60 and Over

I have been turnwd
SoothSayer13 3101 reads


zackster664456 reads

I had a provider rule me out as a customer because I am over 55.  I am a white anglo saxon male with a decent situation and being told 'No you're too old.' was a shock. After a half days reflection I decided to get over it. It's really nothing compared to what happens to other people every day. Blacks, Whites, Asians, Arabs, Hispanics, Women, short. fat, ugly, are all victims. So an old WASP can be set straight by a 30 year old, hot as hell, babe with a set of criteria for her customers that is no where near as demanding as the average hobbyist. Does it bother me? Not much. Besides she probably has a wrinkle starting on her perfect ass.

but never one as low as 55.  Then again I've seen some that set their minimum limit at 45.  

Everyone is entitled to set their own comfort level.

Never had that happen to me, and I was already over 55 when I started in the hobby.  Many gals have lots of different criteria governing the guys she will see, but never heard of one that had a maximum age limit.  A minimum age?  All the time, but that never affected me.  Trust me, this gal you are talking about is missing out.  I see all the time ads where she prefers older men. just read the reviews and ads.  I also believe us old guys over 55 comprise a very large section of the hobbyist world.


zackster663829 reads

I am a 59 year old newbie( my birthday was last week). Which made it just a little bit harder since I am just trying to have fun while learning not to f**k up.

it is her loss..not yours..

Just wondering because when I was young, and went to grandma and grandpa's house, I recall there being a funny smell.  (I suspect it was Preparation H, but it could have been the cabbage grandma was cooking also.)

In any case, you'll never know why, and it doesn't matter as there are plenty of great gals out there who don't care as long as you are well groomed, polite, and have the envelope.  (And don't smell like cooked cabbage.)

Maybe she had a guy, or heard of a guy having a heart attack in the middle of having sex.  It happens.  And decided she never wants to face that situation.

To tell you the truth, one of my regular gals, about 50 years old and in good physical shape, had a heart attack recently.  She said her doctor said she was all set to have sex, but I'm keeping a bottle of aspirin on hand just in case.

zackster663715 reads

I just came back from a date with a 39 year old provider who wasn't at all bothered by my age. I wasn't bothered by her age. In fact the question never came up. We just seemed to know what, when where and how. I will have to be careful with her because of all I have read about developing attachments.

have some kind of criteria of who they will see or not see. I try not to discriminate against anyone due to their age, ethnic background or color because I know that all of us need some loving at some time. My youngest client was 24 and my oldest 78. I draw the line however if the client is too young. 18 to 23 is just a bit too young for me to feel comfortable entertaining. Everyone has their own personal reason and comfort level for declining a client or an escort- I wouldn't take it to heart. There are plenty of escorts who would be thrilled to entertain a man in their 50's. Enjoy the hobby and it's her loss.


So_Ca_Dreaming2918 reads

too young for me. It would make me feel very uncomfortable if I can't forget that she's the same age or younger than my son or daughter. It's not the actually age. Some just trigger that reaction from me. I can understand perfectly if she doesn't want to see me if I make her feel uncomfortable. When either party is not comfortable, the session is probably not going to go well anyway. I would prefer honesty over wasting my time and money.

It is very refreshing to hear of someone who would respects age differences within reason, and does not want a provider too young. It seems natural that a mature (in age) man would want a mature (in age) woman.
Providers who are younger, who also want men close in age to them (not someone as old as their father or grandfather)must have a difficult time.

Posted By: So_Ca_Dreaming
too young for me. It would make me feel very uncomfortable if I can't forget that she's the same age or younger than my son or daughter. It's not the actually age. Some just trigger that reaction from me. I can understand perfectly if she doesn't want to see me if I make her feel uncomfortable. When either party is not comfortable, the session is probably not going to go well anyway. I would prefer honesty over wasting my time and money.

I've seen 65 but 55?  That's crazy (imo). She's an odd one. 55 is like perfect hobby age. But eh yeah her choice.

I do not have much of an interest in men in their 20's and early 30's
The guys in their early 20's can provide me with refs from local providers but for me it is not my cup of tea. I would much rather spend my time with a mature gentleman.
40's and up are my choice

Personally, I prefer gentlemen suitors over 35, and one of my favorite visits is with a gent who is 73; he is full of life and laughter!  I think men are like fine wine too!!!  ;)

I have never turned down a guy just because he was "too young" or "too old". Give me what I am asking for, age is nothing but a number! :)

I am 47 years young and I'm willing to bet I have a few wrinkles in my ass.  The thought of being with a man under 35 who might not have even developed one wrinkle makes me feel very uncomfortable.  Also I have children in their 20's.  So for me seeing a young guy is just not happening.  

So as much as the 30 year old (who may have already developed a wrinkle on her perfect ass) might sound offensive, I can respect her limitations.  She obviously doesn't want to see men who are old enough to be her father.  I get it.  And of course it is her body and her right to see the gents whom she feels comfortable seeing.  

I would not take it personally if I were you.  There are lots of young ladies with no wrinkles on their perfect asses who enjoy entertaining older men.  LOL!  Just keep hunting until you find the one who is right for you.  :)

Happy Hobbying!  Betty xoxo

Dear Betty:
Would another factor that would be influential in your age stipulation would be the conversation and items in common that you would have with an older gentleman be critical in your selection process? Finally I am wondering would you have the same experiential stipulation  as men would have in terms of the men that you would interact with are veterans of the bedroom and have certain secrets that are vital when it comes to you enjoying the session as well?

...I prefer to visit with gentlemen over 45!  

  Never let other's opinions/rules bring you down.  I just had a horrible review written, which I know is false, as do many others on this site, whom I have visited with.  BTW - thank you to all that pm'd me, offering their support on the bogus review.

Hugs and Kisses,

nolongeranewbie4384 reads

(even though that seems like a long time ago! )  You have a way of making us feel younger and appreciated and you are an absolute pleasure to be with.
Sorry about that bogus review!  Anyone who knows you appreciates who you are and won't be swayed by false words. The truth ultimately prevails!

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