60 and Over

Erik_S 30 Reviews 445 reads

I do like the idea of the 70-90 age range because I'm almost there and I want to think it won't all end right away...

(forgive me if this has already been gone over.)  

I have noticed an “Evolution” of the sexual stages of Life.
I like to say, “Chapters of Sexuality” to describe the stages of Sexuality.
Please help me to define the Chapters, with your best guesstimates.

Here are my answers, right now, til one of you can help me see this in a new way (or post the link):

10-30        10 is the "awakening" age;  then into Ravenous;  "Let’s make a baby!" ;  Fuck me now

30-50        Get it, when you can;  New Experiences; enter the secret world of "Providers"

50-70        Settling into  deeper, more prolonged, experiences;  It's more about Quality than Quantity

70-90        Sex for reminding yourself that it is the Best, most Natural form of Pleasure in Life;                                                   Will Repeat


-- Modified on 8/7/2016 2:36:18 AM

NoYellowEnvelope466 reads

... my libido much is stronger now than it was in my 30s.  Maybe it's because then I was crazy busy with work, school, kids, and elder parent care and was too busy and too tired for much sex.  Now I have more time, more energy, I'm in much better shape than in my 30s and am horny pretty much all the time.  

But I do relish the more prolonged experiences, as you said. The phrase "it's more about the journey than the destination" definitely applies to me.

the thing that we learn is its the "journey", the destination is easy.

GaGambler465 reads

Except possibly for the "10 is the awakening age" after that I don't see myself in any of the rest of it.

Never went through the "Let's make a baby" stage. I started fucking hookers long before the age of 30, At age 57 I still want quantity and for me "deeper and more prolonged experiences" are still usually measured in weeks not years or decades and I will have to get back to you about that whole 70-90 part in a few years.

for me, the last 15 years have been the most sexually active I've ever been, by a wide, wide margin. I never imagind that I'd be having this much fun at this age.

I can relate to a few of those chapters, but not all of them.  We're all different, so there really isn't a set of rules that can apply to everyone.

"Let's make a baby!" was the last thing on my mind back in those early days.  I was more focused on college and my pursuing my career.

I actually discovered "providers" when I was in my 40s, so I can relate to that.

Now that I turned the big 6-0 this year, I do prefer "Quality over Quantity".  Although when I was younger, I preferred both Quality AND Quantity. LO

I do like the idea of the 70-90 age range because I'm almost there and I want to think it won't all end right away...

I know guys in their 80's that haven't lost their mojo.
  As long as you are healthy, your cock has a good chance of producing pleasure til the end.

axelrodfl412 reads

I skipped the "Let’s make a baby!" part and went right to the secret world of "Providers" before I was 20.  So you could say I was interested in Quality over Quantity at an early stage. Although come to think of it that probably increased Quantity if you are thinking of variety. I figured out call girls were great people! They showed me I really like women!

I'll have to get back to you on the 70-90 stage.

I can generally agree with the chapters as stated.  I never was into the Lets make a baby stage, though I am very glad that I was talked into it twice.  Love my kids.  The 30-50 stage and the 50-70 stage are very true for me and I hope that when I get to the 70-90 stage I will still be going strong.

ATLDAWG350 reads

During the early ages-I was most concerned-as was my really hot partner-in NOT MAKING A BABY !

The best way to really screw up great sex is to have a BABY !!!!  

We had some stressful delayed menstrual periods-but she always came through and for that I am eternally grateful !!!

Damn that was good pussy !!!

Posted By: GYBOpower
(forgive me if this has already been gone over.)  
 I have noticed an “Evolution” of the sexual stages of Life.  
 I like to say, “Chapters of Sexuality” to describe the stages of Sexuality.  
 Please help me to define the Chapters, with your best guesstimates.  
 Here are my answers, right now, til one of you can help me see this in a new way (or post the link):  
 10-30        10 is the "awakening" age;  then into Ravenous;  "Let’s make a baby!" ;  Fuck me now  
 30-50        Get it, when you can;  New Experiences; enter the secret world of "Providers"  
 50-70        Settling into  deeper, more prolonged, experiences;  It's more about Quality than Quantity  
 70-90        Sex for reminding yourself that it is the Best, most Natural form of Pleasure in Life;                                                   Will Repeat  

-- Modified on 8/7/2016 2:36:18 AM

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