
At a loss
mfg101 449 reads

To understand these guys. And it's not the first time for something like this. WTF, really?!

Every one likes what they like. Ok, I get it. Sadly, when dumb asses show up, these ladies still try to find something in us and go from there. They don't send guys demeaning and negative statements.  

Though we have never met, you and other ladies have a GREAT deal of self confidence to be here among us guys. I can understand that there are days and times this complete BS gets under your skin.  

Your post should be the pick me up and reaffirmation you need.  I use reaffirm because you already know you're fine as you are.

I've never let my age bother me, in the hobby that can be a challenge.  There are always the jerks that feel the need to text or e mail me for the purpose of informing me that I'm too old to be a provider and need to quit.  Oddly enough, no one has ever told me I'm old to shoot porn.  I usually ignore these idiots, they have bigger problems than my age if they feel the need to contact me just to tell me they think I'm too old.

I have slowed down now that I'm a bit older and I'm building another career, something I though I would never want to do again.  I didn't think once about being too old for this, I just developed and interest and it grew from there.

Here's my take on the whole age thing:

I got into this hobby 10 years ago, I'm now 41 (my real age).  From my experience, the older I get, the busier I get.  I knew the whole MILF thing was huge in porn however, I feel it's even bigger in the hobby.  My brain still works great, I still look good, not much of a difference from my porn days, I'm a little smaller but for the most part, I still look the same.  My age has never been a factor for me.  The few people who feel I'm tool old can have their opinion.  I'm going to keep moving forward with what I want to do both within and outside the hobby, with no thought to my age.

How many guys don't see a lady because she's too old?  How many have MILF fantasies?  How many prefer a mature lady because the like to connect with someone they have something in common with on an intellectual level?

I'm curious.  I'm secure in who I am and my age and I'm not going to knock someone who honestly doesn't want to see older ladies like myself.  I'm asking because I want to see how others in the hobby feel.

I am 50+, and prefer ladies 40+, but they are few and far between. Or, they tend to be expensive touring ladies. I usually skip over any ad where the lady is under 30.

IMHO, you are an awesome lady.

I don't understand guys who feel they have to insult the ladies. Just because someone is not my cup of tea doesn't mean there are not a lot of other guys who are attracted to her. Maybe they don't like that you won't see them (guys under 30 complaining about your age).

I as a 20 something provider like older hobbyists, so what's wrong with us younger, some of us are intellectually maturer & know what were doing in bed along with carrying on conversation on many different topics...


Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I as a 20 something provider like older hobbyists, so what's wrong with us younger, some of us are intellectually maturer & know what were doing in bed along with carrying on conversation on many different topics...

I said that I preferred older ladies. That is different from saying that there is something wrong with younger ones. I am quite appreciative of young nubile women, and would be happy to tango with you any time.

I do not doubt that you could hold your own on discussions on travel, politics, the existance of dark matter, and Judy Cleaver wearing pearls while vacuuming.

However, it is like the difference between sympathy and empathy. While you may have the intellectual capacity to sympathize, until you have lived it yourself, it is hard to empathize of the every day life of your kids dating woes, envisioning retirement in a few years, changing careers after 30 years.

I am guessing that you have experienced, in general, that younger guys see you for the act, whereas, older guys tend to be more into GFE. When I am with someone who is younger than all my kids, it is hard to maintain the GFE allusion. I don't see myself as Hugh Hefner hanging out with women less than 1/2 his age.  

So, if I was to see a younger lady, it is primarily for the thrill of the act itself with a hot lady. To me, there is only so much value to that, and most young ladies charge more than that.

I think more mature, experienced providers are more compatible with me. I have been extremely disappointed the few times I have seen younger providers. I think it is an intellectual connection. And sometimes, it goes farther than that. Becca is sexy not just because she stays fit and has a great body, but because of the manner she exudes her sexuality and confidence as a woman. One of these days....

I seen you a few yrs back and had a nice time with you. I wanted to try a porn star and I did, The only thing that stopped me from seeing you again was the price, not that your not worth it, but what I can afford.  I paid the money at the time to try a porn star.  Im not a rich man so I work within my means. You are not too old to be a provider by no means.  good luck to you

Hi Becca! First, I just want to say, even though I've not met you, it seems that you are a great provider and intelligent presence in this community, so THANKS!! I apologize for any jerks out there who have attempted to make you feel that you are anything less than that.

I personally am not super active, but so far I have not excluded any provider from consideration due to age.  I have seen info for ladies as mature as 40-45ish, including you, and I am quite pleased to say that I would love to explore this fine collections on milfs. :)  Yes, I do have milf fantasies sometimes.  That being said, so far I have gravitated toward women closer to my age (mid 30s), but it's more based on a combination of initial attraction, quality/availability of reviews and price point.  As for those women I have already seen, I am also judging based on how well we seem to click, and let me also say that maturity level is definitely NOT the same as age, necessarily!  Age has become a secondary concern.  If anything, I would tend to avoid providers who are super young (18-23) if I was concerned about age, which I'm mostly not anymore.  I think if "older" women want to be in the hobby, that's great.  There is a demand for that demographic, and besides, if you're awesome, that transcends age anyway

mfg101450 reads

To understand these guys. And it's not the first time for something like this. WTF, really?!

Every one likes what they like. Ok, I get it. Sadly, when dumb asses show up, these ladies still try to find something in us and go from there. They don't send guys demeaning and negative statements.  

Though we have never met, you and other ladies have a GREAT deal of self confidence to be here among us guys. I can understand that there are days and times this complete BS gets under your skin.  

Your post should be the pick me up and reaffirmation you need.  I use reaffirm because you already know you're fine as you are.

WICardinalfan436 reads

Age is not a factor to me on with regard to being "Too Old".  I have met several lovely providers in the hobby including you, and have not been disappointed.

I am not sure where this came from, or what idiot got you to ponder this question.

I just wish you lived closer so we could connect.

Anyway, keep focused on the important stuff.

I recently spent an afternoon with a drop dead beautiful, 18 year old (she says) provider visiting my city, who had excellent skills and gave me a wonderful physical experience.  During rest breaks, she wanted to know more about Chicago and things to do.  I spoke of the great museum campus and Millenium Park, the shopping on the Mag Mile, how her hotel was a short distance from many of the theaters and the shows that were playing that week, Second City in old town, etc., and she just returned a blank stare.  The only suggestion I made that really made an impression was when I described Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza, she asked me where they were located and how to spell the name so she could get there.  Afterward, I felt sorry that this young lady traveled all the way to Chicago and would have no idea of the rich experiences she could have here.  Being so much older than her, it was obvious how little I had in common with her and the conversations went nowhere.  We had a fun time, but I like to connect with a lady I spend time with, and I would enjoy a mature provider more.

Maybe I need to put you on my short list to meet, Becca.  My two cents and some change.

looking forward to meeting you Friday.

Becca, it is so awesome knowing that there are women out there like yourself.  Trust me, there is nothing with how you look or your age....in fact, I like the mature providers because the time is better and less drama.  It's pretty awful these idiots call you and tell you these things...they have a choice to see you or not to see you....if you are not their cup of tea they should look elsewhere.  To contact you and say these things is wrong and is borderline harassment. Anyhow, remain strong and I hope this is an example for other women to feel good about who they are and to ignore the idiots.  I hope to is it with you again very soon....

Thank you so much for the responses, I appreciate everyone's insight and support.  What I overlooked when I posted this was the fact that for every 1 not so nice guy, there are 10 people that are supportive so I've made the decision to give those people my thoughts and attention.  We can't get rid of the jerks in this world however, I can keep them from being a part of mine.  

I had no intentions of putting down the younger providers, I always do my best to support them and ALL providers in the hobby.  I also have no issues with those who prefer the younger ladies, to each their own.  There are a variety of ladies to choose from in this hobby and that's a beautiful thing.

I do have an age requirement, I require 30 or older and have been thinking about raising it to 35.  It's very uncomfortable for me to see someone that is younger, it's an maturity, life experience and attraction thing.  Regardless of how mature the young guy may be, without similar life experiences and maturity level, it's really hard for me to make a connection.  I find it more pleasurable to be with someone who can match me on an intellectual level and life experiences.

I find it funny when a young guy that I turned down for being too young tells me "I'm very mature for my age"  How does one determine their mature for their age when they have no ideal of what the next level of maturity is and they haven't experienced life on the level of a more mature person?  I consider myself mature, responsible, intelligent.  I can look back to when I was 35 and see how immature I was in some ways...life has taught me better since then.  I had no clue I was being immature until recently

luckily there is something out there for everybody. :)  Many men AND women prefer wisdom and life experience.  I embrace the entire age spectrum myself, over 18 of course, but I do prefer my peers in general.

I love my ladies over 40. I just wish Green Bay had a few to choose from. All we have is under 30. That just sucks.

You must be looking at the wrong place.

It's all about the interest of the client.. Some want the young girl next door, some want the sexy Milf next door. I've heard a lot, well my clients, that they rather the older women because they're more mature and know what they're doing. Aren't just a wam bam thank u mam.. I'm 30, I have no problem getting clientele. I think if they really have the time to tell you that your too old they have immaturity issues.. Don't let them assholes bother u 😘

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