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Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 428 reads


nleeant1202 reads

I posted my first three reviews this morning and sadly two of them aren't as flattering as the rest of their reviews.  I was as honest as I could be but felt that their previous reviews weren't quite as honest about their appearance.  I tried not to be mean about my remarks but do you all think I'm going to experience any blowback for some unhappy providers?

then yes - you will find that some of the better, more TER savvy indies and *some* agencies may not desire you as a client -

I believe in being honest where it is important -  and I think most of that comes down to service issues that do not seem to be a one off -

If I have a less than what appears to be normal service experience I usually label it YMMV and while reporting honestly give the provider the benefit of the doubt instead of coming to the conclusion that the other reviews were inaccurate  

appearance is tougher -  most have absolutely no idea how much preferences in appearance vary....    

I would post my honest score but would never assert that others were somehow mistaken in giving her higher appearance scores -  

another thought - there is no reason that you have to review *every* encounter... sometimes it's best not to if your review would be a stand out negative on something like appearance where there is a large number of reviews reflecting a different opinion.....

To your point, I had a session with a new agency provider recently and got a call right after leaving the appointment. They were very solicitous of how the session went and I was honest saying well not bad...good overall with some pluses and minuses.  

I thought a 7/8 was an honest rating and told the lady. She asked me not to post the review as the girl was new and learning. This rating would hurt her if posted and she said she would discuss my thoughts with her in an effort to provide feedback and information on how she could improve what she does with clients.

I said okay, I will forgo writing the review and thinking about it, appreciated her call. It may have been BS but I dont think so. The agency is well regarded and I believe the intent was to try to bring along a new kid(not a kid but you get my drift) as best they can.

Glad to give them a break if that was what it was. Now if the appointment had truly been sub par I wouldnt have been so accommodating but in this case sure. Now having said that, if I had read my theoretical unposted review as a prospective client would I have passed...Umm maybe but being the cowboy that I am..probably would have given it a go.

This can get so complicated some times....lol..Hope this is helpful.

hear from you immediately after the appointment if you were unhappy for some reason other than the fairly common YMMV and are willing to make it up to you.   That's good business

You might want to post negative reviews under a review alias.  TER does permit that.

You can hide your reviewer status but the girls you review will figure it out and there will come a time, sooner than later most likely, that you're information is correlated.  Of course you get to do whatever you like, it's your decision. But the hiding thing rarely works for long and if you don't have enough balls to put your known screename on a review -- you probably ought not to write it IMO.

And that is precisely the type of behaviour that is despicable.
If someone is posting a review what possible reason is there to use an alias?
Hellooo the gent's TER handle already is an acceptable alias.
Acquiring a secondary one with the intent to publish a negative review is laughable and quite honestly makes the guy look like a total coward.
If you are going to post your opinion own up to it, take responsibilty for your words.
There's no need to hide now..

LucasHood629 reads

Posted By: nleeant
I posted my first three reviews this morning and sadly two of them aren't as flattering as the rest of their reviews.  I was as honest as I could be but felt that their previous reviews weren't quite as honest about their appearance.  I tried not to be mean about my remarks but do you all think I'm going to experience any blowback for some unhappy providers?

How you & the provider interacted is what u should honestly review Good or bad.... Maybe she's a 10 or maybe it's not your cup of tea but be HONEST and not care what anyone thinks...  I tell every client I MEET please be honest about our encounter...

TheMaskedProvider600 reads

...in which case yes, some of us will choose not to see you on the basis that we don't enjoy meeting with rude men.

Your reviews give us insight into what kinds of things are important to you and in what ways you view and evaluate women.  I do read the reviews for the lowest scores and highest scores when I am screening a gentleman based on his TER handle, so that I can learn what makes a man happy, and also what makes him resentful.  It's very useful insight.  You showed some of your true colors right away on your review profile, and hopefully it will help other providers avoid the likes of you in the future so that you can experience more outright rejections and less disappointing encounters over which you then score beautiful ladies poorly because you're fatphobic and have unrealistic standards of beauty.

For the record, although I know this means very little coming from an alias, I've met Callia and her photos are accurate.  And she is a beautiful lady.  You're entitled to your opinion, but 1) your assertions that previous reviewers "weren't honest" and that you're just "being honest" are bullshit, and 2) you should expect to be held accountable to the opinions you express- especially if you're rude about it.

Your comments are downright abusive.

-- Modified on 6/25/2014 1:58:42 PM

AnneRoyall677 reads

you seem to use her looks to grade her performance too, which is bullshit.  You said she was nice and enthusiastic and you conceded that you didn't enjoy it because of her looks.  She should have gotten a higher performance score because by your own admission her attitude and willingness to perform was good.  Classic asshole hobbyist move.

I read your review of Callia. I'll grant that appearance is subjective and that individual tastes vary, but to suggest that "her appearance is way off" is simply not true. Her pics are entirely accurate, and she posts new selfies all the time. If her body type isn't of your liking then book someone who's is.  

Further, to suggest that I or anyone else who gave her high marks is somehow being dishonest is bullshit. I stand by my review. I think Callia is adorable, fun, sexy as hell and incredibly skilled.  

PS - Fuck you.

TER has a review system where the appearance and performance are judged separately for a reason. You are clearly judging performance based on how hot you thought the lady was. I have never met any of the ladies that you reviewed, but clearly your thought process is off, just based on your own descriptions. Calia gets a 6 for a description with multiple acronyms (I don’t want to get my hand smacked or putting details of a review on the board),  and Syd gets a 9 for one acronym? That just does not have up.

From a review stand point, you should probably have them pulled and start over.

On a side note – I have never met Calia, but I have heard that she is very nice, and you even said that she is very nice. I have communicated with her, and have read her site, which in all accounts she lets you know that she not an athletic or thin lady. Thus, if you do not like ladies like this you should not see them. So you decided to see her, then when you saw her, you decided to stay, you did not have a great time, not because of anything she did, but because you could not get over the fact that she is bigger than you thought she would be. That is really on you, not her. She did not deserve the mean spirited review that you posted. We have all had unfortunate circumstances where a lady turned out to be not quite what we thought, if you cant get past it, don’t be mean, just don’t write the review.

Ok call me a White Knight if you have to, but these reviews just upset me

I thought this was a post about being an honest reviewer when I replied to this post earlier but after getting the basic story & purpose of this post----- Here what I think:     First of all I'm not taking either side but what is the point of this post? So your expectations were not met, obviously something about these providers you visited peaked your interest.  It amazes me how many people are deluded with reviews (and I'm a review whora-I love getting them when I meet someone new) but reviews need to be written as how the reviewer fits his experience was. Anything else should be based on trying it out yourself.  Not everyone is everyone's CUP OF TEA. There are providers who get 10's across the board whom I would never even consider giving a cent to and there are those I think don't get enough 10's.    

Question: Do I really care if you have buyers remorse?  
Answer: No, I don't give a Damn

But writing a review to basically disrespect or just plain be Mean, it shows the lack of respect you have for the female form.  Good luck on seeing future well reviewed Providers-oh but there's always backpage you can browse through...

Hobbyist will look at your reviews and if there's a history of being harsh or undercutting scores -- your reviews won't count for much in their eyes.  

TER insists on having numbers attached to reviews.  I can't see that as a good thing when I consider I can parade the same girl in front of 10 guys and get four different scores on the 1-10 scale, according to each of their tastes.  When a non reviewer starts writing reviews and asks my advice on it, I say:  "If they are the girl in the picture and they deliver as promised then I recommend you write whatever it is you feel you need (or want) to say, but give them the numbers that they typically get."  A provider's business can be affected by those numbers and why bother to downgrade from their usual unless there is a HUGE difference.  Twenty pounds or 10 yrs is something worth note.  Otherwise, a person may say she's a little heavier or a little thinner than her present pics -- there's a ton of ways to be honest without being a dick.  

Many providers/agencies will read your reviews as part of screening and, many (including myself) would take a pass on providing for you at this point. You're reviews ring as someone who is overly harsh and judge-mental... someone who's own words indicates that they are harder to please than the typical client.  That's not the type of person I would look forward to seeing....

Good luck

This is some king of marketing gimmick. You aren't a real hobbyist and you didn't see these girls. IF you did, you went in to find any info you could about them so your reviews would sound real.  

What you are trying to do, if you're not a chick yourself, is target competition in the area, write bad reviews, and publicize their primary audience by posting this lame and whiny thread.  

Applause! Everyone now thinks you're an unreliable resource.

Move along now.  

-- Modified on 6/25/2014 7:30:24 PM

Why do I get the feeling that you wanted to write an unflattering review? Why would you even use the word "unflattering"? It's like you set out to belittle them for any perceived flaw.  

As someone who always looks for reviews before visiting a lady, I can tell you how I look at reviews. Not just yours:

If a lady has mostly all 8s and 9s, and then someone rates her a 7/6 or 6/6, I think maybe she had a bad day. But yours went out of your way to talk about body types, stretch marks from carrying a baby, ect. Was that really necessary?

So on the rare occasion when I do read reviews like yours I think it says more about YOU than it does the provider.

Everyone here should want to read "honest" and "fair" reviews. Had yours been either, I think you would have called them such instead of "unflattering. "

Looking back on guys I've dated IRL, I remember a select few who insulted body parts or character traits. One even went as far to say, "I don't compliment you much because I don't want your head to get too big."

I now realize they LOVED talking people down to make themselves feel better. Now, I LOVE talking people up. And I get really pissed off when someone talks down to me because I don't play that way.

This guy, (which I think is a provider, honestly,) is psychologically abusive. It's a an easy term to write off when someone labels another as abusive, but I encourage people to start researching psychological abuse and abusive techniques of others. (Even other women) to avoid dealing with people like this. Add narcissism in there too.

I've done my research, and I look back and see in hind sight a lot of things I could have avoided had I studied it before. In relationships, random conversations, and appointments.  

This can also help with rude reviewers. The signs are there during the appointment, and even email banter. It's just disguised. If she notices something but can't put her finger on it, best to pass.

She won't be losing money. Saving her confidence will make her even more in the long run, as she will better and more confidently market herself. It will also also lead to a more fulfilling life. If you feel fulfilled in life, money doesn't buy that kind of sacrifice.

Building respectful and generous clientele makes for guaranteed business too. I've felt so degraded by clients - and even other providers - in the past by their subtle comments, (and not many,) I've actually taken time off to regain my composure. I will not let that happen again.

When you're standing naked in front of someone and they're tasting your secret juices, no way should we be talked down to or insulted. Especially with a guy paying for an hour. Fuuuuck that.

-- Modified on 6/26/2014 10:42:53 AM

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