60 and Over

Absolutely right, BPJ. It was a calculated post by Jack and then...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 343 reads

...he feigned surprise that Coop got offended.  He pretended not to know why Coop got upset when he intended to jerk his chain in the first place.

Not only "crazed women worship" but Dr. Jack's psychoanalysis diagnosed the supposed behavior as "unhealthy" and that the guys here are "well trained" and do not have divergent opinions but engage in "group think."  Sure, Jack was't being passive-aggressive, was he?  See, I can analyze Jack as well.  He has a bad case of douchebagosis.  Why else would he gratuitously put in his tired old line about "OTC lunches and dinners?

that prompts  guys to visit this board  and return to the GD board and blast and criticize us for having fun and being decent with the providers who join us?

That just strikes me as unhealthy.

Now don't get me wrong as its one thing to respect women but quite another to be scared of them or put them up on some idyllic pedestal to be lauded and praised constantly.

See, I don't view a sex worker as beneath me but I also don't believe she is above me. I look at it as though we are equals.

Equals engage in convo, have OTC lunches and dinners and can come to an adult agreement as to what her rate will be for a given time period.

The women here have you well trained. But many say one thing on this board and other boards only to do something completely different in their p4p lives, a fact that escapes many here.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Be happy to debate the points with you if you'd like. I just sense an odd "group think" narrative has taken hold of this board and almost no one is willing to color outside the lines.

Can you tell me why that may be

And it is you that I described with nothing better to do than put down people. I'd suggest you get a life. WTF do you care how we treat women. Or do you get a big kick out of not only having an asshole but being one?

You asked a sincere question and I was on my best behavior and answered accordingly.

You should have just said upfront you didn't want an answer to your OP and you were just ranting.

Shall we start over?

You need to calm down. LOL

If you ask then be prepared for an answer you may not like.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 2/16/2016 7:07:28 AM

there are other ways to say what jack wanted to say, except not the way jack wanted to say it.

seriously jack, you can't accuse someone of being crazy and worshiping someone that you go on to say is not worth worshiping (being "equals" and all) and not expect an intense and negative reaction.

would it have killed you to say something like "the general board holds women as equals but you guys seem to hold them in higher esteem.  why is that?"

seriously, are you the guy who says "why are those coloreds got their panties in a bunch over ferguson?"

words carry weight; you can't insult someone and then act all surprised when they react.

...he feigned surprise that Coop got offended.  He pretended not to know why Coop got upset when he intended to jerk his chain in the first place.

Not only "crazed women worship" but Dr. Jack's psychoanalysis diagnosed the supposed behavior as "unhealthy" and that the guys here are "well trained" and do not have divergent opinions but engage in "group think."  Sure, Jack was't being passive-aggressive, was he?  See, I can analyze Jack as well.  He has a bad case of douchebagosis.  Why else would he gratuitously put in his tired old line about "OTC lunches and dinners?

God forbid a lady chimes in on a thread on the GB and then it's "see jack run, see jack roll over, fetch jack, fetch" and "here boy over here"...I've never seen just a spineless individual.....but that's our jack......Now jack, go get that bone....lol

Well I don't feel embarrassed. It was brought on by his useless opinions of a board that only visited to blast but I should of known he would respond. I'll apologize to the board.

You can always pm to discuss further.

Enjoy your day.

Attention seekers...They want to be heard and to feel like that "class clown" in their otherwise empty lives. Some have that Eddie Haskel thing to suck up to the hookers like she's Mrs Clever. This board may give them the ammunition they seek to one up us old farts....lol It's the attention they seek. Some guy just need to chime in just to chime in...I wonder how they find the time to respond to every thread....I just roll my eyes now.

I think you may be right. I should have known better than to feed the troll.

Visit the GD board ever! It's a nasty place.

I think you have the solution but I didn't have the self control to not respond to the blast that was placed on this board.

Posted By: sweetman
Visit the GD board ever! It's a nasty place.

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