60 and Over

Excellent response Chiguy. I hope the OP gives it a shot. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 3955 reads


Bordello695646 reads

I have my 67 Th. B'day coming up and live on a very tight budget but have planned for this occasion,  being divorced for 30 year and and small at about 5'4 and 116 lb. have never been able to get much attention from the ladies. Anyway, long story short, not sure what does or does not work, found out about 6 mos. I have prostate cancer but yet want the feel of a warm understanding lady.  Then I wonder about all the things that can go wrong so think I might just let it go.  

Thoughts please???

While I have been a VIP member in the past I am only a basic member at the moment so  no PM please.



I would have gone through PM, but since you can't, I was diagnosed 5 years ago, had surgery, No problems since (can't actually say Cancer Free til you hit that 5 year mark).

Anyhow, as I'm guessing your Doctor told you, just about Any form of treatment you decide on will have a very high success rate provided you were diagnosed in the early stages. And since Prostate Cancer is typically one of the slowest developing cancers there is, chances of a Full recovery and normal life are outstanding!!

You don't mention if you have already had surgery/radiation treatment, etc. but if you have and now you are wondering if the 'Plumbing' still works, be assured that you will be able to get hard, you will be able to have intercourse, and you will definitely enjoy it.

A little biology lesson:

The Testicles are where the semen is produced, the Prostate Gland is where all the other fluid (cum for lack of a better word is produced) remove the prostate gland = no cum. Sounds like a real bummer doesn't it?

Not so much. That was my biggest fear also, but it turns out that the Brain, where the pleasure centers are, doesn't really know if your body is spouting cum during orgasm or not. In other words, you still get all of the pleasure, a lot less mess! When you get off, you still GET OFF!!

Finally, sometimes we older guys need a little help to get up with or without prostate cancer. Not to worry, if the little blue pill helped you before, chances are, it still will. If it takes a little more help now, talk to your doctor. There are a variety of options available to ensure that you have a rewarding sex life!!

One thing I will tell you for sure is that you will enjoy your encounters even more than in the past!

Happy 67th!!


Bordello693595 reads

Thanks Chiguy,
Sorry about the PM thing but so long as were not against board rules and I have already put it out there I'm fine with it. I appreciate the information as there is some that I was not aware of. I'm not at home at the moment so I don't have my numbers in front of me but the PSA got close to 13 and after the biopsy  the gleason score was at or close to 7, the V.A. doc. said three options, remove (won't do it) raditation (maybe) or nothing (very probable)

He said due to the numbers seeding was not an option. If I get 3 or 4 yrs I'm fine with that, everything hurts so my small frame is worn out from all the labor work over the years. I am still considering the radiation but have to get back to my health forum to see what the one that have been through it have to say about it.

This is when I wish I lived where I could see Haley as from her board personality I would feel comfortable with her. Matter of fact my first provider was willing to see me without references because I had been posting on the regional board for awhile so she was at least a little familiar with me. Told her in an email I need to get some kind of approval first as I had none and she said no she would go with her gut feeling about me from the way I presented myself on the board. So she opened the door for me and I appreciate her to this day.

Sorry if this was a little long.

Thanks for the input and advice,

you be rewarded with a great experience from an outstanding courtesan.

Bordello694224 reads

Thanks Keystonekid,
I am going to do my best, I do  not have a provider picked out yet. Sure wish more from my regional board posted here so I wouldn't have to ask if they have an age limit as some do.

Thanks for the B'day wish,

I'm not sure if the lady your making plans with has seen you before or you have chosen someone new but don't get caught up in the cant's. Take a deep breath just before you meet and get a great big shit eaten grin and draw it deep inside ; now melt those worries away and let nature takes it's course. Enjoy every minute and try not to make your final destination ruin a perfectly wonderful time. Kiss, cuddle and let the moments just happen. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday

Kisses Haley

Bordello693462 reads

Thanks a heap Miss Haley, if I were in Orlando you would be my choice.

Thanks for all you do and add to this board.


All this advice is excellent, and I want to add one more, if you are anywhere near a Mayo clinic then go for a second opinion. There are new ways of looking at this cancer and the time line. At your age it might be wise for seed procedure (your Dr. can tell you  more). Good luck!

Bordello692850 reads

There is one close by but all I use is the good old V.A. LOL       I've been waiting over 3 yrs. for a rotator cuff operation.  I will no longer have it now even if they were to call.  I have learned to live with it.

I do appreciate your thoughts.


Hugs to you,  I have dealt with men with prostate cancer - end stages, new diagnosis and post surgery.  Regardless of where you are on the line,  its no fun.

I agree with Haley to just start with hugging, kissing, touching, cuddling and go from there.  Don't get caught up in the "performance", instead just enjoy your time with the lady and let things develop on their own.

I know one of the side effects of prostate cancer can be incontinence, if this is an issue for you, plan on using a condom for any play going on when you are naked.    They have some kind of poise pad thing for men these days that is discrete and can be slipped inside your regular underpants so the lady may never know you have anything going on there btw.

Whatever you do I hope you are with a lovely, affectionate lady who will make your 67th memorable.

out of curiosity, where are you located?

Bordello694083 reads

Why thanks you, no problems with the incont. thing as no treatment.  I'm in the Valley of the Sun.

Lots of fine Ladies here.


G23679 reads

I know this is a difficult and very personal decision, so I won't offer any opinions.  I only bring this up because my father was very despondent when he had to deal with all of this, and totally uncharacteristic for him.  At the time, he too might have easily said I'll settle for 3 or 4 years- just leave me alone.

Instead, he went through with the surgery.  I won't say it was easy for him, because he did have side-effects, and those took some getting used to, but he's still alive and healthy.   He also used the VA hospital, but procedures have improved quite a bit since his treatment over 20 years ago.

My point is, it sucks for anyone that's in this situation, but don't give up.  He was a proud WWII vet and wasn't used to complaining about his health, or even taking care of it for that matter.  But he did what he had to do and we're all very thankful that he did, and he's living to a nice old age as a result.  He's even had a girlfriend since 1990!  But more importantly, I still have my father.

....Happy 67th coming soon.  Everyone esle has been so helpful I dunno what more I could add other than I hope you find someone that can take it slow with you. :)

noagenosage1980 reads

Good responses, all.  I have learned that every case is different, including after effects.  In my case my numbers were not so high but the cancer was close to the "wall" and relatively fast growing, so watchful waiting was not an option.  I chose radiation and seeds.
That was 12 years ago and it undoubtedly saved my life.  But there were some irreversible side effects that made full erections difficult, even with one of the pills, but orgasms are still possible and powerful.  In the intervening period I have had a number of warm and exciting friendships, and in every case the provider has been marvelously lively and affectionate and the overall experience is still great.  Remember, they are professionals and their skills, affection, and humor can make you feel wonderful, and they are also impressve and attractive human beings as well.  

So do your best to relax, choose your partner carefully and strive for mutual satisfaction.  I'm 78 and life is still good!  

Posted By: Bordello69
I have my 67 Th. B'day coming up and live on a very tight budget but have planned for this occasion,  being divorced for 30 year and and small at about 5'4 and 116 lb. have never been able to get much attention from the ladies. Anyway, long story short, not sure what does or does not work, found out about 6 mos. I have prostate cancer but yet want the feel of a warm understanding lady.  Then I wonder about all the things that can go wrong so think I might just let it go.  

Thoughts please???

While I have been a VIP member in the past I am only a basic member at the moment so  no PM please.


then it behoves you to go to a specialist where the latest techniques can be considered & the most appropriate one selected.  I used to let my doctors run my medical care.  Every so often, I find I was not adequately informed.  Now I do my own research & ask better questions.   If you decide of a surgury...  you NEED the FIRST TEAM the very FIRST TIME.  Not afterward trying to do repairs.  The time for a second opinion is before they cut you.

I double check all medications myself for interactions...  (Google is wonderful)    

Go have a good time...  enjoy.

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