60 and Over

I have never felt that way...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 3777 reads

I won't see a provider unless I already have a good comfort factor from them, so I don't mind sharing any amount of personal information or giving them references.

In this hobby, you can not be too careful.

we are older and more sophisticated..we rarely make rash judgments..we have very particular tastes at our age..that being said..do you think some providers go a little overboard on what they require for screening? i feel our maturity and our manner of treating our ladies should lessen screening requirements..not increase them..your opinion..ladies too..

I won't see a provider unless I already have a good comfort factor from them, so I don't mind sharing any amount of personal information or giving them references.

In this hobby, you can not be too careful.

The risks for the ladies remain the same.  They are accepting an unknown quantity into their lives.  Just because we are older does not make us "nicer" or "gentler" or "more stable".  It could mean that we are more experienced in hiding the dirty deeds that we have committed.  

I think they should screen however they need to so that they feel confident that whomever they choose to see will do no harm.  If you aren't comfortable giving up the information they request, you shoud move on to someone else.

Respectfully because afterall, we are the 60+ board and as the OP says, we are older and more sophisticated. On the other hand, my sense of security is greatly enhanced knowing that a provider screens her potential clients as the basis for deciding whether to see them or not. I only want to see someone who is taking those precautions, with me as well as with everybody else. Sorry Macdaddy, on this one I must disagree with you.

The screening hoops I have to jump through are fine with me.  Heck, Rover gets a treat at the end!  The lady needs to do what keeps her safe.  A first date with out some from of screening is unprotected sex!

haha Rover gets a treat at the end..haha  I like that one.  Good way to look at it.

Posted By: ChiefRedbeard
The screening hoops I have to jump through are fine with me.  Heck, Rover gets a treat at the end!  The lady needs to do what keeps her safe.  A first date with out some from of screening is unprotected sex!

It has nothing to do with your age....

I am inviting you/ A stranger into my home..
Typically you have contacted me via Email and for all I know you Charles Manson's lost son..

It is true that most gentlemen as a general rule are polite and respectful but just because you are 60 and over does not mean your not someone who has gotton away with treating women poorly
and let us not forget that I don't need to be a headline in a news paper for ANY reason...

There are lots and lots of older gentlemen who are still working and would love to get a pat on the back from their goverment employeers for bring down some of the agencies and girls that works in this business.......

Now having said that.. You typically can't have it both ways.
Sure there are ladies that will see you and never ask a single question.. So if you don't like to be screened go and see them. But when you find yourself in a situation and it will happen if you do it enough.... then.. you got what you asked for..

Which leads me to point out.. Ladies that screen, feel as if they have as much to lose as you do. A life , A career, A reputation in her private community, Kids, etc, etc. what makes you think that you are above being screened again.. Don't you think If I let you into MY HOME and to borrow MY body, don't I have the simple curtsey and respect of expecting to at least know something about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I am done now......

Dear MistressJessica:
I was just wondering what are some of the parameters that you would use for screening? Also do you value some pieces of information more valuable than other pieces of information?

I remember my first hobby experience. I knew nothing about screening or references or anything . Just wanted to get laid. picked a lady off of BP set appt. Went to her house. She did the LE check. Which I also didn't know about. I remember being so damned nervous that I couldn't even get it up. After that disaster I was ready to quit the hobby but tried one more lady and she turned me on to the whole hobby lifestyle.So I don't mind at all to be screened and referenced. Plus I can check out the lady and get all the info I need about her. Then when we meet I am only a little nervous due to meeting for the first time but am not nearly as worried about being robbed or locked up. So it goes both ways and as I said I really appreciate the whole screening process.

ThighHighStockings5277 reads

There are older men who have had long term "issues" so to speak . Men who have zero respect for women and men who are not stable at any age and get worse as they grow older. Many men make "rash judgements" and later bring that story to the boards.You are very particular yes. It shows in who you have reviewed. All more traveling providers. Well ... you seem to be everywhere looking for something beings you have a link to a sugar daddy profile on here tells that maybe you want one lady who is local to you to support regularly.I still cannot see you doing that you see more visitors than locals. So why have you not supported more locals ?  because they require screening?When you establish a local reputation in your Chicago community and build up a trust in the women who provide each other with references maybe sometime they can stand up and tell others that Macdaddy is someone you can give an open invitation to because he is safe rational, fussy ( so you're lucky if you meet him) and is mature pays without haggling the fee and all locals have a wonderful time of him. So is this your way of reviewing yourself . How you treat a lady to lure her in should never compromise her way of screening.Providers also have particular tastes in men but one could never feel comfortable totally if you fail to follow her screening rules and are shrewd enough to get past her screening guidelines. Quite frankly I think touring providers who do allow you in without proper screening is a dangerous practice to get into before she is taking shortcuts with all the men.Some men phrase women
on screening practices. You should too.

thank you for your insightful analysis of how and why i choose my providers..trying to figure why a fellow hobbyist does what he does and why he does it is a virtual impossibility..thanks for trying..

ThighHighStockings3971 reads

Correct us if we're wrong but you really never told anyone why you think you
are so high and mighty to think you should be put at the front of the line and treated
like royalty? If my ANALysis is wrong , please take the floor and tell us your theory .

Posted By: macdaddy1944
thank you for your insightful analysis of how and why i choose my providers..trying to figure why a fellow hobbyist does what he does and why he does it is a virtual impossibility..thanks for trying..

if you treat your ladies as royalty..they will return the favor..not hard to figure out..pm any of my ladies..they will tell you so..no one is ' high and mighty ' in this hobby..some are just more considerate than others..

ThighHighStockings5476 reads

You consider yourself more considerate? Who screened you ? I mean who really screened you
for her safety?

Posted By: macdaddy1944
if you treat your ladies as royalty..they will return the favor..not hard to figure out..pm any of my ladies..they will tell you so..no one is ' high and mighty ' in this hobby..some are just more considerate than others..

RogueLuver5695 reads

......many do so out of past experiences, as well as a safety concern. In this electronic age, not much remains hidden. Discriminating and discreet approaches never hurt. Most ladies will not custom fit their screening just for us "mature gents". True, we have much to offer here, but I'll respect the needs of the "special ladies" I find interest in. In the long run, they pay it forward many times.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
we are older and more sophisticated..we rarely make rash judgments..we have very particular tastes at our age..that being said..do you think some providers go a little overboard on what they require for screening? i feel our maturity and our manner of treating our ladies should lessen screening requirements..not increase them..your opinion..ladies too..

even if they aren't. Ladies choose to screen by what makes them most comfortable. A gentlemen can be dangerous at any age so why wouldn't a lady want to know about you.

Kisses Haley

It is a complement to be thought of as potentially dangerous!  Please screen me and make my day!

Ladies in the business can NEVER let their guards down particularly prior to meeting a gent. Screening processes are extremely important for obvious reasons and should be the same across the board for every new client.

Am I the only one using P411? Every thing needed for screening is in one place and I have never been asked for further identifcation beyond what is there. P411 requires the provider to use new photos so I am not so much in doubt about the provider.

dreamin44-25117 reads

I understand the need to screen.  I object to providing sensitive ID information over the internet or giving sensitive ID information over the phone.  I do not want my ID information kept in a log, a file, or anybodys notebook.  I am told frequently  " I don't keep the info"....but how do I know that for sure...??  Upon meeting I am happy to show my  ID.....all that's needed but I won't let it get written down.  I"m told its for safety...but I don't  quite  get that connection....

Yes....I think some providers go overboard.... but I agree its their choice to do or not to do...and its my choice to move on....

simply refusing to see a gent, and all of us hobbyists also have the 'ultimate weapon' of not giving as much screeneing info as a particular provider wants, and thus deciding not to see the provider.

We need to remember that the scenario is 2 complete strangers making contact via e-mail or phone, and not really knowing anything about the other person.  A hobbyist can use whatever sources are available (TER, DateCheck, etc) to try to find out if trying to see a particular provider is a good idea.  Similarly, a provider can check with other providers given as references and look at a gent's reviews and otherwise try to size up whether it's a good idea to see the hobbyist.  But essentially they are both trying to decide whether or not to meet a stranger.  

I have no problem with a provider asking for whatever information she needs to be comfortable meeting this stranger.  If a hobbyist is uncomfortable with what is asked for, well, there are a lot of fish in the sea; try to find someone else to see.

our safety is the only factor that we consider. Age means nothing, many older gentlemen can be just as rude and inconsiderate as younger ones, unfortunately. The whole purpose of the screening sites is to make it easier on all of us. This gives us less to ask and makes everything happen quicker and smoothly.

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