New York

WARNING: Providers in NYC, be on the look out for Joey The Player.angry_smile
Marie Sinclair See my TER Reviews 2929 reads

"I highly suggest you report him to the NJPD. They are actively investigating him and he really needs to be locked up before he kills someone, if he hasn't already.    
The ball is rolling and this is a perfect time to nail him. The police are taking this very seriously, so don't be afraid that they won't believe you.    
I really wish I could help further, but have never dealt with him.    
Maybe someone involved could even a post on the NJ and NY board asking gals to come forward? "-Quoted by AlexandraMilw    
So I filed a report yesterday on a very DANGEROUS AND CONVINCING PREDATOR...    
Seems like NJPD is taking this VERY seriously considering his realitor came into the station and reported him. They asked me to file a report here in Vegas so they could fax it to them. I've spoked with NJPD and tomorrow I should be receiving a call from the detective appointed to the case. Crazy.    
I know how hard it is to make the right moves in a case like this. But I URGE anyone who is a victim of this "Joey"  to PLEASE fill out a report so we can bring this predictor down. Without the help of one lady listed above, I really don't believe I wouldn't have received a call back from PD. This is huge and I'm in shock and disbelieve that it has taken 10+ YEARS for a single report to take place. We need to take care of ourselves and others in this community and it starts with speaking up when you've been harmed. Honestly people, come on now.    
Want to make sure this stays on our board about Joeyhasfun and Joeytheplayer etc.  PLEASE GOOGLE JOEY THE PLAYER AND YOU WILL FIND ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED ON THIS DBAG

Thank you Diamond, really.

I am not involved but will do what I can to nail a rapist.

Posted By: Crazy Diamond

If you care about the community at all, file a report. I know hundreds of TER ladies got raped, beaten, ripped off....I personally made sure this would be taken seriously,
You want to get your self respect back, now is the time.  He had NO right to what he did. The Popo is listening.  

I am going to be frank here.... if you have dealt with him and are not going to put him out there,..... you become responsible for any thing he does.

Ladies flock together and get this serial, wannabe murdered out of the streets. It can not be done as one.  

I did my part and now all of you need to come forward.

It is hard and afraid. But can you live with a dead gal being on you?

PoPo is not messing with us and are taking this seriously. So raise your voice.

I will not throw anyone under the bus or disclose... but I can so a simple search on Joey and know many of you got victimized.

Do something before someone dies. Really

They don't care what we are doing....... Blast your voice. Because I greatly respect Maire but am well aware many have been there and won't get involved,

You all have a chance so care about you and others,,,,,

username: hammer_otg

His new email: [email protected]

ismellturkey503 reads

I googled but couldn't find his info. Is he on blacklists?

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
If you care about the community at all, file a report. I know hundreds of TER ladies got raped, beaten, ripped off....I personally made sure this would be taken seriously,  
 You want to get your self respect back, now is the time.  He had NO right to what he did. The Popo is listening.  
 I am going to be frank here.... if you have dealt with him and are not going to put him out there,..... you become responsible for any thing he does.  
 Ladies flock together and get this serial, wannabe murdered out of the streets. It can not be done as one.  
 I did my part and now all of you need to come forward.  
 It is hard and afraid. But can you live with a dead gal being on you?  
 PoPo is not messing with us and are taking this seriously. So raise your voice.  
 I will not throw anyone under the bus or disclose... but I can so a simple search on Joey and know many of you got victimized.  
 Do something before someone dies. Really  
 They don't care what we are doing....... Blast your voice. Because I greatly respect Maire but am well aware many have been there and won't get involved,  
 You all have a chance so care about you and others,,,,,  
 username: hammer_otg  
 His new email: [email protected]  

Provider4U453 reads

Wow, that's his TER handle? How does he have Whitelist references?

Joey scammed me a little over a year ago. Ugh.
Yes, he gets providers to come to his place in NJ for overnights.
I feel like an idiot for falling for it, but he is an EXTREMELY good talker.

He creates fake references, creating fake websites of fake providers. Then when you email those "providers," he's responding as them, saying "Joey is safe."  

I should have been more careful. Don't make my mistake.

Google JoeyThePlayer and blogspot to find more info on some of the many ladies he has scammed.  
Yes, I've heard he has recently raped and tortured ladies as well.

Bears repeating....

We are not a community that loves the popo..... but when gals are in serious danger, something needs to be done.

Mr BSC stalker rapist can come after me.... because I don't tolerate this shit. I will NEVER have a gals life on my shoulders if I can help it.

Many of the lovely ladies on TER dealt with him. Sometimes rip off (which we can prove to the popo_ and some have been beaten and raped (which after time has gone by, hard to prove)

Just so sick of this. Been hearing about it for years.  

The ladies too scared to bat for themselves, then I will.  

Keep us all safe from him.

Looking at the next Craigslist Murderer here. And fuck you Jose if you are reading this.  

I greatly respect Marie and will help her all I can. I won't put anyone out there unless they come forward themselves. I have a code that I abide by. But think for a minute about the next one that deals with him.  

I would nail him if I could but never dealt with him. Still will do all I can for you TER ladies.

I just encourage the ladies to report it. They are taking this seriously like a mad man. They don't care about what we are doing.

Only so much I can do, not dealing with him first hand.


Posted By: AlexandraMilw
If you care about the community at all, file a report. I know hundreds of TER ladies got raped, beaten, ripped off....I personally made sure this would be taken seriously,  
 You want to get your self respect back, now is the time.  He had NO right to what he did. The Popo is listening.  
 I am going to be frank here.... if you have dealt with him and are not going to put him out there,..... you become responsible for any thing he does.  
 Ladies flock together and get this serial, wannabe murdered out of the streets. It can not be done as one.  
 I did my part and now all of you need to come forward.  
 It is hard and afraid. But can you live with a dead gal being on you?  
 PoPo is not messing with us and are taking this seriously. So raise your voice.  
 I will not throw anyone under the bus or disclose... but I can so a simple search on Joey and know many of you got victimized.  
 Do something before someone dies. Really  
 They don't care what we are doing....... Blast your voice. Because I greatly respect Maire but am well aware many have been there and won't get involved,  
 You all have a chance so care about you and others,,,,,  
 username: hammer_otg  
 His new email: [email protected]  

....and references from only stable providers will protect you from all sort of freaks !

Andthenshesaid688 reads

Who has ladies do outcall to his place in Central NJ then writes them a check thats bogus? Or books an overnight then says he has no money ? Goes by Joe Joey, or other variations and claims he's getting dved ?This guy has been around for years if its the same one. They need to get him!

He got me when I first started in this business.  I went all the way to his place and he tried to give me a check!  He tried to contact me about a year later, and knowing who he was I told him I was coming to see him, and then left him waiting up all night in hopes it would save another girl from the wild goose chase.  Something does really need to be done about this guy.  He's a complete ass.  And, now upgraded to raping?  Wow!

Posted By: Andthenshesaid
Who has ladies do outcall to his place in Central NJ then writes them a check thats bogus? Or books an overnight then says he has no money ? Goes by Joe Joey, or other variations and claims he's getting dved ?This guy has been around for years if its the same one. They need to get him!

AAT, you rock!  Glad to hear you're back.

Andthenshesaid290 reads

Posted By: Ashleyann10
He got me when I first started in this business.  I went all the way to his place and he tried to give me a check!  He tried to contact me about a year later, and knowing who he was I told him I was coming to see him, and then left him waiting up all night in hopes it would save another girl from the wild goose chase.  Something does really need to be done about this guy.  He's a complete ass.  And, now upgraded to raping?  Wow!  
Posted By: Andthenshesaid
Who has ladies do outcall to his place in Central NJ then writes them a check thats bogus? Or books an overnight then says he has no money ? Goes by Joe Joey, or other variations and claims he's getting dved ?This guy has been around for years if its the same one. They need to get him!
He tried a couple times, then thank god I googled his number and saw the reports, . The scary thing is he had 2 references, ladies that actually vouched for him, so this makes me wonder if he's in the industry somehow, pimp, booker, driver (where he has access to the ladies emails so they can give the "references".  

I cant imagine a guy would pull this shit on so many women, then act like a perfect gentleman and pay with other ladies.

I think this is the guy who harassed me when I posted my first ad. I almost met him too...While in my $350 car service from Manhattan to NJ I got an email from one of his recent references after verifying him saying "PLEASE CALL ME"  
I had a gut feeling from the beginning that something was off with this guy so I instantly told the driver to pull the hell over while I talked to her and thats when she told me he supposedly deposited money into her account and a few days later the bank called closed her account for fraudulent activity.... I told the driver to turn around then and take me home. He was so confused and felt bad that I just did a roundtrip to and from the city for no reason so gave me a little discount but regardless... So glad I dodged a bullet!  
But I have an even more horrifying encounter to tell you guys...  
I had a stalker who blackmailed me months after meeting......We hadn't been in contact since we met when I first started.During that time we met once for lunch and one hour together.... He was nice, seemed completely normal, and paid me at the end... Out of nowhere a few weeks later he texts me saying that he wanted to do an overnight. He wanted me to book the hotel and said he would comp the price plus my overnight fee when he arrived....Being the oblivious new girl with no guidance that I was... I went and booked a room at The Trump Soho!!!!! He arrived after work with champagne and a whole bunch of BDSM and anal toys which was a surprise to me because I didn't know he was into that. It wasn't what I had in mind for our encounter but I kept a pokerface on and dealt with the pain... all night long, it was non-stop. So by 3am I was completely drained. I turned over and tried to doze off with one eye open of course lol..... So an hour or so later I hear him get up and take a shower... It was random and weird but I just kept acting as if I was asleep with one eye open.... Obviously the wrong damn eye because next thing you know I hear the door slam close!!! This fool completely used me! I called and called the phone number he provided and by the time he was in the elevator it was already disconnected! I sent him so many emails afterwards telling him how disgusted I was with what he did and never got a response so assumed he has his fun and was done with me....That was the worst night I ever had.... In that moment after he left, I've never felt so lonely, upset, and ashamed for what I did. Heres where it gets scary....6 Months later he decides to message me on my personal Facebook with a link to this video, a video thats of me with him in full HD that I had no idea had been recorded of that night we were together when he was doing all of those painful BDSM stuff on me. The day he left!!!!! My heart literally dropped...... After opening up his private link that was obviously encrypted with some sort of spyware. My Macbook starts freezing, minutes after network starts running super slow and going on and off.....30 minutes after that, he sends me a message with all of my personal information (address, name, everything) stating that if I didn't see him in an hour for free we would have to go about it the hard way. My heart was in my fucking pussy at this point I was so damn scared! I had no one to run to or tell who made me feel safe so I had to admit to my parents, my roommates, and my siblings what I had been doing just incase I ended up dead the next day......Thankfully I have understanding parents :p  
Ultimately the police said there was nothing they could do until he is physically trying to break into my apartment.... How crazy!!? And they also took nearly an hour to arrive! I could've been dead!  
The entire month of September I was paranoid out of my mind. So much so I deleted all of my emails, deleted my social networks. MOVED OUT OF STATE! Went in complete cognito because of him.  
Again, I met this man when I first started last year around this time. He claims to be in his late 30s, goes by the name of Joe Chen or something around those lines, Korean, pretty tall about 6'1ish super slim figure, smokes and reeks of it, claims to be a lawyer or attorney, drives a silver ford focus sedan 4 door, and claims to live in Brooklyn but also has a place in Queens.  When screening him, I didn't request to see his real ID. I went off 2 references he provided from girls who gave a simple "he is ok."  
The moral out of my store is I obviously made a lot of stupid mistakes that could've been avoided with even the slightest bit of guidance... and also 1) go with your gut instinct. I now screen the mess out of men who give me the slightest feeling of uncertainty. I still get iffy feelings about certain men who are probably just fine but now choose to not see a majority of the request I receive for that reason alone....No amount of money is worth yours or my life!  
2) Some girls need to stop acting so "higher than thou" when girls come to them with advice, or references. All of my horrifying experiences could've been avoided if I had the least bit of guidance.. And I reached out to a few well known women who never got back to me... It's really sad how some of us look down on one another. No matter how bad that sugar baby or courtesan wants to admit... We are all sex workers and need to have each others back! Maybe if we all spoke out and came together more often, our voices would be heard!  
p.s; Maybe we should just lookout for all "Joes and Joeys" What are the odds that both of these rapist use Joe as an Alias. :p

That's horrible !! so sorry to hear that happened and being a victim to it.  

I'm glad I started off right and met the right person/people before jumping into this.  I know that what they told me are true now and it wasn't just to convince me of anything

-- Modified on 6/5/2015 2:50:42 AM

I hope someone gives him an ass whooping that he will remember the rest of his life.  

I am SO thankful in all of my years doing this, I have had nothing more than a few guys ripping me off.

I hope you are doing ok now.

Posted By: ArmenianJofNYC
I think this is the guy who harassed me when I posted my first ad. I almost met him too...While in my $350 car service from Manhattan to NJ I got an email from one of his recent references after verifying him saying "PLEASE CALL ME"    
 I had a gut feeling from the beginning that something was off with this guy so I instantly told the driver to pull the hell over while I talked to her and thats when she told me he supposedly deposited money into her account and a few days later the bank called closed her account for fraudulent activity.... I told the driver to turn around then and take me home. He was so confused and felt bad that I just did a roundtrip to and from the city for no reason so gave me a little discount but regardless... So glad I dodged a bullet!  
 But I have an even more horrifying encounter to tell you guys...  
 I had a stalker who blackmailed me months after meeting......We hadn't been in contact since we met when I first started.During that time we met once for lunch and one hour together.... He was nice, seemed completely normal, and paid me at the end... Out of nowhere a few weeks later he texts me saying that he wanted to do an overnight. He wanted me to book the hotel and said he would comp the price plus my overnight fee when he arrived....Being the oblivious new girl with no guidance that I was... I went and booked a room at The Trump Soho!!!!! He arrived after work with champagne and a whole bunch of BDSM and anal toys which was a surprise to me because I didn't know he was into that. It wasn't what I had in mind for our encounter but I kept a pokerface on and dealt with the pain... all night long, it was non-stop. So by 3am I was completely drained. I turned over and tried to doze off with one eye open of course lol..... So an hour or so later I hear him get up and take a shower... It was random and weird but I just kept acting as if I was asleep with one eye open.... Obviously the wrong damn eye because next thing you know I hear the door slam close!!! This fool completely used me! I called and called the phone number he provided and by the time he was in the elevator it was already disconnected! I sent him so many emails afterwards telling him how disgusted I was with what he did and never got a response so assumed he has his fun and was done with me....That was the worst night I ever had.... In that moment after he left, I've never felt so lonely, upset, and ashamed for what I did. Heres where it gets scary....6 Months later he decides to message me on my personal Facebook with a link to this video, a video thats of me with him in full HD that I had no idea had been recorded of that night we were together when he was doing all of those painful BDSM stuff on me. The day he left!!!!! My heart literally dropped...... After opening up his private link that was obviously encrypted with some sort of spyware. My Macbook starts freezing, minutes after network starts running super slow and going on and off.....30 minutes after that, he sends me a message with all of my personal information (address, name, everything) stating that if I didn't see him in an hour for free we would have to go about it the hard way. My heart was in my fucking pussy at this point I was so damn scared! I had no one to run to or tell who made me feel safe so I had to admit to my parents, my roommates, and my siblings what I had been doing just incase I ended up dead the next day......Thankfully I have understanding parents :p    
 Ultimately the police said there was nothing they could do until he is physically trying to break into my apartment.... How crazy!!? And they also took nearly an hour to arrive! I could've been dead!  
 The entire month of September I was paranoid out of my mind. So much so I deleted all of my emails, deleted my social networks. MOVED OUT OF STATE! Went in complete cognito because of him.  
 Again, I met this man when I first started last year around this time. He claims to be in his late 30s, goes by the name of Joe Chen or something around those lines, Korean, pretty tall about 6'1ish super slim figure, smokes and reeks of it, claims to be a lawyer or attorney, drives a silver ford focus sedan 4 door, and claims to live in Brooklyn but also has a place in Queens.  When screening him, I didn't request to see his real ID. I went off 2 references he provided from girls who gave a simple "he is ok."    
 The moral out of my store is I obviously made a lot of stupid mistakes that could've been avoided with even the slightest bit of guidance... and also 1) go with your gut instinct. I now screen the mess out of men who give me the slightest feeling of uncertainty. I still get iffy feelings about certain men who are probably just fine but now choose to not see a majority of the request I receive for that reason alone....No amount of money is worth yours or my life!    
 2) Some girls need to stop acting so "higher than thou" when girls come to them with advice, or references. All of my horrifying experiences could've been avoided if I had the least bit of guidance.. And I reached out to a few well known women who never got back to me... It's really sad how some of us look down on one another. No matter how bad that sugar baby or courtesan wants to admit... We are all sex workers and need to have each others back! Maybe if we all spoke out and came together more often, our voices would be heard!    
 p.s; Maybe we should just lookout for all "Joes and Joeys" What are the odds that both of these rapist use Joe as an Alias. :p    

Superstar!794 reads

Date Time 2014-09-14 10:53:15
Subject Shady / Suspicious
Body Client called and gave a long ecentric story about having her stay for an overnight. Stayed on the phone forever talking and talking trying to discuss so many unecessary details etc. Claims to want to pay between 6k-10k.

He used a provider "jessica/jessy" from PA on Eros as a reference. She could only be reached by text. When she did respond, it was a short reply saying "he was ok."

I met him at the train station to be "discrete" at his request. Client arrived in a black car to pick her up. We went to another address and sessioned there.

Claimed to want to rebook and set his friends up with entertainer's friends. Claimed he is going through a messy divorce and thats why he can't text anything. Promised more money upon entertainer's arrival.

Next day he was supposed to contact me with reference # or confirmation but he never did. He continued to answer his phone but claimed he was "working." Then turned his phone off.  

This guy is the ultimate fraud and seems to target new providers.

It's even possible he is "Jessy" on Eros (fake ad).  

Date Time 2014-09-15 9:06:48
Subject Scammer
Body Fake caller ladies, he is a big time waster. He scams working girls.

Incident was in Edison, NJ. Phone 732-789-0064 is T-Mobile USA Mobile in New Brunswick, NJ.

Date Time 2014-09-18 11:15:30
Subject Attempted Rapist
Body He tried to rape a girl, but she was screaming in his condo, and he got scared and let her run out.

Incident was in Newark, NJ. Phone 732-788-9707 is Sprint Mobile in Middletown, NJ.

Date Time 2014-09-19 9:54:06
Subject Stalker
Body A freaking psycho! He is a real life stalker. I have filed a police report against him.

Incident was in Freehold, NJ. Phone 732-788-9707 is Sprint Mobile in Middletown, NJ

Date Time 2014-09-26 9:46:35
Subject Scammer
Body He scams working girls.

Added this website:

Incident was in Freehold, NJ. Phone 732-788-9705 is AT&T Mobile in Middletown, NJ.

Date Time 2014-10-07 15:04:52
Subject Merge
Body We had a separate profile for "Michael / Mike / Joe" with phone 732-788-9705 and incidents dated 2014-08-23 and 2014-09-14 in New Brunswick and Middletown. That phone # reported as Joe Torres so we merged 2 profiles into 1.  

Date Time 2014-10-07 15:18:34
Subject Rapist
Body He raped a provider visiting NYC from Oregon last weekend. Didn't get paid the 8K he promised her, had her come to his place via taxi, stuck her with the bill too. Addresses reported: 5 Easton Ave, New Brunswick, NJ and 223 Rachel Court. Raped and abused her for 8 hours, forced into unprotected intercourse, beat on her. Another provider recently reported that he took photos of her in the session without consent and forced into unprotected acts as well.  

Latest MO... be aware and on the lookout if you get an email or communication from a gentleman by the name, "Joey the Player of NJ/ Jersey Guy", or any contact from a man from North Jersey (732 area code perhaps) that tries to book an overnight for an absurd amount of money and wants to meet at the train station first, won't give out personal info. (he has a history of booking overnights and does not pay.)  

Date Time 2014-10-16 12:31:58
Subject Scammer
Body Looked this guy up on here after things started to be sketchy. Same story as most of the other posts. He claimed that he is going through a divorce so that`s why he has no info online and cant electronically submit a deposit. Wanted me to come to Jersey for an overnight. I asked him why in the world he thinks I would come all of the way to Jersey with no info on him or a deposit to ensure I wasn`t being screwed. He told me that he would pay me up front to which I responded "you would anyway, that`s standard". Anyway, he seems like total trouble. Has an answer for every challenge very quickly. I eventually backed him into a corner with solutions and he just stopped responding.

Date Time 2014-12-30 12:33:33
Subject Game player
Body Beware of this client, he is wasting time and playing games.

Date Time 2015-01-05 20:33:06
Subject Scammer
Body He's a fake, he's a scammer. He offers to pay $6,500. Then he wants you to take a cab to him. I suggested he pay me $6,400 and take the other $100 to pay the cab driver with it when I arrive. He hung up on me. Liar and scammer, don't go!

Incident was in Edison, NJ. Phone 732-310-0630 is AT&T Mobile in Dunellen, NJ.

Date Time 2015-01-11 22:40:36
Subject Hijacked TER Handle?
Body This guy has emailed me and several others claiming to be "joeyhasfun" on TER.....he is not the same guy (the actual guy with that TER handle is apparently just fine. To protect yourself, ask TER whitelisted members to PM you directly from the website to confirm. He offers an overnight for a lot of money. But not only doesn`t pay but has raped women and beaten them. Used email [email protected]. Please be careful!!!

Incident in NJ (no city specified).  

We are assuming this is the infamous Jose Torres based on name and MO. However, he has to know that "Jose Torres" is blacklisted so strange he uses that in his email address.  

Date Time 2015-01-23 22:20:37
Subject Fake References / Rude
Body Using fake references. Verbally rude/abusive. Do not see. Claims he is joeyhasfun but can`t identify joeyhasfun`s tattoos.

Date Time 2015-03-31 10:17:12
Subject Caution
Body Thank god for this site because i was actually considering taking a cab to Jersey for an overnight with this sociopath manipulative client. It weirded me out that he asked me to pay the cab driver beforehand so I could exit the cab quickly because the "neighbors are nosy"... aka HE WANTED NO WITNESSES. I looked up his number and big surprise, an extensive list of rob/rape/scam/no pay reports that sounded like horror stories popped up.  

How is this client not behind bars. There is also a good samaritan report on wordpress that comes up if you google his number.

DO NOT SEE THIS GUY. He is pretty convincing and manipulative, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME TALKING TO HIM. He is dangerous and scary.

Incident was in New York City, NY.
Phone 732-310-0630 is AT&T Mobile in Dunellen, NJ.

Date Time 2015-04-18 8:49:29
Subject Bad Client
Body Joe/Joey has many different last names and changes his email addresses, but he always does the same thing. He emails every girl and asks for an overnight outcall. He has BS references. I`ve heard that many girls have been assaulted/raped by him. Beware.


His handle JoeyHasFun on TER is confusing because there is also a LEGIT JoeyHasFun on TER. But the rapists real handle is actually JoeThePlaya.  


On TER guys are allowed to have an alias which is bad because they can impersonate another guy and confuse providers who try to screen them. Long story short, check references. Don`t rely on a guys TER handle as they can write fake reviews and impersonate good guys which is this rapist`s trick.


Incident was in NYC, NY.


Date Time 2015-04-18 8:51:48
Subject Suspicious
Body Did not listen to my instructions on how and when to contact me.


Incident was in NYC, NY.

Phone 732-310-0630 is AT&T Mobile in Dunellen, NJ.



He is now using Hammer_otg handle. From my understanding, he is pretending that is him. Spoke to the only lady I trust of those reviews/WLs and she did meet a guy who was nice.

Odd thing is he is using the email linked to that handle....

And yes you are right, the real joeyhasfun is a legit guy.

This dumbass sees people at his residence/property he owns.  Stupid.

Gals need to make the guys pm them from the TER acct that the guy claims. Then no problems

I couldn't believe he was still scamming women after all of this. I wanted to personally hurt him the way he has hurt others. Obviously leaving it to the police is the best idea however, I have nothing to offer them as far as information goes.  


Andthenshesaid360 reads

This guy isn't that stupid using his own property cause he's been doing this for years and getting away with it, I'm talking since 2009 2010. Nothing has happened to this guy yet, yet he repeatedly does the same thing. Its scary if he's upgrading to raping now.....whats next ?

getting caught.  And he knows LE will view this as an escort getting ripped off and not fully believing her story anyway.  Plus, there's too many serious crimes in big cities to deal with.

An escort friend in Montreal told me a few years ago that an Asian guy made an appointment with her, the last one of the evening.  She didn't have much time to check him out but went ahead anyway.  She came out of the bathroom and he had a video camera set up, duct tape and rope.  He took a knife out of his pocket and she quickly got to the door in just her robe and left the room without incident.

I tell my ATF to always know who you're seeing!  Never let your guard down.  It's not worth the money. Way too many sick MF'rs out there

This guy needs to be beat down,have his car destroyed, or his house stripped. If this fool lived in the Baltimore area, I could recommend some guys.

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