
ToriParker See my TER Reviews 659 reads

If he was LE he would have most likely not canceled/no call no show twice in a row. LE is very aggressive up in that area. He is probably more likely a time waster....

Posted By: Jad3Lynn
Boomer has been trying to set up an appointment with me Via email for the past week. The first time we had something scheduled it was for a lunch appt at noon at my place. I gave him my address and after 5 minutes past with no sight or word from him i decided to email him. He emailed me back stating he was stuck at work and could not get away. I figured this is something that could in reality happen so I told him i'd give him another chance. So after emailing back and forth since the first incident, We decided that today at noon would work. He proceeded to ask me about how much it would cost and i kindly told him I do not discuss details over the phone or email and that we could talk when we met and were both comfortable.  He seemed okay with that and even emailed me to tell me he was on his way and just had to make one stop. so 12:08 came and I emailed him asking how long he would be. He quickly emailed me back stating he would be 5 minutes. As 12:20 rolled by I emailed him making him aware that I would inform other providers on TER ( Since this is where he found me) about my experience with him. He proceeded to tell me that he was concerned about LE because there was a car parked near my house with someone sitting in it. Mind you I live on a busy intersection but I always keep aware of my surroundings and I will do a 360 around my house for 30 minutes prior to my apt to watch for suspicious vehicles in case it is a sting set up. There had not been any suspicious vehicles around my place. Only three cars parked on the street and all of which I know are my neighbors. I pay close attention to my surroundings. Not to mention I have three reviews from three different guys that have reviewed other girls. I am not LE lol. My message is becareful. I dont know if he is Law Enforcemnt or just a creeper but either way it made me very nervous.

Boomer has been trying to set up an appointment with me Via email for the past week. The first time we had something scheduled it was for a lunch appt at noon at my place. I gave him my address and after 5 minutes past with no sight or word from him i decided to email him. He emailed me back stating he was stuck at work and could not get away. I figured this is something that could in reality happen so I told him i'd give him another chance. So after emailing back and forth since the first incident, We decided that today at noon would work. He proceeded to ask me about how much it would cost and i kindly told him I do not discuss details over the phone or email and that we could talk when we met and were both comfortable.  He seemed okay with that and even emailed me to tell me he was on his way and just had to make one stop. so 12:08 came and I emailed him asking how long he would be. He quickly emailed me back stating he would be 5 minutes. As 12:20 rolled by I emailed him making him aware that I would inform other providers on TER ( Since this is where he found me) about my experience with him. He proceeded to tell me that he was concerned about LE because there was a car parked near my house with someone sitting in it. Mind you I live on a busy intersection but I always keep aware of my surroundings and I will do a 360 around my house for 30 minutes prior to my apt to watch for suspicious vehicles in case it is a sting set up. There had not been any suspicious vehicles around my place. Only three cars parked on the street and all of which I know are my neighbors. I pay close attention to my surroundings. Not to mention I have three reviews from three different guys that have reviewed other girls. I am not LE lol. My message is becareful. I dont know if he is Law Enforcemnt or just a creeper but either way it made me very nervous.

How did you verify this guy?
No matter how tough a laddies verification process is, never bothers me. The tougher it is the more at ease I am seeing her.

If he was LE he would have most likely not canceled/no call no show twice in a row. LE is very aggressive up in that area. He is probably more likely a time waster....

Posted By: Jad3Lynn
Boomer has been trying to set up an appointment with me Via email for the past week. The first time we had something scheduled it was for a lunch appt at noon at my place. I gave him my address and after 5 minutes past with no sight or word from him i decided to email him. He emailed me back stating he was stuck at work and could not get away. I figured this is something that could in reality happen so I told him i'd give him another chance. So after emailing back and forth since the first incident, We decided that today at noon would work. He proceeded to ask me about how much it would cost and i kindly told him I do not discuss details over the phone or email and that we could talk when we met and were both comfortable.  He seemed okay with that and even emailed me to tell me he was on his way and just had to make one stop. so 12:08 came and I emailed him asking how long he would be. He quickly emailed me back stating he would be 5 minutes. As 12:20 rolled by I emailed him making him aware that I would inform other providers on TER ( Since this is where he found me) about my experience with him. He proceeded to tell me that he was concerned about LE because there was a car parked near my house with someone sitting in it. Mind you I live on a busy intersection but I always keep aware of my surroundings and I will do a 360 around my house for 30 minutes prior to my apt to watch for suspicious vehicles in case it is a sting set up. There had not been any suspicious vehicles around my place. Only three cars parked on the street and all of which I know are my neighbors. I pay close attention to my surroundings. Not to mention I have three reviews from three different guys that have reviewed other girls. I am not LE lol. My message is becareful. I dont know if he is Law Enforcemnt or just a creeper but either way it made me very nervous.

And you could very well be right. Either way i think its only fair to make other providers aware so they do not have to go through the same thing I did. But I do know that LE try to set something up with a provider that will not give them the things they need to bust them just so they can see where they are located. But 9/10 your right. Some guys get off on the fact that there is a girl waiting for them in sexy lingerie.

Someone has been bothering me from different venues the last 2 days, even though I won't be here next month.. I don't even need to say who it is you already know. It isn't the normal place either, it's the one that has all those crazy permit requirements. The first was from a heavily used site here and the second from another review site. Be very wary, the best verification even if you feel it's foolproof falls short in this state. If it doesn't feel right don't do it  

Posted By: Jad3Lynn
And you could very well be right. Either way i think its only fair to make other providers aware so they do not have to go through the same thing I did. But I do know that LE try to set something up with a provider that will not give them the things they need to bust them just so they can see where they are located. But 9/10 your right. Some guys get off on the fact that there is a girl waiting for them in sexy lingerie.  

Sooo...YouWanna550 reads

Don't work out of your house. That's how you get fucked. And if you can't manage to look out for your own safety that much, at LEAST focus enough not to tell people that's where you fuckin sleep!!!

You girls are exposing your HOME all over TER lately and I just cannot figure out what is going through your heads.

I made a post asking guys NOT to put what hotels and streets they visited girls on in reviews, it got flagged off the board. Lay the blame where you may. Also keep in mind that many ladies in Milwaukee are survival sex workers, & don't have the resources to rent a hotel room for every call/daily/weekly. This is why I believe in posting things on a public forum, so the ladies that don't have access to Providers Only boards and screening sites can be warned about issues.  Respect goes a long way in this business.

-- Modified on 5/4/2014 4:12:39 AM

Sooo...YouWanna396 reads

Despite expecting us to be. It should be a two way street, but it's not. So act like they are as oblivious as they can sometimes be. As soon as you let someone know that's where you live, especially if you're posting it on a public forum, you set yourself up for a world of hurt and trouble. That is how you make it easy to stalk and murder you. Come on.  

Working to survive isn't an excuse either. Are there no cheap hotels out there? Is $50 REALLY worth exposing your whole entire world? The second a guy knows that's where you live, he knows everything about you.  


Posted By: BabydollLarsson
I made a post asking guys NOT to put what hotels and streets they visited girls on in reviews, it got flagged off the board. Lay the blame where you may. Also keep in mind that many ladies in Milwaukee are survival sex workers, & don't have the resources to rent a hotel room for every call/daily/weekly. This is why I believe in posting things on a public forum, so the ladies that don't have access to Providers Only boards and screening sites can be warned about issues.  Respect goes a long way in this business.

-- Modified on 5/4/2014 4:12:39 AM

Even though I know this is old, I have not logged into this site for a few months so I feel like i need to speak on it. MOst of you know that Wisconsin (and I mean all of Wisconsin) Has Le working together to bust girls. This means that they are forcing hotels to work with them if they suspect any illegal activity. With that being said I feel more secure seeing people out of my home! I am able to see my surroundings and I dont have the headache of trying to hide it from hotel staff. Not to mention that in my area ( APpleton) Most people will not come see you if you are at a hotel. Being at a hotel does not make anything more safe. I know girls who have been raped and murdered in hotel rooms in Chicago doing this line or work. I have full security systems in my home meaning if someone were to come in my home and "hurt me" they wouldn't get far!

Well said Babydoll.....

Posted By: BabydollLarsson
I made a post asking guys NOT to put what hotels and streets they visited girls on in reviews, it got flagged off the board. Lay the blame where you may. Also keep in mind that many ladies in Milwaukee are survival sex workers, & don't have the resources to rent a hotel room for every call/daily/weekly. This is why I believe in posting things on a public forum, so the ladies that don't have access to Providers Only boards and screening sites can be warned about issues.  Respect goes a long way in this business.

-- Modified on 5/4/2014 4:12:39 AM

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
Don't work out of your house. That's how you get fucked. And if you can't manage to look out for your own safety that much, at LEAST focus enough not to tell people that's where you fuckin sleep!!!  
 You girls are exposing your HOME all over TER lately and I just cannot figure out what is going through your heads.  
I agree here.
Your home should be your "safe zone". Especially if you have a family & children. Posting your exact location is the goofiest thing you could do in this line of work. Put a general location or just the name of the city your hosting out of.  
Upon verification, if your comfortable with the individual you're about to see, than give him/her an address or directions to get to you. If the man is not ok with that & is being to pushy, than that may not be one to see .  
Not all $$ is good $$.
There are many crazies out here & sadly, we just don't know who they are & hopefully will never have to find out. I understand some woman can't afford a hotel or motel room, but it is ok to ask the gentleman to help with the expense of the room & 9 out of 10 times they have no problem doing so. All you have to do is ask !  
God forbidding you get busted in YOUR home vs a Hotel room, you will unfortunately get in A LOT more trouble vs getting busted in a hotel room. Your life will forever be changed for the worse & even worse, your children will be the brunt of all your bad actions & decisions.  
Either way, being busted in itself is the #1 thing a provider or even a hobbyist dread in our world. It is not like getting pulled over for speeding.  
Be mindful of the big picture & not the "in that moment" circumstance.  

Be blessed & stay safe everyone.  

Lynn Fairview

I agree if you have children you should never bring the work home. But I also feel like the day I have children will be the day I end this career and start a new one! That's my own personal opinion though. No shade thrown! This is my thing. Im not understanding how these providers are getting busted in the first place. I have been a provider for 9+ years and never been busted. I have had to change my name around a few times and come out as a newbie due to LE being on my a$$ but I have come to learn that if you never discuss $ or services than LE can not do anything but wait for you to slip up. A lot of people call me asking me about rates/services and IDC if you were verified or not I will not discuss until the person is in my face and PROVES to me that they are not LE. Yes i may miss out sometimes but in the long it has worked wonders for me. So as for getting busted in my home that wont happen! Because I never incriminate myself. There isnt even a way for LE to come in my home and get me to slip up. I hold a very strict way of how I do things. If more ladies followed how I do things as well as clients there would be less busts in WI. THere is no need to call providers asking about rates ect. Most of the time you can ask other hobbyist on sites like these about what providers offer. Guys know that by calling girls and asking about rates can also end you guys in a bad situation. Be safe about it.

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