60 and Over

I'll be enjoying plenty of Florida Liquid sunshine
HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 531 reads

May sound strange but i'll be soaking up the rays or raindrops at my favorite nudist resort. If it's sunny i'll need plenty of waterproof sunscreen on my very white tan lines , sunglasses and a cold drink. If it's raining I can become a mermaid and have no cares or woes just drifting into the abyss. Seems strange but most nudist run inside and find other things to do when it rains.

Have a great weekend

Kisses Haley

Bordello692271 reads

Hi to everyone, the forum looks a little slow, I have not been on much lately so thought I would drop in to see what you have planned for the weekend. I't getting hot and a little muggy but that's why I live here, love the heat and alway have.

I grew up in S.F. in the fog belt, hated S.F, move here about 10 yrs ago & will expire here.  LOL  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thanks to all the ladies that post here for us???? more mature guys.  :))

My Best y'all,

Bordello69477 reads

Wonderful, may you both have a great time and don't forget this is Friday the 13th and we have a beautful full moon to enjoy late at night or if you're early bird like myself early in the morning.


Hi All,
Who else here is having a great sexy week? Mine began on Monday when my home town hottie ATF came to my home where we spent the next 3 hours exploring the erotic possibilities of all the furniture in the house.  I will never look at the high chair in the kitchen the same way again. Then I traveled to a distant city and last night enjoyed the attentions of a blonde bombshell Russian girl.  And in 3 days I finally get to visit a certain hot asian spinner I've been lusting after for quite a while. I hope you all are having a great sexy time as well!

Bordello69433 reads

You are on a roll and you went and said the Asian word, you lucky are one lucky guy. I wish I was in your place.  Enjoy


thanks Dude.  If my Asian date works out I'll let u know!

Bordello69430 reads

I would love to hear about it and can only wish I was in or out of your shoes. LOL


May sound strange but i'll be soaking up the rays or raindrops at my favorite nudist resort. If it's sunny i'll need plenty of waterproof sunscreen on my very white tan lines , sunglasses and a cold drink. If it's raining I can become a mermaid and have no cares or woes just drifting into the abyss. Seems strange but most nudist run inside and find other things to do when it rains.

Have a great weekend

Kisses Haley

Bordello69423 reads

Glad to know you are enjoying your liquid sunshine, here in AZ. we run outside when it rains and drive around in our cars to watch the lightening strikes.  I'm happy your enjoying your nudist camp but I love tan lines but it is nice to be free of your clothes. :)


I call them my road map to all my sensual destinations. Easy to find for a gentlemen who hates to ask for directions or gets lost easily. Use plenty of bullfrog sunscreen to keep those white spots from becoming dull and dingy. I'm an hours drive to the nudist resort so i'm not able to visit as often as I would like but it is nice to feel free of all your cares and just hangout.  

I saw a video a few weeks ago of lightning striking a car while driving down the road . The people got out just in time as the car when up in smoke. Pretty scary!  I thought Florida was the lightning capital of the world but you might just top us.

Kisses Haley

-- Modified on 6/15/2014 8:11:55 AM

have to work saturday and sunday night. BUT headed to Ga. monday to see family and stopping to see a lady almost my age in atlanta on the way.  wont be a good weekend, but should be a good week.
the old sailor

Bordello69451 reads

Old Sailor,
It's Saturday so as you pointed out you have something to look forward to. I hope the two of you have a great time.

Carry on,

this week down here in the sunshine state, hadn't seen her in a couple of years.  She was here on short notice, but we got together and caught up on life and some wonderful sex.  Spent time yesterday with a local fave/friend and got a wonderful release, now over at the lake in central Florida till tomorrow.


Bordello69397 reads

You guys are having way too much fun but that is what life is for.   Oh how I wish I had the disposable income. You guys keep up the great fun. I'm saving hoping to join in when I can.


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