60 and Over

Do your homework here - you'll be fine
OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 644 reads

Perhaps picking someone your daughter's age for a first encounter is not the best choice. Not because of her but because of you. You risk being self-conscious, etcetera...

Instead, search reviews in your area; you can select an age bracket that will put you in the comfort zone. NYC has FANTASTIC providers in their mid-thirties to mid-forties (remember, add 5 years to the "official" age).  

Providers are professionals and the great majority are also kind and VERY encouraging. Do not be overly concerned. You'll be fine

NYLefty2627 reads

I'm over 60 and have never been with an escort.  I'm eager to get started but am afraid I'll be greeted by a look of disgust if I show up for a session with a woman young enough to be my daughter.  I'm not a bad looking guy and am in decent shape (thanks to gym workouts three times a week), but I am over 60.  

Would appreciate any words of wisdom from other older guys (or female escorts of any age).  

I'm about 90 miles north of New York City and 60 miles south of Albany, NY. (and travel to both places).

-- Modified on 8/17/2014 7:14:40 PM

Don't be worried. I started when I was 80 and I'm no Adonis but by checking reviews, being an honest  gentleman, and not selecting 19 year old girls you will be fine.

I'm going to be 69 this week and I see mature woman from 30 to 60 or more. There is a lovely mature woman in the Albany area who may be the one you should see to kick off your hobbying career. Contact the famous Anneke,you'll be happy IOU did. Best of luck.

...The 20 somethings treated me to ecstasy with a smile. I've never encountered any issues because of my age. I was 55 when I had my first experience. I'm 60 now. I know of one provider that won't see a client over 55. She makes that clear in all her info so you won't contact her. While I'm sure there are others out there with that kind of restriction she is the only one I know of. Most of the providers say they prefer mature guys.  

Do a search on this board and on the Newbie Board. You'll find many discussions on this topic.

Be sure to read the Self-Help Center. All of it. Ask questions on the Newbie Board. Welcome and have fun.

It won't be the provider's, especially if you tell her your age beforehand.  All these gals see guys with grizzled pols and stout mid-sections.

Are you planning to go out on the town for a dinner or theater date and fear stares from the hoi polio?  

I wouldn't let that bother you either.

I'm 61 and take young beautiful women out all the time.  It's not such an unusual thing these days.  Occasionally I've gotten the stink eye from a dowager or two, and to tell you the truth, I love it.  Makes me feel on top of the world.

And also remember that there are plenty of very attractive mature gals out there who can knock your socks off and relate to you at your age level.  In fact there's on right in Albany.  PM me and I'll give you her name.

NYLefty685 reads

I'm not planning on taking any providers out on the town, but I am a little concerned about their attitude when they see this old guy.  I say that because it's a little disheartening when young women at the gym look through me or look annoyed when I can't help but give their bodies a look of appreciation. I'm new here and am not sure how to send a private message, but I'll try to send one to mrfisher, asking for the name of that attractive mature gal in Albany.

...and receive PM's (private messages). $30 a month is cheap for what you can get with access to all that is available for VIP members.

The way to send a PM is click on the envelope under mrfisher's handle. That will open the PM window. You can also click the mail tab at the top of the page, click compose, put his handle in the To field, write your message, and click send.

You really cannot go wrong if you stick to TER and p 4 one one for screening potential dates.

BTW, Mr. Fisher is one of the *best* when it comes to providing sound advice and a steady influence.

Personally, those "30-something" women knock my sox off. Age is a tough barometer, though, because the true age is quite hard to discern. Some gals of 40 rock the bod of a 20-something. You'll soon find which type of gal really strums your strings, and which budget zone has the girls for you in it. But, of course, it is quite the fancy buffet out there.

Under 23 or so is not as much fun for me--simply because the time it takes to reload will be filled with conversation. The mid-30's types tend to have some life experience to bring to the table.

But, being new, this above all: Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV).

Have fun, be safe, trust your instincts, and ask around. No sense in learning things the hard way when there is a community here that can (and will) give you correct advice. There are some super threads about many fundamentally important topics--like, how to avoid Johnny Law, for example

I can relate to your statement, "It's been a little disheartening when any woman in the gym or anywhere look through me or look annoyed when I can't help but give their bodies a look of appreciation". And it has always been due to a lack of proper social etiquette political correctness awareness on my part when my mind wanders.  For me, it has been lifelong, even when I was young. My better looking friends, like all of them, have had that same comment as you, after reaching around age 40.  But we all agree that when dealing with the paid therapy ladies, we are met with happy approval.   Believe me, it is a real ego boost compared with 'real' encounters in life.  I am your age, and have played with 18YO and over since I was 43.  My only bad encounters had nothing to do with my age at all.

Perhaps picking someone your daughter's age for a first encounter is not the best choice. Not because of her but because of you. You risk being self-conscious, etcetera...

Instead, search reviews in your area; you can select an age bracket that will put you in the comfort zone. NYC has FANTASTIC providers in their mid-thirties to mid-forties (remember, add 5 years to the "official" age).  

Providers are professionals and the great majority are also kind and VERY encouraging. Do not be overly concerned. You'll be fine

Sorry mr fisher didn't fully read your post. I have seen her several times, a real gem. Hope I didn't offend you.

And here I felt guilty for three...

Your hobby is their business.  Be respectful, show up on time, be squeaky clean, have the right donation amount and you should be fine. I'm over 60 and prefer to see escorts over 30. You'll eventually figure out what works for you.  

Posted By: NYLefty
I'm over 60 and have never been with an escort.  I'm eager to get started but am afraid I'll be greeted by a look of disgust if I show up for a session with a woman young enough to be my daughter.  I'm not a bad looking guy and am in decent shape (thanks to gym workouts three times a week), but I am over 60.  
 Would appreciate any words of wisdom from other older guys (or female escorts of any age).  
 I'm about 90 miles north of New York City and 60 miles south of Albany, NY. (and travel to both places).  

-- Modified on 8/17/2014 7:14:40 PM

I think a very outgoing and positive attitude is very important-as in any sort of association !  These gal's come into contact with every personality combination that is possible-be confident but not arrogant-be respectful-break the ice-take care of business-be someone you would want to do business with !

Posted By: hiddenhills
Your hobby is their business.  Be respectful, show up on time, be squeaky clean, have the right donation amount and you should be fine. I'm over 60 and prefer to see escorts over 30. You'll eventually figure out what works for you.  
Posted By: NYLefty
I'm over 60 and have never been with an escort.  I'm eager to get started but am afraid I'll be greeted by a look of disgust if I show up for a session with a woman young enough to be my daughter.  I'm not a bad looking guy and am in decent shape (thanks to gym workouts three times a week), but I am over 60.    
  Would appreciate any words of wisdom from other older guys (or female escorts of any age).    
  I'm about 90 miles north of New York City and 60 miles south of Albany, NY. (and travel to both places).  
 -- Modified on 8/17/2014 7:14:40 PM

I started this at age 60.  Like you, I'm in decent shape but older, 64 now.  I do shy away from much younger women just because it makes me feel creepy.  But I've also found that women 35-45 are really excellent, much better than the young ones.  They know their bodies, know your body and are more interested in someone who treats them well, with respect and dignity, that someone who looks good.  So have no fear, there are a bunch of us out here just like you.

NYLefty609 reads

Thanks to all for your encouraging words.  I think I'll draw the line at 35 (even though I could have [but don't have] a 35-year old daughter).

I'm probably older than you and can assure you, you've got nothing to worry about.  You probably look better than most of the guys they see.  I've been with gals from 18 to 50 over the past few years and, if there was any disgust, it sure was well hidden.
Come on in, the water's fine.

and found out I really forget myself once the door opens up and I get to play. There might be a time or two that things don't 'click' but that can happen in any 'meeting' situation. You just take each rendezvous for the unique experience that it is.
Look at this as an adventure :)

And ..... cleanliness is important.

Posted By: NYLefty
I'm over 60 and have never been with an escort.  I'm eager to get started but am afraid I'll be greeted by a look of disgust if I show up for a session with a woman young enough to be my daughter.  I'm not a bad looking guy and am in decent shape (thanks to gym workouts three times a week), but I am over 60.  
 Would appreciate any words of wisdom from other older guys (or female escorts of any age).  
 I'm about 90 miles north of New York City and 60 miles south of Albany, NY. (and travel to both places).  

-- Modified on 8/17/2014 7:14:40 PM

 Hey Newbie,
   I started at 69 and was worried about that also. I am now 73 seeing the ladies once or twice a week. I have seen them from 18 to 70,  I have never had anyone of them even mention my age. I do tell the ones under 30  how old I am in the initial correspondence  but the rest I do not. In fact the 18 year old really likes my company, she even lets me stay overtime most of the time. Of course I'm only good for one shot so all we do is talk mostly. My faves are the one's around 40. So get out there and enjoy what time you have left.  At our age you never know when your little head will stop working.

I'm 34 (ok, really 37) and my actual factual super handsome boyfriend is 62.  Over 60 is nothing.  Plus, men who can afford this type of thing were usually in worse shape in their 40's before they panicked and got their health on track.

Possibly don't see a girl who's young enough to be your granddaughter?  Or maybe do, but I think most providers don't even notice age until well past a 25 year gap.

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