60 and Over

I like the way you think now
Autumn Breeze See my TER Reviews 443 reads

Countryguy8 I like the way you think now. The face and eyes speak volumes and I have been told many times that my    
photos do not do me justice and that I should include my face in my pics. However I have a standard of privacy that I must maintain (as do a lot of other ladies).

      Does a blurred face or cropped out head shot etc prevent you from approaching a new lady? Or do you still occasionally
get caught up in a great ass?

The older I get, the more I now use 'face' as the deciding factor when picking out a new lady.  

As a younger guy, I had let 'figure' be the principal determinant. And I must admit that, being an 'ass man', I would check out down there first. A trim waist helped immensely, as did long shapely legs.  

No doubt many of you guys focused on 'tits' – perhaps letting them be your sole determinant when you were a young stud or even a dirty-old-man of 50.

It's too bad so many ladies advertise with photos that do not show their faces. What's an aging 'face man' to do

As I age, I become much less infatuated with the body or face, and much more fixated on the gal's personality and abilities

Interesting you should mention this.  I have one rule inviolate:  if the lady can't smile in at least one picture in her photo array, I won't book her.

NoYellowEnvelope401 reads

... that are especially appealing to me.  The smile of course, but also the eyes and the overall expressiveness of her face. I love it when a woman knows how to laugh.  Which means her face will probably have laugh lines if she's beyond a certain age and hasn't had work done.  So much the better.  

Some reviewers have disparaged my ATF's face as "rough", or other such terms, and gave her a low appearance score.  I think she may have some skin damage from a condition in her youth. But I love her face.  It's a portal to what lies beneath... and that's quite extraordinary.

I think attitude and skills are so much more important than looks. I love to be wowed when I walk in the door, and I often am, but after a minute or two her attitude and skills are soooo much more important.

That said, I have to admit I go for slim with 32 or 34 natural bust. Big boobies I avoid pretty much.

Women have such wonderful diversity of sizes, shapes, shades, and personalities I don't really care.  I am more interested in if she is a mature adult with life experience and there is a potential for good chemistry.  The photo gallery is are the last thing I look at.

about attitude and chemistry. If she is a seductress then we will have a great time.

Countryguy8 I like the way you think now. The face and eyes speak volumes and I have been told many times that my    
photos do not do me justice and that I should include my face in my pics. However I have a standard of privacy that I must maintain (as do a lot of other ladies).

      Does a blurred face or cropped out head shot etc prevent you from approaching a new lady? Or do you still occasionally
get caught up in a great ass?

...  a blurred face or a cropped head shot preventing me from approaching a new lady.  

I only wish that more ladies showed a hint of their facial profile. Many do this – and a guy can imagine the whole visage from just the hint.

Another tactic would be for the lady to write, "I look very much like [the actress] ________." That enables the guy to Google the actress's photos.

I see from the replies that some guys prefer attitude and performance. Sure. But in mentioning 'face', I was referring to evaluation before ever meeting. Some enchanted evening ... across a crowded room ...

Oh, and you're right. I still do occasionally (but seldom these days) get caught up in a great ass

And 100% enhanced tits. I thought I was normal until I discovered TER lol ! Pretty much the MAIN factor are the enhanced tits ! Cleavage makes me dizzy !
I really always have, and do today, so nothing has changed.

The blurred face photos really don't influence my decision on whether I would see a lady.

It's really interesting at how DIFFERENT we all are :) I love it !

-- Modified on 8/23/2016 2:49:08 PM

even when I was younger.  I don't like surprises and a few times when I judged an escort on her figure I was disappointed with her looks facially.  I guess I can understandd why a provider might hide her face, but those that do, rarely get my patronage.

In other words, you send her some screening info and she acknowledges it. Then she e-mails you some pix that show her face. Then you say, "Hey, okay!" Then she asks for final screening data (if applicable).

You now know what she's going to look like when the two of you meet.

I wouldn't do it. Once you let go of those pics you can never get them back and while most people are honest....they could still be accidentally discovered one day. But I can see where that may work for some others.

so true. No face pics on the net for me, either.  Just saying....

Posted By: Autumn Breeze
I wouldn't do it. Once you let go of those pics you can never get them back and while most people are honest....they could still be accidentally discovered one day. But I can see where that may work for some others.

When folks outside the hoppy ask me what I look for in women my answer is. " I'm an eye man , because at my age all I can do is look."  They laugh and I get a bigger laugh inside thinking of all the wonderful providers I  get to experience with terrific tits, awesome asses, and yes, beautiful eyes. I have seen ad pictures with such  captivating eyes that I had to see the lady in person. Give me a room full of women in burkas and I will choose the one with the finest eyes and take the rest of her sight unseen.

I used to be a combo face-figure guy.  
As I've gotten older it's all about the body.  
Let's face it (pun intended) as we get older it's harder to meet women IRL that have great bods.  
I live in Plastic Surgery central so lots of pretty faces  
But finding a non photo shopped excellent figure isn't so easy.

... it's not super heavy that some can make out my features to a degree and can be pretty comfortable with that i'm not a gargoyle lol :).

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