
We have tried
ToriParker See my TER Reviews 550 reads

We have tried to liven it up around here. Last spring I, Vixen and Becca held a meet and greet. It was a lot of work planning it, screening all the guys that said they were interested in attending. We had a ok turnout 30 guys but only 10 providers attended. We tried coordinating another one this last winter at a higher end venue etc... But it didn't seem the interest was there, so we scrapped the idea. Who has time to sit and plan, screen umpteen gentlemen, search venues, menus,  put deposits down etc.. If only a quarter of those who say they will come, actually show up?  I have a regular job, travel quite frequently and have a busy personal life with my family and hobbies. I do alright with my provider business. But I don't have the money to put down deposits etc.. only to have a ton of no shows. No one wants to be out the money, let alone the time invested.

So help liven it up! Lol

Posted By: sirbucky

What can we do to liven it up a bit?

mfg101487 reads

Perhaps Vixen was suggesting posting an interesting topic for discussion. Need not be hobby related.  

Perhaps a place for dinner. Perhaps a review of a new venue. A suggestion or advice on a hobby topic.  

Of the ladies I have met, I find them to be bright and more than capable of stimulating conversation.

Need to get some off the ladies in here to talk about what they like

Posted By: whitesand121
What can we do to liven it up a bit?

We have tried to liven it up around here. Last spring I, Vixen and Becca held a meet and greet. It was a lot of work planning it, screening all the guys that said they were interested in attending. We had a ok turnout 30 guys but only 10 providers attended. We tried coordinating another one this last winter at a higher end venue etc... But it didn't seem the interest was there, so we scrapped the idea. Who has time to sit and plan, screen umpteen gentlemen, search venues, menus,  put deposits down etc.. If only a quarter of those who say they will come, actually show up?  I have a regular job, travel quite frequently and have a busy personal life with my family and hobbies. I do alright with my provider business. But I don't have the money to put down deposits etc.. only to have a ton of no shows. No one wants to be out the money, let alone the time invested.

Perhaps something more virtual and less demanding than a meet and greet?  

Anyone have any experience in boards from other cities?

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