60 and Over

I'm involved in a very long distance relationship with my SO....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 710 reads

Though we talk nearly every day, we only meet 5-6 times a year, but when we do, it is wonderful.

I think more people ought to try it.  I bet divorce rates would go way down.

Raising the kids could be a bit of an issue however.  Thank goodness we are both way past that stage.

I suppose everyone has heard that saying. Many, many years ago I believed that. I was in the Navy and in Japan. I had a romantic relationship with a Japanese woman. I thought of marrying her but the red tape of the Navy was a great obstruction. When I returned to the States and was discharged we continued to write letters. I researched the possibilities for bringing her to the States. As time passed the letters became fewer and longer apart. Eventually we stopped writing. At the time I was sad  but in retrospect I think, for me, the saying should be reworded to (.... the mind grow wiser). If I had married her, it might have turned out well but, I would have not met the woman who became my loving wife for 52 years. I suppose many of the people on this board had a romantic experience that made a lasting positive influence on their life. I'm equally sure there were a lot of negative experiences 8>(.  
Now I believe the original saying again!!!

Though we talk nearly every day, we only meet 5-6 times a year, but when we do, it is wonderful.

I think more people ought to try it.  I bet divorce rates would go way down.

Raising the kids could be a bit of an issue however.  Thank goodness we are both way past that stage.

A man visited a Proctologist complaining that every time he farted it sounded like "Honda!"
The doc quickly found an abscess on his rectum and removed.  Problem solved.
Proving of course that "Abscess makes the fart go Honda."

-- Modified on 12/3/2014 3:58:41 PM

may have had a beneficial result.

Would be interesting to know whether the WWII war bride experience resulted in additional red tape being placed on servicemen.

Considering the wonderful woman who I did  marry , I'm sure the red tape was beneficial. I'm not sure about WWII

Posted By: WymenLover
may have had a beneficial result.  
 Would be interesting to know whether the WWII war bride experience resulted in additional red tape being placed on servicemen.

(I'm a little slow now days) I think the phrase should be "Absence makes the hard grow longer,"

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