Wisconsin Buzz

Visiting MKE 3/23 & 24 Then Green Bay 3/25-29red_smile
Kendra.Evans See my TER Reviews 461 reads

In case you were wondering…
In light of this week’s events, I am still available & accepting appointments (only a select few, as always).  And now, more than ever, I will be taking extra precautions to ensure that our health is not at risk.

So, if you’re feeling restless, stir crazy or JUST PLAIN need an escape, as much as I do, get in touch (in advance please) to arrange a time for us to meet. Hey, let’s be quarantined together for a bit.

I’ll be waiting with open arms & wearing a respirator mask. LOLOL! Just kidding! xo, L~

p.s. I have ANOTHER new, hot review.

Lauren Brooks
Voicemail & Text: 414.522.1702
Free/Personal website: www.laurenx.net
Twitter: @luvlaurenbrooks
Instagram: @Luvlaurenbrooks

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