60 and Over

An experiment to try, if you haven't already.
mattradd 40 Reviews 1089 reads

I think this was advice I took from that rascally mrfisher. Try several sessions, in row, with the same provider. I found that getting comfortable with one gal seemed to help a lot.

Interesting reactions:  I find some nights I awake with a throbbing hard on, fully ready to go, but when I'm with a provider and using viagra I'm unable to get the kind of hard on that I do some nights.  Should I increase the size of the  pill (to 100?)?  Any suggestions on others who have this situation occur?

If your body is physically able to produce a large throbbing hard-on, then more Viagra is probably not the issue.  Rather, it could a psychological issue, perhaps relating to a feeling that age is compromising your ability to perform, and producing a self-fulfilling prophesy,  but there could be many other explanations.

I would suggest that you consult with a urologist first, and be sure that physically you are sound; then see if he thinks consulting a sexual therapist would be of assistance.  These therapists can be useful in terms of learning to deal with the mental blocks that can inhibit sexual functioning.

Best of luck in dealing with this

When I'm with my latest ATF she takes mild exception to me being on Viagra. So once I gave her a heads up that I'd be ped-free on our date she was delighted. And then she proceeded to coax the most amazing erection and eventual orgasm I've had in awhile. Her philosophy was....get the big head out of the equation and the little head will do what it's supposed to do. That works for me, with her. If you don't think about performance then it won't be an issue. She has the expert touch and the right attitude to create the perfect enviroment for me. Having said that, none of my erections are as firm as they are first thing in the morning. I don't know why. I've never had morning sex but I would sure enjoy the chance. I'm a healthy 63 year old and I enjoy working up a good sweat at least 3-4 days a week in the gym. So the advice from Mr Fisher is right on. Get checked out. Knowledge is power. It took me a couple years hobbying to learn this is not a performance based activity. At least for me. Tell your Big Head to take a break then get with a lady who knows how to turn you on!

The ineffectiveness of "don't worry about it" explains the explosive success of PDE-5 inhibitors.

Why sweat it if there's an easy solution.

It's not the non-power of positive thinking.....it's the power of non-thinking. I can see where I didn't clearly explain things in my original post. If you're having a meeting with yourself in your mind as the activities are unfolding: am I going to get hard, will I stay hard, will I cum too soon, will my lady friend cum with me, is this going to be better or worse than my last time........chances are things aren't going to go quite like you would prefer. Stop thinking! Having said that, the ED drugs are there for those of us who need them. But more than a few ladies I've spent time with feel many men too quickly turn to drugs to deal with issues that are more psychological than physiological.  

Posted By: houdini41
The ineffectiveness of "don't worry about it" explains the explosive success of PDE-5 inhibitors.  
 Why sweat it if there's an easy solution.

the muscles needed to retain urine while you sleep are close to but not exactly the same as for an erection.  It is totally normal to get really nice erections in your sleep...  including from dreams.  Given your description, I'd try to focus on the one you are with, her assets, the sensations of your bodies.  I find I must have dealt with all the problems of the day...  to sleep successfully or to perform sexually.  A trick I learned from my father (who had a number of patents) is to keep a pad & pen by the bed, write it down so you can focus on sleep or sex.  
I need to control my environment...  background music is desirable to block out other noise...  but too intense, I'm listening to the music instead of making my own.

fasten123man1158 reads

when I get to go potty the erection then goes away. so I concluded the bladder is full creating blood to stay in the penis and thus erect.  Is that possible idea?  Or getting up just interrupps the dream.  anyways it tells me I can still get a hard erection but sometimes more elusive to keep it. Like others say,, don't over think it.  don't be ones own worst enemy.

While Viagra is a powerful vaso-dilator, there is one major kryptonite for erections: adrenaline.  

You know that nervous feeling you get in your stomach when you're walking down the hall to her room? Adrenaline. Notice how you might not feel like eating later on that day? Adrenaline.

So take more Viagra to overcome the adrenaline.  

Those of us who use injections keep pseudophed on hand to fight the dreaded "four hour erection" aka priapism. Pseudophed causes your body to release adrenaline into your bloodstream.

One suggestion you might consider is finding someone you really like and sticking with them. You won't have the butterflies, you won't have all the adrenaline, and you'll get by with a lower dosage and fewer side effects.

You need to see your physician and discuss with them. Viagra and the other ED meds can have some VERY serious side effects, both short and long term. Some can be life threatening. So before you take some BS advice from someone who is not a trained physician you might want to think twice.

exit9877 reads

I read a study that said that Viagra kicks in in 75% ofthe subjects within 15 minutes.. I have been giving it 90 minutes or so and longer in one situation.. I noticed that my orgasm was a bit slow..both times.. so tommorow I am going to experiment when I see my ATF and popapilljust before I leave the car.. I want tosee if I will get it up pretty quickly as she really pushes my buttons and I am hoping for a much faster orgasm.. then more time for a MSOG.. last time it was tough to get the job done in 60 minutes and she was getting tired too..

...I found the effects hit pretty quick. I take the pill in the car just before going in the door to her place. By the time we meet/greet, shower, and foreplay it's working. I haven't had the hard to orgasm issue since I started doing that.

exit9904 reads

And I am taking your advice.. I hope it works well and can't wit to find out..

...what the other poster said about food affecting how quickly it enters your system and shows results is true too. Either don't eat until after the session or don't eat fats and give plenty of time after eating before taking it and going to the session.

-- Modified on 2/25/2014 1:16:08 PM

If you take Viagra on an empty stomach it works much quicker.  It also does not seem to last quite as long but will get you through your meeting easily.  It can upset your stomach and give you a horrendous headache though.  You should eat something directly after your meeting and take some Zantac, Pepto Bismol or both to help.  Eating high fat foods before taking the med can impact the absorption time into the blood stream and it need to get into your bloodstream to work well.


Posted By: exit9
I read a study that said that Viagra kicks in in 75% ofthe subjects within 15 minutes.. I have been giving it 90 minutes or so and longer in one situation.. I noticed that my orgasm was a bit slow..both times.. so tommorow I am going to experiment when I see my ATF and popapilljust before I leave the car.. I want tosee if I will get it up pretty quickly as she really pushes my buttons and I am hoping for a much faster orgasm.. then more time for a MSOG.. last time it was tough to get the job done in 60 minutes and she was getting tired too..

In his book "Saving Your Sex Life" Dr John Mulhall points out that the effect of Viagra (and Levitra) is significantly slowed by the presence of food in your stomach, particularly fatty food.

So, you should take Viagra well before you eat, at least an hour before.  

According to Mulhall, Cialis does not have this reaction to food in your stomach. On the other hand, Cialis should be taken more in advance anyway.

are you sure about the timing viagra vs cialis?  The literature I read said that Cialis is much faster acting and should be taken closer to the fun time.

...Cialis is what I used first. The dose was 1 20mg pill as needed 1 hour before intercourse. It was not the 10mg or 5 mg daily dose. These were the exact same instructions as the Viagra I began using about 6 months later. I don't know how dose instructions for Cialis may have changed since 2010 but Viagra instructions have not.

My experience was for both Cialis and Viagra I felt/feel the effects in 10 to 15 minutes and am ready to go in 20 or so. I usually have not eaten. A few times I have eaten and it took longer to take effect.

I quit using Cialis because it didn't always work for me & I found the side effects to be more severe.

-- Modified on 2/25/2014 9:30:13 PM

I should have saved it...  but Viagra slows O for men.  The study was with men with Premature Ejaculation.  I've not noticed it myself.
BTW, I also find V takes effect much faster that advertised but then I'm cutting pills so don't have to wait for the coating to dissolve.  I'd say 10-15 minutes & I'm as good as I'm going to get.

Since I started this interesting discussion, let me add my experience with a provider today; my usual weekly FBSM.  Took my magic blue pill just as I arrived and it seemed to work much better than taking it thirty to forty minutes in advance.  Allowed her to do her excellent massage with a very pleasurable happy ending at the completion.  So, it appears that some of the advice was right on......or should I say
HARD ON.  Ha.  Onward!

I think this was advice I took from that rascally mrfisher. Try several sessions, in row, with the same provider. I found that getting comfortable with one gal seemed to help a lot.

Usedtobebetter659 reads

Sorry this is a bit long.

My experience in this is pretty limited, but here's my story.  I quit hobbying about 2 years ago because of problems with little willie not wanting to come up and play, or at least not sticking around long enough or hard enough.  Was using Viagra, but didn't know about the empty stomach issue, regardless, it had been over two hours since I ate before I popped pill an hour before scheduled liftoff.
Started hobbying again a few months ago, but roughly same problems.  Tried injection (Edex) that my GP prescribed.  That got it up to a workable state, but not anything to hang a wet towel off, also used Viagra with it, but no orgasms.  Have a regular that I've been seeing, she is very frustrated for me.

Saw a FBSM girl that I like, and with her skill, she got me quite hard and I came easily.  Also saw her younger partner who was not as skilled, but gorgeous and was very successful there.  My conclusion from this is that performance anxiety is playing a big part in my ED and orgasmic trouble.  If you are constantly worried that it's going to collapse of screwing, you aren't going to come and it will probably collapse.  I'm unwilling to see a psychologist about this so I thought that I'd try alternatives.

Saw a urologist this week.  He changed me over to Trimix and sent me home to try out 0.5ml.  Of course I upped it to 0.55 ml and got a hardon in 15 minutes like I was 30 again, very hard, registerable as a deadly weapon.  Erection went away about 90 minutes later, no headache like the Viagra or penis ache like the Edex.  Was able to come twice while it was still very hard.  I was very happy with the test run and am seeing my regular in a couple days to field test it, without Viagra assist.  Have high confidence that it will work.  Once I get confidence in having an erection and orgasm again and performance anxiety is less of an issue, will work with regular to try again without the meds.  We'll see about that.

Postscript:  About 30 minutes after my very successful Trimix test, I logged in and sent a message to my urologist that it worked very well.  In my Inbox was a message from him saying that my PSA had jumped up and I needed to see somebody about a prostate biopsy.  Just when you thought you were out of the woods...  But at least I've got a few weeks till that appointment.  If it goes well with my regular in two days, I'm going to be doing some serious booking for the next few weeks..

exit91072 reads

It worked.. had a great session with no issues today and I took the pill just as I left my car.. The provider & I are very familiar with each aother and she was talking and talking.. and I was starting to get nervous.. I had 90 minutes scheduled.. I was done early..I gave her a nice massage..

That I woke up next to a pretty hard morning woody next to me this morning and believe me it wasn't wasted.  

Another good reason for overnights

Usedtobebetter765 reads

morning fucks when both of you are spooning and snuggling while still pretty much asleep, not opened your eyes yet and just sort of drift into a very slow, sensual joining which usually gets much less slow after a couple minutes as you both fully wake up.

To me, that's the best sex there is.

I have tried Viagra...  My MD always prescribes the 100 MG & instructs you to get a pill cutter.  Aside from the taste, the coating does nothing.  I find the uncoated takes effect even faster.  The standard doses are 25, 50, 100 (all doses cost about the same).  I found I like about half of 25 mg...  just enough effect.   I would also take the Viagra upon arrival.  It's only supposed to last 3 hours but I've noticed some effect next morning.  And not just morning woody.

I had a sample of Cialis 20 mg.  C is supposed to be longer lasting...  as in all weekend...  Well, I had side effects, the horrible back ache...  that lasted all weekend.  

So I recently got my Urologist to Rx Cialis daily for my BPH.  "Any sexual effect is a bonus."  Daily does are 5mg & 2.5mg.   My Urologist prescribed 5mg "that's what I always prescribe".  I found I could cut the Cialis daily in half to 2.5mg myself & still have a nice effect for both BPH & sex for me.  I even got out the 20mg samples & cut them up (the pills are the same size so I suspect the daily has a filler included...  cutting the 20mg small enough required a magnifier!)  But it worked very nicely.

I have found the mental state to be equal...  even more important.  I structure my environment...  no outside distractions...  no TV (mentally I find myself following conversations, not focus on my partner of the moment).  I like background music...  but not loud.  I'm not at a concert!  At least not that kind, LOL!   Sometimes 'white noise' is useful...  when I worked night shift, I'd turn a fan on, blowing away from me to cover outside noises.  If I want to use music to mask sounds...  point the speakers toward the door...  louder at the door than the bed.

I like to lay next to a woman.  To feel her body heat, her curves & shapes.  I let my mind go to what she's making me feel, enjoying the sensations.  I can actually have my erection soften slightly while my focus is on pleasuring her.  (This is not a lesson in my signature techniques so I'll just think about what I'm doing to her with my tongue.)  It's not only OK if I soften...  but enjoyable...  because when it's my turn, she'll delight in bringing me back to telephone pole status...    

Damn, horny again...

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