60 and Over

Re: Hot flashes
1705218 10 Reviews 346 reads

Posted By: cooper80
For the last couple of weeks I have been having them. It seems very likely I'm low on Testosterone.I had an appointment with my doctor Monday. My PSA levels are quite low I suspect he will get me have my blood tested for T. I hope this means that with Testosterone treatments my sex life will improve . It is pretty good w/o added T
I finally got my PCP to have my Testosterone tested and it is low but he didn't prescribe it for me but referred me to my Urologist who is booked up until Feb 11. I checked with the urologist's staff and they said to test for PSA in a month because years ago I was diagnosed as having a few prostate cancer cells when I had a BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia)and have been in the watchful waiting mode for 25 years or so. In the mean time I'm still having hot flashes and taking a med that doesn't seem to be helping much. All in all I don't know WTF is going on except that my testosterone is low.

GoodTimeJoe1124 reads

In the last few months I have had trouble getting an ogasm, I had my Testosterone level check. Result 404 (Reference range is 250 to 1100)
I have also gotten flabby with "man boobs."

At first my doctor suggested getting a "hot blonde" I've got an all-time favorite who is sexy as hell. In the past she got me off with fantastic orasms. (She understands my problem and I still love seeing her.)

Question: Has anyone benefited from the over-the-counter Testosterone "boosters"?

he/she should work with you to find ways to improve your situation. If not, get a new Doc.

Your post lacks essential details, but it seems that what you are describing is anorgasmia WITHOUT erectile dysfunction.  

There are many possible causes of anorgasmia:


Work through the possible causes and contributing factors applicable to you, and then work with your Doc to investigate and address them.

As for over the counter T 'boosters': most are bunk. Quite frankly, a total T level of 400 is not low, and would cause no concern for most Docs. Unfortunately, a single total T test is almost diagnostically useless. Your Doc should do a series of tests (different days, different times of day) to determine your true average T level. Total T is also a poor measure alone... total T, free T, SHBG, E2/E3, prolactin, FSH, LH and a total endocrine panel as part of a complete lab workup and physical exam should also be performed to determine if your T is low and if so, why? You need to know the cause of low T to treat it properly, and testosterone replacement therapy is not the only or best option.  For example, secondary hypogonadism causing low T can be treated with a variety of drugs that will not cause atrophy and loss of function in the testes.  

Exercise is the single best remedy for increasing T, minimizing E and optimizing fitness for sex. It will also help to alleviate psychological causes of anorgasmia. If you are not exercising now and are fit enough to exercise, then start!!

Anorgasmia has been successfully treated using the drug cabergoline (Cabaser):


Increasing dopamine levels in the brain can increase orgasmic response. OTC supplements of mucuna pruriens (velvet bean) contain high levels (15-20%) of l-dopa, which is converted to dopamine in the brain. L-dopa is broken down quickly in the peripheral nervous system, so it is best to take an l-dopa supplement with a green tea extract containing a high level of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which acts as a Dopamine decarboxylase inhibitor (DDCI) to prevent this and allow the l-dopa to reach the brain/CNS where it is needed.  


I'm not a medical doctor. Just offering some info for you to find a place to start a conversation with your Doc.  

Good luck

you see your doc first before beginning an exercise plan. Start slow and gradually build up your stamina both with weights and cardio.

GoodTimeJoe429 reads

I've been lazy about  exercise. I'm going to sign up today. Thanks

Eat right. Get a regular exercise regime going.  
And if you can, avoid alcohol. At least for a little while.
Long enough to see if it makes any difference. It did for me.  
We're at the point in our lives where we need to experiment with our bodies.
We can fuel our appetites. Or, we can fuel our health. Making the transition
from appetites to health can be a bitch. But I think the payoff is most gratifying.
So Zoey...when are you back in Chi? Soon, I hope.

GoodTimeJoe401 reads

Thanks for the information.

Posted By: MasterZen
he/she should work with you to find ways to improve your situation. If not, get a new Doc.  
 Your post lacks essential details, but it seems that what you are describing is anorgasmia WITHOUT erectile dysfunction.  
 There are many possible causes of anorgasmia:  
 Work through the possible causes and contributing factors applicable to you, and then work with your Doc to investigate and address them.  
 As for over the counter T 'boosters': most are bunk. Quite frankly, a total T level of 400 is not low, and would cause no concern for most Docs. Unfortunately, a single total T test is almost diagnostically useless. Your Doc should do a series of tests (different days, different times of day) to determine your true average T level. Total T is also a poor measure alone... total T, free T, SHBG, E2/E3, prolactin, FSH, LH and a total endocrine panel as part of a complete lab workup and physical exam should also be performed to determine if your T is low and if so, why? You need to know the cause of low T to treat it properly, and testosterone replacement therapy is not the only or best option.  For example, secondary hypogonadism causing low T can be treated with a variety of drugs that will not cause atrophy and loss of function in the testes.  
 Exercise is the single best remedy for increasing T, minimizing E and optimizing fitness for sex. It will also help to alleviate psychological causes of anorgasmia. If you are not exercising now and are fit enough to exercise, then start!!  
 Anorgasmia has been successfully treated using the drug cabergoline (Cabaser):  
 Increasing dopamine levels in the brain can increase orgasmic response. OTC supplements of mucuna pruriens (velvet bean) contain high levels (15-20%) of l-dopa, which is converted to dopamine in the brain. L-dopa is broken down quickly in the peripheral nervous system, so it is best to take an l-dopa supplement with a green tea extract containing a high level of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which acts as a Dopamine decarboxylase inhibitor (DDCI) to prevent this and allow the l-dopa to reach the brain/CNS where it is needed.  
 I'm not a medical doctor. Just offering some info for you to find a place to start a conversation with your Doc.  
 Good luck!  

Doctors learn their treatments largely from the pharmaceutical companies who call on them. Keep searching till you find a doctor who will say to you these words: I won't give up on you till we find the right combination.

Master Zen is right. There are many factors. Your doctor may not have a clue how disheartening this kind of issue can be. Try everything till you get a combination that works. Consider seeing a doctor who takes both holistic and traditional approaches. I used to think the exercise thing was bunk. It didn't work for me. UNTIL. Until I boosted my level past my comfort zone and found my mood lifted substantially and my orgasm increased in intensity. I'm not a big work out fan. I had to expand my thinking a lot, but I'm in a fantastic zone now.

For the last couple of weeks I have been having them. It seems very likely I'm low on Testosterone.I have an appointment with my doctor Monday. My PSA levels are quite low I suspect he will get me have my blood tested for T. I hope this means that with Testosterone treatments my sex life will improve . It is pretty good w/o added T

Fromundamyeyes362 reads

I'm not a doctor. Just have dealt with similar issues.  Well.......... if you are having hot flashes it is probably not so much from low T but possibly high E2.
Fat cells change T to  estrogen in men. So have your doc have your E2 checked. Most won't look at that at all. But it made a huge difference for me.
I'm getting T and E2 tested again this week.

I am seeing my doc tomorrow

CuriousSort354 reads

It could be orthostatic hypertension.

Posted By: cooper80
I am seeing my doc tomorrow

Posted By: cooper80
For the last couple of weeks I have been having them. It seems very likely I'm low on Testosterone.I had an appointment with my doctor Monday. My PSA levels are quite low I suspect he will get me have my blood tested for T. I hope this means that with Testosterone treatments my sex life will improve . It is pretty good w/o added T
I finally got my PCP to have my Testosterone tested and it is low but he didn't prescribe it for me but referred me to my Urologist who is booked up until Feb 11. I checked with the urologist's staff and they said to test for PSA in a month because years ago I was diagnosed as having a few prostate cancer cells when I had a BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia)and have been in the watchful waiting mode for 25 years or so. In the mean time I'm still having hot flashes and taking a med that doesn't seem to be helping much. All in all I don't know WTF is going on except that my testosterone is low.

Are formulated for your own chemistry according to your blood work...
Been in Europe for decades and now in the USA

I think the subject says it all for me.  Everything I've read from reputable sources says that uncontrolled testosterone replacement can be dangerous if not downright deadly.  My GP and urologist both have said that they would only prescribe it in response to a medical condition such as testicle removal because of testicular cancer or some other condition that cause the body to stop or nearly stop producing natural testosterone.  I'm still running but need to really concentrate on upper body strength training.  I find that preparing for a session by teetotaling for a couple of days and getting plenty of sleep goes a long way.  The Viagra helps with the Peyronies problem I'm dealing with.

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