60 and Over

Re: I prefer long sessions
curt23 13 Reviews 20158 reads

Yes my favorite ever time was a 24 hour trip and even then I only got in two pops. But the time together was priceless.

Thinking about the second cup posts below, at our age do you book longer sessions in hope of recouping for the second cup, or is it because you really enjoy spending longer time with the lady. For myself while I enjoy the second cup unless I book 3 to 4 hours I do not assume I am going to be able to perform. What I find I enjoy most in 90 minute or two hour session is spending cuddle, relaxing talk time. I find that I hate to finish and feel time is almost up  and its time to get up and leave.

I tend to allow more time for my older clients..

Prebooking longer sessions works best but, I also understand limited access to fun money and there is no need to pay for 90 min if you are done and ready to go home in an hour..

2 cups or 1. whatever works best for you and getting to know your client is half the battle

If I circle back and see the lady again, I may go for a longer session. As far as cups, I can get off 2 cups in an hour, if the provider is talented, however, I go into all sessions thinking it's gonna be 1 cup session.

For the most part, I'm usually up for longer sessions because I enjoy my regulars, and the more cuddle and relationship time the better.

In order to get two cups, I need at least two hours.

Two hours just flies by so quickly.

Posted By: curt23
do you book longer sessions in hope of recouping for the second cup, or is it because you really enjoy spending longer time with the lady.  
Sometimes, I just like to go slow.  I always research enough to feel confident that I willl enjoy spending multiple hours with the ladies I select.  If the opportunity for a second pop arises (pun intended), I will take full advantage of the opportunity.  If it only works out (and that's happened too) that all we have is extra cuddle and talk time, I'm happy with that.

If I ever get the feeling that we are not connecting, and that it's only a physical exercise for her, I won't have any problem cutting the meeting short and walking out.

G217371 reads

When I was a young stud, I probably could have completed my business in 15 minutes and been back in my car driving home.  If I'd stayed for a second helping, that might have added 5 more minutes to the total time.

Now, I not only need more time to ramp up my arousal, but I also want to enjoy the experience beyond just a quick release.  When I was young, the intensity of orgasm was huge and all I really cared about.  Sure, I did my fair share of foreplay and cuddling, but it was only because it was required as a precondition to get what I really wanted.

Fast forward 35 years, and what I really want is to enjoy being in the company of a beautiful woman and taking in the entire experience- her soft skin, her hair, beautiful face, etc. etc.  I now feel cheated if I don't get that because the orgasm itself is no long as intense or important as it once was.

Funny how things change in life, but I'm sure I'm not that unusual or else so many escorts wouldn't say they prefer older clients.  I think the reason is simple, our arousal period is now much more similar to theirs, and we're no longer fucking them senseless and out the door before they've even gotten started.  Assuming you like each other, spending 90 minutes or two hours    gives you the opportunity to enjoy each other's company and not feel any pressure to perform- something that kills the mood for me.

HuggyBear120018260 reads

I couldn't have said it better.

Goodnight Ms. Calabash, wherever you are.

I wonder if any of the ladies even get your final reference. Talk about having to be 60 and over.

G216303 reads

When I was 13, I went on my first date and took my GF to see "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World".  It was 1963.

I didn't even get to second base, which is probably why I ended up on TER.  LOL.

I schedule longer sessions 90 min, 2 hr, or more because I want to spend time with the lady. I don't go to a session looking for the 2nd pop. If it happens, great, it happens. I'm very much about the lady I'm with. Talk, cuddle, sexy playfulness, etc.

I'm happy to get one pop (71 years old).  The ladies I enjoy being with the most are those who are extremely intelligent and appreciate good interesting conversation.  With this in mind, my favorite sessions are ones that combine an hour of play with lunch, dinner or some special outing.  My ultimate favorite, with the right lady, is an overnight trip of a day or two.

Yes my favorite ever time was a 24 hour trip and even then I only got in two pops. But the time together was priceless.

lousdrivein19347 reads

I rarely get 2 pops in an hour, so it's really enough time for me.  I get the conversation, the cuddling, the kissing, and the sex, all in plenty of time.


SummerSanders14518 reads

A while back quite a few men on this board assisted me with ideas to better accommodate those older gentlemen that wished to have longer sessions - eventually it led me to come up with the "Gentlemen's Special for those 60+".  I only offer it in one location and funny enough had a gentlemen in my other town ask if he could get the "old farts" special there next time too?!  So, this time we are doing a 1.5 hour session with an 1 hour OTC dinner and now I am devising the a special for the other city also. So their will be "old farts" specials in all locations and any locations to be further determined!

So THANK YOU to all that helped with input on the specials!

Have fun &  play safe!


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