Washington DC

A little off topic, but thoughts on "Arrangements"?
guyinthecorner 1413 reads

I've been spending some time over the last couple of weeks on arrangement sites.  A LOT of interest - surprisingly so.  Anyone else play around with the concept - lessons learned?  Worth it or just setting myself up for disappointment?  Just curious before I take the plunge and meet someone for real.

!!!!!903 reads

My friend is very much into it so I set up and account and paid almost $200 for a few months to satisfy my curiosity.

The girls, especially the young ones are very unreliable. Many times, my friend would be all dressed up waiting all night for no shows. I would say the success rate is less than 50%. It takes a lot of effort with weeks of test message exchanges to set up a meeting. I'm sure some of the 18 year-olds sign up just for fun. When the time comes to actually meet and have sex with a geezer, the get scared and back out.

You'll probably have more success if you are willing to pay several thousand $ of allowance a month.

The ones who are more reliable are actually escorts. The rates tend to be a little lower. They don't screen, and it's much like arrangements made on BP.

I was entertained by some of the profiles. Girls wanted "platonic" relationship for $. Girls ask for $ just for exchanging text messages. Girls explicitly say they look for minimal time spent for maximum payment. A girl tell you not to contact her unless you have a jet. :)

I call them "girls" because they are so young that, if I'm lucky, they can be my grandchildren.

At first, I was excited to get notifications for being favorited and messages of interest. Now, I'm afraid to check my messages. Maybe it's just me, ladies who are interested in me look downright hideous. :(

I'm sticking with friends I meet in this "hobby".

I have had a regular arrangement with my ATF for some time, and I find it extremely satisfying. It grew out of occasional dates that became more frequent as I realized how well she and I clicked. A bit like what happens in the "real" world. We now get together weekly for a combination of public (social) and private time. We've supplemented this with occasional overnight and travel dates (we're off on one of the latter this coming week). Expensive, yes, but priceless.  

PM me if you would like more details.

AsianManNOVA864 reads

There are lots of flakes, and you have to go back and forth a few times before meeting someone. It is just like this hobby; the hot ones are swamped with requests, and they want to get paid for just meet and greet. We call it GPS (Gold Pussy Syndrome). The ones I have met are GND cute, and they charge 300 to 400 for 2 to 4 hours so it is much less expensive than the pros. Their bedroom skills are actually quite good; almost as good as the pros. They seem genuinely enjoying sex. Overall, I think it is worth it if you don't mind doing some research.

BTW, the site I am on is SeekingArrangements.com. It is probably the biggest Sugar Babies/Sugar Daddies website.

-- Modified on 4/3/2015 1:35:11 PM

freakydeaky591 reads

How are you handling the "hosting" aspect of it? For me, I would want to see an SB between like 11a-4p, which probably the worst time of day to try to rent a hotel room.

AsianManNOVA669 reads

I met two in their apartment, and the other two in a hotel room that I booked. Not sure why the time of the day has anything to do with booking a hotel room. I saw them from 1 pm to 4 pm.

Posted By: AsianManNOVA
I met two in their apartment, and the other two in a hotel room that I booked. Not sure why the time of the day has anything to do with booking a hotel room. I saw them from 1 pm to 4 pm.
Many hotels don't allow check-ins much before 3 or 4 pm...to get checked in by 1 pm is rare...

I moved from escorts to sugar babies about 6 months ago. For me, I just couldn't get past how cold the sex was with escorts and I have a very dominate personality and that usually doesn't mesh well with the ladies in this business. Just my opinion.  

When I was first starting out on seekingarrangements I spent more time and money than I would have if looking for straight sex. But after 6 months I have at least 3-4 young hot college girls on speed dial. $200-$500 each time I want to have a "date" which includes drinks, dinner, movie, and sex until I feel like going home. I could tighten my wallet a little but I really found the balance between young clean hot college types vs the trashy street girls.  

Posted By: guyinthecorner
I've been spending some time over the last couple of weeks on arrangement sites.  A LOT of interest - surprisingly so.  Anyone else play around with the concept - lessons learned?  Worth it or just setting myself up for disappointment?  Just curious before I take the plunge and meet someone for real.

I tried it a couple years ago in the Midwest, and had a great experience. I met a girl in college who would come to my house and hang out a few times a month. We got along well, and had fun in the bedroom.  

I moved to DC, and tried to find a similar situation. I spent a couple months replying to messages and getting no where before giving up. I think "good pussy syndrome" played it's part.

After reading this thread, I may give it another try. It sounds like someone is having success, here. Any strategy tips

There are lots of positives in the SB world, as well as negatives.  Generally speaking, I prefer SBs, because of longer dates for the same money, their lower volume, and the more genuine connection.  Some are inexperienced in bed, and some are really good.  There are lots of 20-something hotties in DC who need a little financial help.  

The biggest downside to the SB world is the time it takes to search profiles, communicate, and get together to check each other out.  If that is fun to you, it's not burdensome at all.

A major difference is that the pros screen for security, and the SBs screen for chemistry.  You have to sell yourself as a decent guy.

I found the SBs to be as reliable as the pros.

Feel free to PM with questions.  I'm coaching a few other guys.  :)

Sometimes.I.Do439 reads


This past weekend, after reading this thread, I just joined SeekingAgreements.com. I'm curious, what does SB stand mean?

You mentioned, "I'm coaching a few other guys". I'm curious, how so?  

Later, To

!!!!!409 reads

SB = SugarBaby. I hate this term

I agree with what you said about some of the positives (ie, better overall value, genuine connection, etc.).  But in my experience, the biggest downside is the "drama" that comes with the sugar world.  That's the great thing about the hobby, you know, once your date is over, you don't get calls or texts about some drama going on in their lives.

The one piece of advice I would offer is this:  try only date the girls who have a job and are making enough money to cover their cost of living expenses.  These girls are just looking to supplement their incomes and also looking to be taken out for nice meals and stuff like that.  I mention this b/c I have had experiences with full time college girls who were not working, and they really needed the "allowance" to keep up with their rent payments, etc.  When you're in an arrangement like that, it does not really allow for any flexibility.

Posted By: KL69069
There are lots of positives in the SB world, as well as negatives.  Generally speaking, I prefer SBs, because of longer dates for the same money, their lower volume, and the more genuine connection.  Some are inexperienced in bed, and some are really good.  There are lots of 20-something hotties in DC who need a little financial help.    
 The biggest downside to the SB world is the time it takes to search profiles, communicate, and get together to check each other out.  If that is fun to you, it's not burdensome at all.  
 A major difference is that the pros screen for security, and the SBs screen for chemistry.  You have to sell yourself as a decent guy.  
 I found the SBs to be as reliable as the pros.  
 Feel free to PM with questions.  I'm coaching a few other guys.  :)

I've received some very positive feedback so far.  After about a week I have an overflowing potential dance card for next week (half here and half in another East Coast city that I travel to for business).  I have to say, better luck with younger women in that other city -- better luck with older women in the DC area.  Should be an interesting week.  I will report back on how it goes.

I must say I generally enjoy this better.  I enjoy flirting and getting to know the girls, and I enjoy the potential interest.  We'll see if it makes the transition to real life, though...

...and it's still paying rich dividends. My trial period was in December, 2014.  In that time, I interacted with several dozen good prospects and had wonderful extended dates with two lovely women and the door is always open for repeat visits.  It is a lot of work on the front end, but for me it was entirely worth it.  I will probably sign up again when seeking to meet a few more lovely ladies but feel no real need to do so at this time.

Thanks for the post do you have one or two that you did not have time to get on your list?


Okay.  I've never tried any of these sites but do they send you a bunch of bogus profile hits and messages to try to get you to pay for the site?  That's been my experience with other sites.  Otherwise it sounds like something I might try.

Yes, you do get messages from fake profiles. The only way to read them is if you sign up for free and fill out your profile completely (with pic). You then can send/receive 10 free messages. But they do want you to sign up, since that is how they make money. They have different packages (1 month, 3 months, 6 months and a year) that you can purchase. Most sign up for 1 month to test the waters.

siainthemiddleeast667 reads

It can be great when it truly works! Last January I was introduced to this entire world through an arrangement. Unfortunately it did not work with that guy. It takes a lot of effort on both ends for it to really be mutually beneficial and natural. And it takes a lot of work to weed through the cheapos and creepos.  
So I personally started escorting, thats when I met a beautiful soul of a man who became a weekly regular who I later on turned into my sugar daddy who later on turned me into his spoiled girlfriend xD  

We go on road trips to northern new york, broadway shows, shopping sprees, he helped me get my first place in Manhattan. It all felt very natural and so fun because we both were so into it. And the sex... the sex is like no other and will get better as you guys grow together.  When it's right and you both are meeting each others needs and beyond. The respect you gain for one another is so heightened. Making sure she is financially secure, there for advice when needed, all around generous.  How could you not want to fuck the brains out of someone like that? LOL  

Here are some rules I learned are crucial when looking to form this sort of arrangement.  

1. Make it brutally clear what you want and are willing to give. Do not lead each other on. Don't say you're okay with her 5k per month allowance and then go ghost when the topic of money comes up. You will only end up  (constantly) disappointed. It takes a lot of time on both ends... No has time for a gazillion coffee dates.

2. Everyones situation is different. Make boundaries and do not cross them! No matter how tempting. Unless you want things to get messy.

3. Communicate with each other! If the girl is looking for a lot of money per month and you're not comfortable with that but really like the girl. Odds are she is more flexible than you think. Meet half way hence where that popular term in sugaring "mutually beneficial" comes into play.  
For example; I have a guy who enjoys seeing me but enjoys this hobby too much to pay my rates every week. So we talked about it and came to a mutual agreement... He buys me Louboutins or whatever material item I may want at the time of our date and just pay the remainder of my honorarium in cash or paypal if there is a remainder due after.... Since I rarely ever spoil myself. It works for me!! I'm sure I'm not the only woman that would work for either (hint hint guys LOL)  

4. Trust your gut instinct... There are WAY more crazies on those sites and it takes a lot more work to screen on both ends. A lot of digging.  

6. Never give money to that girl requesting it before the meet....wtf is up with that?? :p  

5. HAVE FUN!  


I wish you the best with your sugaring endeavors lol.  

-- Modified on 4/6/2015 6:48:21 AM

Bottoms-Up702 reads

This post had me create an account on SA paid the one month fee and yes you do get a lot of fakes up front. But there are some great finds to be had. A legit 9-10 in looks (not a TER 10) wanted 3k a month but this was for 2 meetings per week that could end up being overnights. I don't have the time to see someone that much but I met a nice 21 year old who is doing an overnight with me this weekend for $500.

I was used to paying $1000 for 2 hour sessions now I can get the same sex and companionship for much less. The only down side I see is discretion, escorts here have something to lose by outing you if you are married etc. What happens when you cut off an arrangement with one of these girls ha?

My regulars may be upset that I fall back form the hobby (reason I'm using alias) but the sugar baby route is much better for me

I'd be interested to see how it goes when guys used to escorts' discretion cut off a SB...please keep us posted! :)

When I like a woman, I'm content with regularly seeing her. Last year I decided to give the "arrangements" a try. I met someone and have since been content. Although each month, I'm spending twice as much money, I'm motivated to do so because I'm enjoying more time (5 + hours versus 1 hour) with a companion. Plus, I like the relationship (friendship with benefits) much better.  

I used the “Adult Jobs” section of BackPage and found my current arrangement. We later learned we were both on Seeking Arrangements. Anyway, I'm sold on "Arrangements".  

Before I established the arrangement, I was using escorts but wanted something more consistent, personal, stable, and lasting. I had also become lazy about writing reviews. Since my last review, I’ve met five escorts I’ve yet to review. And, I doubt I’ll get around to doing so; however I will continue my TER membership. I’ve found this site a great resource, especially one for “food for thought”

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