Los Angeles

no 10 ratings....
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 277 reads

I was guilty of high ratings being a newbie and then I finally met a provider that really did merit 10/10's and since she is my gold standard and all of my ratings have dropped since. I actually wanted to go back to TER and rerate my prior experiences in fairness to her.

SweetCheeks01833 reads

I was looking at reviews and noticed that some men refuse to rate ladies as a 10 in appearance and/or performance. There's providers out there that have been in countless magazines and have gorgeous bodies, yet they don't get a 10 from those reviewers. I know that nobody's perfect but isn't that setting unrealistic standards?

I've avoided two reviewers because of this. I'd hate to have my first review start off on the wrong foot. The fact that no matter how hard a provider tried during the appointment or taking care of her appearance, she was a guaranteed 9 in review. If the bar was set at 9, one false move and you get rated much lower. Why would you see someone if you didn't view them as a 10 in your eyes? And if they were identical to their photos, rating a 9 seems unfair because you knew in advance.

Guys, I'd like to hear your opinons on this. What makes you think a girl deserves a 10? And if you're a reviewer that doesn't rate 10's, I'd love to hear your side.

Then on the other hand you say that you are avoiding certain reviewers.
If you want reviews, be patient and they will come. If you are going to be infatuated with 10 ratings you will be setting yourself up for disappointments. Just let them come and do not badger hobbyists for 10's. That will probably ensure that reviews will be difficult to come by.

SweetCheeks01423 reads

This is something I've been wondering for some time and wanted to hear any opinions on it.

Oh and not desperate if I'm being selective, I'm just trying to get the ball rolling before I lose interest in this.

LE_phobic411 reads

* TER admin rejected that on the ground that according to guideline #7, she had to offer one of these:  really-bi action, or 2-guy session or anal access. So I had to settle for 10/9.

* In terms of the beauty score, I would not give 10 to someone with implant. Just one man's very subjective taste, YMMV.

* I did initiate a thread to discuss this topic, linked below.

first, let me preface this by saying that, as in civilian life, a guy sees a girl because of chemistry, and what's inside, as well as what's on the outside.  someone who isn't drop dead gorgeous might still be incredibly skilled or a lot of fun to be with.  

also, remember beauty is in the eye and all that.  what i consider a 10 might be a 9 or an 8 in someone else's opinion.

unfortunately you ladies are in los angeles, the city with the most beautiful women in the world. people come here from all over the world to get into show biz, and show biz loves beautiful people.  that means that even the waitresses here are usually way prettier than average in any other town.  just walking down the street or going to the supermarket will present you with numerous breath-taking ladies.

so you girls have very stiff competition in the looks dept.  now that's not to say that someone who is not model gorgeous cannot have dynamite skills, or a great personality (and trust me, personality counts a lot in this hobby.  i'd rather be with a nice person that seems to enjoy my company than a cold, stand-offish one).

so my point is, at least for me who makes a living in show biz and is constantly working with beautiful women, the bar is very, very high.  if you don't look like scarlett johansen or kate beckinsale or in that range, i am sorry, you are not a 10.  but there's nothing wrong with being a 9 or an 8.  

as to your question, why would i see someone who i dont think is a 10?  well, unless we are going out on the town (and that's rare), i'm seeing someone for her skills and her ability to make me feel like a million bucks.  i very much consider the performance scores above the appearance scores.

stop worrying about your appearance and concentrate on your skills and your ability to connect.  that will give you great reviews.

plus, i find that for me, if i love a girl's performance, i tend to rate her looks a little higher as well.

I agree, looks are important factor but not my pinnacle in selecting a provider, though what brings me to choose and select and back as a repeat client is performance, mentality and chemistry between myself and whom I'm seeing.  If I wanted a woman just for looks I mind of as well just go to a strip club just for eye candy.

Posted By: gilxner
first, let me preface this by saying that, as in civilian life, a guy sees a girl because of chemistry, and what's inside, as well as what's on the outside.  someone who isn't drop dead gorgeous might still be incredibly skilled or a lot of fun to be with.  

also, remember beauty is in the eye and all that.  what i consider a 10 might be a 9 or an 8 in someone else's opinion.

unfortunately you ladies are in los angeles, the city with the most beautiful women in the world. people come here from all over the world to get into show biz, and show biz loves beautiful people.  that means that even the waitresses here are usually way prettier than average in any other town.  just walking down the street or going to the supermarket will present you with numerous breath-taking ladies.

so you girls have very stiff competition in the looks dept.  now that's not to say that someone who is not model gorgeous cannot have dynamite skills, or a great personality (and trust me, personality counts a lot in this hobby.  i'd rather be with a nice person that seems to enjoy my company than a cold, stand-offish one).

so my point is, at least for me who makes a living in show biz and is constantly working with beautiful women, the bar is very, very high.  if you don't look like scarlett johansen or kate beckinsale or in that range, i am sorry, you are not a 10.  but there's nothing wrong with being a 9 or an 8.  

as to your question, why would i see someone who i dont think is a 10?  well, unless we are going out on the town (and that's rare), i'm seeing someone for her skills and her ability to make me feel like a million bucks.  i very much consider the performance scores above the appearance scores.

stop worrying about your appearance and concentrate on your skills and your ability to connect.  that will give you great reviews.

plus, i find that for me, if i love a girl's performance, i tend to rate her looks a little higher as well.

SweetCheeks01350 reads

Could you imagine getting a CBJ from an average looking provider? No. Appearance does matter much more if you're going that route.

That's the great thing about TER, you can forecast what you're likely to receive..etc...

Posted By: AlluringAudrina
Could you imagine getting a CBJ from an average looking provider? No. Appearance does matter much more if you're going that route.

technique counts for a lot.  i've had average bjs from gorgeous women, and incredibly bj's from 7's and 8's, and i tell you, i'd rather have a 7 or 8 who was really into it than a model who didn't enjoy her work.

and i only get cbj's that's my preference.  so, with all due respect, the fact that you think a bj is just a bj tells me something.

Posted By: AlluringAudrina
Could you imagine getting a CBJ from an average looking provider? No. Appearance does matter much more if you're going that route.

I think each circumstance requires its own set of rules and each person reacts to each situation differently, but I certainly don't throw 10's around like its nothing.

I use a 10 like hens teeth - because it is supposed to represent the ultimate pinnacle of what I want and how it makes me feel - and if that doesn't happen then it doesn't get a 10.

That is not to say the provider didn't try or wasn't beautiful or we didnt click - it just got 9 of 10 things right....

And 10's for appearance are completely subjective so that is in the eye of the beholder..

swish44269 reads

There are so few 10s out there to begin with and most the women that get 10,s are nothing close to it.The reviewers that give all 10s to the women they see I avoid . Get a reality check cause if you were a 10 you would be a Victoria Secret Model . I know the Truth Hurts but if you cant get over it then  I recommend a new profession .

Posted By: arnie
I think each circumstance requires its own set of rules and each person reacts to each situation differently, but I certainly don't throw 10's around like its nothing.

I use a 10 like hens teeth - because it is supposed to represent the ultimate pinnacle of what I want and how it makes me feel - and if that doesn't happen then it doesn't get a 10.

That is not to say the provider didn't try or wasn't beautiful or we didnt click - it just got 9 of 10 things right....

And 10's for appearance are completely subjective so that is in the eye of the beholder..

ratings, in my opinion, for appearance.  It appears that "once in a lifetime" happens much more frequently than just once.  Perhaps women have become more beautiful.  

I feel your question about why a hobbyist would see a provider who isn't rated a 10 a little bit silly.  Think about it.  Personality goes a loooooooong way in making a person more attractive.  An average looking woman on the surface can become very attractive in just a few moments of interaction.

Any woman rated an 8 or 9 is, I would assume, for the most part very attractive to most men.  Though I have seen one or two women rated that high in the past that did not deserve even a 7. And, I don't feel a 7 isn't really a terrible rating.  

I have gone to see providers before based on their great attitude more than looks and wasn't disappointed.  Looks will only get you so far.  You have to have something more inside than good looks and it's a great attitude, a sense of humor and a general sense of friendliness.   Some women have it and some don't.  For the ones that don't that are successful, they figured out how to fake it very well and there's nothing wrong with that.

Just because a female is a big celebrity doesn't mean that all men will see her as a 10.

Gwyneth Paltrow is very beautiful and very annoying.  Sex with her would probably be like high tea at the friggin peninsula -- excruciating -- i may not be able to boner (note use of boner as a verb)

Maggie Gillenhaul, on the other hand is often refered to in humor columns as "a sad comicbook turtle", but she would probable have me bonering all day for some weird reason.

who the fuck understands any of this?

Migs1224213 reads

Agreed and hilarious!

Posted By: dantananot
Gwyneth Paltrow is very beautiful and very annoying.  Sex with her would probably be like high tea at the friggin peninsula -- excruciating -- i may not be able to boner (note use of boner as a verb)

Maggie Gillenhaul, on the other hand is often refered to in humor columns as "a sad comicbook turtle", but she would probable have me bonering all day for some weird reason.

who the fuck understands any of this?

Focus on enjoying the experience and picking guys that are compatible -- building a clientelle slowly that way.  This is not a beauty contest, it's a living.  From the women I know who enjoy it as a living and even a lifestyle, they would stay a long time with a regular giving them an 8 or a 9, rather than hunt for guaranteed 10s.  tiptoe past the a-holes to guys you like that pay you.

I read your question several times.  You should get to know an experienced independent and meet nice guys through their network, if they decide to let you.  

"If the bar was set at 9, one false move and you get rated much lower."  One false move -- wow that's not a recipe for much fun, it sounds like a pet show.  You're not a pedigree poodle for crissake, you're a in the hospitality business.  forget about whether you're beautiful, are you fun?  Your mindset is that of a victim with a sprinkling of perfectionism thrown in.  You're going to hate this life if you continue with that mentality.

now where are your pictures...

Pretty thoughtful post.

We are all wondering the same thing: Where are the photos of the girl who wonders why we wouldnt all give her a 10?

I've given a 10, but only when I truly thought the girl was absolutely stunning - gorgeous.
An 8 is an awesome score and a wonderful compliment to a woman, i think. A 9 means I think she is amazing and a thrill to be near.

Less than 7 is obviously an insult or an honest appraisal of someone who is not all that good looking.

But a 7 is not a horrid score - it just means the reviewer felt she was not gorgeous.
I've had nice times with 7's...altho i likely would not repeat.

I dont ever expect a 10.

Perfection is not something you come across often, or anyone should expect to hear about themselves.
We can try for it, but just dont expect it.  

Posted By: dantananot
Focus on enjoying the experience and picking guys that are compatible -- building a clientelle slowly that way.  This is not a beauty contest, it's a living.  From the women I know who enjoy it as a living and even a lifestyle, they would stay a long time with a regular giving them an 8 or a 9, rather than hunt for guaranteed 10s.  tiptoe past the a-holes to guys you like that pay you.

I read your question several times.  You should get to know an experienced independent and meet nice guys through their network, if they decide to let you.  

"If the bar was set at 9, one false move and you get rated much lower."  One false move -- wow that's not a recipe for much fun, it sounds like a pet show.  You're not a pedigree poodle for crissake, you're a in the hospitality business.  forget about whether you're beautiful, are you fun?  Your mindset is that of a victim with a sprinkling of perfectionism thrown in.  You're going to hate this life if you continue with that mentality.

now where are your pictures...


I have to agree with most Gentlemen here; a string of 9's is just as, if not more effective as a string of 10's.

But, you can pretty much blame the top list for that.  The 10's are imperative to be highly rated, whether "deserved" or not.

The days before the top list, ladies were more than happy to have a string of 9's, but it's a new day and 10's are the new 9.

To answer your question about Gentlemen who do not give 10's.  Yes, they exist.  And from what I have been told--it's just the shear fact that, in their minds, any lady who makes herself available for p4p is simply not able to be a 10 in their eyes, regardless of looks and or capabilities.  

Cynical mofo's...lmao!

I was guilty of high ratings being a newbie and then I finally met a provider that really did merit 10/10's and since she is my gold standard and all of my ratings have dropped since. I actually wanted to go back to TER and rerate my prior experiences in fairness to her.

i am guilty of over-rating someone because i want to be nice and give them as much as a break as possible.  then i was so lucky as to experience two different 10/10 ladies in a row.  now i want to go back adjust all my other ratings down a notch, lol!

I love to meet (and review) new girls. I find them very genuine and not yet tainted by the industry.

I give newer girls high scores for different reasons. It's kind of like the difference between young men and older men. Younger men may be more athletic but us older guys have other qualities the ladies seem to like.

Send me a PM and let's meet.

Arent you actually setting yourself up for failure?

You are the one creating unrealistic standards for yourself. If you expect 10's right off the bat then you are doomed to false expectations the rest of your career. As most people have added, set realistic goals since you are starting out.


Harpman60409 reads

many of your home grown colleagues try to manipulate and badger reviewers in giving them high scores irrespective of whether is they are deserved or not. This is reprehensible and providers should never discuss reviewsAnd score  with clients. You seem to want to be guaranteed 10's irrespective of what role the intangible factors play in the experience. Whatever the score a review should revert the reviewers honest objective review free from press , stress or duress.


There  is nothing wrong with a 7 , a. 9 should be given to exceptional performances and a 10 should mean a once in a lifetime.  

Posted By: SweetCheeks01
I was looking at reviews and noticed that some men refuse to rate ladies as a 10 in appearance and/or performance. There's providers out there that have been in countless magazines and have gorgeous bodies, yet they don't get a 10 from those reviewers. I know that nobody's perfect but isn't that setting unrealistic standards?

I've avoided two reviewers because of this. I'd hate to have my first review start off on the wrong foot. The fact that no matter how hard a provider tried during the appointment or taking care of her appearance, she was a guaranteed 9 in review. If the bar was set at 9, one false move and you get rated much lower. Why would you see someone if you didn't view them as a 10 in your eyes? And if they were identical to their photos, rating a 9 seems unfair because you knew in advance.

Guys, I'd like to hear your opinons on this. What makes you think a girl deserves a 10? And if you're a reviewer that doesn't rate 10's, I'd love to hear your side.

OldGuard88188 reads

What a surprise.  Another belligerant post.

So boring . . .

Harpman60349 reads

To some who is irrelevant and redundant. You have not earned the privilege of a response. How brave of you to create create an alias to address me.  

Posted By: OldGuard88
What a surprise.  Another belligerant post.

So boring . . .

JimmyHenson243 reads

The madness of King Harpo/George.  The baseless accuser.  The unartfull dodger.  The often lousy/incomprehensible speller.  Hiding behind his "you wear the skirt of an alias" skirt.

Harpman60228 reads

when  you build the courage to use your actual screen name , in the meantime you remain an irrelevant redundancy.Move on.

Posted By: JimmyHenson
The madness of King Harpo/George.  The baseless accuser.  The unartfull dodger.  The often lousy/incomprehensible speller.  Hiding behind his "you wear the skirt of an alias" skirt.

You spelled artful wrong btw.

But being the perfect soul that you are, I am sure you knew that right?


“To rate the provider’s appearance and performance, please use the following:
10 She was a one in a million.
9 She was model material.
8 She was really hot.
7 She was attractive.
6 She was nice looking.
5 She was plain looking
4 OK, If you are drunk
3 She was fairly homely.
2 She was simply ugly.
1 I was really scared.

10 It was a one in a million.
9 I forgot it was a service.
8 She went the extra mile.
7 It was really hot
6 It was a nice time.
5 Average
4 She just laid there.
3 It was barely worth the effort.
2 I should have stayed home.
1 A total rip-off.”

You are not the first lady to raise questions about the review rating system.  The review guidelines table shown above is taken from the “REVIEW FAQ.” on this site.  The guidelines state that a 10 should be 0ne in a million.
For the sake of argument let’s assume there are 325 million people in this country and of that number about 180 million are female.  Let’s assume that of that 180 million approximately 80 million are either too young or too old to be considered.  That leaves 100 million females of which 100 should be rated a 10.  In the past ladies have stated the pool of women should only include providers so for the sake of argument let’s assume there are 5 to 10 million providers in this country.  Doing that sort of math means we should expect to see at most 10 providers in the entire country rated as a 10 in appearance and another 10 rated as a 10 in performance.

Based upon the above math if you are even close to a 10 in appearance and close to a 10 in performance then you need to quit worrying about the ratings and start advertising.  In no time at all you will have a line of guys starting at the Nevada border waiting to see you.

I've had several "Once in a lifetime" mind bending, crotch sopping excursions of blissful carnal excess; but how does one proclaim aesthetic perfection when feminine "beauty" comes packaged as differently as Kim Kardashaian and Cameron Diaz? And without Laser hair removal, hair and make-up professionals, and personal fitness trainers what might Kim & Cameron rate?

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