Politics and Religion

In honerable service to his country McCain is a hero
RRO2610 51 Reviews 774 reads

However his grades at Annapolis and his flying record lean more toward "mediocrity".

If Trump does make it to the White House, he may have some "splaining to do" with the men and women in the Armed Services.

GaGambler619 reads

I still remember in boot camp hearing the drill sergeants yelling at us "you are not here to die for your country, you are here to make the other guy die for his country" Obviously borrowed from George Patton, but still quite true.

Now of course I said IF Trump was a military man, as it is I guess it's just "Trump being Trump"

I'm not aware of anything about his capture or even being shot down that indicates McCain was a war hero so that statement is true. What was heroic was the comportment he displayed as he endured and survived the torture experienced as a POW.

However his grades at Annapolis and his flying record lean more toward "mediocrity".

...something extraordinary and is recognized for brave deeds and action.

McCain was brave and courageous but he was a survivor, no more no less.  There were many Holocaust survivors - that's what they were called - "survivors" - they weren't called heroes.  McCain is a survivor.

Given McCains's Naval parentage, he was offered early release from North Vietnam but refused it and remained a prisoner for the duration. Refusing to participate in NV propaganda ploys only brought additional torture. He's a survivor and so much more.

BTW, I don't care for the progressive nature of his politics.

RichardBong392 reads

He was tortured as a pow but no hero. Yet those at Abu Ghrab (sp?) who were pranked were prolly heroes in your eyes no?

...is you for using an alias when you've been around here posting for quite some time under another handle.

Hey, look at this "prank."  I bet your ribs hurt from laughing so hard:

Posted By: mattradd
If Trump does make it to the White House, he may have some "splaining to do" with the men and women in the Armed Services.

Maybe after he talks to them, Hills can explain her stolen valor story to them as well.

We should get the pay per view rights for that! We'd clean up! :

And we'll get GaG to look them over, you know, as oversite. LOL

Yes, yes, yes....I hear you from here. I will make sure Gambler is sober when he performs his duty. As best I can. LOL

GaGambler636 reads

Funny, the very first "offering memorandum" I ever put together some thirty plus years ago took me three bottles of Scotch  to finish. I went to a lawyer to do it for me and he wanted to charge me twenty grand for it, which was about $19,000 more than I had at the time. So I grabbed a couple o templates to go by, hauled out my trusty manual typewriter, this was years before word processors, poured myself a stiff one and starting pounding away at it. It took me days, but I finally hammered out a document good enough to look like a real lawyer had created it. So I guess you can have two fake lawyers on your payroll. Me and Mari. lol

In my defense, I knew I wasn't qualified to do my own legal work, but when you are broke, you do what you have to do. I don't know what Mari's excuse is.

GaGambler567 reads

I do bill for "expenses" you know. lol

Fk dude, give us some credit. We are having the liquor shipped in from Greece. Amazing the deals one can get there right now.

You didn't think a guy that negotiates with hookers was going to let some drunken, Asian, db John get one over on me, did you? LOL



-- Modified on 7/18/2015 9:28:59 PM

GaGambler606 reads

I don't know what you planned on paying the fake lawyer, but I expect at least twice his rate. And I don't mean twice his nonexistent rate as an unemployed porn star. No self respecting guy with slanted eyes would EVER work that cheap.

but yes, I will take payment in Ouzo, but not that fake shit you get here in the states, I want the real thing.

Posted By: GaGambler
I do bill for "expenses" you know. lol

Trump has zero chance of getting the GOP nomination.  The party leadership will stack the deck against this guy from getting the  Party's Nimination.  But he is just an egomaniac who only wants his name in the news.  He can't win, nor does he really want the job.  (IMHO).

.......he's done it with clothes, a TV show, apartment buildings, golfing accessories etc. All this media attention ensures that he will be raking in the big bucks for a long time to come.

Trump Licenses Name to $250 Million, 47-story Apartment Tower in Soviet Georgia

Entrepreneur Donald Trump is on the road again. This time he flew 5,477 miles (8,814 kilometers) from his New York City headquarters to the Black Sea coastal resort of Batumi (Pop. 123,500) to lend his name to a planned $250 million, 47-story apartment tower in Soviet Georgia.

Trump is partnering with Georgia's Silk Road Group to develop Trump Tower Batumi.  As he has done with other comparable projects, Trump is not expected to shell out his own money in the undertaking.  His only affiliation will be the licensing of the Trump name, according to Manhattan brokers familiar with Trump's strategy over the years on similar endeavors in the U.S. and abroad.

He did announce his bid for the White House, on Comedy Central.

86H13LTP808 reads

the loudest cries are coming the bottom third of the pack. McCain the pilot put his balls on the line every time he shot off the carrier McCain the politician is an old bitter flip flopper who couldn't beat a spineless smoke .  

The Heroes are the ones who come home in a box .  

" Show me a live hero and I will show you a fraud " - Lewis B " Chesty " Puller

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