TER General Board

contacting providers...serial or parallel?
skepticalpatron 2014 reads

Serial:  Send one inquiry to one provider at a time.  If you don't hear back from the first provider in a set amount of time, then move on to the next one.

Parallel:  Send out multiple inquires to multiple providers at the same time.  And then go with whoever responds to you the quickest.

Both methods have their own pros and cons.  Hobbyists, which method do you use when contacting providers?

skepticalpatron694 reads

Not all providers are good at the communication side of this business.  Email inquires containing all the information they request can sometimes take days or weeks to hear back a response (assuming one even comes).

I currently use the serial communication method as it wastes less time for both me and the provider.  However, I'm starting to get tired of delayed responses saying "Hey, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier because [insert reason], but do you still want to meet up?"

Perhaps it's time to reward timeliness.

skepticalpatron578 reads

I'm not talking about circuits, I'm talking about communication.  Serial communication vs. parallel communication.

NoYellowEnvelope500 reads

I decide whom I'd really like to see and send a request. If she's not available when I am or doesn't respond in a timely fashion (which depends on how far in the future my requested date is) I try someone else... etc.

to do it without pissing off providers.  No need to wait until the last minute and be stuck with throwing out a net and see what you catch.  If you do that, and book with the first one, the rest are going to put your name down as a time-waster.  If you're cool with being blacklisted on the installment plan, once provider at a time, then do it that way.

GaGambler701 reads

I used to do this all the time when I wanted to get laid "as soon as possible" without hitting an AMP or agency, I would go through the P 411 ads, pick the ones I thought most likely to get back to me right away, typically hitting up the ladies that showed to be "online" Invariably some of the women would get back to be unable to see me  same day, I would simply ask them if they would like to prescreen me so we could make future plans, and sometimes two ladies would both respond with short notice availability. Whenever that would happen, I would usually book with the first lady to respond for a same day appointment and book the second lady for an appointment the next day.  

I have never run into a problem with contacting a lady for a same day booking, but ending up booking her for the next day instead. Now when doing this I don't go contacting a dozen different ladies all in the first fifteen minutes of the day, but rather I would contact one lady, wait ten minutes or so and contact the second and so on until I find someone to see me NOW. lol If I end up booking two or three different ladies over a couple of different days, I fail to see that as being any kind of problem. That way nobody gets their time wasted and I get a lot of pussy. See how easy that is? lol

booking in advance or at relatively last minute. Courtesy and respect pay dividends over time.  

Parallel? Just seems discourteous under all circumstances... a dick move.

And in that event, be completely open and courteous about it. E.g.:  

"Hi ______, my name is ________. I apologize but I'm seeking a last minute booking, for an appointment today/tonight around _______. I know your time is limited and you may very well be unavailable, so I am also reaching out to some other providers to determine their availability.  

My reference information is below. Because I'm reaching out to multiple providers, I will book with the first confirmed appointment I get, and I will let you know immediately if that is the case. Either way, please do screen me because I'm very interested in meeting you, if not now than at some point in the future.  

Thanks for taking the time, and please let me know if you need any further information for screening. Regards -- ______"

And there you have it. If she's going to get all pissed off and blacklist you for that, then guess what, the dick move is on the other foot

I have only done this a couple of times but I send simultaneously asking if they are available at the day/time I'm interested.  
I never commit to the time until I get the reply(s).  
Then I book the one I want and let the other know so I'm not wasting her time.  
Normally I'm only interested in a specific type of look so I'm not just sending volume emails.

Skyfyre411 reads

I sent out inquiry to plan A. If that fails I sent out inquiry to plan B. If that fails I started sending out parallel inquiries to plan C, D, E etc...

Best of both world! yeah

Zangari681 reads

Let's turn the question around:  do you guys really think that a provider is only considering *you*  for her next appointment.   The replies on this thread (particularly by the vets) are shocking & idiotic.  I hope you guys are trolling.  

 To the OP: you throw several lines in the water until you get a bite.  If you get more than one bite, then that's a good thing.  So what if a provider 'gets mad at you'.  She can go piss in the ocean.  Pick the one you want to see the most.  I guarantee you, that's what every provider is doing.   Good luck.  --z

NoYellowEnvelope532 reads

... that some mongers have a different approach to scheduling a date with a provider than you do?

Shocking?  Idiotic?  Really?  IMO there's someone trollin but it's not the people who posted before you, or after you.  

Anyway, I know for a fact that providers are NOT considering me for their next appointment, because I don't schedule short notice appointments.

Zangari554 reads

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
Is there some reason it makes you angry..... that some mongers have a different approach to scheduling a date --snip--
  I'm not angry that you have idiotic ideas.  But anything that you post on the boards is open to analysis and criticism. If you can't handle that, then stay off the boards.  
Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
there's someone trollin but it's not the people who posted before you, or after you.  
  You switched to passive-aggressive mode above.  Let's get to the point:  If you post idiotic statements, then I'll call them idiotic.  And I'll give you the reasons why they're idiotic. That's not a troll.  
Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
 Anyway, I know for a fact that providers are NOT considering me for their next appointment, because I don't schedule short notice appointments.  
 It doesn't matter whether your appt is short notice or a month in advance.  She's going to look at your request and bump it against any other inquiries  for that same day & time.  This is a business, for chrissakes.  You're not asking a girl to the prom.  Get over yourself.  --z

NoYellowEnvelope419 reads

... to converse with a troll, but...

First, you never gave reasons why the other strategies are idiotic.  Which makes you a troll, by your own words.  

Second, consider how many other mongers will be asking for a specific date and time 1-3 weeks out. Not many other inquiries for that same date and time that far out, I'll wager.  And if there is a competing offer, say from an angry guy who trolls a lot ;) I think I'll fare ok there.  

Maybe not as idiotic as you think.  :)

Zangari495 reads

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... to converse with a troll
 TEQUILA SHOT #1!  The night is still young!  
Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
you never gave reasons why the other strategies are idiotic.  
 Actually I did provide a rationale--an attractive provider will need to consider multiple requests on her time.  And she'll have to make choices.  She's running a business, which you don't seem to understand.  That's why you should make multiple inquiries.  
Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
Which makes you a troll  

  HOLA!--TEQUILA SHOT #2.  I'm getting a little buzz...

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
. Second, consider how many other mongers will be asking for a specific date and time 1-3 weeks out. And if there is a competing offer, say from an angry guy who trolls  


  Here's where the idiocy creeps in.  You think the world stops once you send in your appt request.  But the world keeps spinning, and your provider will continue to receive requests between now and 3 weeks out.  And if her favorite client wants to see her that day, or someone outbids you, then you'll get dumped. Don't be sad, here's the Tequila bottle.  Have a drink.  

NoYellowEnvelope392 reads

You were shooting tequila BEFORE your OP. Which explains why you didn't comprehend what I said at all, and thus the statements like "... you think the world stops once you send in your appt request."  

Tip for you:  find and patronize providers who are true professionals with their business, meaning they treat clients with respect and don't cancel an appointment should another come along for a higher payout. They understand the principle of customer satisfaction, which leads to repeat business.  Plus there's the human aspect of personal integrity.  So sorry for you you haven't found any providers like that yet. Keep trying, there's lots of them like that out there!

One tequila
Two tequila
Three tequila

Hope you enjoyed your siesta on the floor.  :)

How does that work?

Is ocean some kind of code for bath tub, or similar item?

In any case, if any of you gals need to do this, I'm interested

Zangari468 reads

Posted By: mrfisher
How does that work?  Is ocean some kind of code for bath tub, or similar item?  
 In any case, if any of you gals need to do this, I'm interested.  

All depends on how bored I was that day.

Posted By: skepticalpatron
Serial:  Send one inquiry to one provider at a time.  If you don't hear back from the first provider in a set amount of time, then move on to the next one.  
 Parallel:  Send out multiple inquires to multiple providers at the same time.  And then go with whoever responds to you the quickest.  
 Both methods have their own pros and cons.  Hobbyists, which method do you use when contacting providers?

the serial method.  Due to the nature of my employment I am forced to plan a rendezvous at least a day in advance if not more.  If unsuccessful with my regulars than I look at TER.

Every provider I have ever contacted has returned contact, and made the date. Though I do contact the provider at least a week or two before the date. I am guessing you are inquiring about making dates on short notice.

I travel a lot. I will contact several, maybe even a few days in advance. I find one in five respond. Sometimes, I'll hear from a lady a week later. If I took it "one at a time" I might pass the opportunity while waiting!

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