60 and Over

Agreed, ED meds... no automatic hard one.
harborview 10 Reviews 701 reads

The ED meds affect blood flow.  But they are just a helper.  You must be mentally into what you are doing & attracted.  I think one can lose an erection even with Ed meds (prescribed doses) IF one encounters a mental block or some upset or serious distraction.  

I use very low dose of V at home...  interestingly, not needed with a more engaged partner...  good for one shot only & fades naturally in a bit longer than without, but reasonable.  I LIKE the natural fade to relaxation.

69EType2899 reads

I've read threads talking about the different ED meds, but didn't see one that did a rundown on all available.

I've been using Viagra. I do 50 mg, but will do 100 sometimes with providers "just to be sure". The nervousness I have keeps me from getting a rock-hard erection such as I get at home by myself.  

Like many others, I have a difficult time coming with Viagra. It can take a couple of hours.

What are the other ED meds, their side effects, pro's and con's?

Thanks for any replies.

...way to reply. Rather than go on about all the meds I'm going to say do a search on this board. On the main page of this board click "Search" then enter the words Cialis, Levitra, Viagra and ED in the "search for" field. Change "all these words" to  "any of these words" and change the "day range" from 30 to 900. Then click "search". You will get what's been said about all of the above. That will give you a pretty comprehensive idea of what's been said. I'd do the same on the General Discussion board and the newbie board.

Directly addressing your post. Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra seem to be the big 3. There is the revatio from the thread below but it's just viagra under a different name. The big 3 are different chemicals but basically do the same thing. The literature I've read says the same thing about the side effects and what they are. I've used Cialis and Viagra. The Viagra works every time no problem. The Cialis left me hanging a couple of times. I stick with Viagra. Everyone reports different side effects in varying levels of severity. I don't experience all the side effects and sometimes I'll have one but not the other.

I do cut the V 100 mg in half. Suggested by my doctor. I don't take it until I'm about to enter the providers in call. It works fine for me that way. The difficulty with orgasm is the reason I don't take it until just before the session. I've had no problems once I began doing that.

All the above is just what I've read, heard or experienced. You could be completely different in every

If Cialis has failed you, it's probably because you aren't using it right.

You pop a Viagra, and 20-60 minutes later, you have a hardon. Cialis is systemic - you have to take it every day. It will NOT necessarily give you the "instant" gratification that Viagra does. And, the side effects are milder (in my experience, I'm sure it is different for everybody). Both are designed also to require some stimulation to work (you don't always just get a boner for no reason). Sometimes the sight and smell of a hot woman is enough, other times you have to get your fantasies going full throttle, and/or have her touching, kissing, fondling, whatever usually floats your boat.

As always, the brain is the most powerful sex organ. With or without ED meds, you have to find ways to relax to avoid performance anxiety. Sitting there thinking "Omigod, my dick's not getting hard" won't do the trick, while closing your eyes and running through a few fantasies while she works her magic, usually will :-)

I have not tried Levitra.

Spike.Mulrooney722 reads

It also comes in 5 mg. whcih is systemic and has to be taken evry day.

...I thought I should have an erection as soon as I popped the pill. It sounds as if you are disagreeing in general with what I've said.  
No, with Viagra you don't have a hard on 20 to 60 minutes later. There needs to be stimulation as you stated.
As for Cialis, I followed the directions of the Dr. and the prescription. I took the max dose. One 20 mg about an hour before. There are 5 & 10 mg for everyday use. There was plenty of stimulation on the occasions Cialis let me down. The side effects were worse than V for me.

Sounds like what I said at the end of my reply to the OP. It's my experience and everyone will be different.

The ED meds affect blood flow.  But they are just a helper.  You must be mentally into what you are doing & attracted.  I think one can lose an erection even with Ed meds (prescribed doses) IF one encounters a mental block or some upset or serious distraction.  

I use very low dose of V at home...  interestingly, not needed with a more engaged partner...  good for one shot only & fades naturally in a bit longer than without, but reasonable.  I LIKE the natural fade to relaxation.

Levitra and Cialis function the same and have 24 hour half lives.  (they are still half as effective 24 hours later).  So they are still at 25% after 36 hours which for many may be effective.  For a 20 mg dose there will still be 5 mg 36 hours after it is taken.  Cialis daily is a 5 mg dose.  Viagra is faster acting but has only a two hour half life.  In my experience the sensations are very different YMMV.

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