Los Angeles

Re: "They keep a closed system for security reasons"
RRO2610 51 Reviews 1189 reads

For over eleven years the "discussion" board was fine, and pics of the gals on Tushy Tuesday etc were happily received as tongue n' cheek promotion. But then you clowns descended on us like a never ending late night Cal Worthington Ford commercial!
Just because the occasional infatuated hobbyist steps over the line shouldn't give license to totally  
re-Zone the board to a down town Tijuana facsimile.  

If you want a BackPage-Cragslist style SHILL-O-RAMA board then YES; TER should give you your own "backwater" board so as too spare the rest of us from your cartel's incessant commercial sewage!

We all have different preferences and we happen to be big fans of the K-Dolls so I would just suggest that everyone on TER accept our view. And I know you think we are unreasonable but you know we really are not. Work with us on this Ladies & Gentlemen, because whether you want to admit it or not K-Girls are a pretty dominant force and a good a majority portion of the discussion. Just a suggestion.

...seriously saying that? Do you have any idea how that sounds?  Of course not, or else you wouldn't have written it.

K-fanboys are to TER what the TEA Party is to the Republican Party - a loud and boisterous minority who refuse to see anyone else's point of view, won't compromise and don't tolerate dissent.  

Just as the Tea Party is an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party,  K-fanboys are an albatross that has to be endured by the rest of us on TER

That's sorta funny because who calls whom bottom feeders, constantly insinuates ht, and uses the term McDonalds as a description. And as evidenced by the recent posts which group came on to hijack the original posts? The "tea party" ,  not being able to see other's point of view, and nontolerance - hello!!! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

...where anyone called K-fanboys "bottom feeders?"  I am calling you a goddamned liar because it never happened!  You can't just post any bullshit without proving it so PROVE IT OR STFU!!

As for "McDonalds", it was used exactly ONCE.  A poster said: "K-Girls are the McDonalds of the hobby."  I echoed that sentiment.  You said: "...who...uses the term McDonalds..." as if it's a continuing occurrence. It was used ONCE in how many years of K-posts?!

What else ya got, Mr. No Credibility?!

Look who's angry because I don't agree with him. Quit being a hypocrite. Are you kidding me about using the McDonalds phrase only once. Don't try to rewrite history. And just because some of the recent posts (harpman/amber) got deleted doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Either you came late to the party or you are in denial!

So as far as trying to push their views onto others look at the tone of your post vs the tone of my post. Look in the mirror and you'll see a tea bagger looking back. Keep screaming and maybe you'll find someone that cares!

...Since you obviously don't have a clue about searching past posts, I'll help you out bro.

Here is a search for every time the phrase "bottom feeder" was used in the past 8+ years...


As you can see, the phrase "bottom feeder" has NEVER been used with regard to the K-world.

How about "McDonalds?"  OK, let's see...


The word "McDonalds" was used in exactly ONE THREAD in reference to K-girls...this one...


Now go ahead and backpedal furiously by saying that every other post which mentioned either "bottom feeders" or "McDonalds" has been deleted.  What a load of crap that is.  Why wasn't the ONE THREAD that mentioned McDonalds deleted?  HUH?      Learn how to do a search to save yourself further embarrassment.

Sounds more like the politically correct far left of the Democrqtic Party to me!!

Mr. Happy doesn't discriminate. I think what bothers us is the K - Players choking up the boards like there is nothing else out there. The giddiness of a few select members is rather embarrassing. If the K-Girls would join in a discussion then it would probably be fun. I doubt that will happen, but who knows. In the meantime, the K - Chatter seems to deter the other providers from the discussions. I realize that this board is for us guys, but it is a lot more fun when the ladies join in. I think most of us would rather hear from the providers than from a few K - Promoters. Why don't you ask a few K-Girls to see if they will join in?
Please don't mad. I am just being honest.

But of course neither K-Dolls nor their "bookers" even participate in the common professional courtesy of responding to an aboriginal "Independent" provider's reference request.

Protectionism? Prejudice?? Racism??? Oh you betchya', and it was born, and now continually perpetuated by the K-Doll "management" industry

Actually there have been a few recent instances of k girls participating in discussions. I doubt they would ever come here based on the history of response as soon as anything Kgirl is mentioned. Harpy put up a post endorsing a girl and you guys immediately jumped all over it. FOUL! DELETE!  
If it had been written about a non K girl by someone else, we all know it would have been met with "thanks for the info" and "i saw her and I agree".

Also - the fact that K bookers don't participate with outside interests when it comes to references obviously has nothing to do with Prejudice or Racism. That statement is absolutely ridiculous. They keep a closed system for security reasons and they should have every right to conduct their business the way they see fit.
If there was racism going on the first ones to be singled out would be customers. There are some K girls that won't see certain nationalities/races... They won't see KOREANS!  RACISTS!!!

How convenient that it excludes the "independent" practitioners while simultaneously creating jobs and per-diem benefits for every minion and tool wishing to inundate these boards with "shill" posts.

   My first wife was from Northern China. Beautiful, alluring women can be found in any race or culture. But an organized, systematic, bullying business formula is being employed against the aboriginal, perennial independents in this industry. Just like Wal-Mart they’re using their corporate moneyed clout to marginalize and decimate the smaller “independent” retailers

What is it you think they or we owe the independent practitioners?
It's a business conducting its self in an appropriate business manner. There is no moral obligation for any business to include other COMPETING businesses in their business plan unless they choose to do so and unless they deem it to be beneficial to their own interests.  

And how do you figure that independent practitioners are excluded from this board? I see them every day posting about just about any idea that crosses their minds whether it is hobby related or not. They're not attacked. Their posts are met with responses and praise and interested dialog. But as soon as Harpy puts up a RELEVANT TO OUR HOBBY and PERMITTED BY THE RULES OF TER post, you guys immediately jump all over it.  

"Just like Wal-Mart they’re using their corporate moneyed clout to marginalize and decimate the smaller “independent” retailers. "  
" an organized, systematic, bullying business formula is being employed against the aboriginal, perennial independents in this industry."

They offer a service, set a price that maximizes profits, and conduct a business. How do you figure there is bullying going on here?  There is only supply and demand. I doubt the K bookers pay any attention to the Independent providers ads. What would you like?  Should we pay duty to offset their brisk import business and how it's hurt the domestic market?

Are you complaining about the K girls business model?
Or are you complaining about the fact that there is a large part of this community and members of this board that choose to patronize and discuss it?

And what would be your solution

I'm complaining that blatant and unfettered shilling resembles a down town, low rent commercial district to the eyes. The business model of the K-girls embraces, promotes, and I'm sure "rewards" shilling.

"They offer a service, set a price that maximizes profits, and conduct a business. How do you figure there is bullying going on here?  There is only supply and demand."  

   Your business ethos is what I'd expect. "Smash & grab"; as long as the share holders are getting rich it's ok to fuck everyone and everything beyond repair.  

 Stop overt as well as the relentless "subtle" shilling. Whore boards have enough trouble with neophyte hobbyists infatuated by a new found ATF. We don't need paid shills relentlessly seeking new ways to clog up the "DISCUSSION boards" with endless promotional and K-girl availability up-dates.
TER should just create a K-girl board where the managers, bookers and minions can shill to their hearts content

One of the dumbest posts I have ever seen PRO2610, just nonsense. At least post something worth reading.

Posted By: RRO2610
 I'm complaining that blatant and unfettered shilling resembles a down town, low rent commercial district to the eyes. The business model of the K-girls embraces, promotes, and I'm sure "rewards" shilling.  
 "They offer a service, set a price that maximizes profits, and conduct a business. How do you figure there is bullying going on here?  There is only supply and demand."  
    Your business ethos is what I'd expect. "Smash & grab"; as long as the share holders are getting rich it's ok to fuck everyone and everything beyond repair.    
  Stop overt as well as the relentless "subtle" shilling. Whore boards have enough trouble with neophyte hobbyists infatuated by a new found ATF. We don't need paid shills relentlessly seeking new ways to clog up the "DISCUSSION boards" with endless promotional and K-girl availability up-dates.  
 TER should just create a K-girl board where the managers, bookers and minions can shill to their hearts content.  

"as long as the share holders are getting rich it's ok to fuck everyone and everything beyond repair. "

WHAT? WHO,  exactly, is getting fucked beyond repair here?  And how/why?
(everyone please ignore the obvious pun here. - I'd like to get a serious answer.  RRO2610 and I have completely different ideas about all of this, and I'd really like to understand what is bugging him so much.)

"Solution? Stop overt as well as the relentless "subtle" shilling"
There were always obvious examples of promoting-shilling on this board, but I would put to you that it happened as much with independents as it does (well .. did) with the K's.  What was tata Tuesday or Tushy Thursday if not a blatant shill thread? At least with the K threads it was a PATRON - a FELLOW TER MEMBER offering their opinion and not the girls or bookers themselves. And I'll tell you this - I for one - when I first joined this board years ago - was very happy to see the mini reports and suggestions offered by the vets here - K and otherwise.  Is it a good thing for TER to grow? If your answer is YES, then I think you should be more open to experienced members offering advice from their own experience. Even if it seems tilted heavily towards the K girls (which much of the LA scene is), it's still more participation which is good for TER.

"We don't need paid shills relentlessly seeking new ways to clog up the "DISCUSSION boards" with endless promotional and K-girl availability up-dates."
I'm sorry.. who is "We"? Because I think myself and 1000's of other TER members are part of this "We" and many of us would like to see some of this.
There are no PAID shills. That is a ridiculous accusation.  There are enthusiastic participants just like there are for the independents. When someone attacks the K girls and starts throwing around words like "trafficking", it elicits the same response that it would in others when the independents that they have become so fond of are attacked.

The solution, in my opinion, is that TER make a decision. Seems some of you think you own this board and would prefer it if the Kgirl discussions were either banished to some backwater board where incoming members and newbs would not find it or just plain banned altogether. If TER decides that you guys DO own this board, then one of these will be the result and all of this will just move permanently elsewhere. If not, peace could be accomplished if you would just hop over the K threads and let the rest of WE TER MEMBERS have our discussion about the topics we would like to discuss and join in if you want to participate

For over eleven years the "discussion" board was fine, and pics of the gals on Tushy Tuesday etc were happily received as tongue n' cheek promotion. But then you clowns descended on us like a never ending late night Cal Worthington Ford commercial!
Just because the occasional infatuated hobbyist steps over the line shouldn't give license to totally  
re-Zone the board to a down town Tijuana facsimile.  

If you want a BackPage-Cragslist style SHILL-O-RAMA board then YES; TER should give you your own "backwater" board so as too spare the rest of us from your cartel's incessant commercial sewage!

Posted By: RRO2610
  For over eleven years the "discussion" board was fine, and pics of the gals on Tushy Tuesday etc were happily received as tongue n' cheek promotion. But then you clowns descended on us like a never ending late night Cal Worthington Ford commercial!  
 Just because the occasional infatuated hobbyist steps over the line shouldn't give license to totally  
 re-Zone the board to a down town Tijuana facsimile.    
 If you want a BackPage-Cragslist style SHILL-O-RAMA board then YES; TER should give you your own "backwater" board so as too spare the rest of us from your cartel's incessant commercial sewage!  
I notice you didn't answer my questions. I also notice you have now resorted to name calling. I have and will continue to stay calm and civil but since you can't answer my questions, you are resorting to angry ranting. This is an obvious and typical misdirection technique.  
Clearly your answer is "we want things to stay the way they were before you new people starting changing it with your presence."  Well, Mr RRO2610. We are here to stay unless TER decides otherwise. You can continue with YOUR bullying and try to kick the new kids off the playground because you don't like the same things, but there's way more of us than you think and we're not going anywhere as long as TER allows us to play here too.

Kudos Stegram123 you've offered some very good points. But from RRO's responses he does not want to engage in any meaningful dialog now. There's a lot of anger in his responses. That's actually too bad because this board could be very dynamic and welcoming to many differing points of view. Hopefully this is just part of the growing pains and everything will fall into place.

Since you and your co-horts came on board, there has been nothing but ranting and and hostility on your end. Meaningful dialog is something you lot are just not capable of. If nobody agrees with you all, well, you just go off the deep end and respond with words like "hatred" , "racism" and then go off on a crazed tangent.

Anger? again, look towards yourselves for all the anger. It's mainly coming from your direction.

Dynamic and welcoming? Again the board WAS dynamic and welcoming with many differing points of view. We have had some very colorful characters on this board over the years. Some of the discussions got heated, with not everyone agreeing, but it  NEVER ever sank so low as it is now.

It has become a very hostile place with very few providers contributing anymore to spice it up  for fear of being "yelled at" and put down  by you angry guys.

Yeah, it even used to be fun.Can you imagine that?

The only meaningful dialogue the K-girl camp understands is "Isn't YoYo the greatest?" "Su Ming Rocks!" "Mi Lin is available in Studio City". That gentlemen; is NOT "dialogue" nor is it "Discussion"! It is advertising and promotion.  

 Every time cogent voice is raised against your crass form of "discussion" you play the "race card", and justify it with subtle threats that there is a formidable sized infestation of your ilk.  

  I for one find your K-dolls extraordinarily alluring; but principle alone forbids my ever passing a single Dollar to a K-doll and her cartel that proves such little respect for long established protocols, manners, and rules

I believe that they come here all the time. They just don't post just like some of my favorite independents. Why would they show their profiles here if it didn't have an impact. I had to PM a booker from TER to see one K-lady, so they do come here.  Of course, they found a suitable way to link to their advertisements. I am not putting anybody down for making a living. The experiences I have had were very nice and professional, but way better than most independents....no. Well, but then there is Lohan, she asked not to be reviewed and I respected her wishes.

Sorry - I wasn't specific in my statement.
I doubt the KGIRLS would ever come here and PARTICIPATE ON THE BOARD as they have just started to do elsewhere to a small degree.  
I've asked them what they read and why they don't post more. It's a definite business generator to interact with potential customers.  
Embarrassment over English skills holds them back but another recurring reason was, "too much anger there" when referring to the TER board.  So.. they're looking - well some are - but they're far from participation here.

No doubt that anger is a detriment. I think the general tone of the reviews for K-Girls is a deterrent, as well. It seems to me that the reviewers of K-Girls tend to come across with a little more graphic or ruder. I know that turns some of them off. It is too bad because the ladies I met were really nice and don't deserve that kind of treatment.

EasyGoing, you will notice that in the above exchange with RR I never uttered an insulting word nor did I attack him personally. It boiled down to a now deleted post from him calling us (me) "asshats" and some other things I can't remember, because in the end, he plain just doesn't want us here. Period. He wants what he wants here and for the rest of us to go away and leave the board the way he wants it.

Regardless of the fights between Harpman and BPS (which escalated to the point that I don't think anyone could make a convincing case for who started it), there are plenty more of us that would like to participate on TER - being the most popular place for reviews and discussions - about the reviews and girls that WE like to see too, without being dragged into the this' or thats of the past.  Is that possible? Can I post a thread about a trick I learned about parking in the Mid-Wil area without paying and without the danger of getting a ticket? Can I ask for advice about how to avoid last minute cancellations with the Kbookers? Probably not.

As long as the animosity continues, this board is going to be a battlefield and not a productive forum. Post about what interests you (one - not you specifically EG), comment if you feel your comment is productive, and SKIP OVER topics that are not to your taste. I'm sure TER has plenty of storage memory for all the posts anyone cares to discuss. Wining about "clogging up the board with" whatever is ridiculous.  Scrollling through an extra page of posts isn't worth ruining the board over.

I steer clear of the fighting and arguing as it serves nobody. I personally have a tough time even reading the General Boards and it is unfortunate because I think we can learn a lot. We all have one major thing in common and it should be used to benefit that interest. Maybe you could ask Harpman to stop his weekly Friday Shill. He has got to know that just irritates a lot of members and providers. I personally don't feel that really goes on with other providers. Once exception would have been Blaire about 6 months ago.  

You know a few months ago somebody started at thread about who was the best K-Doll kisser. It comes of as favoritism to that specific group. I think it would have come off better as best Asian kisser or best kisser in the $250 to $300 price range. The flow of the posts on the K-Dolls do seem to exclude other providers.  

I think "killing them with kindness" works best. I will participate if the thread is structured without favoritism. Be cool Steg.

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