he is carrying a concealed handgun. Does it make you nervous or uncomfortable? What do you say or do? Do you just ignore it Or??  I personaly do not carry. Mine stays home most always but I am interested in your thoughts.

recently. It didn't scare me cause it was after the session, and I pretty much knew the gent was nice and not the type to hurt me. It DID make me a little nervous, though. I think had I seen it BEFORE the session, I probably would have been a lot more nervous and scared!

Honestly, I just don't think its a good idea to bring a gun to a meeting. If you DO, at least leave it in the car.

I knew he had a job with the goverment, just didnt know before hand he carried a gun. Saw it under his jacket as I put my pocketbook on the desk. I asked him if there was anything I should know and moved his jacket. He explained and all showed me "to carry" license....Mentioned he should have put it in the safe before i got there. I agreed..

Session was great and have seen him many times since...

was coming with me.  It stays locked in my car when I visit.

Now I've got a question for you.  

Why bother having the CCW license if you aren't going to carry 100%?  I know the theory that you can pick and choose where you are going to be and stay away from the high risk areas. You don't get to chose when you might need it.  Crime is not area specific.  You can be attacked any time any place.  If you don't have it with you, you might as well not have it at all.

Posted By: Sphinxnc
was coming with me.  It stays locked in my car when I visit.

Now I've got a question for you.  

Why bother having the CCW license if you aren't going to carry 100%?  I know the theory that you can pick and choose where you are going to be and stay away from the high risk areas. You don't get to chose when you might need it.  Crime is not area specific.  You can be attacked any time any place.  If you don't have it with you, you might as well not have it at all.
I guess your question is for me. My thoughts are this: If you carry all the time and lock it in your car at times . What happens if someone breaks in your car and steals it or steals your car?  if you get attacked by someone else that is already pointing a gun at you, when do you think they are going to allow you to get yours out and use it? I really have nothing against responsible people carrying. In arizona you don't have to have a permit to ccw. I personaly don't feel that threatened in everyday life to carry my handgun concealed or otherwise. yeah, I know shit happens but I would rather take my chances and not have to worry about killing someone in a road rage incident or some stupid-assed argument. Of course I just as you would like to have a weapon if the occasion arises but I am not gonna carry it with me daily just waiting for that to happen. But as I said, its up to each individual whether they decide to pack or not. if that makes you feel safer then thats great. But my question was for the ladies and what they think about a guy bringing it in their incall, Not about whether you should or shouldnot carry.

Possession of a weapon during another 'crime' (of passion) changes everything...  so does any illegal drugs.   BTW, putting things into the trunk should occur somewhere other than outside her door where an observer might decide to target your vehicle.

I would much prefer you tell me ahead of time..

Actually, if we have never meet before it would freak me out.. I would probably ask you to leave or at the very least put it in your vehicle.. But if we are already friends.. It's not really a big deal..

I can think of two clients that I know of that always carry....

Thanks for asking

I have yet to have a gent come in carrying concealed... but then again, WI's CC law has only been in effect for a short while. If someone did, I would have to request they put it in their vehicle, as I just would not be comfortable.

DobieGillis2541 reads

if the caliber doesn't start with a 4 ( .357 is welcome too ) then leave it locked in your trunk ( kidding)

i see a few guys who carry for their jobs. i knew this up front and have seen then several times. if it was a first time meeting and i didn't know about it then i would be concerned. i am member of the NRA, fully support the 2nd amendment and also the rights of gun owners. and you're right about "it's better to have it and not need it then it is to need it and not have it ".      

also, what would think if the shoe were on the other foot. You catch a glimpse of one in the room and it was a first time meeting ? i personally don't keep one in the room because that's what screening is for.  

....the gentlemen told me he was carrying, as he was laying my gift, and his piece, on my dining room table.  I grew up around guns (my parents were game hunters), and I was not uncomfortable.

  If a gentleman waited until we were in the boudoir to tell me, I would be uncomfortable.

Hugs and Kisses,

....i'm not.
I'm uncomfortable period being in a hotel room big or small with a man (even screened/verified and i've seen him like 50 times) with money, other valuables of mine (including my own body) and a loaded gun.

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