
Sounds like a felony and a whole bunch of misdemeanors
mnfan 1097 reads

At best they send your ads, and you can say you sell an experience. What happens, who cares. The damage to your personal reputation would be more than a heresay of a law violation. Or someone sending you an email for sex.

It is however a felony and a pile of misdemeanors to harass you in this fashion.

However, it would be a wise idea to search your real name and remove images to your house, any photos of you from DWI, and change up your phone numbers and alias. Yes, you may lose some reviews, but I would guess plenty of regulars are enough to keep you semi retired.

I just wish I lived closer :(

adsumsparkle2138 reads

They are so silly....talking about me being  a slut and a whore, NOT a courtesan. I guess they think sex is a VERY BAD thing. They speak of me being married twice, which they say makes me a whore. Gosh, I know a lot of whores then too! haha! They speak of very personal info and even sent a pic of my home (a pic off of google maps though)...and they say they "wonder which room is my bedroom! They say I fucked a pimp.....which I never did.
They say I will go to jail and that no one will be there to help the drug addict whore Hilary Holiday....It goes on and on and on......so strange!
Maybe it's blackmail??
But I have children and they are very threatening. Im coming to the boards because I am so baffled. Im thankful of this industry and how it has helped me....thank god I am moving out of it soon....it can be tough on a girl too!
Everyone knows who I am and I show my face......I have no family, so that doesn't matter to me, even though they threaten to expose me to friends and family! I really have nothing to hide, so Im not sure what they want? No motives have been stated. All the person or persons seem to be doing is trying to make me feel "less than".....
Im not sure if this post is ok, but I am sort of seeking advice from the community.

Thanks, Hilary

adsumsparkle1148 reads

just a bit confused by everything. Cant think too clearly. I have contacted TER about all of this as I believe it to be someone in the industry.....the dark side, which Ive not experienced until now.....

Please be strong for you are such a quality person and so beautiful.  You have done nothing wrong and hobby will have a huge hole in it when you retire. Allow L.E. to help you with this problem and continue to be the great person that you are. This will pass and the bad person who wrote you the letter will be found out

I think coming here to expose the toxic side of our business may help find the attacker.
Sorry Hil, you're too sweet for this to happen.

Posted By: adsumsparkle
They are so silly....talking about me being  a slut and a whore, NOT a courtesan. I guess they think sex is a VERY BAD thing. They speak of me being married twice, which they say makes me a whore. Gosh, I know a lot of whores then too! haha! They speak of very personal info and even sent a pic of my home (a pic off of google maps though)...and they say they "wonder which room is my bedroom! They say I fucked a pimp.....which I never did.
They say I will go to jail and that no one will be there to help the drug addict whore Hilary Holiday....It goes on and on and on......so strange!
Maybe it's blackmail??
But I have children and they are very threatening. Im coming to the boards because I am so baffled. Im thankful of this industry and how it has helped me....thank god I am moving out of it soon....it can be tough on a girl too!
Everyone knows who I am and I show my face......I have no family, so that doesn't matter to me, even though they threaten to expose me to friends and family! I really have nothing to hide, so Im not sure what they want? No motives have been stated. All the person or persons seem to be doing is trying to make me feel "less than".....
Im not sure if this post is ok, but I am sort of seeking advice from the community.

Thanks, Hilary

...rely on the wisdom of these boards.  As a relatively new player in the hobby, I can't offer any specific wisdom, but my thoughts are with you, and I hope the jerk will be outed!  You of all people have not hidden who you are, so this jerk is completely out of bounds.  Take care.

adsumsparkle1296 reads

These letters are coming via MAIL, as in....TO MY HOME. I did get some PMs about blocking email. It is not via email. They are coming to me in the most illegal fashion possible...I have contacted the post office. and others about this.
This person seems to be very upset about me being in a documentary. Hey, I have like 5 minutes of interview, if that....Ummm, it's NOT movie star stuff! It's actually somethin Im a bit nervous and embarrassed to do, but really felt a strong push to go forward with it and be a part of maybe someday, making a change in the way this work is viewed. I believe in this industry and do not think it should be looked down upon. Remember in the Roman times....heck these gals were right up there with kings!!! haha!!
There is a woman on Kristens website named Norma Jean Almodovar....an amazing advocate for sex workers. I have a call out to her as well. Im a bit freaked out, but am so thankful for this community of friends. Ive never had freinds in my life before this work....never....no family as they always judged me for being such a free spirit, and I simply just stayed away from friends, especially at Bible college as I did not fit in too well there....i questioned authority waaaay too much. So instead I sat in my room and read the Bible and TRIED to figure out how the HELL to speak in tongues!

Love to you all!!!!

Im a wreck.... Im being threatened to GO AWAY....I ahve children in college!! ugh...

and not a hobbyist doing this to you.  Be very careful.  Vengeful women are dangerous women.  

I believe fucking with and threatening a person via snail mail is a felony and when caught the perp would do some time in prison.

If you need anything, let me know.  My thoughts will be with you and praying they catch the person soon.

Hugs to you, Hilary!

adsumsparkle1212 reads

It has a definite female vibe with some serious claws.
ONE MEAN GIRL is waaaaay scarier than an army of men.  Put that on my tombstone! haha!

Dont let the bastards get you down.

who are they to judge you? I mean by their initiating contact to you  they must be browsing which puts them in a lower position.
Takes one to know one right?

Posted By: adsumsparkle
They are so silly....talking about me being  a slut and a whore, NOT a courtesan. I guess they think sex is a VERY BAD thing. They speak of me being married twice, which they say makes me a whore. Gosh, I know a lot of whores then too! haha! They speak of very personal info and even sent a pic of my home (a pic off of google maps though)...and they say they "wonder which room is my bedroom! They say I fucked a pimp.....which I never did.
They say I will go to jail and that no one will be there to help the drug addict whore Hilary Holiday....It goes on and on and on......so strange!
Maybe it's blackmail??
But I have children and they are very threatening. Im coming to the boards because I am so baffled. Im thankful of this industry and how it has helped me....thank god I am moving out of it soon....it can be tough on a girl too!
Everyone knows who I am and I show my face......I have no family, so that doesn't matter to me, even though they threaten to expose me to friends and family! I really have nothing to hide, so Im not sure what they want? No motives have been stated. All the person or persons seem to be doing is trying to make me feel "less than".....
Im not sure if this post is ok, but I am sort of seeking advice from the community.

Thanks, Hilary

adsumsparkle1197 reads

I especially love it when a hobby guy calls me a whore...yet he has written over 100 reviews! Can we all say DOUBLE STANDARD??? Its always the guys with lots of reviews that call girls whores! Heck, we're all whores...the whole damn world. It's in our DNA. Its healthy and fun and prevents cancer!!! Let's OWN it!! Sex is what makes the world go round!
And yes, Im a dork!! :)

The person sending the letter is obviously a loser who feels better about themselves bringing down other people to their pathetic level.

adsumsparkle1120 reads

I had a professional look at them today. I do hope they keep sending them because action will be taken on my end.
They think they can intimidate me because they have very personal info about me. I am not afraid though, because I haven't done anything wrong. They are using petty things from my past to try to break me.
Plus the constant name calling, aka whore, slut, hooker, prosititute, and that I take advantage of men, that Im abusive on the boards, that I threaten men to give me good reviews (id rather not have any more reviews actually!.....plz?). Also, that I hate all girls ranked higher than me on TER. And of course, we cannot leave out how OLD and ugly I am, especially my GREY hair and ugly skin. Im ESCPECIALLY BAD becuz I had my 3rd child OUT OF WEDLOCK!!! What kind of WHORE acts this way?? Well, that was the man I had lived with for years.....Im NOT old school, sorry. Im not a strong advocate of the marriage institution.....bad bad girl!  They speak of a DWI I had back in Feb...I really have nothing to hide....Im not good with my wine guys....only one glass for me!!
Oh, and that I am ABUSIVE to smokers because I choose not to see them. So they are calling me a slut and that I take advantage of men, but then saying Im a abusive because I don't "fuck smokers".....is that an oxy moron?? Or something like that?
They constantly say I am going to jail. That they will send out mass mailings of my ads and reviews if I do not stop  this shameful work....they will for sure get some kind of warrant issued for my email records and cell phone info.....
There.....they hold no threat over me as I just posted it all!! Well, almost all...the family stuff I will keep personal. Hey, Im an open book. Im not perfect. I have made mistakes in life. But if I were perfect, I wouldn't be on this planet, as I wouldn't be human!

Sorry if that's too much info ....but I have nothing to hide and they cannot scare me. But Please remember the words I want on my tombstone?? ....just in case.....ya know...worst case senario?? :)

is you have to think twice or more before calling the police.

This cowardly stalker wouldn't dare pull this kind of abusive stunt on a provider if the provider, like any other professional, could take the evidence to the authorities and start a criminal investigation.

That being a courtesan is less of a fine/jail time than EXTORTION and BLACKMAIL!  Bastards. Maybe a little jail time is just what they need.

Honestly, there is nothing more unflattering and ugly in this world than revenge and jealousy.  Sounds like this person has all kinds of that going on.  And ignorance to boot!

Stay Strong, Hil.  Let me know if you need ANYTHING AT ALL!


Posted By: adsumsparkle
They are so silly....talking about me being  a slut and a whore, NOT a courtesan. I guess they think sex is a VERY BAD thing. They speak of me being married twice, which they say makes me a whore. Gosh, I know a lot of whores then too! haha! They speak of very personal info and even sent a pic of my home (a pic off of google maps though)...and they say they "wonder which room is my bedroom! They say I fucked a pimp.....which I never did.
They say I will go to jail and that no one will be there to help the drug addict whore Hilary Holiday....It goes on and on and on......so strange!
Maybe it's blackmail??
But I have children and they are very threatening. Im coming to the boards because I am so baffled. Im thankful of this industry and how it has helped me....thank god I am moving out of it soon....it can be tough on a girl too!
Everyone knows who I am and I show my face......I have no family, so that doesn't matter to me, even though they threaten to expose me to friends and family! I really have nothing to hide, so Im not sure what they want? No motives have been stated. All the person or persons seem to be doing is trying to make me feel "less than".....
Im not sure if this post is ok, but I am sort of seeking advice from the community.

Thanks, Hilary

As soon as I get the go ahead and the results come back from the lab.
OMG, Ive been clinging to this board all fucking day....I try not to be on here too much, but sometimes community is sooo healthy and positive. You guys, let's all keep this a POSITIVE place, a place where people in community can come and feel safe , supported and loved! Let's all be friends!! Yay! Friends are fun!! Im just experiencing this fun fact at OVER 40!!
And yes, Im a dork!

In any event, the police are who should be investigating a matter like this.

I was cyberstalked and outed five years ago in a particularly vicious way.
I was subsequently estranged from my family for three years and moved a thousand miles because as a twenty-two year old I wasn't equipped to deal with the repercussions of my activities as a provider.

A few years removed from it I now realize what I should have done:

I should have immediately went to the authorities.

Cyberstalking (the mailing of keyloggers / trojan viruses / hacking) and abuse of the federal mail system is AGAINST THE LAW.

Its good that you have no reason to fear fallout from family or friends- however, what this person is doing is wrong and highly illegal.  
Make sure that they know that you know its against the law and I just bet the harassment will stop.

Petty jealousies, internet arguments etc. occur in this business no doubt- but for the life of me I have no idea why anyone feels that it is within their right to take it offline or segue into someone's personal life.  
Outing or even the threat of outing a provider or hobbyist is the most incredibly vicious, intolerable act that any of us could possibly perpetrate against one another.

They are nobody and they know they're nobody which is why they're harassing you.  
Let the person know you intend to go to the authorities and don't hesitate to do it of the behavior doesn't cease immediately.

Be strong!!!  You're a fighter... You're going to beat this. This person is wrong on so many levels. I'm so sorry you have to put up with crap like this. Its just not right for such a nice person like you to have to deal with this horrible harassment..

-- Modified on 4/25/2012 8:09:51 PM

-- Modified on 4/25/2012 9:26:03 PM

Morris19691385 reads

Posted By: adsumsparkle
They are so silly....talking about me being  a slut and a whore, NOT a courtesan. I guess they think sex is a VERY BAD thing. They speak of me being married twice, which they say makes me a whore. Gosh, I know a lot of whores then too! haha! They speak of very personal info and even sent a pic of my home (a pic off of google maps though)...and they say they "wonder which room is my bedroom! They say I fucked a pimp.....which I never did.
They say I will go to jail and that no one will be there to help the drug addict whore Hilary Holiday....It goes on and on and on......so strange!
Maybe it's blackmail??
But I have children and they are very threatening. Im coming to the boards because I am so baffled. Im thankful of this industry and how it has helped me....thank god I am moving out of it soon....it can be tough on a girl too!
Everyone knows who I am and I show my face......I have no family, so that doesn't matter to me, even though they threaten to expose me to friends and family! I really have nothing to hide, so Im not sure what they want? No motives have been stated. All the person or persons seem to be doing is trying to make me feel "less than".....
Im not sure if this post is ok, but I am sort of seeking advice from the community.

Thanks, Hilary

Posted By: Morris1969

Why bother to respond?

palski11113 reads

First off Morris1969, you are obviously an ass.  Why are you on this board if you have no respect for providers?  I am going out on a limb here and I can only surmise that Morris1969 has unresolved mommy issues and could quite possibly be your stalker, adsum.
I am sorry this has happened to you.  I don't even know you but I have read your reviews and your fabulous shills, the community adores you.  Keep on keeping on, Hill.  Don't let ANYONE tell you what to do as far as staying away from the boards and keeping a low profile.  Your regulars would be heartbroken.  I don't think you are a drama girl whatsoever, posting this was a good thing, it could happen to ANY of us.  People are freaks, period.  Commentary and opinions+  Take what you want and leave the rest.  
You are obviously one of the best providers in the state, and if this assclown wants to get up close and personal and fuck with your job/lifestyle/whatever, you will have a LEGION of people behind you who will mess this person up, me included.
Be well, babe:)

First of all, she sought this advice out because she is being stalked at HOME, not through PMs, etc. HOME. This person knows where she sleeps at night. That is serious, so I would definitely take in to consideration the advice of other providers who have been stalked or outed, as well as the smart men here.

And this board is not the end of the world. Her clients who care the most will still make an effort to communicate with her even if she is not as vocal on the board.

That's all!

palski11128 reads

Listen, toots, Hillary is a grown ass woman, she can do whatever she wants.  You added your two cents, so did I.  
That's all!

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
First of all, she sought this advice out because she is being stalked at HOME, not through PMs, etc. HOME. This person knows where she sleeps at night. That is serious, so I would definitely take in to consideration the advice of other providers who have been stalked or outed, as well as the smart men here.

And this board is not the end of the world. Her clients who care the most will still make an effort to communicate with her even if she is not as vocal on the board.

That's all!

foxy32231566 reads

I'm blown away. Just wrong. Sorry you have to deal with this.
Stay strong like everyone has said and it sounds like you have
a lot of great friends here.

I like the part about being a dork. That's the good stuff!

Maybe one day I will have the pleasure. With a dork.

Unfortunately, when you become so successful that people know your name from the east to the west, you are going to have people who are jealous and want to create drama for you.

Most likely it is a disgruntled client or a provider who got your incall info from a client who talks too much in bed. Board lurkers and the people who send those “you’re a sinner and going to hell” emails do not have access to your info like a client (or provider with the same client) would.

One of the reasons I went UTR a couple of years ago is because of the harassment you get from being a high profile BOARD provider. They won't stop until you "retire". So while I cannot relate to anyone sending harassing letters to my home, they sent emails, outed my incall, stalked me at work, impersonated me on the boards and created backchannel rumors. I truly believe that at one point there was someone so obsessed that they sent nasty emails back and forth between another provider and me to stir up trouble. I think the lady was probably actually nice, and so these people are just trolls who want your attention. Do not give it to them!

While you cannot create email filters to avoid the nonsense you are experiencing at home, you can invest in a good security system and cameras. You may want to consider moving and becoming an outcall only provider or handle your business out of a different venue.

Also it might be a good idea to take a break from the boards. Trust me; you will not lose major business as long as you have great repeats/regulars and some men are attracted to low-profile ladies. Then you can avoid some of the negativity while you sort everything out at home.

Be safe out there.

adsumsparkle1335 reads

Thanks for the PM, but I tried to respond and you are "ignoring me"....hit the Un Ignore....you musta accidentally hit ignore when lookng at one of my super hilarious, stupid posts!! Im so hurt!
Anyhow, I did try to respond to your very sweet PM!
And yes SomewhereOverThe Rainbow, I have chilled on the postings.....I feel the hatred too, even though I also have alot of friends....the haters are strong and Ive gotten the msg.
I have plenty of regulars where posting is not necessary for me at all, in fact it probably hurts me more than benefits me! People like to say Im doing it for "marketing"!! HArdly! I think it actually scares people away.....me being the total DORK that I am! :)

Anyhow, Steelhand! Quit IGNORING me!! And Morris1969....get some sleep dude!


Keep your head up and stay positive always. xo :)

I mean they care, but at the same time they really do not care about the details surrounding your wellbeing (you know since this is a fuck board and all)...post issues like these on the provider only board, otherwise the guys will just associate you with drama even though you are simply seeking help from the community.

And save every single piece of evidence. Never delete nasty emails either, just filter them to a "hater" folder (do not waste your time reading them of course). This type of behavior should never be erased or forgotten.

Hugs Hilary.

Ok now everyone, go for a bike ride or jog. It feels great! Have an amazing day everyone!!:)

palski11188 reads

You are a bitch.  
Do you honestly think that Hillary is going to take this seriously?  Quit being a hater and get your ass back out on Lake Street.  

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
I mean they care, but at the same time they really do not care about the details surrounding your wellbeing (you know since this is a fuck board and all)...post issues like these on the provider only board, otherwise the guys will just associate you with drama even though you are simply seeking help from the community.

And save every single piece of evidence. Never delete nasty emails either, just filter them to a "hater" folder (do not waste your time reading them of course). This type of behavior should never be erased or forgotten.

Hugs Hilary.

Ok now everyone, go for a bike ride or jog. It feels great! Have an amazing day everyone!!:)

palski11507 reads

You are a bitch.  
Do you honestly think that Hillary is going to take this seriously?  Quit being a hater and get your ass back out on Lake Street.  Plus, if you were actually worried about Hillary's safety, ANY advice given she can take or leave, instead you took it upon yourself to make it about you. Learn how to act like a lady, I know it's a stretch...I also have difficulties with this, because i honestly am not on this board to make friends or garner up popularity.  Be nice to the girl, she works her ass off, she excels in her profession.  She has a stalker that needs to be dealt with, which is horrible.  For you to assume that she is doing this to get attention or attract drama makes you look idiotic.  Simply put, you are a mean girl.  Leave her alone.  Anything else??  

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
I mean they care, but at the same time they really do not care about the details surrounding your wellbeing (you know since this is a fuck board and all)...post issues like these on the provider only board, otherwise the guys will just associate you with drama even though you are simply seeking help from the community.

And save every single piece of evidence. Never delete nasty emails either, just filter them to a "hater" folder (do not waste your time reading them of course). This type of behavior should never be erased or forgotten.

Hugs Hilary.

Ok now everyone, go for a bike ride or jog. It feels great! Have an amazing day everyone!!:)

We all fail at speed reading sometimes.;)

Hilary can post here or wherever she wants to. I have no problems with that. She adds life to the board and I like her.

I was just saying that unfortunately some men will misjudge her post even though she is just seeking support. They like to talk about sex, you know? That is all I was saying.

..... I wanna say "are there REALLY people out there so tacky, bitter and jealous"?
It's just sad that they have to stoop so low and creppy because they aren't happy with themselves/their own lives.

I REALLY hope it doesn't take until she retires for this to stop.  Gut feeling says it's a female. And to that skank I say FTB (f*ck that b*tch).

*hugs* Hillary.

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
Unfortunately, when you become so successful that people know your name from the east to the west, you are going to have people who are jealous and want to create drama for you.

Most likely it is a disgruntled client or a provider who got your incall info from a client who talks too much in bed. Board lurkers and the people who send those “you’re a sinner and going to hell” emails do not have access to your info like a client (or provider with the same client) would.

One of the reasons I went UTR a couple of years ago is because of the harassment you get from being a high profile BOARD provider. They won't stop until you "retire". So while I cannot relate to anyone sending harassing letters to my home, they sent emails, outed my incall, stalked me at work, impersonated me on the boards and created backchannel rumors. I truly believe that at one point there was someone so obsessed that they sent nasty emails back and forth between another provider and me to stir up trouble. I think the lady was probably actually nice, and so these people are just trolls who want your attention. Do not give it to them!

While you cannot create email filters to avoid the nonsense you are experiencing at home, you can invest in a good security system and cameras. You may want to consider moving and becoming an outcall only provider or handle your business out of a different venue.

Also it might be a good idea to take a break from the boards. Trust me; you will not lose major business as long as you have great repeats/regulars and some men are attracted to low-profile ladies. Then you can avoid some of the negativity while you sort everything out at home.

Be safe out there.

mnfan1098 reads

At best they send your ads, and you can say you sell an experience. What happens, who cares. The damage to your personal reputation would be more than a heresay of a law violation. Or someone sending you an email for sex.

It is however a felony and a pile of misdemeanors to harass you in this fashion.

However, it would be a wise idea to search your real name and remove images to your house, any photos of you from DWI, and change up your phone numbers and alias. Yes, you may lose some reviews, but I would guess plenty of regulars are enough to keep you semi retired.

I just wish I lived closer :(

I hate to see this type of thing happen to anyone, but frankly it angers me knowing now nice you are.  Stay strong!  I don't think I can pm you anymore but will try to contact you with some info that may/may not help.

You are such a beautiful, positive, smart girl and you don't deserve this bullshit at all. I think it's happened to many of us at one time or another, but that doesn't make it acceptable or any less scary. Take care of yourself, be safe & call if you need anything at all. XOXOXO

Some times that's what they want.

adsumsparkle1103 reads

And if I had a return address, there would be some hell to pay. The reason I posted all this for the world to see, is so that SHE/(maybe HE) would see it too....I know from the letters that this person reads the boards avidly.....like is obsessed with them, among other things.....like my ugly hair. Seriously, would a guy go on about how ugly my hair is???  

Posted By: Greg_H
Some times that's what they want.

doggie_daddy421112 reads

I am really at a loss to understand if there is some legal resolution for adsumsparkle.  

So many posters have told you to go to the authorities- what would you tell them? "Hey guys I have gotten these hateful letters and this mean SOB wants to tell my family about an illegal activity I'm involved in- oh, and by the way I'm a prostitute and I get paid for sex."  In the same breath you say "I have nothing to hide". Do you or don't you?

There is no blackmail demand. The anonymous letter writer has not threatened physical harm- unless Ms Sparkle is keeping that fact from us here.  We just have someone who is jealous of you and your relative success.  Whoever this is has been building a personal case against you for some time. It sure sounds like a jealous provider.

Sadly, outing you is the risk you take, especially when you go more public with your Hilary alias.  

But, I do think it is terrible and reprehensible  what this person is doing- no one deserves to have to go through this.  I hope that this deranged crazy person has gotten this vile shit out of their system and will go away.  Permanently.

So, unless this person is threatening blackmail or physical harm, maybe your only recourse is to tell us.  We do understand.

adsumsparkle1233 reads

Threats of mass mailings of my Eros ad and my TER reviews if I don't stop. Threats of police involvement and the location of my incall if I don't take my stuff down. Threats of working with LE to get warrants to obtain cell phone records and email accounts. Pics of my home mailed to me saying, "cute house....I wonder which bedroom is yours".
Threats of my childrens friends and school getting these mass mailings.
Its NOT ALL about my hair.....
Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of support and love and helpful advice, thanks to the many lawyers and others in authority that have contacted me and offered to help!!
Thank you, thank you!!
I love you all!!


I am quite certain police are more interested in catching a felon than getting someone on a mere misdemeanor prostitution charge.  

The police are more interested in catching someone who is sending threatening mail and a lawyer knowledgeable in this area of the law can help people, whether they be escorts or hobbyists, in their dealing with LE.

I don't get on this forum as much as I'd like, but I'm really sorry to read about all you are doing through!  

I know many others have already offered, but we've known each other for years and you know you can always bend my ear!  Happy to offer what I can though I guess I don't know what more I could offer than has not already been said in this case.  

Take care my dear.  Maybe just the existence of this thread will cause this nasty person to bust out like the bad pimple she or he is.


I seem to recall Hilary mentioning that the one thing that would make her feel better is if you gave me free sessions.  Now that I think of it, that's exactly what she said.  She said, "This whole thing would be much more tolerable if only Wendy would give 741512th free sessions."

adsumsparkle1138 reads

Haha!!! Only if I can join you guys!!! ;)

Don't give the coward's the satisfaction. I honor you for starting and posting in this thread, however this is what they are watching for. It would not be hard for you to figure out who, insecure, no honor, busy body, someone who builds themselves up at the expense of others. Your real friends and family would have spoken to you directly. Hope this helps you put a name (names) to this infantile act.

adsumsparkle1340 reads

I posted, I wanted to post, I feel I needed to post. Can we leave it at that people? I want the perp to see this.

Thank you for respecting my position!

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