60 and Over

Just LOVE the... Necklace...
ArthurDent 32 Reviews 754 reads

Hot, hot, hot lady...

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 4:25:12 PM

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 7:25:14 AM

BigBallsPeter724 reads

Love the picture.

I will have to see you again , real soon!

Oh My, Your smile lights up the world, and the shoes, my God the shoes. Marvelous, SweeT

Hot, hot, hot lady...

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 4:25:12 PM

Toy, you drive me wild.  Thank you for sharing your wonderful self with us hobby guys.

I'm speechless.  This photo should be in the dictionary right next to the word "beautiful".

kennred57676 reads

sexy pictures posted today!

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